
Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 1323
Objectivity 60%

Last Active 09-10-19 5:08 pm
Joined 11-15-07

Review Comments 67

Average Rating: 3.84
Rating Variance: 0.26
Objectivity Score: 60%
(Somewhat Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Agalloch The Mantle
Altar of Plagues Teethed Glory and Injury
Arvo Part Te Deum
Beecher This Elegy, His Autopsy
Esoteric The Maniacal Vale
Have a Nice Life Deathconsciousness
Irreversible Sins
Mar De Grises Draining The Waterheart
Rorcal Heliogabalus
The Pax Cecilia Blessed Are The Bonds
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters

4.5 superb
2Pac Greatest Hits
40 Watt Sun Wider than the Sky
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Akhlys The Dreaming I
Akira Yamaoka Silent Hill 2
All Them Witches Dying Surfer Meets His Maker
Alpinist/Masakari Split
Altar of Plagues Mammal
Altar of Plagues White Tomb
Altar of Plagues Live at Club Colectiv, Bucharest
Amenra Mass V
Amenra Mass VI
Amplifier Amplifier
An Autumn Lost
Anathema Eternity
Anathema Judgement
Aquilus Griseus
Arvo Part Tabula Rasa
Ataraxie L'être et la Nausée
Atheist Unquestionable Presence
Audioslave Audioslave
Beardfish The Void
Bell Witch Longing
Blood Incantation Starspawn
Bohren und der Club of Gore Black Earth
Bon Iver Bon Iver, Bon Iver
Burial Untrue
Carcass Heartwork
Causa Sui Euporie Tide
Causa Sui Summer Sessions Vol. 1
Cave In Live At Roadburn 2018
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
Circa Survive Juturna
Cloudkicker Beacons
Cloudkicker The Map Is Not the Territory
Cloudkicker The Discovery
Cobalt Eater Of Birds
Cobalt Slow Forever
Cold Year Of The Spider
Constellatia The Language of Limbs
Converge You Fail Me
Crippled Black Phoenix A Love of Shared Disasters
Crippled Black Phoenix I, Vigilante
Crippled Black Phoenix Ellengaest
Cult Leader Lightless Walk
Cult of Occult Five Degrees of Insanity
Cursed II
Cursed I
Dalek Abandoned Language
Daylight Dies A Frail Becoming
Deadbird Twilight Ritual
Deaf Center Pale Ravine
Deaf Center Owl Splinters
Death Symbolic
Death The Sound of Perseverance
Death Human
Deathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Kenose
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Deathspell Omega Mass Grave Aesthetics
Defeater Lost Ground
Defeater Travels
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Deftones White Pony
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Finisterre
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Unstille
Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane
Down Down III: Over the Under
Dragged Into Sunlight Hatred For Mankind
dredg Catch Without Arms
dredg El Cielo
Earthless Rhythms From A Cosmic Sky
Eden Maine The Treachery Pact
Elder (USA-MA) Dead Roots Stirring
Eleventh He Reaches London Hollow Be My Name
Engineer The Dregs
Esoctrilihum The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods
Esoteric Paragon of Dissonance
Esoteric The Pernicious Enigma
Esoteric A Pyrrhic Existence
Evoken Atra Mors
Evoken Antithesis of Light
Evoken Embrace the Emptiness
Fen Carrion Skies
Fen Winter
Finsterforst Rastlos
Gadget The Funeral March
Giles Corey Giles Corey
Glass Casket We Are Gathered Here Today...
Gorguts Colored Sands
Graveyard Dirt For Grace Or Damnation
Hacksaw to the Throat Wastelands
Have a Nice Life The Unnatural World
Heilung LIFA
Immolation Close to a World Below
Immolation Here in After
Implodes Black Earth
Incantation Onward to Golgotha
Irreversible Age
Irreversible Light
ISIS Panopticon
Izah Sistere
Joe Bonamassa Blues Deluxe
Johnny Truant In the Library of Horrific Events
Junius Junius
Kayo Dot Hubardo
Kayo Dot Choirs of the Eye
Kerouac Cold and Distant, Not Loving
Kvelertak Kvelertak
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin
Les Discrets Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées
Les Discrets Live at Roadburn
Lord Mantis Pervertor
Lord Mantis Death Mask
Lychgate An Antidote for the Glass Pill
Lychgate The Contagion in Nine Steps
Mar De Grises The Tatterdemalion Express
Mar De Grises Streams Inwards
Mastodon Leviathan
Mastodon The Workhorse Chronicles [DVD]
maudlin of the Well Leaving Your Body Map
maudlin of the Well Bath
Max Richter The Blue Notebooks
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Mgla Exercises in Futility
Mizmor Yodh
Mizmor Mishlei
Moonsorrow Viides luku - Hävitetty
Moonsorrow Verisäkeet
Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja
Mournful Congregation The Incubus Of Karma
Mourning Beloveth The Sullen Sulcus
Mourning Beloveth Formless
Murcof Remembranza
Murcof Martes
Murcof Utopia
Neurosis A Sun That Never Sets
Neurosis Through Silver In Blood
Nils Petter Molvaer Hamada
Nocte Obducta Umbriel (Das Schweigen zwischen den Sternen)
Obsequiae Aria of Vernal Tombs
Obsequiae The Palms of Sorrowed Kings
Ode and Elegy Ode and Elegy
Old Man Gloom Seminar III: Zozobra
Old Witch Come Mourning Come
Opeth Deliverance
Opeth Blackwater Park
Oxbow The Narcotic Story
Pale Chalice Negate the Infinite and Miraculous
Pallbearer Sorrow And Extinction
Panopticon The Scars of Man on the Once Nameless Wilderness
Pianos Become the Teeth The Lack Long After
Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Pig Destroyer Terrifyer
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd Animals
Process of Guilt Renounce
Raison D'Etre The Empty Hollow Unfolds
Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication
Rise and Fall Faith
Rome Confessions D'Un Voleur D'Ames
Rome Masse Mensch Material
Rorcal Vilagvege
Rosetta The Galilean Satellites
Rosetta Wake/Lift
Rune The End Of Nothing
Rwake Voices of Omens
Rwake Rest
Samothrace Life's Trade
Schammasch Triangle
SikTh The Trees Are Dead and Dried Out, Wait for Something Wild
Sinistro Semente
Sleep Dopesmoker
Sleep The Sciences
Slow (BE) V - Oceans
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology
Sorcier Des Glaces Ritual of the End
Starkweather This Sheltering Night
Starkweather Croatoan
SubRosa (US) Subdued. (Live at Roadburn, 2017)
Svartidaudi Flesh Cathedral
Swans The Seer
Swans Soundtracks for the Blind
Tchornobog Tchornobog
The Angelic Process Weighing Souls With Sand
The Body and Thou Everyday, Things Are Getting Worse
The Great Old Ones EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy
The Ocean Aeolian
The Ocean Precambrian
The Ocean Pelagial
The Ruins of Beverast Rain Upon the Impure
The Ruins of Beverast Exuvia
The Secret Luce
The Secret Agnus Dei
Thou Heathen
Thou Peasant
Thou Oakland
Thou Magus
Thrice Vheissu
Time To Burn Is.Land
Toby Driver They Are the Shield
Tomb Mold Planetary Clairvoyance
Townes Van Zandt Our Mother the Mountain
Townes Van Zandt Townes Van Zandt
Townes Van Zandt Live at the Old Quarter, Houston, Texas
Turbid North Eyes Alive
Ufomammut Idolum
Ufomammut Ecate
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All
Ulcerate Everything Is Fire
Ulcerate Shrines of Paralysis
Ulcerate Stare Into Death and Be Still
Ultha/Paramnesia Ultha / Paramnesia
Ulver Blood Inside
Vektor Terminal Redux
Warning Watching from a Distance
Waste of Space Orchestra Syntheosis
Weakling Dead as Dreams
Withered Dualitas
Withered Folie Circulaire
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars
Woolworm AWE
Wrekmeister Harmonies The Alone Rush
YOB Our Raw Heart
YOB The Unreal Never Lived
YOB Live at Roadburn 2010
YOB The Unreal Never Lived: Live at Roadburn 2012

4.0 excellent
35007 Liquid
40 Watt Sun The Inside Room
A Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step
Abnormality Contaminating the Hive Mind
Abraham The Serpent, the Prophet and the Whore
Abyssal (UK) Antikatastaseis
Addaura Burning for the Ancient
Agalloch Faustian Echoes
Agalloch Marrow of the Spirit
Agrypnie 16[485]
Ahamkara The Embers Of The Stars
Alice in Chains MTV Unplugged
Alice in Chains Jar of Flies
Alice in Chains Dirt
All Them Witches A Sweet Release
Allegaeon Fragments of Form and Function
Allegaeon Formshifter
Almyrkvi Umbra
Almyrkvi Pupil of the Searing Maelstrom
Alrakis Alpha Eri
Altar of Plagues Sol
Altarage Nihl
Amenra Mass IIII
Amenra Alive
Amenra Mass III
Amusement Parks On Fire Out Of The Angeles
An Autumn Only The Ocean Knows
An Autumn Hearts Of Light/Blossoms
Anaal Nathrakh Vanitas
Anagnorisis Beyond All Light
Anathema A Natural Disaster
Anathema Alternative 4
Anekdoten Until All The Ghosts Are Gone
Anhedonist Netherwards
Anna von Hausswolff Dead Magic
Anomalous Ohmnivalent
Antigama Resonance
Antimatter Planetary Confinement
Aosoth III - Violence & Variation
Aosoth IV: An Arrow in Heart
Arab Strap As Days Get Dark
Arcana Coelestia Le Mirage de L’idéal
Arcana Coelestia Nomas
Archivist Archivist
Artificial Brain Infrared Horizon
Astrosoniq Made In Oss
Awe Providentia
Backstabbers Inc Kamikaze Missions
Batillus Concrete Sustain
Batushka Litourgiya
Be'lakor Coherence
Beaten to Death Laat maar, ik verhuis naar het bos
Beaten to Death Unplugged
Beaten to Death Dødsfest!
Beecher Breaking the Fourth Wall
Benighted Icon
Bereft (USA-CA) Leichenhaus
Bersarin Quartett Bersarin Quartett
Bersarin Quartett II
Between the Buried and Me The Silent Circus
Between the Buried and Me Colors
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Billy Woods Known Unknowns
Birds in Row You, Me, and the Violence
Black Viper Hellions Of Fire
Blood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human Race
Blue Sky Black Death Late Night Cinema
Blue Sky Black Death A Heap Of Broken Images
Bohren und der Club of Gore Sunset Mission
Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago
Bone Dance Split w/Divider, Plebeian Grandstand
Book of Black Earth The Feast
Bosse-de-Nage III
Botanist Ecosystem
Boy Is Fiction Broadcasts In Colour
Brant Bjork Jalamanta
Buried at Sea Migration
Burst Lazarus Bird
C R O W N Natron
C R O W N Psychugry
Car Bomb Centralia
Car Bomb Meta
Causa Sui Summer Sessions Vol. 3
Causa Sui Summer Sessions Vol. 2
Century Black Ocean
Century Faith And Failure
Century Red Giant
Chaos Moon Eschaton Mémoire
Chepang Lathi Charge
Chrch Unanswered Hymns
Circle Terminal
Cloudkicker ]]][[[
Cloudkicker Portmanteau
Clutch From Beale Street To Oblivion
Clutch Blast Tyrant
Clutch Robot Hive / Exodus
Clutch Earth Rocker
Cobalt Gin
Coffinworm When All Became None
Coilguns Watchwinders
Cold 13 Ways to Bleed On Stage
Converge When Forever Comes Crashing
Converge Jane Doe
Converge All We Love We Leave Behind
Converge Jane Live
Convulsing Grievous
Cormorant Dwellings
Cormorant Diaspora
Creeping Revenant
Creeping Death Wretched Illusions
Crippled Black Phoenix The Resurrectionists / Night Raider
Crippled Black Phoenix 200 Tons of Bad Luck
Crowhurst II
Crowhurst Crowhurst
Crowhurst III
Crucified Coldest Winter; Darkest Reaches of the Mind
Cult of Extinction Ritual in the Absolute Absence of Light
Cult of Luna Somewhere Along the Highway
Cult of Luna Salvation
Cult of Occult Hic Est Domus Diaboli
Cult of Occult Cult of Occult
Cursed III: Architects of Troubled Sleep
CYNE Evolution Fight
Cynic Traced in Air
Dalek Absence
Daughters You Won't Get What You Want
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels
Dead Congregation Promulgation of the Fall
Dead Congregation Purifying Consecrated Ground
Deadbird The Head and the Heart
Deadbird III: The Forest Within The Tree
Deaf Center Neon City
Deafheaven/Bosse-de-Nage Split
Dearth To Crown All Befoulment
Death Scream Bloody Gore
Death Leprosy
Deathspell Omega Si Monvmentvm Reqvires Circvmspice
Deathspell Omega Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum
Deathspell Omega Drought
Deathspell Omega The Synarchy of Molten Bones
Decapitated Winds of Creation
Decoherence Ekpyrosis
Decrepit Birth Diminishing Between Worlds
Decrepit Birth Polarity
Defeater Empty Days and Sleepless Nights
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Deftones Deftones
Deftones Around the Fur
Deftones Ohms
Departe Failure, Subside
Dephosphorus Sublimation
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Der Weg Einer Freiheit
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Stellar
Desolate Shrine Deliverance from the Godless Void
Disillusion Back to Times of Splendor
Doom VS Aeternum Vale
Doom VS Earthless
Down Down II: A Bustle in Your Hedgerow
Downfall of Gaia Suffocating in the Swarm of Cranes
Downfall of Nur Umbras de Barbagia
Drab Majesty The Demonstration
Dread Sovereign All Hell's Martyrs
dredg Live at The Fillmore
Eagle Twin The Feather Tipped the Serpent's Scale
Eagle Twin The Unkindness of Crows
Earthless From The Ages
Earthless Live at Roadburn
Earthless Black Heaven
Ebi Soda Ugh
Eden Maine To You The First Star
Edge of Sanity Crimson II
Elder (USA-MA) Lore
Elder (USA-MA) Reflections of a Floating World
Elder (USA-MA) Omens
Elder (USA-MA) The Gold and Silver Sessions
Elsiane Hybrid
Emma Ruth Rundle Marked for Death
Emma Ruth Rundle On Dark Horses
Emma Ruth Rundle Some Heavy Ocean
Emptiness Not For Music
Emptiness Nothing but the Whole
Enabler Fail to Feel Safe
Enabler All Hail the Void
Enabler Shift of Redemption
Enabler Year One
Engineer Crooked Voices
Enmerkar Starlit Passage
Enslaved Axioma Ethica Odini
Entropia (PL) Vesper
Epheles Je Suis Autrefois
Erik Truffaz and Murcof Mexico
Esbjorn Svensson Trio Seven Days of Falling
Esoctrilihum Eternity Of Shaog
Esoctrilihum Inhüma
Esoteric Metamorphogenesis
Eternal Champion The Armor of Ire
Every Time I Die Radical
Evoken Quietus
Falls of Rauros The Light That Dwells in Rotten Wood
Falls of Rauros Hail Wind and Hewn Oak
Fallujah Nomadic
Fallujah The Harvest Wombs
Fallujah The Flesh Prevails
False Untitled
False Portent
Fauna Avifauna
Fen Dustwalker
Fen The Malediction Fields
Follakzoid Föllakzoid
Forn Forn
Forn The Departure of Consciousness
Forn Weltschmerz
Forn Rites of Despair
Frontier Demo
Full of Hell Weeping Choir
Funebrarum The Sleep of Morbid Dreams
Funebrarum Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods
Fuoco Fatuo (ITA2) Backwater
Fyrnask Eldir Nótt
Genghis Tron Dead Mountain Mouth
Giles Corey Deconstructionist
Giles Corey Hinterkaifeck
Glass Casket Desperate Man's Diary
Glassing Spotted Horse
Glassing Light and Death
Glassing Twin Dream
Glorior Belli Meet Us At The Southern Sign
Glorior Belli Manifesting the Raging Beast
Golden Void Berkana
Gorguts Obscura
Grails Burning Off Impurities
Grails Black Tar Prophecies, Vols. I, II & III
Grails Deep Politics
Grails Doomsdayer's Holiday
Grave Miasma Odori Sepulcrorum
Gravecode Nebula Sempiternal Void
Graveyard (SWE) Hisingen Blues
Gris À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Âme Constellée...
Haethen Shaped By Aeolian Winds
Hammock Departure Songs
Hammock Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo
Have a Nice Life Voids
Have a Nice Life Time of Land
Havukruunu Kelle Surut Soi
Hawkwind Onward
Hawkwind Hall of the Mountain Grill
Hell (USA) Hell
Herder Herder
Heroin and Your Veins Dead People's Trails
Heroin and Your Veins Nausea
Hetfield and Hetfield Tidal Wave Dreams
High on Fire Death Is This Communion
Hooded Menace Effigies of Evil
Hour of Penance Paradogma
Hour of Penance Sedition
Hour of Penance The Vile Conception
Howls of Ebb Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows
Hypnopazuzu Create Christ, Sailor Boy
Ill Considered Ill Considered 3
Immolation Majesty and Decay
Immolation Unholy Cult
Imperial Triumphant Alphaville
Implodes Recurring Dream
Implodes Reverser
In Mourning Monolith
In Vain (NO) Aenigma
Incantation Diabolical Conquest
Incantation Mortal Throne of Nazarene
Inquisition Obscure Verses for the Multiverse
Inquisition Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical...
Intronaut Void
Intronaut Prehistoricisms
Irepress Sol Eye Sea I
Irreversible Ashes
Irreversible Irreversible
ISIS Oceanic
ISIS Celestial
Ixachitlan Eagle, Quetzal, and Condor
Jaga Jazzist What We Must
Jaye Jayle No Trail and Other Unholy Paths
Jessica Curry Dear Esther
Jex Thoth Blood Moon Rise
Joe Bonamassa Sloe Gin
Kaizers Orchestra Maestro
Kammerflimmer Kollektief Wildling
Katatonia The Great Cold Distance
Katatonia Night Is the New Day
Katatonia Viva Emptiness
Kayo Dot Coffins on Io
Keelhaul Subject To Change Without Notice
Keeper MMXIV
Keeper The Space Between Your Teeth
KEN mode Venerable
KEN mode Loved
Khemmis Absolution
King Woman Doubt
Knut Challenger
Krypts Cadaver Circulation
Kylesa Spiral Shadow
Kylesa Time Will Fuse Its Worth
Kylesa To Walk A Middle Course
La Quiete La fine non è la fine
Lamp of Murmuur The Burning Spears Of Crimson Agony
Lantlos .neon
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
Les Discrets Ariettes Oubliees...
Less Art Strangled Light
Leviathan Scar Sighted
Light Bearer Lapsus
Locktender Kafka
Look What I Did Minuteman For The Moment
Look What I Did Atlas Drugged
Lord Dying Summon the Faithless
Loss Despond
Love Sex Machine Asexual Anger
Lustmord Metavoid
Lychgate Also Sprach Futura
Lychgate Lychgate
Magrudergrind Magrudergrind
Mammatus The Coast Explodes
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith
Mare Cognitum Luminiferous Aether
Martyrdod Paranoia
Mastodon Remission
Mastodon Crack the Skye
Mastodon The Hunter
Matthew Halsall Colour Yes
Max Richter Memoryhouse
Melanie De Biasio Blackened Cities
Men Eater Hellstone
Meshuggah Nothing
Meshuggah Alive
Meshuggah Destroy Erase Improve
Metaform Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Metallica ...And Justice For All
Midnight Satanic Royalty
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 1 - In Tartarean Chains
Minenwerfer Alpenpässe
Mizmor Cairn
Molested Divinity Unearthing The Void
Moonsorrow Jumalten aika
Moonsorrow Voimasta ja kunniasta
Moor Mother and Billy Woods Brass
More Than Life Love Let Me Go
Mortifera (FRA) Bleüu de morte
Mortifera (FRA) Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera
Mount Eerie A Crow Looked at Me
Mourning Beloveth A Disease for the Ages
Murcof The Versailles Sessions
Murcof Cosmos
My Brother The Wind Twilight in the Crystal Cabinet
My Brother The Wind I Wash My Soul In The Stream Of Infinity
NAILS Abandon All Life
NAILS Unsilent Death
Ne Obliviscaris Portal of I
Necroblaspheme XXVI: The Deeper, The Better
Nest (FIN) Trail of the Unwary
Neurosis Times Of Grace
Neurosis The Eye Of Every Storm
Niechec Smierc w Miekkim Futerku
Nightfell Darkness Evermore
Nile Annihilation Of The Wicked
Nile Those Whom The Gods Detest
Nils Petter Molvaer Khmer
NK Basement Tapes Vol. 1
Nocte Obducta Sequenzen einer Wanderung
Nostromo (CHE) Ecce Lex
Nostromo (CHE) Hysteron - Proteron
Nux Vomica Nux Vomica
Oathbreaker Rheia
Obliteration Cenotaph Obscure
Obsequiae Suspended in the Brume of Eos
Obsidian Kingdom Mantiis
Obsidian Kingdom Torn and Burnt
Obsidian Tongue A Nest of Ravens in the Throat of Time
Ocean Of Grief Nightfall's Lament
Of the Wand and the Moon Nighttime Nightrhymes
Of the Wand and the Moon Sonnenheim
Oh, Sleeper Children of Fire
Old Man Gloom Christmas
Old Man Gloom Seminar II: The Holy Rites of Primitivism Regressi
Old Man Gloom The Ape of God I
Old Man Gloom The Ape of God II
Om Conference of the Birds
Om Variations on a Theme
Om Pilgrimage
Om Advaitic Songs
Opeth Damnation
Oranssi Pazuzu Valonielu
Oranssi Pazuzu Kosmonument
Pagan Altar Mythical & Magical
Pagan Altar The Room Of Shadows
Papir Papir III
Papir V
Papir Stundum
Petrychor Dryad
Phantom Winter CVLT
Phobonoid Phobonoid
Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd The Wall
Plague Vendor Bloodsweat
Plebeian Grandstand How Hate is Hard to Define
Plebeian Grandstand/Bone Dance/Divider Three Way Split
Portal Vexovoid
Portal Swarth
Portal ION
Primitive Man Scorn
Process of Guilt Faemin
Protest the Hero Kezia
Protest the Hero Fortress
Pulling Teeth Funerary
Pygmy Lush Old Friends
Pygmy Lush Mount Hope
Pyramidal Frozen Galaxies
Pyres Year Of Sleep
Qrixkuor Three Devils Dance
Raein Nati da Altri Padri
Raein Ah, As If...
Raison D'Etre Collective archives 2CD
Raison D'Etre In Sadness, Silence and Solitude
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber Exile
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber Ascension
Repulsion Horrified
Rise and Fall Into Oblivion
Rise and Fall Our Circle Is Vicious
Ritual Howls Into The Water
robotosaurus Sayra Bahk Volume 1 : Last Refuge Of The Exiled Ma
Rome Flowers From Exile
Rorcal Creon
Rorcal Muladona
Rosetta A Determinism of Morality
Rosetta Utopioid
Rosetta/Balboa Project Mercury
Sacri Monti Waiting Room for the Magic Hour
Samothrace Reverence to Stone
Samsara Blues Experiment Long Distance Trip
Samsara Blues Experiment End Of Forever
Samsara Blues Experiment Waiting For The Flood
Samsara Blues Experiment One With The Universe
Sannhet Known Flood
Scarlet This Was Always Meant To Fall Apart
Sex Prisoner Tannhauser Gate
Shai Hulud Reach Beyond the Sun
Shape of Despair Monotony Fields
Shining (NOR) Blackjazz
Shining (SWE) IV - The Eerie Cold
Shining (SWE) V - Halmstad
Shining (SWE) VI - Klagopsalmer
Shrinebuilder Shrinebuilder
SikTh Death of a Dead Day
Sinistro Sinistro
Sinistro Sangue Cassia
Skaphe Skáphe²
Sleep Sleep's Holy Mountain
Slough Feg Traveller
Slugdge Born of Slime
Slugdge Gastronomicon
Slugdge Dim and Slimeridden Kingdoms
So Hideous I Balance Daydreams On The Tip Of A Knife
Soft Kill Dead Kids R.I.P. City
Soft Kill Choke
Sol Kia Zos Ethos
Somali Yacht Club The Sun
Sorcier Des Glaces Snowland MMXII
Sorcier Des Glaces The Puressence Of Primitive Forests
Sorcier Des Glaces North
Sorcier Des Glaces Sorcier Des Glaces
Spectral Lore III
Spectral Lore and Mare Cognitum Wanderers: Astrology of the Nine
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing
Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)
Subheim Approach
SubRosa (US) More Constant Than The Gods
SUMAC What One Becomes
Sun Dial Other Way Out
Svart Crown Profane
Svarte Greiner Knive
Svffer Lies We Live
Swans To Be Kind
Swans The Great Annihilator
Taint The Ruin of Nova Roma
Tardigrada Emotionale Ödnis
Tempel (USA-AZ) On the Steps of the Temple
Tempest (Can) Tempest
Temple of Abandonment From Outer Spheres​.​.​. Death
Terra Tenebrosa The Purging
The Acacia Strain The Dead Walk
The Black Heart Rebellion Har Nevo
The Body and Thou You, Whom I Have Always Hated
The Cosmic Dead The Cosmic Dead
The Cosmic Dead Psychonaut
The Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum (Complete Collection)
The Faceless Akeldama
The Faceless Planetary Duality
The Fall of Every Season Amends
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
The Fall of Troy Phantom on the Horizon
The Fall of Troy Ghostship Demos
The Great Old Ones Tekeli-Li
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble Here Be Dragons
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble From the Stairwell
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble
The Kindred Lore
The National Boxer
The National Alligator
The Ocean Fluxion
The Ocean Anthropocentric
The Ocean Fogdiver
The Ocean Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic
The Ocean Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic
The Pax Cecilia Nouveau
The Phantom Carriage Falls
The Ruins of Beverast Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite
The Ruins of Beverast Blood Vaults - The Blazing Gospels of Heinrich...
The Secret Solve Et Coagula
The Secret Disintoxication
The Smiths The Queen Is Dead
The Tallest Man on Earth The Wild Hunt
The Waters Deep Here Sunden
This Will Destroy You Young Mountain
Those Who Lie Beneath Antichrist
Thou Algiers
Thou Tyrant
Thou Summit
Thou Rendon
Thou Rhea Sylvia
Thrice The Illusion of Safety
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Throane Derrière​-​Nous, La Lumière
Thy Catafalque Roka Hasa Radio
Today Is the Day In the Eyes of God
Today Is the Day Kiss the Pig
Tombs Path of Totality
Tord Gustavsen Trio Being There
Torpor (UK) Rhetoric of the Image
Totem Skin Weltschmerz
Toundra III
Townes Van Zandt Delta Momma Blues
Trapped Within Burning Machinery The Filth Element
Traveler (CAN) Traveler
Traveler (CAN) Termination Shock
Turbid North Orogeny
Ufomammut Lucifer Songs
Ufomammut Godlike Snake
Ufomammut Snailking
Ufomammut Eve
Ufomammut ORO: Opus Primum
Ufomammut ORO: Opus Alter
Ulcerate Of Fracture and Failure
Ulcerate Vermis
Ultha Converging Sins
Ultha The Inextricable Wandering
Ultha Pain Cleanses Every Doubt
Ultha All That Has Never Been True
Ulthar Providence
Ulver Shadows of the Sun
Ulver A Quick Fix of Melancholy
Ulver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
Ulver Svidd Neger OST
Un Sentiment
Underoath Define the Great Line
Unearthly Trance V
Unearthly Trance In the Red
Unearthly Trance Season of Seance, Science of Silence
Unru Als Tier ist der Mensch Nichts
Uzkost All Is Dust and I Am Nothing
Vaee Solis Adversarial Light
Vainaja Verenvalaja
Vattnet Vattnet Viskar
Verwoed Bodemloos
Verwoed De Val
Vile Creature Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm!
Visceral Bleeding Transcend Into Ferocity
VRTRA My Bones Hold a Stillness
Wake Devouring Ruin
Warp Chamber Implements of Excruciation
Weekend Nachos Worthless
White Ward Futility Report
Wiegedood De Doden Hebben Het Goed
Wilderun Veil of Imagination
Windhand Windhand
Windhand Soma
Windir Likferd
Winterfylleth The Reckoning Dawn
Witch Vomit Buried Deep In A Bottomless Grave
Withered Memento Mori
Wo Fat The Black Code
Wodensthrone Curse
Wolves in the Throne Room Celestial Lineage
Wolves in the Throne Room Black Cascade
Wolves in the Throne Room Primordial Arcana
Wormed Exodromos
Wreck and Reference Want
Xoth Invasion of the Tentacube
Yautja Songs of Lament
Yautja Songs of Descent
YOB Clearing The Path To Ascend
YOB The Great Cessation
YOB The Illusion Of Motion
Yuri Gagarin At The Center Of All Infinity
Yussef Kamaal Black Focus
Zatokrev Silk Spiders Underwater
Zhrine Unortheta
Zozobra Harmonic Tremors
Zozobra Savage Masters

3.5 great
...and Oceans Cosmic World Mother
200 Stab Wounds Piles Of Festering Decomposition
A Perfect Circle Mer de Noms
Accept Stalingrad: Brothers In Death
Acid Rooster Acid Rooster
Ad Nauseam Nihil Quam Vacuitas Ordinatum Est
Agalloch Pale Folklore
Agrimonia Rites of Separation
Alber Jupiter We Are Just Floating in Space
Alda Tahoma
Alkerdeel Lede
American Football American Football
Amia Venera Landscape The Long Procession
An Autumn Everything
Anathema Hindsight
Anathema We're Here Because We're Here
Anathema A Fine Day to Exit
Anathema Weather Systems
Anciients Voice of the Void
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom
Artificial Brain Labyrinth Constellation
Artificial Language Now We Sleep
Arvo Part Alina
Aseitas False Peace
Ash Borer Bloodlands
Ashbringer Yūgen
Asteroid II
Asteroid III
Atramentus Stygian
Au Champ Des Morts Le Jour Se Lève
Au Champ Des Morts Dans La Joie
Au-Dessus End of Chapter
Avatarium Avatarium
Baroness Red Album
Beaten to Death Agronomicon
Beaten to Death Xes and Strokes
Becoming The Archetype Dichotomy
Bell Witch Mirror Reaper
Benighted Identisick
Bereft (USA-WI) Lost Ages
Birds in Row We Already Lost the World
Bismuth The Slow Dying Of The Great Barrier Reef
Black Curse Endless Wound
Black Mountain Black Mountain
Blaze of Perdition Near Death Revelations
Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh
Body Void Ruins
Bohren und der Club of Gore Beileid
Bolzer Aura
Bolzer Soma
Boris Dear
Boris NO
Boss Keloid Melted on the Inch
Botanist VI: Flora
Burial Burial
Burial Invocation Abiogenesis
Caina Temporary Antennae
Caladan Brood Echoes Of Battle
Callisto Noir
Car Bomb w^w^^w^w
Carcass Surgical Steel
Carrollhood VIOLENCE.
Cattle Decapitation Monolith of Inhumanity
Caustic Wound Death Posture
Celestia Apparitia - Sumptuous Spectre
Cenotaph Perverse Dehumanized Dysfunctions
Centaurus-A Side Effects Expected
Cerebral Rot Odious Descent Into Decay
Ceremonial Bloodbath The Tides of Blood
Ceremony Of Silence Oútis
Chevelle This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Chthe'ilist Le Dernier Crépuscule
clipping. There Existed an Addiction to Blood
clipping. Splendor and Misery
Cloudkicker Let Yourself Be Huge
Cold A Different Kind of Pain
Cold Cold
Conan Monnos
Converge No Heroes
Converge Axe to Fall
Convulsing Errata
Cormorant Earth Diver
Cosmic Church Täyttymys
Cosmos (AUS) Coming Home
Cosmos (AUS) Cosmos
Cranial Dark Towers, Bright Lights
Crippled Black Phoenix Bronze
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus
Cult of Luna Eternal Kingdom
Cult of Luna Vertikal
Darkthrone The Underground Resistance
Dday One Heavy Migration
Dday One Gathered Between
Dead in the Manger Cessation
Deafheaven Sunbather
Death Karma The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I
Deathspell Omega The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Defeated Sanity Passages Into Deformity
Deftones Adrenaline
Deftones B-Sides And Rarities
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Dephosphorus Impossible Orbits
Dephosphorus Ravenous Solemnity
Desolate Shrine The Heart of the Netherworld
Desolate Shrine The Sanctum of Human Darkness
Disma Towards the Megalith
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron
Dvne Asheran
Eagle Twin The Thundering Heard (Songs of Hoof and Horn)
Early Graves Goner
Eleventh He Reaches London Banhus
Elizabeth Colour Wheel Nocebo
Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou May Our Chambers Be Full
END (USA-NJ) Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face
End Of Level Boss Eklectric
Engineer Reproach
Enslaved RIITIIR
Enslaved In Times
Esoctrilihum Pandaemorthium
Ethereal Riffian Aeonian
Evoken Hypnagogia
Expander Neuropunk Boostergang
Extol Extol
Faceless Burial Speciation
Fading Waves The Sense of Space
Farsot IIII
Fen Epoch
Fleshgod Apocalypse Oracles
Fluisteraars Bloem
Flying Lotus Cosmogramma
From A Second Story Window Delenda
Funeral Moth Transience
Funereal Presence Achatius
Fvnerals Wounds
Fvnerals The Light
Gatecreeper Deserted
Gevurah Necheshirion
Gevurah Hallelujah!
Gojira L'Enfant Sauvage
Grails Chalice Hymnal
Havukruunu Havulinnaan
Heretical Sect Rapturous Flesh Consumed
Heretical Sect Rotting Cosmic Grief
Heretoir The Circle
High on Fire Blessed Black Wings
High on Fire Surrounded By Thieves
High on Fire Snakes For The Divine
Hilary Woods Colt
Holy Fawn The Black Moon
Holy Grail Ride the Void
Hope For The Dying Dissimulation
Horrendous Anareta
Horsehunter Caged In Flesh
Houses of Heaven Silent Places
IDLES Joy as an Act of Resistance
Ill Considered Ill Considered
Ill Considered Ill Considered 5
Ill Considered Ill Considered 6
Immolation Providence
Imperial Triumphant Inceste
Imperial Triumphant Vile Luxury
In Twilight's Embrace The Grim Muse
Incantation Dirges of Elysium
Incantation Sect of Vile Divinities
Indian Guiltless
Infernal Coil Within a World Forgotten
Inter Arma Sky Burial
Inter Arma Sulphur English
Irepress Samus Octology
Jaye Jayle House Cricks and Other Excuses to Get Out
Joe Bonamassa The Ballad of John Henry
Johnny Truant The Repercussions of a Badly Planned Suicide
Junius The Martyrdom of a Catastrophist
Junius Reports From The Threshold of Death
Kaizers Orchestra Ompa Til Du Dor
Kauan Sorni Nai
Kayo Dot Plastic House on Base of Sky
Keiji Haino and Sumac American Dollar Bill
KEN mode Entrench
Khemmis Desolation
Khemmis Hunted
Knut Terraformer
Krallice Years Past Matter
Kreator Phantom Antichrist
Kvelertak Meir
Leng Tch'e Marasmus
Look What I Did My First Time
Lord Mantis Universal Death Church
Loss Horizonless
Luminous Vault Charismata
Malcuidant Et les Cieux s'assombrirent...
Mamaleek Come and See
Mare Cognitum Solar Paroxysm
Mastodon Blood Mountain
Mastodon Emperor of Sand
Mastodon Call of the Mastodon
Mastodon Oblivion EP
Mayhem Esoteric Warfare
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Megadeth Rust In Peace
Meshuggah obZen
Meshuggah Catch Thirtythree
Meshuggah Chaosphere
Messa Belfry
Metallica Kill 'Em All
Minsk The Ritual Fires of Abandonment
Mirrorthrone Gangrene
Misthyrming Söngvar elds og óreiðu
Misthyrming Algleymi
Mizmor This Unabating Wakefulness
Mortiferum Disgorged from Psychotic Depths
Mourir Animal Bouffe Animal
Mourning Beloveth Rust & Bone
Mouth Of The Architect The Ties That Blind
Mouth Of The Architect Quietly
Muscle and Marrow Love
Mutoid Man War Moans
Necrot Blood Offerings
Necrot Mortal
Nest (FIN) Woodsmoke
Netherlands Silicon Vapor
Neurosis Honor Found In Decay
Neurosis Given To The Rising
New Keepers of the Water Towers Cosmic Child
Night Verses Lift Your Existence
Nightfell A Sanity Deranged
Nirvana Nevermind
Nirvana In Utero
Obsidian Tongue Volume III
Old Man Gloom Seminar VIII: Light Of Meaning
Old Man Gloom NO
Om God Is Good
Oozing Wound High Anxiety
Opeth Still Life
Oranssi Pazuzu Värähtelijä
Ossuarium Living Tomb
Overkill Ironbound
Owlcrusher Owlcrusher
Oxbow Thin Black Duke
Pallbearer Heartless
Papir IIII
Phantom Winter Sundown Pleasures
Phobocosm Bringer Of Drought
Phrenelith Desolate Endscape
Phrenelith Ornamented Dead Eyes
Pig Destroyer Phantom Limb
Pissgrave Suicide Euphoria
Plague Organ Orphan
Plague Vendor By Night
Plebeian Grandstand False Highs, True Lows
Polyenso One Big Particular Loop
Predatory Light Predatory Light
Profetus The Sadness Of Time Passing
Pygmy Lush Bitter River
Pyramids A Northern Meadow
Raein Il n'y a pas de orchestre
Raspail Dirge
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber Regarde les Hommes Tomber
Rosetta Quintessential Ephemera
Rotten Sound Cycles
Rotting Christ Kata Ton Demona Eaftou
Rush Clockwork Angels
Russian Circles Memorial
Sacri Monti Sacri Monti
Sacrificia Mortuorum Damnatorium Ferrum
Sallow Moth The Larval Hope
Saor Roots
Saturno Menhir
Saver They Came with Sunlight
Seether Disclaimer II
Sepulcher Panoptic Horror
Serpent Column Endless Detainment
Setentia Darkness Transcend
Shaidar Logoth Chapter III: The Void God
Shining (SWE) III - Angst, Självdestruktivitetens Emissarie
Shining (SWE) VII: Fodd Forlorare
Skalpel Skalpel
Slift Ummon
So Hideous To Clasp a Fallen Wish With Broken Fingers
Spectral Voice Necrotic Doom
Spirit Adrift Divided by Darkness
SRSQ Unreality
Stone Temple Pilots Core
SubRosa (US) For This We Fought the Battle of Ages
Suffocation Pinnacle of Bedlam
Sulphur Aeon The Scythe of Cosmic Chaos
SUMA The Order of Things
SUMAC The Deal
SUMAC Love In Shadow
Svart Crown Witnessing The Fall
Svffer Empathist
Swarm of the Lotus The Sirens of Silence
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster Exegesis
Taken by the Sun Taken by the Sun
Team Sleep Team Sleep
Temple of Void The World That Was
Tesa G H O S T
The Armed Only Love
The Clearing Path Watershed between Earth and Firmament
The Last Shadow Puppets The Age Of The Understatement
The Magnetic Fields 69 Love Songs
The National High Violet
The Ocean Heliocentric
No matter how different this may be, it does not deserve 2 points from anyone just because it's not what people were expecting. Different does not = Bad. I quite like some songs, I'm sure the rest will grow on me and will be nice to listen to in between Fluxion and Aeolian.
The Ocean Islands/Tides
The Ominous Circle Appalling Ascension
The Ruins of Beverast The Thule Grimoires
The Sweet Release Of Death The Blissful Joy of Living
The Tallest Man on Earth There's No Leaving Now
These Are They Disposing of Betrayers
pretty good... Paul Kuhr ain't too shabby, but it's more about the music for me. solid album, might bump it up to a 4.
Thom Yorke Anima
Thou Inconsolable
Thou Blessings of the Highest Order
Thy Catafalque Sgùrr
Time Lurker Time Lurker
Toby Driver Madonnawhore
Tomb Mold Manor of Infinite Forms
Trap Them Darker Handcraft
Trap Them Seizures In Barren Praise
True Widow Avvolgere
Uada Devoid of Light
Ufomammut 8
Ulver Perdition City
Ulver Kveldssanger
Ulver Silencing the Singing
Ulver The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Unbeheld Dust
Uneven Structure Februus
Unru Demo MMXIII
Unurnment Self-Immolation Suite
Urfaust Der freiwillige Bettler
Vader The Art Of War
Venenum Trance of Death
Vile Creature Cast Of Static And Smoke
Vual To End All Life
Wake Sowing the Seeds of a Worthless Tomorrow
Wake Misery Rites
Wardruna Runaljod - Gap Var Ginnunga
Weedeater God Luck And Good Speed
Weedpecker III
Weedpecker II
Winterfylleth The Threnody Of Triumph
Withered Grief Relic
Wormrot Voices
Wreck and Reference Indifferent Rivers Romance End
Wreck and Reference Absolute Still Life
Xoth Interdimensional Invocations
Yarrow Rebirth
Yarrow We Made What God Could Not
Year Long Disaster Year Long Disaster
Yeruselem The Sublime
Yhdarl Loss
YOB Atma
YOB Catharsis
ZAUM Oracles
Zeal and Ardor Devil is Fine

3.0 good
At The Throne of Judgment The Arcanum Order
Atoma Skylight
Audrey Horne Youngblood
Barishi Old Smoke
Bathsheba Servus
Beneath the Massacre Mechanics of Dysfunction
Big Boi Sir Lucious Left Foot
Bloodbath The Fathomless Mastery
Brutus (BE) Nest
Carach Angren Where the Corpses Sink Forever
Cloud Rat Pollinator
Dalek Gutter Tactics
Dead Letter Circus This Is The Warning
Deafheaven New Bermuda
Deafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
Decoherence Unitarity
Deftones Gore
Devourment Conceived in Sewage
Diablo Swing Orchestra Pandora's Pinata
Diat Positive Disintegration
Earthside A Dream In Static
Exotic Animal Petting Zoo Tree of Tongues
From A Second Story Window Not One Word Has Been Omitted
Galar De Gjenlevende
Huntress Starbound Beast
Ill Considered Ill Considered 8
Illusion Suite Iron Cemetery
Immolation Kingdom of Conspiracy
Insect Ark Marrow Hymns
Johnny Truant No Tears for the Creatures
Joliette Luz Devora
Kardashev Peripety
Kayo Dot Blasphemy
King Woman Created in the Image of Suffering
Kvelertak Nattesferd
Light Bearer Silver Tongue
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Lord Mantis Nice Teeth Whore
Magnet The Simple Life
Malokarpatan Krupinské Ohne
Mastodon Cold Dark Place
Memphis May Fire Memphis May Fire
Metallica St. Anger
MJ Guider Precious Systems
Native Construct Quiet World
Night Verses From the Gallery of Sleep
Nights Like These The Faithless
Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine: 2010 Remaster
Nord (FRA) The Only Way To Reach The Surface
Obscure Sphinx Epitaphs
Of Feather and Bone Bestial Hymns of Perversion
Pierce the Veil Collide with the Sky
Pig Destroyer Book Burner
Remete (AUS) Into Endless Night
Rosetta The Anaesthete
Seether Karma And Effect
SikTh Opacities
Soft Kill Savior
Soilwork The Living Infinite
Soilwork The Ride Majestic
Stygian Crown Stygian Crown
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Dillinger Escape Plan Option Paralysis
The Notorious B.I.G. Ready to Die
Thy Catafalque Naiv
Twelve Foot Ninja Silent Machine
Two People First Body
Ulver Nattens Madrigal
Ulver Themes From William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Ulver Messe I.X-VI.X
Vader Necropolis
Volbeat Beyond Hell/Above Heaven
Waxahatchee Out in the Storm
We Lost the Sea Departure Songs
Weedeater Jason The Dragon

2.5 average
AFI Sing the Sorrow
Anberlin Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place
Bloodsimple Red Harvest
Blue Sky Black Death Third Party
heard this wasn't too great, but figured I'd give it a chance anyway, being a big fan of earlier stuff... but this is basically the postal service + decent hiphop. music is alright for the most part, but alexander chen ruins it completely. vocals are annoying and the lyrics pretty crappy.
Cannibal Corpse Evisceration Plague
Cannibal Corpse The Bleeding
Dismember Dismember
Dismember Massive Killing Capacity
Ihsahn angL
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache
Kvelertak Splid
Linkin Park Meteora
Metallica Death Magnetic
Opeth Watershed
TesseracT One
The Black Dahlia Murder Nocturnal
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works
Ulver Wars of the Roses

2.0 poor
Adversarial All Idols Fall Before the Hammer
Anal Cunt Fuckin' A
Born of Osiris The New Reign
Dead by April Dead by April
Grave Dominion VIII
Job For A Cowboy Genesis
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns
Pelican City of Echoes
Satyricon Now, Diabolical
Soundtrack (Television) The Walking Dead Vol. 1
Stand Before the Firing Squad Noise Machine
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV

1.5 very poor
In Flames A Sense of Purpose
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Max Tannone Jaydiohead: The Encore

1.0 awful
As I Lay Dying Frail Words Collapse
Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season
Hollywood Undead American Tragedy
Insane Clown Posse Psychopathic: The Videos [DVD]
Korn The Path of Totality

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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