
Reviews 16
Approval 91%

Soundoffs 50
Album Ratings 903
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 01-04-09 5:21 am
Joined 04-30-07

Review Comments 1,185

Average Rating: 3.33
Rating Variance: 0.62
Objectivity Score: 83%
(Well Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Bathory Blood Fire Death
From start to finish, Blood Fire Death takes you on a ride. A brutal ride filled with, well, blood, fire and death. The music is dark and pummeling, as are the vocals. The atmosphere is naturally dark, and the ambience present on a few of the tracks is a nice. Quorothon plays all of the instruments on the album, as well as the vocals, and does so very well. The only thing wrong with this album is that Bathory set the standard so damn high, it's hard to come across another great album. Classic in the black metal scene, and superb overall in the metal world.
Black Sabbath Paranoid
Black Sabbath, the band that put metal on the map, released Paranoid in 1971. The first four tracks on the album are known today as metal classics, and to many, this entire album is a classic. From start to finish the album is trademark Black Sabbath.. The eerie vocals of Ozzy Osbourne haunt this album, and add a depth to the songs that was unparalled at the time of it's release. His vocals are not dated though, and upon listening to this album in the present day, sound strong. The guitar work of Tony Iommi is outstanding. His riffs are more than memorable, and helped to lay the foundation for metal guitarists of the present. The main riffs in Paranoid and Iron Man are classic, and his solos are phenomenal (for the time period). Even though these may be the most well known Black Sabbath songs, that doesn't mean that the other tracks can't hold their own; Planet Caravan and War Pigs are phenomenal and show the jazz influence that Sabbath spawned from. Rhythmically this album has no pyrotechnics, but is solid nonetheless. Bill Ward does an excellent job of providing the listener with what a solid drummer should sound like, while not becoming repetitive. Geezer Butler does a good job of keeping up with many of Iommi's faster riffs, and every so often throws in a nice bass fill. When Iommi solos, he provides solid groundwork for which Iommi to run on. In short this album is phenomenal, and is a must for any metal fan; if you don't already own it, go buy it, and if you're not planning on buying it, buy it anyway.
Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Hvis Lysett Tar Oss is without a doubt, the pinnacle of Burzum's discography. It encompasses everything that black metal should be, without becoming a generic blueprint for the genre. Atmosphere, shrieking vocals, and simple guitars all ravage the album, and make it near impossible to turn it off until the last notes have rung out. Hvis Lysett Tar Oss very well may be the best black metal album to date, and is a must for any black metal or extreme metal fan.
Cacophony Speed Metal Symphony
Cacophony aka Jason Becker and Marty Freidman managed to put out a shred guitar classic back in 1987 with Speed Metal Symphony. The guitar work is amazing, and is an excellent blend of melody and shred (more shred though). The bass is audible and solid. The drumming however, is so-so. On more than one occasion it seems as though the beats fall back into the same simple 4/4 pattern. The vocals are split. Sometimes they are great, sometimes they are bad. It seems as though they are sharp on a couple of songs. The production is also sub-par, and overall makes for a very thin sound. So how can this get a five? Simple: it's a staple in the underground music world, and the talent generated by Becker and Friedman is jaw dropping. Like shred? Listen to Cacophony.
Cynic Focus
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Transilvanian Hunger is quite possibly the most important black metal album to date. Hell, it is the definition of black metal: horrible production, blast beats, shrieking vocals and simple guitar patterns. All the way through this album is pummeling, and never lets up. Even though the production may make it hard to listen to at points, it will command your attention and force you to sit through it's 8 bluggening tracks. I'll wrap this up quickly, if you're a black metal fan or a fan of metal in general, buy this album. It is more than worth your time.
Death Symbolic
Death's Symbolic is arguably one of the most influential and most important releases in death metal history. Mixing Chuck Schuldiner's lyrical wizardy with his aggressive, progressive music, Symbolic nothing short of a true metal classic. Chuck's vocals are top notch, and showcase him in his prime. His guitar work is also astounding. Many of his riffs have a strong jazz influence, but maintain the crunch and tear that come along with being the mastermind of Death. Rhythmically this album has a strong groove factor. The drumming (a la Gene Hoglan) adds a new depth to the music, and is great throughout. The bass is also something to behold. It is not only sonically present on the album, but musically present as well. On tracks like Without Judgement the bass and drums weave an intricate pattern for the vocals and guitars to flourish. The solos are badass as well, however sometimes Chuck returns to the same scale on several different tracks, but for the most part manages to avoid repetition unlike many of his counterparts...*cough"Hammett*cough* In short, Symbolic is just that. It is a stamp of where Death, and Chuck were in 1995, and is one of the most sonically appealing, brutal albums you're likely to hear.
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas Dusk And Void Became Alive
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse
Emperor's second full length album, In the Nightside Eclipse is nothing short of a true black metal classic. In short, the album is black metal the way it was meant to be. The guitar lines are fast, and despite the low production value, manage to escape sounding thin. The drumming is fast and accurate throughout, adding the perfect backing for the vocals and guitars. Ihsahn does a great job vocally. His voice is high pitched and his shreiks are just what Emperor needs. The overall mood of the album is dark (obviously), but it is not created with the use of synths and keyboards, but rather by a band getting together and writing some great music. Definitely a must for any fan of black metal or Emperor, and worth a listen for any metal fan in general.
Meat Loaf Bat Out of Hell
The perfect blend of hard rock and theater, that's what Meat Loaf's Bat Out of Hell is. The music on the album is original and innovative, and to say the least, epic. The songs range up to ten minutes and beyond, all while keeping your attention, and never sounding recycled. The music was written by Jim Steinman, and excellent musician in his own right. The vocals are classic. Powerful and emotional; enough to take you to the edges of sadness and aggression all within your own mind. A truly phenomenal listen for any fan of rock, hard rock, or anyone who wants original innovative music.
Morbid Angel Altars of Madness
With Altars of Madness, Morbid Angel managed to create one of the most devastating, relentless, and influential death metal albums of all time. From start to finish the album is sonically pummeling, and never becomes boring or drags on. The riffs ad solos are top notch; they are frantic, yet refined enough so the listener can tell what is going on. The bass can be heard, and it helps to add to the powerful wall of sound that is the guitars and bass drums. The drumming is a definite highlight. The footwork is fast, and the fills and blast beats suite the album perfectly. In short: Altars of Madness is one of the greatest, if not the greatest death metal albums ever released; get it now.
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Queen A Night at the Opera
Queen's "A Night at the Opera" is rock the way it was meant to be. From it's opening notes to the end of God Save the Queen, this album is nothing short of amazing. The vocals on the album are jaw dropping, and Freddie Mercury was at his vocal prime during the recording of this album. He often reaches into his upper register to deliver an angelic falsetto, which takes the music to a whole new level. He natural baritone is also a nice addition to the mix, and when he makes use of the two together in the same song, there are amazing results (i.e. Bohemian Rhapsody). His bandmates also contribute backing vocals, which are very well done. Brian May's guitar work is great, and his solos always seem to suite the respective songs. His tone is classic, and even though some make think it thin and tinny, I see it as part of the sound that has helped to define Queen. The rhythm section on this album (Roger Taylor and John Deacon) is very solid, and even though they never do anything over top and jaw dropping, they create a nice wall of sound on which the guitars and melodies can flourish. On certain occasions (You're My Best Freind) the bass also contributes excellent melodies which add to the overall catchiness of the songs. In short, A Night at the Opera is a classic album full of classic songs. This album is strongly reccomended for any fan of Queen, rock, or anyone looking for excellent music. Go buy this. Now.
Rosetta The Galilean Satellites
Slayer Reign in Blood
Sleep Sleep's Holy Mountain
Stoner rock has never sounded so good. Sleep managed to create a classic with the release of their 1993 album, Sleep's Holy Mountain. The album combines the sludge like sounds that come along with stoner rock, and the unconvential heavyness of early heavy metal. By unconventially heavy, I mean don't expect to be headbanging...instead you'll feel as though you're drowning in a vat of toxic sludge. The musicianship is very low key on this album, but that only adds to the laid back atmosphere that is created through this lack of wankery. The vocals aren't great, but sound like an actual person is singing. The emotion is always there; atleast I think it's emotion, it could very well be a drug induced haze. This is album is a must for any fan of Sleep, High on Fire, or Asbestosdeath, and is strongly recommended toward any fan of stoner rock, or rock in general.
The Beatles Abbey Road

4.5 superb
AC/DC Back In Black
It's not technical and it's not overly original, but AC/DC's Back in Black is still one helluva listen. From beginning to end this album is full of radio classics like "Hells Bells", "Back in Black", and "You Shook Me All Night Long." The vocals of Brian Johnson combined with the simple straightforward guitar work of Angus Young make for an infectious grouping of songs. This album is a good time album, plain and simple. This is undoubtedly the career defining album that AC/DC will be remembered for, and with good reason: it's damn good.
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Ashes Against The Grain is just one of those albums. And by one of those albums I mean it's fucking epic. Album openers Limbs and Falling Snow leave little to the listeners imagination as to why Agalloch are held in such high regards around the progressive metal community. What is suprising (and amazing) about this album however, is that they manage to create such a fulfilling atmosphere without the use of synths; the guitar layering is very well done, and every note serves a purpose. The simplistic drumming and bass combined with the harsh vocals combine to make Ashes Against the Grain a very enjoyable listen from start to finish. The song lengths may be a bit long for some, but very rarely do they drag on or become boring. Bottom line: this album is very well put together and more than worth a listen.
Atheist Piece of Time
Autopsy Mental Funeral
Autopsy Severed Survival
Raw, aggressive, and primal are only a few of the words that could be used to describe Autopsy's Severed Survival. Everything about this album is absolutely crushing. The guitar tones are overly distorted and the riffs are simple yet powerful. At times they can come across as a bit sloppy, but not to the extent that it takes away from the songs. The bass can be heard throughout, which is nice, even if for the most part it does just follow the guitars. The primal aspect of the album comes from he drumming. Simple beats ravage the album, however the drums always sound as though they are being abused mercilessly. Lyrically the album is lacking a bit. However, one shouldn't expect much more from Autopsy. All in all Severed Survival is a fine death metal album and is more than worth checking out if you are a fan of raw, old school death metal.
Behemoth Demigod
It doesn't really get any heavier than Demigod. From start to finish you're greeted my a barrage of blast beats, layered growls, and shred solos. Nergal, the main songwriter for Behemoth really stepped up his game on this album. In comparison to past Behemoth releases, this album shines. The riffs are aggressive, never recycled, and accent the vocals nicely. The bass can actually be heard, and it is great as well. Orion does a great job keeping up with Nergal and Seth, and it's even more impressive that he plays with his fingers. Inferno's drumming is both tight and precise, and his footwork is amongst the best in the genre. I'd strongly reccommend this album to anyone looking for brutal death metal, technical death metal, or just good metal in general. Be prepared though, this album isn't for the faint of heart.
Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh
Blotted Science The Machinations of Dementia
Blotted Science's The Machinations Of Dementia is an instrumental album done right. All of the instruments fit well together, even during the overly technical passages. All members of the band execute their parts flawlessly and create melodies and harmonies that will leave the listener in awe. The drumwork is complex and tight, and does a great job of holding everything together. All in all, despite the lack of vocals the album does not suffer at all. Blotted Science have found the right balance of melody with technicality with The Machinations Of Dementia.
Cacophony Go Off!
This album is undoubtedly one of the most important shred guitar albums of all time. Although it is a tiny step down from Speed Metal Symphony (IMO) it is great nonetheless. The guitar work is blisterng, and it gives the listener a clear indication of why Becker and Friedman would go on to achieve the success they would latter in their careers. The solos alternate between shredding and sweep picking and melody, which makes for quite the listen. The riffs are powerful, even though the bass is mysteriously absent throughout much of the album. The drumming is a highlight as well. The fills, use of double bass, and beats in general really help to bring the songs up to a new level. The vocals are much improved over SMS, and are powerful throughout. In short, if you are a fan of Becker/Friedman or shred in general you need this album.
Carcass Heartwork
Metal legends Carcass were arguably at the top of their game when Heartwork was released. Almost every aspect of the album is flawless, and is a major step up from Carcass' previous work, which was none too shabby either. The guitars are much more melodic than they were on previous releases, but still aggressive and technical. The vocals are very good as well, they are consistant throughout the entire album, but may become a but monotonous at point. They do not however, drag the album down at all, so it's no really a problem. The drumming is a nice blend of simple 4/4 beats and fast intricate beats with nice footwork. Carcass' Heartwork may very well be their best album, and if not it is certainly their most mature. Very well done, almost a definite to please any metal fan.
Carcass Necroticism: Descanting the Insalubrious
Carnage Dark Recollections
Low production value + uber aggression = Dark Recollections. This album is one of the more underrated albums in the death metal genre, and it's quite a shame. Instrumentally the album is sludgy but not slow, and all around powerful. Vocally it spews aggression and never lets up. At points throughtout it can get a bit difficult to tell what exactly is going on with the guitars, seeing as they are tuned so low, but these moments leave just as quickly as they arrive for the most part. When it is all said and done, this album makes for a great listen and will not dissappoint and fans of older death metal or simpler death metal in general.
Children of Bodom Hatebreeder
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Cynic Traced in Air
Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky
De Lirium's Order Victim No. 52
Wow. Can you say brutal? This album combines all of the best elements from death and thrash metal to create one heavy album. The guitars are fast and intricate, and the riffs blend seemlessly from one to another within the context of the song. At times a gallop riff is used in a few different songs, but it avoids sounding recycled. The bass isn't present at all, so there's nothing to say. The vocals and lyrics are what truly make this release so brutal. They are heavy and the growls are clear. The lyrics are what you might expect from such a band (murder, death...murder), but they don't take away from the album at all, despite having been used before. The drumming adds a new element of groove where most death metal doesn't have it. Often he will opt for a simple beat as opposed to blast beats and double bass rolls (they are there though, so don't worry), and by doing so adds a nice rhythm to the songs. If you are a fan of DLO or death/thrash in general I'd reccomend you pick this up.
Death Human
Flawless. That's really the only way to describe Human. Chuck Schuldiner really outdid himself with this album. The vocals and lyrics are top notch, the guitar work is amazing, and the rhythm section of the album is no slouch either. Overall the album is the most technical music to ever come out of the Death camp. The only thing wrong with this album is that it's too short...a mere 30 minutes or so. But don't let the length discourage you, this album is jaw dropping and brilliant, go buy
Death The Sound of Perseverance
The Sound of Perseverance is the last chapter in the death metal legacy that is Death. From start to finish the album is full of progressive guitar riffs, pounding double bass, and excellent bass work. Lest we forget the vocal work by none other than Mr. Chuck Schuldiner, mastermind of Death; it is higher than it was on previous albums, but suites the music well, and only manages to add to the sonic brutality that is TSoP. From start to finish, every note, every riff, and every lyrics are perfect. Chuck Schuldiner managed to save the best for last, even though it wasn't intentional. R.I.P. Chuck.
Death Individual Thought Patterns
Deicide Deicide
There is heavy, and then there is Deicide, whom far surpass that. Deicide is one of those bands that never really evolved beyond what their debut album had to offer, but why mess with perfection? Deicide's debut, 1990's Deicide, is undoubtedly one the heaviest album's ever released. Everything about the album will kick your teeth in. The vocals, which are split between black metal like shrieks and death metal like gutterals are phenomenal. Often times the two are used at once, creating a harmonized scream effect. Although the lyrics on the album cannot be understood for a large majority of the album, they are not really mean to be understood, so much as his voice is supposed to be another abrasive percussive tool. The guitars on the album are also very well done. Throughout the album they are aggressive and the riffing is fast and furious. The guitar solos are so-so, and are sometimes outof key with the rest of the song, but they take up such a minute part of the album it's not really a big deal. The bass cannot be heard for most of the album, and as a result there is really not much to say about would be impressive if it could be heard, I guess. The drumming on the album is the key highlight for your truly. It is fast paced and technical throughout. Deicide's debut album has stood the test of time, and will continue to put extreme metal albums to shame for some time to come.
Dio Holy Diver
Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane
Enslaved Vertebrae
Enslaved's Vertebrae is a near perfect combination of progressive rock and black metal. The melllow, melodic passages on the album flow smoothly into the more aggressive passages and make for a very interesting, very well done collection of music. Instrumentally everything is well executed and tight, without becoming robotic or stale. Vocally, the cleans are solid (not perfect, but solid) and the aggressive vocals are clear and understandable. From start to finish this album is an amazing listen and will satisy any fan of their earlier work, as well as any fan of progressive rock or black metal in general.
Faith No More King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime
Forgotten Tomb Love's Burial Ground
Immortal Sons of Northern Darkness
Sons Of Northern Darkness is but another great album from Immortal. The prestine production on this album make make it a bit more accessible for those wanting to get into the black metal genre, and musically speaking Immortal delivered; big time. The guitar work is for the most part is simple but it still packs a punch. The riffs and solos are catchy enough to stay in your mind, but are heavy enough to satisfy older fans. The drumming is also very well done. Blast beats are intertwined with slower, more standard rhythms in order to give the album some contrast, and they succeed in doing so. Vocally Abbath's voice sounds strong and clear. Lyrically Immortal don't bring anything new to the table, but still manage to write some interesting stories. Sons Of Northern Darkness is more than worth checking out if you are a fan of Immortal's older work, or a fan of black/death metal in general.
In Mourning Shrouded Divine
Iron Maiden Powerslave
Powerslave is arguably Iron Maiden's most well known album, and with good reason. From start to beginning, Powerslave is full of the classic chugging riffs, dueling solos, and high pitched vocals that Iron Maiden have become known for. The album is full of classic songs that are still in rotation today; i.e. Powerslave, 2 Minutes to Midnight, Aces High. The guitar work on the album is phenomenal; the solos soar above the rhythms and manage to add a nice atmosphere to the songs. The only thing bad about the guitar work is that it may become slightly repetetive to some listeners. For example, songs like Flash of the Blade and Duelists sport the same chugging triplet riff and seem to blend together. The bass work is excellent as well. It is audible throughout the entire album, and keeps up with the guitars as though they were playing simple 4 chord progressions. Rime of the Ancient Mariner is most certainly a standout track for the bass, seeing as it is the backbone and brain of the song. The drumming is solid and keeps a nice hard hitting beat throughout, however much like the guitars, may become repetitive. The vocals are well above average, and the lyrics are phenomenal. All in all, Powerslave is the essential Iron Maiden album for any fan, or fan of metal in general. Standout Tracks: Aces High, 2 Minutes to Midnight, Powerslave, Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Below Average Tracks:Go look somewhere else.
ISIS Panopticon
Judas Priest Painkiller
Painkiller is quite possibly Judas Priest's best effort to date. Every member of the band stepped up to create this (near) metal masterpiece. The guitars shriek and intertwine throughout the entire album and create catchy, yet powerful melodies and harmonies. The drumming is for the most part fairly simplistic, but it does a solid job of providing a backbone for the rest of the band. Halford's vocal performance is also top notch, and he sounds the best he ever has on any album. Lyrically the album is severely lacking, but Priest have never been known for their lyrics. At points on the album the guitars may sound a bit recycled, but these moments pass quickly and do little to bring down the album as a whole. Painkiller is a near perfect example of what classic heavy metal should sound like, and makes for a very good listen.
King Diamond Abigail
Abigail is widely regarded as King Diamond's strongest album, and with good reason. The story line of the album is KD's strongest to date, and musically the album stands taller than anything else released to date. Andy LaRocque does an outstanding job of coming up with catchy riffs and licks, all while never showboating enough to take away from any one song. The percussion on the album is solid; not above average, but suites its purpose nonethless. Abigail makes for such a good listen because of the vocals though. King's voice can be quite the acquired taste for some, but this is his strongest delivery. His falsetto (although corny) is clear and not quite to the point ofbeing overused, and his "standard" voice is strong as well. Lyrically the album is lacking a bit, but they do serve the purpose of perpetuating the story all while keeping the listener interesting and inclined to listen to the plot unfold. Listen to Abigail if you are a fan of any of KD's work, or a Mercyful Fate fan.
Mastodon Blood Mountain
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Megadeth Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?
Mercyful Fate Don't Break the Oath
Melissa is considered to be the masterpiece in Mercyful Fate's discography, but for my money, Don't Break The Oath takes the cake. It is strong from start to finish, sporting both Mercyful Fate's musical and vocal strengths. The guitar and percussion work is well above average, and the bass provides a great platform and backbone for the rest of the band. King Diamond delivers vocally, and this album is arguably his strongest vocal performance on any album (minus Abigail). Don't Break The Oath is more than worth checking out if you're looking for the origin of black metal (along with Venom), or just looking for a superb album in general.
Merrimack Of Entropy and Life Denial
...Of Entropy and Life Denial... is everything that black metal should be: harsh, shrieking vocals, fast paced guitars and bass, and relentless drumming. Musically, the album is amazing. The transitions within songs are smooth, and the amount of riffs they manage to throw into each individual song is nothing short of incredible. The lyrical content is one of the very few flaws about this album, considering it has been recycled from band to band, but it doesn't drag the album down or hinder the listening experience in any major way. If you have the time, and if you can find the album it is more than worth your time. ...Of Entropy and Life Denial... is one of the best black metal albums in the past decade, hands down.
Meshuggah Catch Thirtythree
Metallica Master of Puppets
Napalm Death Scum
Napalm Death's Scum: the blueprint for grindcore as it exists today. Armed with only some low production value and some piss and vinegar, this album is guaranteed to be either hit or miss. Musically the pace is chaotic and quick throughout, and vocally it's not much different. You won't be able to understand a word of it, but it's irrelevant in long run; this album pioneered grindcore. You should check this album out only if you're into Napalm Death, grindcore, or aggressive low-fi chaos.
Neurosis Given to the Rising
Nevermore This Godless Endeavor
Nevermore's latest studio album, This Godless Endeavor is a combination of progressive and thrash metal. The album isn't a huge venture from anything that Nevermore have done in the past, but that's not really a bad thing now is it? Jeff Loomis' guitar work on the album is amazing, as he often goes off into minute long shred solos. Smyth is no slouch either, and he does much of the same, just at a slightly lower level that Loomis. The vocals on the album are what you would expect also. Warrel Dane's unique voice is all over the album, and his lyrics are more "intelligent" than ever. The drumming and bass are superb, as they have been on all of Nevermore's previous releases. His double bass is strong, smooth, and never takes away from the songs as a whole. The fills are progressive, and the drumming is innovative overall. The bass does a fine job of keeping up with the guitars, and helps to create a powerful wall of sound. All in all, Nevermore have managed to produce another near classic album that is as enjoyable to listen to as it is perplexing.
Nile Annihilation of the Wicked
Annihilation of the Wicked...a fitting title for such an amazingly technical and heavy album. From start to finish the album makes you feel like you are being bluguned in the head while building the pyramids of Eygpt. The blast beats are plentiful, and the thrash influenced riffs are present on every song. The eygptian influence (as though I needed to say this) is around and present more than ever. Brutal, technical death metal the way it should be...that's what AotW is.
Nocturnal Breed Fields of Rot
Novembre Materia
Obituary Slowly We Rot
Opeth Blackwater Park
Orphaned Land Mabool (The Story of the Three Sons...)
Pain of Salvation The Perfect Element, Part 1
Pantera Cowboys from Hell
Pestilence Consuming Impulse
Possessed Seven Churches
Rotting Christ Theogonia
Rush Moving Pictures
Sleep Dopesmoker
Sodom M-16
Thrashy guitar riffs, driving bass, pounding drums, and aggressive vocals? M-16 really is a classic thrash metal album. From start to finish the album is aggressive and always manages to keep your interest. The vocals are a definite highlight on the album, seeing as they re the driving force behind the music. At points the riffs seem a little recycled,but the nostalgic feeling will pass. The drumming is well done, and the double bass is used sparingly, and only to accent patterns and fills. The bass can be heard throughout, and creates a nice wall of sound along with drums. Pick up M-16 is you like thrash...hell, pick it up if you like metal.
Spiritual Beggars Ad Astra
Suffocation Suffocation
Testament The New Order
The Beatles 1
The Ocean Aeolian
Theatre Of Tragedy Velvet Darkness They Fear
Vader De Profundis
Virgin Black Sombre Romantic
Wintersun Wintersun

4.0 excellent
1349 Hellfire
Abigail Williams Legend
Aborted Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage...
Abysmal Dawn Programmed to Consume
Ahab The Call of the Wretched Sea
Akercocke Antichrist
Alice Cooper Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits
Amon Amarth With Oden on Our Side
With Oden On Our Side, Amon Amarth show why Viking Metal is arguably the most agressive form of music around today. On their latest release, Amon Amarth incorporate brutal vocals, simple guitar riffs and bass lines, and fast drum beats to create a dark atmosphere, as well as some great music. Many of the tracks follow the same blueprint and will get repetetive after a few listens, but for the most part, the album is very solid and is worth a listen or two. If you have any of Amon Amarth's, you can almost predict what this album will sound like, however, I would recommend this album for any fan of Amon Amarth or any music fan in search of brutal music.
Amon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder God
Anaal Nathrakh Hell Is Empty and All the Devils Are Her
Anathema A Fine Day to Exit
Andrew W.K. I Get Wet
Annihilator Alice in Hell
Anorexia Nervosa New Obscurantis Order
Antestor The Return of the Black Death
Anthrax Fistful of Metal
Anthrax Among the Living
Arcturus La Masquerade Infernale
Arsis We Are the Nightmare
Atheist Elements
Atmosphere Overcast!
Atmosphere When Life Gives You Lemons...
Averse Sefira Advent Parallax
Bad Company Bad Company
Baroness Red Album
Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Behemoth Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)
Behold... The Arctopus Skullgrid
Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare
Black Sabbath Greatest Hits 1970–1978
Blood Red Throne Come Death
Bloodbath Resurrection Through Carnage
Bob Dylan MTV Unplugged
It's only right that Bob Dylan has his own MTV Unplugged album, he deserves it. This album showcases Dylan's unique voice, simple guitar riffs, and the intelligent lyrics that have helped to make Dylan the legend he is today. The backing band also does a phenomenal job, running through the songs as though they had originally recorded them. He runs through such tracks as All Along the Watchtower and The Times They Are A Changin' with amazing precision, and they sound just as strong, if not stronger than when they were recorded. All in all, this is quite possibly thr best Unplugged CD today, give it a shot.
Bob Dylan The Essential Bob Dylan
Bob Marley and The Wailers Legend
Burst Origo
Burst Lazarus Bird
Burzum Det Som Engang Var
Cannibal Corpse The Bleeding
Cannibal Corpse Tomb of the Mutilated
Carcass Swansong
Celtic Frost Monotheist
Choking Victim No Gods, No Managers
Cliteater Scream Bloody Clit
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Control Denied The Fragile Art of Existence
Converge Jane Doe
Darkest Hour Deliver Us
Darkthrone Soulside Journey
Death Leprosy
Deathchain Deadmeat Disciples
Decapitated Organic Hallucinosis
Deicide The Stench of Redemption
Destruction Thrash Anthems
DevilDriver The Last Kind Words
Diablo Swing Orchestra The Butcher's Ballroom
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Disarmonia Mundi Mind Tricks
Repitition mixed with doeses of originality is still repition. No where has this been more true than on Disarmonia Mundi's second full length album Mindtricks. Many of the tracks will follow the same format, and even begin the same way. The guitars on the album are solid, but not groundbreaking. The drumming is very much the same. The bass...lets skip that. The vocals are split between average, and slightly above average. The clean vocals and aggressive vocals are very well done (Bjorn of Soilwork) and are interesting for the most part. The goth vocals however, are flat out annoying. I can't really say that they are high pitched, because they're not pitched at all, they're just...high? Overall DM's second album Mindtricks is worth a listen for fans of Soilwork and melodic death metal in general, but don't expect to be blown away, just mildly amused.
Disillusion Back to Times of Splendor
Dissection Reinkaos
Draconian Turning Season Within
dredg Catch Without Arms
Dying Fetus War of Attrition
Electric Wizard Dopethrone
Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Emperor Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire...
Empyrium Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays
Enslaved Isa
Eternal Tears of Sorrow Before the Bleeding Sun
Exodus Bonded by Blood
Exodus Tempo of the Damned
Eyehategod In the Name of Suffering
Faith No More The Real Thing
Fiona Apple Extraordinary Machine
Firewind The Premonition
Forgotten Tomb Negative Megalomania
Goatwhore A Haunting Curse
Don't let the obvious attempt at finding a brutal name turn you off. Goatwhore really are a heavy band, and A Haunting Curse a testament to that fact. The album starts off a long winded scream, frantic guitars, and blast beats, and continues this way throughout most of the album. The only let up from the sludge/black/death metal that plagues this album is the title track, which is instrumental. A downside to the album however is that it may get repetitive after a few listens. Worth a listen if you're searching for new music.
Gojira From Mars to Sirius
Grand Magus Grand Magus
Graveworm Collateral Defect
Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction
Guttural Secrete Reek Of Pubescent Despoilment
Hate Eternal Fury & Flames
High on Fire Death Is This Communion
Hour of Penance The Vile Conception
Hypocrisy Into the Abyss
Hypocrisy Virus
I Between Two Worlds
Ihsahn The Adversary
Ihsahn angL
Immolation Failures for Gods
Impaled Nazarene Pro Patria Finlandia
In Flames The Jester Race
Insomnium Above the Weeping World
Into Eternity The Scattering of Ashes
Ion Dissonance Solace
Iron Maiden Piece of Mind
Jimi Hendrix Experience Hendrix: The Best of Hendrix
John 5 The Devil Knows My Name
Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance
Kamelot The Black Halo
Kataklysm Prevail
Kataklysm Shadows and Dust
Kataklysm Serenity in Fire
King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
Krisiun AssasiNation
Kronos Colossal Titan Strife
Lamb of God New American Gospel
Legion of the Damned Son of the Jackal
Lou Reed Transformer
Lynyrd Skynyrd All Time Greatest Hits
Mayhem Chimera
Megadeth Greatest Hits: Back to the Start
Mercyful Fate Melissa
Meshuggah obZen
Metallica Ride the Lightning
Metallica Kill 'Em All
Ministry The Land of Rape and Honey
Misfits Collection II
Misfits Earth A.D./Wolf's Blood
Misfits Collection I
Morbid Angel Blessed Are the Sick
Morbid Saint Spectrum of Death
Mortician Chainsaw Dismemberment
Motorhead Ace of Spades
Motorhead Inferno
Motorhead Motorizer
Mourning Beloveth A Disease for the Ages
Mouth Of The Architect Time and Withering
Naglfar Harvest
Neurosis The Eye of Every Storm
Neurosis Times of Grace
Nevermore Dead Heart in a Dead World
Nile In Their Darkened Shrines
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Nirvana With the Lights Out
Novembers Doom The Pale Haunt Departure
Novembre Classica
Obituary Dead
Obituary Xecutioner's Return
Oceansize Everyone Into Position
Odious Mortem Cryptic Implosion
Old Man's Child Vermin
It's not overly original, and at points it drags a bit, but Vermin still makes for an overall great listen. The album is ravaged with powerful guitars, pounding drums, and strong, raspy vocals. Galder did an excellent job of writing and arranging the songs present, and in doing so proved that Old Man's Child is very much alive and well. The overall atmosphere is sinister and dark, and is created more through the use of the guitars and vocals than keyboards and string arrangements. A points on the album, the songs drag a bit and sound recycled, but they quickly rebound from their monotony and regrab your attention. All around the album is strong, and is more than worth a listen.
Omniscient Ultima Destructo Infinitus
Opeth Still Life
Opeth Lamentations
Opeth Orchid
Opeth Watershed
Origin Antithesis
Overkill The Years of Decay
Pantera Reinventing Hell: The Best of Pantera
Pantera Vulgar Display of Power
Pearl Jam Ten
Pelican Australasia
Pestilence Spheres
Pig Destroyer Phantom Limb
Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon
Poison the Well Versions
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet
Primordial The Gathering Wilderness
Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles
Rebel Meets Rebel Rebel Meets Rebel
Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits
Reverend Bizarre In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend
Rigor Mortis Rigor Mortis
Rob Zombie Past, Present & Future
Rotting Christ Sleep of the Angels
Runic Liar Flags
Rush Snakes & Arrows
Rush R30: 30th Anniversary Tour
Samael Solar Soul
Saxon Lionheart
Slayer South of Heaven
Solefald In Harmonia Universali
Soundgarden Badmotorfinger
Spiritual Beggars Demons
Steve Vai Infinite Steve Vai: An Anthology
Stevie Ray Vaughan Greatest Hits
Stormtroopers of Death Speak English or Die
Sublime Sublime
Suffocation Souls to Deny
Sworn Enemy Maniacal
Symphony X The Damnation Game
Symphony X Twilight in Olympus
Temple of the Dog Temple of the Dog
Terrorizer World Downfall
Testament The Formation of Damnation
Textures Drawing Circles
The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Black Dahlia Murder Nocturnal
The Duskfall Lifetime Supply of Guilt
The Faceless Akeldama
The Project Hate MCMXCIX Armageddon March Eternal
The Red Chord Prey for Eyes
Today Is the Day Axis of Eden
Ulver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
Unleashed Midvinterblot
Unleashed Hammer Battalion
Venom Black Metal
Vesania Distractive Killusions
Vital Remains Icons of Evil
Wu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Wyrd Heathen

3.5 great
1349 Beyond the Apocalypse
3 Inches of Blood Fire Up The Blades
Abigor Channeling The Quintessence Of Satan
Abigor Supreme Immortal Art
Aborted The Archaic Abattoir
Aborym With No Human Intervention
Abysmal Dawn From Ashes
Agalloch The Mantle
Agathodaimon Serpent's Embrace
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Altered States of America
Alice Cooper Along Came a Spider
Alice in Chains Greatest Hits
Amon Amarth Fate of Norns
Amorphis Silent Waters
Amorphis Eclipse
Anaal Nathrakh Eschaton
Annihilator King of the Kill
Anthrax The Greater of Two Evils
Arch Enemy Doomsday Machine
Architects Ruin
Arsis A Celebration of Guilt
Arson Anthem Arson Anthem EP
As I Lay Dying An Ocean Between Us
At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul
At the Gates With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness
Atheist Unquestionable Presence
Autopsy Acts of the Unspeakable
Avantasia The Scarecrow
Avenger Of Blood Death Brigade
Averse Sefira Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Bal-Sagoth The Power Cosmic
Behemoth The Apostasy
Belphegor Bondage Goat Zombie
Beneath the Massacre Mechanics of Dysfunction
Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume I & II (1973 - 1985)
Blood Stain Child Idolator
Bloodbath Breeding Death
Bloodbath The Wacken Carnage
Bloodbath Unblessing the Purity
Bob Dylan Modern Times
Bolt Thrower Those Once Loyal
Bongzilla Amerijuanican
Bruce Springsteen Hammersmith Odeon London '75
Buckethead Monsters & Robots
Burn in Silence Angel Maker
Burn the Priest Burn the Priest
Burzum Burzum
Burzum Hlidskjalf
Cadacross Corona Borealis
Candlemass Nightfall
Carcass Wake Up and Smell the Carcass
Carnifex Dead in My Arms
Carpathian Forest Fuck You All!!!!
Cattle Decapitation Karma.Bloody.Karma
Cattle Decapitation Homovore
Cellador Enter Deception
Children of Bodom Chaos Ridden Years - Stockholm Knockout
Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper
Converge No Heroes
Crowbar Broken Glass
Daath The Hinderers
Dark Funeral Attera Totus Sanctus
Dark Tranquillity Character
Dark Tranquillity Exposures: In Retrospect And Denial
Darkthrone Under a Funeral Moon
Death Scream Bloody Gore
Decapitated Nihility
Deeds of Flesh Crown of Souls
Def Leppard Pyromania
Delain Lucidity
Demilich Nespithe
Destroy the Runner I, Lucifer
DevilDriver DevilDriver
Devourment Butcher The Weak
Diablo Mimic 47
Dimension Zero He Who Shall Not Bleed
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV
Disillusion Gloria
Dismember Dismember
Dissection The Somberlain
Divine Heresy Bleed the Fifth
Down Down II: A Bustle in Your Hedgerow
Dragonlord Black Wings Of Destiny
Dream Theater Train of Thought
Dropkick Murphys The Warrior's Code
Dropkick Murphys The Meanest of Times
Drowning Pool Sinner
Dying Fetus Killing on Adrenaline
Dying Fetus Stop at Nothing
Eagles Very Best Of The Eagles 1972 - 1979
Echoes of Eternity The Forgotten Goddess
Edge of Sanity Crimson II
Edge of Sanity Purgatory Afterglow
Elvenking The Scythe
Eminem The Eminem Show
Engel Absolute Design
Enslaved Ruun
Enya A Day Without Rain
Eternal Tears of Sorrow Chaotic Beauty
Evergreen Terrace Wolfbiker
Evergrey Monday Morning Apocalypse
Faith No More Introduce Yourself
Falkenbach Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
Firewind Allegiance
Firewind's Allegiance album is nothing short of a great listen. Guitar virtuoso Gus G has recruited a new line up for this album, and in doing so puts together what very well may be the most talented line up to date. The guitar work is great, and the solos are astonishing. The only problem is that some of the riffs sound the same, but this can be overlooked if you are listening to the album as a whole. The drumming and bass are a dominant force in the music of Firewind, and combined make for a very solid rhythm section that help to drive the music. The vocals on the album are veyr well done too. Apollo, making his debut with Firewind on this album, shines for the most part. Several times on the album he uses too much vibrato, but his voice is powerful and captivating nonetheless. Power metal how it should sound, that's what Allegiance is. Shove it, Dragonforce.
Flotsam and Jetsam Doomsday for the Deceiver
Fragments of Unbecoming Sterling Black Icon: Black But Shining
Gallhammer Ill Innocence
Godsmack The Other Side
Usually when a band decides to unplug and put out an acoustic album, it either sucks or is amazing. Godsmack have found that middle ground with The Other Side. The album (EP technically) is a nice break from the nu-metal that made Godsmack famous, but has just enough edge to remind you that they are still a nu-metal band. The vocals on the album are good, seeing as Sully takes some of the aggression out of his voice to suite the music. The guitars and bass are solid, but not groundbreaking; however, some of the guitar melodies are very well written. The drumming is more or less the same from track to track, but it wasn't meant to stand out here anyway. If you're a fan of Godsmack pick this up, if you want a good acoustic album, give it a shot, you may like it.
Gojira The Way of All Flesh
Gorgoroth Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
Grave Dominion VIII
Graveworm (N)utopia
Green Day Dookie
Guns N' Roses Greatest Hits
Hate Eternal King of All Kings
Hatebreed Rise of Brutality
High on Fire Blessed Black Wings
High on Fire Art of Self-Defense
Immortal Pure Holocaust
Immortal Souls Wintereich
In This Moment The Dream
Inborn Suffering Wordless Hope
Insomnium Since the Day It All Came Down
Ion Dissonance Minus the Herd
Iron Maiden A Matter of Life and Death
Jesu Lifeline EP
Job For A Cowboy Genesis
Joe Satriani Professor Satchafunkilus and the Musterion of Rock
John Lennon The John Lennon Collection
Judas Priest Angel of Retribution
Judas Priest British Steel
Kamelot Ghost Opera
Kataklysm In the Arms of Devastation
King Crimson Lizard
King Crimson Discipline
King Diamond Voodoo
King Diamond Give Me Your Soul...Please
Kreator Enemy of God
Lamb of God Killadelphia
Lamb of God As the Palaces Burn
Limbonic Art Ad Noctum - Dynasty Of Death
Machine Head The Blackening
Machine Head's newest album, The Blackening is most certainly a great album, howeer the hype it is recieving as "Best Metal Album Ever" is ludacris. The riffs and strong and the solos are innovative. The drumming is a highlight of the album, it is very solid, fast, and often complex throughout the album. The bass is heard moreso than on previous Machine Head albums, and when it is heard, is just as, if not more impressive than the guitars. The only thing I can see bothering people is the lengthy songs and the vocals. Robbie Flynn's clean voice is decent, and some of his aggressive vocals sound extrordinary, but other sound very forced and unnatural; as if he has to work to get out the lyrics. The songs are of epic lengths, sometimes reaching near 11 minutes (Clenching the Fists of Decent), but for the most part, Machine Head make it enjoyable. In short, this album would be a good buy for anyone looking for a good thrash metal album, any fan of old Machine Head, or just diehard Machine Head faithfuls.
Machine Head Burn My Eyes
Machine Head Through The Ashes Of Empires
Malevolent Creation Retribution
Mastodon Leviathan
Maylene and the Sons of Disaster Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Megadeth United Abominations
Mercenary 11 Dreams
Mercyful Fate In the Shadows
Meshuggah Chaosphere
Metal Church Metal Church
Metallica S&M
Metallica Metallica
Metallica ...And Justice for All
Mirrorthrone Gangrene
Morbid Angel Gateways to Annihilation
Morbid Angel Covenant
Mors Principium Est The Unborn
Mortician Hacked Up For Barbecue/Zombie Apocalypse
Motley Crue Too Fast for Love
Motorhead Kiss of Death
Mourning Beloveth Dust
Municipal Waste The Art of Partying
Napalm Death Inside the Torn Apart
Napalm Death From Enslavement to Obliteration
Napalm Death Time Waits for No Slave
Nasum Shift
Negura Bunget OM
Nevermore The Politics of Ecstasy
Nightrage Descent Into Chaos
Nightwish Dark Passion Play
Nine Inch Nails Year Zero
Norther Mirror of Madness
Nothingface Skeletons
Novembers Doom The Novella Reservoir
Obituary Frozen in Time
Oceansize Frames
Opeth Deliverance
Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse
Opeth Morningrise
Orphaned Land Sahara
Overkill Immortalis
Pain of Salvation Entropia
Pantera Far Beyond Driven
Pantera Reinventing the Steel
Paramore Riot!
Paul McCartney Memory Almost Full
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam
Pelican City of Echoes
Pestilence Testimony of the Ancients
Pig Destroyer 38 Counts of Battery
Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Pink Floyd The Wall
Poison Greatest Hits: 1986-1996
Porcupine Tree In Absentia
Porcupine Tree Lightbulb Sun
Probot Probot
Prostitute Disfigurement Left In Grisly Fashion
Pungent Stench Been Caught Buttering
Queen Greatest Hits I & II
Quo Vadis Defiant Imagination
Roadrunner United The All-Star Sessions
Rotten Sound Cycles
Rush Signals
Sacred Reich Ignorance
Sam Cooke Portrait Of A Legend 1951-1964
Samael Blood Ritual
Satanic Warmaster Carelian Satanist Madness
Satyricon Dark Medieval Times
Saxon The Inner Sanctum
Scar Symmetry Pitch Black Progress
Sebastian Bach Angel Down
Shadow Gallery Carved In Stone
Shadows Fall The Art of Balance
Shinedown The Sound of Madness
Sigh Gallows Gallery
Sixx:A.M. Heroin Diaries Soundtrack
Skinless Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead
Skyfire Spectral
Slayer Christ Illusion
With the release of Christ Illusion, Slayer show that it is possible to return to form after a series of mediocre albums. The album is full of the fast riffs, chaotic solos, blast beats, and aggressive vocals that Slayer have become known for. The guitar work is above average, and the drumming is phenomenal, adding to every song; to an extent, many of the drum tracks sound as though they were improvised, which could have turned out horrible, but in this case is a plus for the album. Tom Araya's vocals are strong and his screaming is up to par with the likes of SoH and Reign in Blood. Many of the lyrics however, are below average. Although this shouldn't come as a surprise to any devout Slayer fan, it is still disappointing after 20+ years. Overall the album is great, and the good far outways the bad. Standout Tracks: Catatonic, Skeleton Christ, Flesh Storm, Jihad. Below Average Tracks: Eyes of the Insane, Cult
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss
Slayer Hell Awaits
Slayer Show No Mercy
Sodom Agent Orange
Solefald Neonism
Soundgarden Superunknown
Spawn of Possession Cabinet
Staind Dysfunction
Static-X Cannibal
With their newest release, Cannibal, Static-X show a return to form: programmed beats, drum machines, simple riffs, and aggressive vocals. This album is much better than SaW and Shadow Zone, but falls short of the greatness they achieved with Wisconsin Death Trip. That is not to say the album is bad however. Wayne's vocals have improved, and his singing and screaming sound better than on their earlier work. The guitar work is mixed between complex speed riffs (Catatonic) and simpler 3 chord rhythms (Behemoth, Cannibal) that Static-X had become known for. Something newon thisalbum is the use of the guitar solo; it doesn't always manage to add to the songs, but for the most part, they are fine. The bass lines are very audible on this album, which is a good thing, considering they add quite alot of power the album. Most of the time Tony simply locks up with the guitars, but in doing so he helps to create a nice wall of sound. The drums follow the same pattern as the previous Static-X albums, and are split between simple 4/4 beats and chaotic/sparatic drumming. All in all, the album shows improvement and does have replay value. I'd recommend this album for any fan of Static-X, newor old, or any fan of industrial/nu-metal. Standouts: Catatonic, Behemoth, Cannibal...Below Average: Reptile, Hate Team
Static-X Wisconsin Death Trip
Suffocation Effigy of the Forgotten
Suffocation Pierced from Within
SuidAkrA Caledonia
Sum 41 Chuck
Summoning Oath Bound
Symphony X Paradise Lost
Testament First Strike Still Deadly
Testament Demonic
Testament Souls of Black
The Beatles The Beatles
The Black Dahlia Murder Miasma
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works
The Doors The Best of The Doors
The Offspring Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace
The Red Chord Fused Together in Revolving Doors
The Sword Age of Winters
Tool Ænima
Trans-Siberian Orchestra The Lost Christmas Eve
Type O Negative October Rust
Unleashed Shadows in the Deep
Vader Impressions In Blood
Velvet Revolver Contraband
Vesania God the Lux
Virgin Black Elegant and Dying
Vital Remains Dechristianize
Watain Sworn to The Dark
White Zombie Astro Creep: 2000
Windir Likferd
Woods of Ypres Pursuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth

3.0 good
Aborted Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture
Aborted Strychnine.213
Aborym Generator
AC/DC High Voltage
Agathodaimon Chapter III
Alice Cooper Constrictor
All That Remains This Darkened Heart
All That Remains Overcome
Amon Amarth Versus the World
Amorphis Tales from the Thousand Lakes
Anaal Nathrakh Total Fucking Necro
Anathema A Natural Disaster
Annihilator Metal
Apokryphos Insight
Arch Enemy Rise of the Tyrant
Rise of the Tyrant is quite possibly the best Arch Enemy album to date. From start to finish, the music and vocals are aggressive, even more so than on past albums. Angela's vocals have improved, and in doing so adds a new depth to Arch Enemy. The lyrics are also very well done, and rival with those of Stigmata. The guitar interplay between the brothers Amott is very well done. The riffs are straight forward and punishing, and the leads are great. The harmonies and melodies laid done by either Amott add a nice atmoshperic element to the album, and push the second half of almost every song to be greater than it already is. The drumming is flawless, as is the case on every Arch Enemy album. It is fast, precise, innovative, and never recycled. The bass is sonically missing except for a few spots, which is dissappointing. The only downside I see to this album is that the vocals can sound a little repetitive, melody wise. Other than that, this album is truly amazing, and worth a listen, or two.
As Hope Dies Legions Bow to a Faceless God
At The Throne of Judgment The Arcanum Order
Audioslave Revelations
Autopsy Torn from the Grave
Avenged Sevenfold City of Evil
Bal-Sagoth Battle Magic
Bathory Twilight of the Gods
Belphegor Blutsabbath
Between the Buried and Me Colors
Black Label Society Shot to Hell
Blood Stain Child Mozaiq
Born of Osiris The New Reign
Buckethead Population Override
Bullet For My Valentine The Poison
Cannibal Corpse Worm Infested
Cannibal Corpse Kill
Carpathian Forest Black Shining Leather
Cattle Decapitation Human Jerky
Celtic Frost Morbid Tales
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
Cliteater Clit 'Em All
Cliteater Eat Clit or Die
Coheed and Cambria No World for Tomorrow
Converge When Forever Comes Crashing
Cryptopsy Once Was Not
Dark Funeral Diabolis Interium
Dark Tranquillity Fiction
Dark Tranquillity Damage Done
Dark Tranquillity Projector
Darkest Hour Undoing Ruin
Darkthrone Panzerfaust
Death Spiritual Healing
Def Leppard Rock of Ages: The Definitive Collection
Deicide Scars of the Crucifix
Demon Hunter Storm the Gates of Hell
Destruction The Least Successful Human Cannonball
Dethklok The Dethalbum
Devastation Violent Termination
Dimmu Borgir In Sorte Diaboli
Dimmu Borgir Death Cult Armageddon
Disturbed The Sickness
Disturbed Ten Thousand Fists
Draconian Where Lovers Mourn
DragonForce Valley of the Damned
Dream Theater Systematic Chaos
Drowning Pool Full Circle
Drudkh Estrangement
Eminem Encore
Ensiferum Iron
Eric Clapton 20th Century Masters
Evergrey In Search Of Truth
Forever In Terror Restless In The Tides
Goatwhore Funeral Dirge For The Rotting Sun
God Dethroned The Toxic Touch
Gorguts Considered Dead
Grave As Rapture Comes
Green Day American Idiot
HammerFall Threshold
Hate Eternal Conquering the Throne
Hate Eternal I, Monarch
Hatebreed Supremacy
Ill Nino Confession
Immortal Blizzard Beasts
Impending Doom Nailed. Dead. Risen.
Imperanon Stained
In Flames Soundtrack to Your Escape
In This Moment Beautiful Tragedy
Into Eternity Buried in Oblivion
Journey The Essential Journey
Kalmah Swampsong
Kamelot Epica
Katatonia Brave Murder Day
Katatonia Dance of December Souls
Killswitch Engage As Daylight Dies
King Diamond House of God
Kittie Oracle
Lamb of God Ashes of the Wake
Leng Tch'e Marasmus
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park Meteora
Marduk Heaven Shall Burn... When We Are Gathered
Meat Loaf Bat Out of Hell III
Mendeed This War Will Last Forever
Metallica Load
Metallica Death Magnetic
Ministry Psalm 69
Mirrorthrone Carriers of Dust
Moonsorrow Viides luku - Hävitetty
Morbid Angel Domination
Mors Principium Est Inhumanity
Mortician Darkest Day of Horror
Mortician Domain of Death
Mortician House By The Cemetery/Mortal Massacre
Motley Crue Red, White, & Crue
Motorhead No Remorse
Napalm Death Harmony Corruption
Necrophagist Epitaph
Neuraxis A Passage into Forlorn
Nightrage A New Disease Is Born
Nightwish Oceanborn
Nile Ithyphallic
Ithyphallic is Nile's latest release, and a step down from much of ther previous material. That is not to say however, that the album was poorly written or recorded, it is just very repetitive. The album stays true to form in the respect that it is riddled with blast beats, dual vocal work, and Egyptian themes, but it sounds as though Nile as beginning to wear thin; the Egyptian themes that used to make their music so original and interesting is beginning to become boring and unispirational (or so it seems). The guitar work on the album is mediocre, the first time you hear the riffs, they're interesting, but they seem to be repeated throughout each song. The bass is inaudible throughout much of the album making rare appearances in such songs as Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is in the Water and the title track Ithyphallic. The drumming one of the bright spots on the album, and in many cases, saves the album from being unlistenable. The double bass work is well above average, and many of the drum fills are interesting and original. The vocals are about 50/50 between Karl and Dallas, and show no progression from previous albums; the vocals are still brutal, however, they're nothing different from their past albums. In short, the album is a step down from Nile's previous albums, but is worth a listen. Standout Tracks: What May Be Safely Written, PCtStPIPAAFHWiitW.
Nine Inch Nails With Teeth
Nokturnal Mortum Weltanschauung
Norther Death Unlimited
Novembre Novembrine Waltz
Opeth Damnation
Opeth The Roundhouse Tapes
Orphaned Land El Norra Alila
Overkill Killbox 13
Overkill The Killing Kind
Ozzy Osbourne The Essential Ozzy Osbourne
P.O.D. Satellite
Paramore All We Know Is Falling
Pig Destroyer Painter of Dead Girls
Protest the Hero Fortress
Pyramaze Legend of the Bone Carver
Quiet Riot Greatest Hits
Ray Charles Ray Original Soundtrack
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium
Rotting Christ Sanctus Diavolos
Santana The Best Of Santana
Satyricon Now, Diabolical
Sepultura Schizophrenia
Sevendust Alpha
Shadow Gallery Room V
Slayer Divine Intervention
Soilwork Stabbing the Drama
Soilwork Natural Born Chaos
Soulfly Prophecy
Static-X Start A War
Story of the Year Page Avenue
Symphony X The Odyssey
The Accursed Seasons of the Scythe
The Autumn Offering Embrace the Gutter
The Clash Combat Rock
The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss Machine
The Rolling Stones Forty Licks
Theory In Practice Third Eye Function
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Tool 10,000 Days
Trivium Ascendancy
Turisas The Varangian Way
Type O Negative World Coming Down
Unearth III: In the Eyes of Fire
Unleashed Across the Open Sea
Velvet Revolver Libertad
Vintersorg Cosmic Genesis
Virgin Black Requiem - Mezzo Forte
Vomitory Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize
Warbringer War Without End
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters
Zao The Splinter Shards the Birth of Separation
Zao Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest
Zyklon Aeon

2.5 average
Airbourne Runnin' Wild
Akercocke The Goat of Mendes
Alter Bridge Blackbird
Antestor Martyrium
Arsis United in Regret
Artillery By Inheritance
As I Lay Dying Shadows Are Security
Astarte Demonized
At the Gates The Red in the Sky Is Ours
Atreyu Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses
Autopsy Dead as Fuck
Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold
Bal-Sagoth Atlantis Ascendant
Behemoth Satanica
Billy Idol Idol Songs: 11 of the Best
Bloodbath The Fathomless Mastery
Bolt Thrower Honour - Valour - Pride
Bon Jovi Have a Nice Day
Borknagar Origin
Breaking Benjamin Phobia
The album as a whole is good. After a few listens, you will begin to notice how it all blends together. The riffs aren't up to the standard on previous Breaking Benjamin albums, and Phobia only has a few standout tracks. The lyrics on this album are greatly improved from previous albums, but they don't redeem the album in total from stale repetitive riffs and bland soft verses and generic hard choruses. Overall this is a good pick up for any Breaking Benjamin fan, or any fan or mainstream rock.
Buckethead Pepper's Ghost
Carcass Reek of Putrefaction
Carpathian Forest Defending the Throne of Evil
Celtic Frost To Mega Therion
Chevelle This Type Of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Children of Bodom Are You Dead Yet?
Chimaira The Impossibility of Reason
Coheed and Cambria The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Cold A Different Kind of Pain
Converge Petitioning the Empty Sky
Crossfade Crossfade
Deadlock Wolves
Deicide Legion
Deicide Till Death Do Us Part
Disarmonia Mundi Fragments Of D-Generation
Dismember Massive Killing Capacity
Disturbed Believe
Disturbed's second full length album, Believe, is slightly dissapointing in retrospect. Upon first listen, the album strikes you as aggressive and innovative (as far as nu-metal goes), but upon replay sounds tired and repetitive. The album also begins to drag half way through. The first half of the album is packed with hard hitting songs like Liberate, Prayer, and Remember which keep a majority of there power when replayed, but after the track entitled Rise, it goes downhill...quickly. The guitars begin to sound recycled and uninspired, the drums are all the same, and the vocals never seem to change. Also, the bass is missing, as though I needed to add insult to injury. All in all, Believe is an ok album to listen to every now and again, as long as you have listened to your fair share of genuinely good music in between.
DragonForce Inhuman Rampage
Drowning Pool Desensitized
Elvenking The Winter Wake
Enslaved Frost
Falkenbach Heralding - The Fireblade
Godsmack Faceless
Gojira The Link
Hellyeah Hellyeah
Immolation Harnessing Ruin
In Flames Come Clarity
Job For A Cowboy Doom
Kalmah The Black Waltz
Kampfar Kvass
Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache
Krisiun Works of Carnage
Lamb of God Sacrament
Marduk Opus Nocturne
Mastodon Remission
Metallica Reload
Mnemic Passenger
Mors Principium Est Liberation = Termination
Nachtmystium Instinct: Decay
Norma Jean Redeemer
Possessed Beyond the Gates
Protest the Hero Kezia
Pyramaze Melancholy Beast
Raventhrone Malice in Wonderlands
Rotting Christ A Dead Poem
Sadus Illusions
Sargeist Disciple of the Heinous Path
Skeletonwitch Beyond the Permafrost
Soilwork Sworn to a Great Divide
Static-X Shadow Zone
Sum 41 All Killer No Filler
Summoning Minas Morgul
The All-American Rejects Move Along
The Faceless Planetary Duality
Therion Sirius B
Three Days Grace One-X
Vader The Beast
Wu-Tang Clan 8 Diagrams

2.0 poor
Abigor Origo Regium
Abruptum Casus Luciferi
Akercocke Choronzon
Alter Bridge One Day Remains
Amorphis Privilege of Evil
Arkhon Infaustus Filth Catalyst
Artillery Terror Squad
As Blood Runs Black Allegiance
As I Lay Dying Frail Words Collapse
At the Gates Gardens of Grief
Atreyu Lead Sails Paper Anchor
Axenstar The Final Requiem
Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles
Bathory Nordland II
Behemoth Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic)
Black Label Society Hangover Music Vol.6
Black Tide Light From Above
Bolt Thrower War Master
Buckethead Enter the Chicken
Bullet For My Valentine Scream Aim Fire
Candlemass Ancient Dreams
Cathedral Supernatural Birth Machine
Chevelle Vena Sera
Children of Bodom Hate Crew Deathroll
Cirith Ungol King of the Dead
Death Angel Killing Season
Deathspell Omega Si Monvmentvm Reqvires Circvmspice
Disavowed Stagnated Existence
Dispatched Motherwar
Evile Enter the Grave
Flotsam and Jetsam Dreams of Death
Foo Fighters One by One
Freya Lift the Curse
Godsmack IV
Boring. That's the only real way to describe Godsmack's fourth full length album appropriately entitled IV. Godsmack have never been anything new or ground breaking as far as I'm concerned, but they were always at the forefront of nu-metal, combined solid music with aggressive vocals. On this album however, the guitars are bland, the bass does nothing note worthy, and the above average that was on all of Godsmack's previous releases is suprisingly missing. The vocals seem tired and the lyrics are pathetic at best. There are no standout tracks, seeing as everything just blends into one giant track of mediocrity. In short, the album is generic, bland,'s nu-metal in it's basic form...spare yourself the listen and pass.
In Flames A Sense of Purpose
In Flames Whoracle
Jet Get Born
Judas Priest Nostradamus
Katatonia For Funerals to Come...
Legion of the Damned Feel the Blade
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Lurker Of Chalice Lurker Of Chalice
Machine Head The Burning Red
Mnemic The Audio Injected Soul
Monstrosity Rise to Power
Moonsorrow Verisäkeet
Mudvayne Lost and Found
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade
Norma Jean O' God, the Aftermath
Overkill Taking Over
Pantera The Great Southern Trendkill
Rotting Christ Passage to Arcturo
Sadus Swallowed in Black
Slayer God Hates Us All
Staind 14 Shades of Grey
Sum 41 Half Hour Of Power
System of a Down Mezmerize
The Autumn Offering Fear Will Cast No Shadow
The Offspring Greatest Hits
Therion Vovin
Throwdown Venom & Tears
Tiamat Judas Christ
Trivium The Crusade
Trivium's most recent major label release, The Crusade was being hyped as an album full of complex guitar riffs and bass/drum rhythms that would be sure to keep it's listener in awe. Well guess what? This album delivers none of the above. Many of the songs have the same recycled riffs, and this time not even the solos can save the songs from drifting off into mediocrity. The vocals have also changed, I won't say they are bad, but Matt Heafy no longer screams, and instead has more of an aggressive clean vocal style. The lyrics on The Crusade are also horrible; songs like And Sadness Will Sear and Contempt Breeds Contamination sport the worst lyrics on the album, and only add to the growing suspicion that Matt Heafy can't write decent lyrics to save his life. The drumming on the album is mediocre, although Travis' talent is fairly evitable on songs like To the Rats, he makes little use of it, and constantly plays simple 4/4 beas over a rolling double bass. The bass isn't much better, for the most part Paulo just locks up with Matt and Corey to create a rather uninteresting and dull wall of sound. Corey does much of the same as Matt, create uninteresting riffs and solos, nothing more, and nothing less. From what I can hear off The Crusade, it doesn't sound like Trivium will be the next Metallica, but they have a great shot at matching Jethro Tull. Standout tracks: To The Rats, Treading the Floods Below Average Tracks: The Crusade, Ignition, Detonation, And Sadness Will Sear, Contempt Breeds Contamination
Turisas Battle Metal
Whitechapel The Somatic Defilement
Xasthur Subliminal Genocide

1.5 very poor
Abruptum Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectere Me
Alabama Thunderpussy Open Fire
Alkonost The Path We've Never Made
Angelcorpse Of Lucifer and Lightning
Ankla Steep Trails
Asmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø
Avenged Sevenfold Waking the Fallen
Behemoth Grom
Behexen Rituale Satanum
Black Label Society Mafia
Cathedral The Garden Of Unearthly Delights
Children of Bodom Blooddrunk
Cirith Ungol One Foot in Hell
Cirith Ungol Frost and Fire
Cruachan Pagan
Darkthrone F.O.A.D.
Despised Icon The Ills Of Modern Man
God Dethroned Into The Lungs Of Hell
Impaled Nazarene Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz
Into Eternity The Incurable Tragedy
Metallica St. Anger
Monstrosity Millenium
MyChildren MyBride Unbreakable
Saliva Back Into Your System
System of a Down Hypnotize
The All-American Rejects The All-American Rejects
The Panic Channel (ONe)
Thirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful Lie
Venom Metal Black

1.0 awful
Astarte Dancing In The Dark Lakes Of Evil
Atreyu A Death-Grip on Yesterday
Burzum Filosofem
Cruachan Folklore
Havohej Dethrone the Son of God
Hell Within Shadows of Vanity
Korn See You on the Other Side
Neurosonic Drama Queen

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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