
Reviews 4
Approval 83%

Soundoffs 177
Album Ratings 385
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

Review Comments 28

Average Rating: 3.54
Rating Variance: 0.56
Objectivity Score: 75%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Alexisonfire Watch Out!
This is what Post Hardcore is supposed to sound like, as Alexisonfire's magnus opus they
achieved a perfect balance between an atmospheric and engaging original sound (ala their
debut) as well as more catchy riffs and more accessible music that later came with crisis.

Alexisonfire carries so many subtle musical nuances too keep you engaged, there really is
nobody like this band, and this record shows it so well. This album changes from emotional
and powerful (accidents) funny and rythmic (hey its your funeral mama) captivating and
astounding (It was fear of myself that made me odd) and deeply saddening (happiness by the
kilowatt) and of course just partied up and wild (get fighted). Despite that this album is
sporting such different sounds within it, its unified by the unique atmosphere they created
within watch out. A truly astounding listen, easily within my top fave albums of all time.
Between the Buried and Me Colors
Stunning, the blend of all the tracks together makes it seem like one giant songm yet each track can still stand on its own. This way the album can be enjoyed it one full sitting or in small parts. Between the Buried and me have a very odd and particular style in their blend of Death, thrash and metalcore and of course their odd inclusion of experimental rock along with country or polka.

Truly Between the Buried and Me have set themselves apart today as one of the most accomplished bands within regards to their technical prowess. Their guitarists do not simply shred like so many metal bands out there, but they create riffs from varying styles which build, carry and crush when they are required to do so. Thomas Rogers is insane on vocals, his scream is absolutely harsh and threatening but never at all does it overshadow the beautiful and genius instrumentals. Dan Briggs is insane on bass guitar and plays his bass so perfectly and quickly you may believe he is shredding, deeply awe inspiring. Blake Richardson is one of the most accomplished drumms ive ever had the joy of listening to, his work with the double kick is astounding as well as his ability to change a tempo so quickly and go into a completely different style on a moments notice.

Colors marks BTBAM definetly maturing as a band as they have become more technical and have pushed the quality of their music further. The entire album take you away for hour it runs for and never lets up. It may change drastically at parts or slow down only to prepare you for what comes next, but every second of it there is something to be taken in and the rich instrumentals can be observed over many listens.
Black Sabbath Paranoid
If you were to only allow yourself to listen to 1 Black Sabbath album, you need to make this one it. Its a beautiful and powerful piece.
This album is fantastic, Paranoid, Iron Man, Faeries Wear Boots, War Pigs all classic songs. The entire album itself is a testament to Black Sabbath's legendary status.
Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan is a genius, there's no way around it. His song writing prowess is ingenius. His lyrical ability is mind blowing. As Bruce Springsteen said "The first time I heard Bob Dylan was like someone kicked down the door to my mind". I dont think that's any truer than for Like a Rolling stone. It is in a word...Transcendant. Its a bluesy CD with some of the greatest songs ever writtin inside it. Listen to it..NOW
Gorillaz Demon Days
For a band that was relatively unknown for awhile and only really had some notoriety from the single "Clint Eastwood" from a couple years ago. It was something unexpected to see some collaboration project from Britian make it so huge in north America, all because of 2 very cool songs (DARE and Feel Good Inc). Once that happened the album itself exploded and for good reason. It's fucking fantastic. rNot only is was Demon Days entirely refreshing in it's time compared to standard top 40s, dance and hip hop, it gave a strong push to darker electro music to follow in the later years which would eventually become more mainstream listening. The whole album itself goes through so many moods, from the somber but catchy "Kids With Guns" to the slower and mellow "Every Planet we Reach is Dead" and arguably the best slow song on the album "El Manana", it hits one of the best dance songs of its time with DARE and probably the single of 2005 Feel Good inc. Great album from start to finish.
In Flames Whoracle
My favourite album by one of my favourite bands. An absolute fantastic listen, Anders fridden vocals are beast and Jesper and Bjorn tear it up on their guitars. For me it perfected upon the grounds layed down by The Jester Race, with a greater focus on melodies, however still crushing and powerful and never a moment of weakness.
Iron Maiden The Number of the Beast
This is the album that started me into Maiden. I had been listening to some random songs for a bit but this is the first album I owned by them. I was stunned. I Had never heard anything like this before when i was my 14 year old self. It was absolutely fast epic and as well beautiful. Its an essential maiden album as well as an essential metal album through and through. My fave tracks? Hallowed be Thy name, Number of the Beast, The prisonger, Run to The hills, Gangland, 22 acacia avenue.
Great album
Kanye West Late Registration
Kanye West 808s and Heartbreak
I find 808s is a pretty under rated album in Kanye's discography. But I can't honestly think of a rsingle song on the album that I dislike. Kanye has usually only used autotune in the past in rsongs as a simple aesthetic addition. But it is used as a tool here to construct the whole feel rof the album. 808's represents loss of love and well, Heartbreak. The cold and distant sound of rthe autotune helps to drive that feeling home perfectly. The cold robotic vocals express the idea rthat love is gone and it leaves an empty void feeling. From start to finish the album has some of rKanye's most interesting tracks; "Welcome to Heartbreak" "Amazing" "Robocop" "Coldest Winter". rAll over the album is quality. But people seem to overlook 808s, but it's definitely one of his rstrongest albums.
Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
I didn't fucking get it for the longest time. I literally only saw Kanye West as just an
egocentric douchebag who had a couple decent songs. Then one random evening my buddy played
Robocop, it was so different and unique so I ended up listening to Yeezy's whole discography.
The guy is a musical genius, there are so many subtleties that go around your ear in his music
that you might miss them if you don't know to listen. Despite the ridiculous name, My Beautiful
Dark Twisted Fantasy is one of the most emotionally expressive and complete pieces of modern rap
I've heard in my 24 years on this earth. The very fact you can go from something so celebratory
and fantastic like "All of the Lights" and right into "Monster" which is primal, angry and dark.
Then into a track like "So Appaled" which is a somber and powerful song about the experience of
being a hip hop legend and all the pain, power, respect and life that comes with it. Absolutely
unreal album.
King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
There are few albums I can name where I could rightfully call each song in and of its own a masterpiece, but more than that when each of those masterpieces can not only stand on their own but form together to create something genius, something truely transcendant. It would be a very difficult task to pick this album apart, it is heavily layered and deeply brilliant. Not only is it one of the first notable instances of what is dubbed "Progressive Rock" it is also very easily one of the finest. A pure work of genius from start to finish.
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV
Well...its got Stairway to Heaven, which MANY would argue is the greatest rock and roll song of all time. Black Dog is SIIICK. Going to California is beautiful. The entire album is a showcase of Zeppelin at their best making some of the best rock music of all time. This album should be in EVERYONES collection.
Michael Jackson Thriller
Thriller is without a doubt, the greatest pop album, your ever going to listen to. Put this album on and try not to dance...Good luck.
Nujabes Metaphorical Music
I'll admit, I dont understand to much about Hip-Hop, and I probably understand just as little about jazz. But knowing what I like and what sounds good in each respective genre is another thing entirely. And when I heard production and quality like this against so much of the trite stuff that's produced today, it makes me wonder how rare true genius really is. rIll note the highlights but the whole album is somehow a perfect example of explosive creativity and utter finesse and focus.r-Blessing Itr-Beat Laments the Worldr-A Day by Atmosphere Supremer-Latituder
Opeth Damnation
One of the finest Progressive Rock albums of all time, Opeth is an incomparable talent in the genre. Easily deserving to be uttered within the same breath as Pink Floyd, Dream Theater or King Crimson. Damnation focuses on the softer side towards Opeth's usual delivery of mixed heavy and soft in which they typically transition flawlessly and beautifully, and yet even without the inclusion of their pounding riffs, guttural vocals and death metal majesty they still manage to create a musical masterpiece that seamlessly flows from start to finish. One of the most beautifully melancholic albums you will ever hear. Do yourself a favor and listen to it.
Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon
I can't listen to this and not realise how much influence this has had on rock today. It is
purely amazing progressive and psychadelic rock. The album oozes innovation, and the echoey
and eerie sounds reflect a very odd state of mind. Which I imagine is reminiscent of the
drugs induced to create and to influence this record. In regards to the genre, only In the
Court of the Crimson King should be mentioned in the same breath, without a doubt, one of
the most monumental and masterful albums of all time.
Queen A Night at the Opera
Queen's Magnus opus. Needs no explanation or introduction.
Red Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik
I have heard countless people site this album as the greatest thing Chili Peppers ever produced and again one of the greatest albums of the 90s. It isn't amazingly technical nor are the lyrics ground breaking in most cases. However the album is sheer genius. I had to listen to it a few times to understand this though. It is a landmark in funk rock and just a great listen.
Sigur Ros ( )
No matter how many times I listen to this album, its pure magic. From the first half that
seems to represent peace and serenity, to the second which evokes feelings of sorrow and
loneliness. Each song is like a pieace of a puzzle that is only complete as an entire work.
However there are all so well defined that they never sound repetive. Furthermore the
entire album beind in a made up language allows the listener to build their own meanings
into the songs. Untitled 1 is such a depressingly beautiful song and it somehow manages to
sway me each time. Then there's untitled 3...nothing else like it in existence, it is an
experience more than a song, like everything else in existence stops mattering during it.
Untitled 4 is just beautiful and joyful. The entire album is astounding. A masterpiece of
Sigur Ros Takk...
The first time I ever heard Sigur Ros was through Saeglopur. It was the first but not the last time that I would be at a loss for words upon listening to Sigur Ros. The entire album is joyous, like taking everything your soul wants to say when your in love or when your reaching out simply feeling the exuberance and true joy of life.
While the music feels cold and watery it carries so much passion and power in its substance.
There are moments in this album that are absolutely perfect. The way the opening xylophone on Se lest seems to make you feel as if your sitting in ice cold water and how the vague french horns at the end seem to carry the song away off into the distance. The way Glosoli seems to perfectly march along at its pace and yet build in such a deep way. There is so many points in this album which are utter magic. No album has ever impacted me so deeply as Sigur Ros' Takk.
The Band The Last Waltz (Complete)
If I said anything else other than utter brilliance and I album that should be listened to (or watched) by any fan of music then id prolly be wrong.
It is an amazing piece of work and the inclusion of other artists like Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and many more makes it somehow ever greater
The Beatles Revolver
Holy crap, just perfection musically. Even if by some wierd chance you dont like the beatles, you still know these songs. What this album and band has done for music today is undeniable. One listen to elanor rigby should make you well aware of this albums brilliance if not play any other track on it.
The Beatles Abbey Road
The Cure Disintegration
Weezer Weezer

4.5 superb
Alexisonfire Alexisonfire
Great album, one of the most original albums you'll ever hear. The combination of George Petitt's screaming and Dallas Green's beautifully sung vocals have come to be part of Alexisonfire's signature sound. The delayed guitar riffs drive the album excellently and set a perfect mood. When Alexisonfire describes their music as the sound of 2 catholic school girls in mid knife fight, this is the album where you can actually think "Ok, ye, ye, I get that" its wholy original and an excellent album.
At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul
Brutal powerful and rediculously awesome. I really enjoy this album, it gets me pumped up and stands s one of the greatest melodic death metal albums in creation (leaning more towards the death metal side then melodic).
I still prefer in flames earlier stuff for my hardcoreness but this is just brutal and intense. Truely worthy of being called the bands magnus opus
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Billy Talent Billy Talent
To many this album was the soundtrack to their teen years. One of the most original bands you will ever listen to in regards to vocal style. As well the guitar riffs are catchy and immediately infectious. Tracks like; Line and Sinker, River Below, Try Honesty, Voices of Violence and The Ex. All excellent and fun songs. Most of the lyrics detail what teen angst is all about and thats essentially why this generation loves Billy Talent so much, however the album is endlessly enjoyable, while so many bands can be grown out of and gone through as simple musical phases in peoples lives, I know many people who still listen to this album thoroughly after years of listening.
Black Sabbath Master of Reality
CHVRCHES Every Open Eye
When this album dropped and I finally got to listen to it, I was so pleased with how Chvrches managed to make an album as good and fun as their first one. Whereas The Bones of What you Believe hit some very very high points and had a couple lower aspects to it, Every Open Eye manages to be entirely consistent throughout. It's clearly apparent how aware Chvrches are about what makes their music fun and listenable. Without trying much of anything new they stick with what made their first album great and just did it again.
Daft Punk Discovery
I got into Daft Punk a little later than most. Hearing my friends talk about them so much over the Tron Soundtrack (which was great btw) I decided to look into them more. I knew them for only for their songs "Harder Better Faster Stronger" and "One More Time" both of which were on this album, so it seemed natural I would gravitate to this one first so my liking of this album may be slightly bias. But after listening to both Homework and Human After All Ive found Discovery to by far by the most excellent and varied album they've put out. A very diverse, fun and booming album from beginning to end. From the celebratory One More time, the romantic and beautiful Something About Us and to the ethereal and unique Voyager (which my friend jokes is the music he will die to) as well as the simply badass and cool Aerodynamic, ive found this to be easily my favorite Daft Punk album. Excellent quality from the French House duo. Highly recommended.
Eagles Hotel California
The Eagles are easily one of the most distinguishable rock bands of all time. The song itself Hotel California is easily one of the most well known songs of all time. Along with New Kid in Town, Life in the Fast Lane and wasted time makes this album excellent. The rest of the album however feels a little bit lackluster in comparison, theyre not bad songs by any means, but all the better stuff is on the one half. However its a great album.
In Flames The Jester Race
As the album the pretty much made Melodic Death Metal with the help of At The Gates Slaughter of the soul. You can see why this genre is so revered and In flames along with it. While they had Lunar Strain/Subterranian before this. That wasn't In flames to the fullest, that being because they had Mikael Stanne Dark Tranquility's vocalist. This features Anders Friden behind the mic.
The album itself takes the heaviness and brutality of Death Metal and the harmony of classic heavy metal. This album is sheer excellence. Its a Melodic death metal classic, its an In flames classic and its a pure Metal classic.
Recommended Tracks:
The Jester's Dance
.........You know what? The entire album is friggin beastly and astounging, the whole things rocks.
In Flames Colony
If you take the precision and technicality and melody of Whoracle with the overall speed and harshness of Jester Race, you'd get Colony. It's an absolute full on onslaught of great metal. Embody the invisible opens the album with one of the most intense and memorable riffs since Iron Maiden's "The trooper". The album continues to impress with excellent track after another. Each track remains distinguishable and unique. Then right in the middle, as a break from the excellent speed and brillaince is an excellent acoustic piece.
Iron Maiden Powerslave
Often considered their best album by fans or at leas one of the best. It's very easy to underd why as well, with powerful tracks and great composition. Several of their most memorable songs are on this album (aces high, 2 minutes to midnight, powerslave) which makes the album stand out in any Maiden fan's library
Iron Maiden Brave New World
Amazing album, aweosme lyrics. Ranges from the chill yet powerful metal sound to the intense tracks that showcase the power of Bruce's voice.
Easily one of my fave albums by them.
Iron Maiden Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Kanye West The College Dropout
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Metallica Master of Puppets
Metallica's finest work, and most likely the greatest piece of thrash metal ever created.
Fast, agressive and raw. Belongs in any metal fans collection.
Metallica S&M
If I had to pick a single word to describe this album...Epic
Metric Fantasies
This album got me started on Metric, so as I write this Id like you to know I knew very little of the band before this and how their style has been influenced and changed over multiple albums.rOne of my friends made me a mix CD and put the song "Stadium Love" on it, I was immediately hooked, it was excellently quirky (which i love) and very catchy and danceable. Upon overlistening to this song I decided I would purchase Fantasies, I must say it was a very smart purchase. The opener "Help Im alive" carries itself perfectly with a steady sythy beat in the back. Its chorus feels booming and encompassing (if you have a good stereo). Sick Muse again continues on this very catchy album. I really like this lyrics on this song, very simple lyrics about love but very likeable. Satellite Mind is one of my fave tracks on the album, im not quite sure why. I just really like it. Im not going to go through the entire album since this is only a mini review, however I will say that Gimme Sympathy is quite easily the best song on the album and a definete contender for single of the year. Haines voice is absolutely touching and genuine and the excited synths in the background carry the song perfectly. The chorus is instantly likeable and its a very well put together song. rIts because of this album I decided to look more into Metric as a band.
Michael Jackson Number Ones
You take the most well known pop artist of all time, and then you take his best songs. Thats a pretty safe bet that your gonna have one of the best and most dance-able collections of songs at your disposal.
Mudvayne L.D. 50
If you have any inkling towards Nu metal at all, you understand how excellent this album is. Ryan Martinie is absolutely ridiculous on bass and is probably the best bassist in the nu metal scene. Chad Gray has good vocals for a Nu metal singer, interesting style and sound.
The album is angry fast and sounds truly scary at times. Which is why it so awesome, Mudvayns style is something id describe as the feeling of being so angry and pissed but then embracing that. Its rage. Lyrically its very dark, angry and pissed the off. My personal favourite is Nothing to Gein. But the entire album is great.
Great album
Mutemath Mutemath
Creates a great blend of electronic pop and ska for a very original and cool sound. The album has a great energy and feel to it with good lyrical writing.
Very creative and fun cool album.
Neil Young After the Gold Rush
Nightwish Oceanborn
It's very easy to understand why this is often cited as most Nightwish fans favourite album, its incredibly good. The melodic brilliance, Tarja's astoundingly powerful and commanding voice and the operatic feel, its plain to see how Nightwish climbed to their success in both mainstream and metal circles. Because of this album
Nujabes Modal Soul
Pink Floyd The Wall
Protest the Hero Kezia
In every sense the album is excellent. For their debut PTH puts forth some excellent musicainship and in very catchy and still heavy songs. The riffs are classic and the drumming is astounding. The vocals soar and the lyrics reflect their theme on religion, politics and war very well.
If your a fan of a progressive sound and bands the likes of Between the Buried and Me or Opeth or Dream Theatre, you would love these guys. This is not an album to be ignored.
Rise Against Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Their definite best album, its quite awesome from start to finish. Opening with the nicely heavy State of the union and continues onward. A life less frightening is a fairly good song. Then they have one of their best songs, Paper wings which has one of the best chorus'. The lyrics are subtly politally charged and rise against very well shows your there opinions on war and the government. Give it all is a good "pump up song". Dancing for rain opens in a nice acoustic line and then charges forth quickly with an cool riff and very wel matching bass and drums. Its probably one of the best songs on the album. Rise against has a way of making very cool chorus' coupled with well written bridges verses. And after the CD has given you a good healthy dosage of hardcore punk. We get the excellent "Swing Life Away" probably the perfect song to describe summer. Lyrically its beautiful and the song makes you thinks of everything that makes the chill back and awesome days of summer so amazing, thats how I feel about it anyway. The album ends off with "Rumours of my demise have been greatly exagerrated" (fitting title for a last song). Which again is very chorus driven but again a great song. I highly recommend the album in my opinion their finest work.
Taylor Swift 1989
It's weird, Taylor Swift started out writing fun and quirky country pop songs with and had a few major hits along the way. Eventually she started going the more pop route with mostly songs centered around breakups and relationships. Then 1989 comes out and it's one of the best pop albums in years. There's a rarity of honest and clean pop music and much less the type that happens to be cool and stylish at the same time. From her great vocals to solid song writing and how she manages to balance all the aspects of her music in such a well made, fun and focused package. Taylor Swift has all the potential to become one of the biggest pop music behemoth's of all time.
The Beatles Let It Be
The Beatles The Beatles
Thrice Vheissu
Vheissu marks Thrice going into a more melodic and softer side however they do this without losing an ounce of their musical proficiency. This album can be seen as a midway point between older Thrice and some stuff heard on "The Alchemy Index" as well as "Beggars". Vheissu has less of a focus on guitarwork and moreso on keys, which suits the nature of the album perfectly.
Despite the softer side of Thrice being shown, this album is undeniably Thrice and insanely good. The problem is that Thrice doesnt get enough of the recognition they deserve, especially because they're one some of the most talented songwriters your going to listen to today. Do yourself a favor and check out Vheissu.
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV
Without a doubt one of the best Thrice records. And probably my favorite album of their's lyrically. Broken Lungs is astounding, truly beautiful and passionate song in regards to 9/11 (you could definetly take the meaning in regards to any crisis though. A song for Milly Michaelson is simply excellent (the subtle wind chimes in the beginning are so hauntingly pretty). All of air carries an almost eerie atmosphere, and then you have the earth side (mostly acoustic with very heavy lyrics). Moving Mountains is probably one of the saddest songs I've ever listened to. Come all You Weary continues Thrices pattern of taking heavily biblical lyrics (which is littered all throughout Earth especially).
All in all one of Thrice's best efforts.
Thrice Beggars
Thrice takes yet another step in redefining themselves following in the path of "The Alchemy rIndex" and "Vheissu" taking a more melodic side to their song structure. Beggars features rsome of Thrice's best songs ever written (The Weight, Wood and Wire, In Exile). rFor people who werent a fan of older Thrice with the more hardcore sound, will find rthemselves at home with Beggars and its top notch songwriting. That being said, no fan of rThrice would be able to turn down this album. Its simply great, awesome song writing and rquite possibly showing Thrice at their instrumentally best. In alot of ways this could be rThrice's best album to date.
Tokyo Police Club Elephant Shell
A friend recommended me Tokyo Police Club one time in our common CD swaps. It turns out that I was quickly suprised by them.
The percussion on Centennial instantly grabbed my attention. It isn't anything amazing yet it is incredibly infectious. The music is wonderfully upbeat. Monk's voice while nothing incredible, helps capture a great feeling.
I hadnt been impressed with an album so much as I was with elephant shell in some time. The lyrics are witty and very sing-able. Each track brings its own unique charm to the foray and very few parts of the album feel lacking and its a very pleasing experience. Neither is the album too long as to have you getting bored, all the songs except; "Your English is good" fall under 3 minutes time. But its some of the best 30 minutes of indy rock music your gonna get, I adore this album quite honestly.

4.0 excellent
Alexisonfire Crisis
Good album, it was the one that helped me get into Alexisonfire. It used to be my favourite by them but then that slowly changed to Watch Out. However the tracks are great and lyrics are actually worth checking out (if you cant figure them out already). Dallas Green once again sets himself as one of the bet vocalists of modern music. George Pettit is still as energetic as ever and definetly helps carry the album.
All That Remains The Fall of Ideals
Pretty much the standard listening to any fan of metalcore and a staple album as far as the
genre is concered. Album is an absolute beast and an aggressive and powerful listen.
Recommended tracks:
The Air I Breathe
Empty Inside
This Calling
Not Alone
Audioslave Audioslave
A buddy of mine has a running joke, whenever he catches me listening to Audioslave he says "Audioslave eh? I liked em' better back when they were called Rage Against the Machine".
The funny thing about this is that despite the majority of the band being the same Audioslave shows us how much a lead singer can change a bands style completely. Audioslave is a poetic melodic and still very grungy band thanks to Chris Cornell, prolly one of the most badass vocalists around.
If your into either Soundgarden or RAtM or just grunge in general, this is highly worth checking out. Great album, easily the bands best.
Between the Buried and Me The Silent Circus
Bif Naked Essentially Naked
Billy Talent Billy Talent II
I like this album more than the first one but for odd reasons, while it may not have reached the same momentus feel that the first did that really seemed to define alot of us as young teenagers. This album marks the bands growing up and making some songs that really seem to mean something.
The entire album is very good and easy to get into and listen to. However if you have a problem with Ben's voice then you simply won't like this album or their past one.
As well their style is well retained and you never once feel like they betrayed their past style. However my previous comment means that lyrically they group up and their music is simply more refined.
Recommended Tracks:
Where is The Line
Devil in a Midnight Mass
Fallen Leaves
Covered in Cowardice
Red Flag
Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper
CHVRCHES The Bones of What You Believe
There's something very lovely and endearing about the simplicity and fun this album brings. Lauren Mayberry has a very cute voice and I still have yet to find someone who hasn't really loved this album. rThis resurgence of synth pop music in the past few years has brought us a lot of really cool albums and artists and the like so it's really cool to see what different artists are doing with it. The melody and music behind The Bones of What You Believe is so simple but works so well with Mayberry's voice it really is hard to find anything wrong with this album (there isn't). r
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Coheed and Cambria No World for Tomorrow
Coldplay A Rush of Blood to the Head
Easily my favourite album by this ever so unique and definitive group.
I like them because they are so unique and interesting and he entire album holds itself up as interesting to say the least and at some points is quite amazing, The scientist is easily my favoruite track and green eyes, clocks, and in my place really make the album and the rest is consistently very good.
Although it seems viva la vida may top this, I have yet to hear all of that.
Coldplay Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
Just a beautifully composed album. Every tracks stands alone well and it never feels redone. Even if you dont like coldplay you will probably be able to Like violet hill, since most people do. The band goes a bit more instrumental and expeiments a bit more, and it proves well for a bit more out there sound from their earlier so calm it pissed you off sound they usually sported. (I like A rush of blood to the head the most) Fantastic album and a great piece for the band.
Cyne Water for Mars
A fantastic hip hop album, filled to the absolute brim with boundless energy and emotion. While not pushing any boundaries, Water For Mars manages to near perfect all the notes it means to hit with an old school and melodic hip hop style.rThe albums biggest problem is that it's probably a little too long, it overstays it's welcome by a few songs right at the end that don't mean the qaulity that the rest of the album sets. Here and there throughout the album there are mediocre tracks as well. But when the album is at it's heights it's fantastic.rBest Track: This Year, Apollo, Awakening, Tide of Life, Nicers, Ciser
Daft Punk Random Access Memories
Deep Purple Machine Head
Def Leppard Hysteria
It's just a good album, plain and simple. Great classic tunes, and a great sound. Nuff Said
Dropkick Murphys The Warrior's Code
I absolutely love Dropkick Murphy's when it comes to hard core celtic punk. Nobody does it better, it's a great album and a very good band.
Eagles Very Best Of The Eagles 1972 - 1979
Collection of The Eagles best songs? Hell yes
Its a great compilation and a very worthwhile purchase, every song on the collection is a gem and for fans of greatest hits records this is not one to be overlooked.
Eagles Desperado
Eagles Hell Freezes Over
Ellie Goulding Lights
It's nearly a crime how unnoticed Ellie Goulding goes, she makes great music. Lights hits all its notes properly and it shows Ellie has great song writing range. On one hand you have a moody but upbeat song like Lights next to songs like Under the Sheets and the The Writer.rI really think Emily Haines could take a lesson from Ellie Goulding in writing upbeat and great electro pop. A fantastic album start to finish.
Ellie Goulding Halcyon
It really seems like Ellie can't do any wrong in the music industry right now. Every song she's involved in and single she puts out instantly becomes a hit. It's fun, and easy to get into music that still has feeling and a spirit behind it. The album itself is solid from start to finish, it has it's peaks; Figure 8, Hanging On, My Blood. And is a little low a couple other times with Anything Could Happen and some tracks near the end. At least it's where the album gets its weakest but its still a solid listen. rShe's doing well and if she continues her trend she'll get bigger and bigger and she deserves every piece of her popularity and fame. She has the talent to back it up.
Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP
Enya A Day Without Rain
If you want to sit back and chill this is the music to do it to.
Just entrancing to listen to and clearly beautiful. I'm a guy who loves death metal and I love this CD as well.
Eric Clapton Unplugged
Eric Clapton From The Cradle
Flogging Molly Drunken Lullabies
I really can't think of a band quite like Flogging Molly, they go back and forth so well between fast paced roaring music that makes me want to fight and dance and also do beautiful Celtic Ballads. This is easily their best album and there's almost nothing bad to say about it.
Flogging Molly Swagger
Foo Fighters Wasting Light
Really solid album all around. After 2007's mediocre Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace I was starting to believe Foo Fighters had lost their steam and that we'd only be seeing 1 or 2 radio hits off of their subsequent albums. Wasting Light however is the exact opposite. Ok, its not a classic album that redefines the band much less the genre, it is nonetheless however an all around solid album. Practically no tracks leave a boring or "meh" feeling after them. In my opinion probably the best Album since Colour and the Shape. Solid from start to finish a must buy for any rock fan. Enjoy
Green Day American Idiot
American Idiot was way more popular than anyone probably expected it to be. I'm pretty sure every
member of my immediate family other than myself actually owned a physical copy of the album. And
for a good year or two you could not turn on the radio without hearing any single one of these

The album itself is very good (which is suprising), the idea in retrospect seems like it would be
a mess, interconnected songs, political centered lyrics and the concept route the album took. It
sounds like it would be a massive mess, however it all worked perfectly, everything about it is
pretty damn good. Really for a band like Green Day to make a record like this seemed like a
total offshoot. But it certainly worked out for them very well. While some songs are less fun
and intense than others. Even when it falters in quality it still stands to be a lot of fun.
Heart These Dreams: Heart's Greatest Hits
In Flames Clayman
I LOVE In flames and I love this album, it's one of their most original and interesting pieces. It really makes a true Melodic death metal piece as we see the softer side of the band composed with the harshness that the genre is accustomed to. Satellites and astronauts, swim, another day in quicksand, pinball map and bullet ride are just to name a few awesome tracks off the album.
In Flames Come Clarity
It is the first In Flames album I became exposed to (through Gh3). After looking into their older stuff and comparing it to my favourite albums (Colony, and Whoracle). It does not stand against them in my opinion. However it's still an excellent album. Yes In Flames are not producing the same old school melodeath and are becoming more mainstream. I dont see them as getting worse. They're just changing. Their old albums are still their and still part of them and this is them trying a bit different sound. The pounding chords are still there the powerful riffs and the wicked solos and Andres voice is still excellent, combining a powerful guttral scream full of desperation and emotion aboslutely wrapping you in his voice.
That's another reason why this album succeeds, while Soundtrack to your escape was to eleltronic this seems to be a mix of thier older and style and their newfound style akin to Reroute to Remain and StYE. Which I think is fine.
The key tracks on this album are:
Take this life (excellent lyrics and incredibly harsh)
Come Clarity (softer, beautiful passionate lyrics and Friden's voice sells it perfectly)
Crawl Through Knives (Just a purely sick song)
Dead End (great collaboration with female vocalist, trading soft and harsh vocals. Awesome solo near the end).

The entire album apart from that is at least to say decent. But I dare you to try and not laugh at Scream, it sounds like Friden wants some ice cream. Cool song, just hilarious. Good album
Iron Maiden Dance of Death
Iron Maiden Rock in Rio
Iron Maiden Piece of Mind
Iron Maiden Killers
Killers gives me alot of respect for Paul D'ianno. Killers did alot to define early Maiden sound and theres alot of solid tracks of this record. A fine example of early british heavy metal.
Justin Timberlake FutureSex/LoveSounds
Great album, Justin Timberlake deserves to be crowned the new king of pop for this brilliant piece of art, combining electronica,techno and classic pop to new heights. Fun to listen to and well written music make this a must have for any fan of pop.
It's definetly mad groovy and just a great album
Kanye West Graduation
Kanye has a very cool ability to create a lot of different feelings with his albums and draw focus from different aspects of his personality. Where 808s is an exploration of the technological focused and digitized side of our culture and that current feel of music. MBDTF is a trip into the "art for the sake of art" feel, it touches on so many different topics and feelings and feels every bit a masterpiece from start to finish. Yeezus is raw, tribal, primal and fierce and it works entirely well. Graduation is a celebratory and passionate album, it's the end of an era of your adolescance and marks Kanye moving from being just a great rapper to becoming a production and artistic entity in what he creates. rGraduation is joyous, fun and still serious when it needs to be.
Kanye West Yeezus
Kanye's ability to work with so many different styles of hip-hop never ceases to blow me away. Yeezus is raw, primal and dark album it's hard to believe it's the same guy who wrote the joyous and passionate "Graduation" but yet he manages to continuously blow away expectations and make something new, fresh and powerful with each album. Very different from MBDTF, but in every right way. It doesn't soar to the same heights but still remains entirely unreal throughout the whole ride.
Kiiara low kii savage
Every track is solid, definitely looking forward to the debut.
Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache
Lady Gaga The Fame Monster
Undeniably Lady Gaga is progressing as an artist. She's creating more unique music than she did with the fame and I've scene her showcase more of talent. The star tracks on this album (practically anything that is a single) really carry it along with a solid backbone. Its fun and undeniably catchy at the very least.
However Im still waiting for gaga to showcase her true talent and create something excellent, shes got an excellent voice and she can play piano (quite well actually) and sing at the same time. Id like to see something deeper from her, hopefully in the future.
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Mothership
Lights The Listening
Nothing bad here whatsoever. She's a likable artist, and writes good music. She has a great voice. Its simple electro pop but thats not a bad thing in small doses. She's quickly gaining alot of popularity on the canadian music scene and shes certainly nice to look at as well.
She released alot of the same tracks that were on her EP which is disappointing, but this is her first album and I think she probably wanted all her new fans to hear her old hits as well.
Expect big things from her though, she'll go far.
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Its that album we all listened to when we were 14 and confused. We had our teen angst and Linkin Park for me was the band that filled that. That being said though, I don't ever mind going back and listening to Hybrid Theory. It's a powerful album and really did help to launch Nu metal into more mainstream circles. Its not ground breaking or amazing, but for what it is and tries to be Linkin Park did a good job.

Linkin Park Meteora
I love linkin Park and this is easily one of my favourite albums of all time. Lyrically speaking and musically it represented alot to me as I went through my junior high and it personifies alot of power and energy with suprisingly uplifting lyrics.
The work with the mixing is awesome and the combination of rap and screaming of shinoda and chester came out beautifully.
I prefer it over Hybrid Theory by just a little bit, both are amazing to me though.
Linkin Park Reanimation
I remember hearing this for the first time being confused, not quite sure why Linkin park rdid this and I was only 14 at the time.rIt grew on me however, it marks a more experimental time for LP and it is apparent that it rheavily influenced Meteora. rIn all honesty, this album receives far more flack than it should. It's a sick remix album rand IMO adding a new spin on the tracks from Hybrid Theory is sick. You can be an LP purist ror you can just hate on it if you hate the band in general, but if you ask me your missing rout on a well put together album.
Linkin Park Live In Texas
Liquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension Experiment 2
Aboslute phenomenon to listen to. From the moment acid rain begins with power and complexity and even in the 17 minute when the water breaks which ranges from peaceful to intense and all around.
It is apparent of the members of dreams theaters talent at producing such a unique piece. A very fine work for progressive metal.
Lorde Pure Heroine
I really like this album, Lorde has a very interesting style that immediately sets her apart and makes her well worth noticing. rThe fact that we have these songs coming out of a 16 year olds mind is also entirely suprising. Her music is remarkably jaded and clever for someone her age. She has the potential to continue going far.
Lostprophets Start Something
Madonna Like a Prayer
Mae The Everglow
Beautiful peaceful yet retains a very great energy. The wondrous lyrics of spiritual imagery and love help make it the album is it.
Best tracks: We're so far away, suspension, Ready and waiting to fall, The sun and the moon, and mistakes we knew we were making. But the entire album holds itself together quite well.
Mae Destination: Beautiful
I forgot how much I loved Mae. It's weird how you can go a couple years without listening to an artist or band but then remember "damn, this was great music". Simple, happy but practically all the songs shine in the way they need to. It's happy pop music with Christian undertones but they succeed at it far better than some other bands do.rSpecial Mentions:rEmbers and EnvelopesrThis time is the Last TimerSun (thought the acoustic on b side is better)rSkyline DriverRunaway
Meshuggah obZen
The album is an absolute beast, Meshuggah's technical prowess with their instruments is astounding and unrelenting. The songs while following a set structure and never going absolutely crazy or changing dynamically, they seem so well thought out and precise. Fine tuned to perfection in what becomes a very fine metal album.
Each track is unique from the other, and lyrically I found it very interesting. This is my first Meshuggah CD but I hear that their old drummer came back...He's ridiculous is all I can say. Very abrasive yet as I said early very well fine tuned.
Terrific listen
Metric Old World Underground, Where Are You Now
Theres alot to like in Metric's 2nd studio album. Heavily synth driven and full of Emily Haine's personal flair. It makes for a very fine album. Lyrically Haine's seems to have taken an anti war stance. This is clear in songs like Combat Baby Succexy and IOU. All songs with very deliberate lyrics. Not at all does it distract from the album since Haines is excellent with playing these lyrics in metaphor and addressing something without being remotely preachy.
Dead Disco is quite possibly one of the most fantastic pokes at the current state of the music industry, addressing how all these bands these days create music as pieces of dead genres. It is as well, a ridiculously fun song. Combat Baby is an absolutely fun song with very singalongable lyrics and a great chorus.
Among my other favourite tracks include; The List, Wet Blanket, IOU, Succexy. The entire album is great, but those stand out.
Metric Live It Out
Metric is a good band, no doubt about that. And while their music is typically mellow and synth driven they have a good way of changing up their sound and giving each album a unique tone and setting to it. Every album ive listened to of theirs has kept consistent in quality and I like that about them. While theyre not making any classics they hardly ever dissapoint. rBest songs: HandshakesrMonster HospitalrPoster of a girlrPolice and the privaterTheres really nothing bad about the album either. Its a high level of quality and a worthy album no doubt.
Mudvayne Lost and Found
I hear fans of the band say they went soft by this album and It didn't succeed as well as their first. This is true, whereas L.D 50 was unrestrained and ferocious Lost and Found is a bit more concentrated. Does that mean its not angry and fast, not at all. It does mean Mudvayne has matured as a band. Songs like Fall Into Sleep, Forget to Remember, Happy? show off what this albums excels at, a combination of melody and nu metal brutality. Determined is a great fast track, IMN reminds me alot of their older sound and its a decent song.

Choices and Rain. Sun. Gone are also some of my favorites. Its a good album, and worth checking out if your into Nu metal
Muse Absolution
Muse Black Holes & Revelations
To fully understand Muse, you cannot simply listen to single songs. They are very much a "sit and listen to the full album" experience. The music is entrancing and hypnotic and truely powerful. The problem is I know very little of the band and had a friend beg me to listen to them. She was very right in loving them. The album was for the most part an absolute delight to listen to. The electronic sound the music provides, the brilliant keyboards, the esceptional drumming and the superbly fitting guitars make it such a listenable album. All that being said I must look at the lyrical content, which I found dissapointing. The album in its entirety for the most part is quite political, and I use that team sparcly. Simply throwing out your hate at the world leaders is not a political stand, it is not making a point or trying to explain how things can be better, what it does amount to is pretentious and uninteresting. Instead of taking your opinions on the political state of the country and trying to weed out what doesn't work and focus on the bad and tell the people they're straight up evil. It doesn't come across well, once again the musical structure and excellence of the album cannot be ignored. So please check this album out.
I love:
Map of the Problematique
Take a Bow
Supermassive Black Hole
City of Delusion
Knights of Cydonia
Mutemath Reset
Nightwish Once
Once is excellent, it continued to show Nightwish as a forerunner of symphonic metal, with Tarja operatic vocals and the entire album carrying an epic feel. It is another great Nightwish album, they hadnt changed alot in their style though, but it had worked for them so far. This album also sports my favourite song by them; Nemo.
Nightwish Century Child
Nightwish Wishmaster
Nirvana Nevermind
Nirvana Nirvana
Of Monsters and Men My Head is an Animal
My Head is an Animal is such a well rounded and honest debut album it really is hard to find a serious flaw in it. OMaM has such a earthy and hearty sound to their music that evokes feelings that I can only describe as a mix of coming home, nostalgia and in a certain sense triumphant victory.rI've always been really impressed with some of the bands that come out of iceland, for such a small country it has produced some of the most heartfelt and genuine music I've had the pleasure to listen to. Dirty Paws, Little Talks, Mountain Sound, Your Bones and Sloom are probably the albums strongest songs and feel the most thought out. rThere are a couple lulls here and there, mostly the last 3 tracks of the album lose the the vigor and passion the earlier side gives off but easily still listenable if not just less inspired. That all being said, some of the best Indie Folk singles of the past 2 years have been these guys and it's easy to see why. With Mumford and Sons 2nd release feeling like little more than a cash in on a name. It's good to know we might have some more to look forward to from this Icelandic group. r
Opeth Watershed
If you know Melodic Death metal than you know Opeth, the band is absolutely brilliant for starters, at times being beautiful then changing to absolutely brutality. Because of this the album carries into the ears of many listeners. Their technical prowess is astounding as well, even rivaling that of Dream Theatre in creating epic songs, and Watershed isn't short on those.
The entire album absolutely soars when its melodic and crushes when its heavy, its terrific.
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here
Protest the Hero Fortress
Their musicainship is top notch, just like it was in Kezia. However they have taken a bit of a heavier root. There is more screaming in this album and overall I felt the lyrics were darker. I felt however lyrically Kezia to be more enjoyable with its ideals on religion, politics and war. Both great listens though.
Bloodmeat is the opener and it opens in speed and excellence. It is the easiest track to listen to for mainstream music fans. The rest of the album is very finely produced, Sequoia throne is a great track and opens in awesomeness. The imagery of the Goddess worship I found grew tiring and overall IMO a pointless theme for an album, but the tunes were really cool. But my favorite track was deinetly palms read. Great track. But overall the entire album is spot on technicality, great drumming. And the guitar is outstanding, the triplets at the end of bloodmeat are excellent. And the Bass is an excellent driving force in all the songs, I really look forward to what else these guys have in store.
Queen Greatest Hits I & II
Queen Classic Queen
Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication
Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium
Very good Chili Peppers album, very long too, but very few times during this album will you see it lacking in quality. Very cool album.
Regina Spektor Songs
The fact that this recording of Samson was done in one take leads me to believe that something truly beautiful and other worldly happened in the studio when she recorded it. I dont think I can listen to this song without getting shivers. The entire album is also rather ambitious and it's very cool to listen to works that were recorded entirely on a whim.
Rise Against Revolutions per Minute
I love this album, I came into Rise Against through a combination of S&tW and SSotCC and this is a refreshing style for them, more raw.
Really great album, Torches, Black Masks and Gasoline, Like the Angel and their cover of Anyway you Want it. It makes for a really cool record.
Rise Against The Sufferer and the Witness
Great album, a powerful and though provoking listen. They consistently write good lyrics. However I still feel as Siren song as my favourite release. But this album seems to be more a favourite and I can understand the attraction and power that occurs constantly on all the tracks.
Saosin Saosin
Scorpions Crazy World
Scorpions Best of Scorpions
Its the Scorpions, one of the sickest hard rock bands of the 80s...And its there best of. What else do you expect?
Sia 1000 Forms Of Fear
There really isn't a set style this album sticks to. Like others have said it really goes all over the place. But it earnestly manages to work very well. Chandelier, Big Girls Cry, Elastic Heart, Free the Animal, Hostage and Fire Meet Gasoline are my personal favorites and each track manages to be so vastly different from the next while still being unmistakably Sia.
Sigur Ros Agætis byrjun
Supertramp Breakfast in America
The Beatles Rubber Soul
The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour
The Fall of Troy The Fall of Troy
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
The Fall of Troy Ghostship Demos
Frantic, odd, original and including human error. But its fully genius in its own right. The songwriting and instrumentals are absolutely top notch.
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
Thrice The Illusion of Safety
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Thrice is a great band, a friggin great band. And unfortunately they dont get alot of the attention they've deserved over the years. AitA is generally considred to be their greatest album, at least in terms of their post hardcore sound. This probably couldnt be anymore true. Artist in the Ambulance is a sick album. rEverything about this album feels nicely polished and tight while still upholding a very rough attitude throughout. No fan of Post hardcore should overlook them as a band, especially this album.
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II
Tove Lo Queen of the Clouds
Coming out right around the same time as Taylor Swift's "1989" it's easy to see how Queen of the
Clouds could get overshadowed. Though Habits (Stay High) got a lot of radio play it's actually
far from the best QotC has to offer. And as great as 1989 is, Tove Lo gives us a much darker and
sexual side of pop that while still talks about the breakup and pain from a relationship a la
TSwift. We get a totally different side of the feelings and reaction to it. Comparing to TSwizzle
aside, QotC is pretty solid. Talking Body, Got Love, Moments, Not on Drugs and Thousand Miles
are the best songs on the album by far. And while the album never really falters and stays
listenable, the later 3rd of the album is probably the weakest area overall. Habits till the end
is fine, just not on the same high as the rest of the songs.
Travis The Boy With No Name
Tycho Dive
This is an easy album to get lost in, and not many albums have the full on effect where you get lost in its ambiance and come back after its hour or so runtime wondering where your afternoon went. The last time Ive really had that happen so naturally with an album was Takk by Sigur Ros and much like Takk, Dive is a truly "cold" album. It's some interesting mix between the feeling of sinking into water and doing absolutely nothing at all on a rainy summer day. rTo pick a favorite track would feel like I would be doing the album some disservice because the whole album is part of the experience. My best advice is, pick your favorite listening spot. Toss this album and on and forget about the next hour of your life.
U2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Within Temptation The Heart of Everything

3.5 great
Aerosmith Aerosmith
Aerosmith Greatest Hits
Aerosmith O, Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith Hits
Alexisonfire Old Crows / Young Cardinals
If I were to hand you a copy of Alexisonfire's debut cd or even watch out and hand you a copy of OC/YC you probably would not believe it to be the same band, with each release they have changed their sound in different ways and adapting to stay on the edge of the music scene without ever selling out or going with the trend.
While Alexisonfire is no longer the same angsty young men they once were, they have definetly not lost their touch for creating very good music. Old Crows and young cardinals is filled with enough high quality songs to keep you listening and to keep you coming back. The only problem is, is that where I could listen to "Alexisonfire" or "Watch Out" front to back, I find myself simply coming in and out of OC YC for a couple songs at a time, this is by no means a bad thing, it just says that this album doesnt have the same grab and atmosphere as their early works have.
Nonetheless this is a good album with well written songs and pretty good lyrics, sure George's scream has become more a rasp, its still very powerful and Dallas is still as excellent as ever. I still recommend this album to any fan of the band or the post-hardcore music scene.
Alien Ant Farm ANThology
All That Remains This Darkened Heart
Atreyu A Death-Grip on Yesterday
Backstreet Boys Millennium
Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys
Billy Talent Billy Talent III
Unlike the first 2 albums, it lacks alot of the energy that made Billy Talent...Billy Talent. So at first listen I wasnt a huge fan it had some tunes but it seemed to lack something. However I would periodically come back for those songs that I enjoyed and as the album played through I would get more into it and I saw that there is actually quite alot in this album to like. It is definetly a slower paced work but where it shines it shines very well.
Im glad too, I wouldnt want to lose BT as a band, and I'll hope for good stuff from their 4th album.
Fave songs:
Diamond on a Landmine
Dead Can't Testify
Tears Into Wine
Saint Veronika
White Sparrows
Turn Your Back
Bloc Party Silent Alarm
It's really easy to see why Bloc Party is becoming one of the most talked about bands to bust out of the UK. They have a unique sound to them, with their spiky guitar chords, the very precise and rythmic bass (of course thats what bass is supposed to do). Their almost electronic style and sound, definetly helps to set them apart from the other indy bands or the traditional pop rock you might hear. Okereke's voice is captivating, on the opening track "Like Eating glass" the echoey feeling of the chorus has a way of drawing you into the song.
Apparently at the time of the album's release many people thought the lyrics of Helicopter reflected the bands views on President George W. The band denied this and stated they did not want to take a political stance. The lyrics on the album, dont go out and blow your mind. Its not deeply introspective or indepth concept. No but if you are listening to the lyrics they have a way of drawing you into them. Positive Tension is one of the neatest songs lyrically. Price of Gas is definetly comedic and enjoyable. As well as Banquet.
Definetly an album worth checking out
Bloc Party A Weekend in the City
Bob Dylan Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits
Bon Jovi Keep The Faith
Breaking Benjamin Phobia
Breaking Benjamin has gotten progressively better with each release. Which is saying something becaue even their first album was decent and had some good tracks. The entire album phobia is a powerful listen. After the opening where struck with the first single Diary of Jane which to put it simply rocks.
For the rest of the album it keeps up with good tracks and the occasional awesome ones (dance with the devil, here we are, evil angel, until the end) And the only track in my opinion that is really tiresom is you which is fine regardless.
Britney Spears Greatest Hits: My Prerogative
Carrie Underwood Some Hearts
Children of Bodom Are You Dead Yet?
City and Colour Sometimes
Dallas greene has an amazing voice, absolutely captivating, he doesnt variate much in his
styles on this album, which is fine. I happened to fall completely in love with "Hello, Im
Delaware" and "In the water, I am beautiful". The whole album altogether is beautiful and
soothing, a very recommended listen.
City and Colour Bring Me Your Love
Its not a bad thing that Dallas Green's second effort sounds remarkably indifferent from his first efforts. This isnt a bad thing, its just how Dallas is. Despite the unchanging style, Dallas' astounding voice carries a lovely ethereal quality. One of the greatest vocalist's in todays music.rId recommend my favorite tracks, but I always found that with these releases that finding the tracks you fall in love with hinges on what you've listened to and what hits you, either lyrically or musically or however. So, happy listening.
Coheed and Cambria In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
Coldplay Parachutes
Crush 40 Crush 40
Disturbed Believe
Prolly their best album IMO, good songs all around.
Dropkick Murphys The Meanest of Times
Maybe not their best release, but definetly very very good. Plus Flannigan's Ball is easily my favorite song by them.
Eagles One Of These Nights
Emerson, Lake and Palmer Brain Salad Surgery
Eminem The Eminem Show
Eric Clapton Time Pieces: Best of Eric Clapton
Evanescence Fallen
Far better than the second release "the open door" I like amy lee but shes incredibly overrated. Some of the tracks get tired, but their are several truely good tracks, Going under, my immortal, tourniquet, bring me to life, haunted, imaginary are all good.
It's not real metal or anything but its still good even if your a metal fan and you have an open mind.
Flogging Molly Within a Mile of Home
Fort Minor The Rising Tied
Once again Mike shinoda pulls out awesome lyrics and powerful rap. Not the typical rap with no substance but this music has conscience.
The best tracks are: Remember the Name, Right Now (my fave), Petrified, Where'd you go, Feel Like home, Kenji, High road, and get me gone.
However some of the other songs do fall flat and don't stand out as much, which is somewhat dissapointing. Good album nevertheless.
Gorillaz Plastic Beach
The gorillaz are consistently wierd as well as unique and undeniably catchy. Really there is no band that sounds and feels like the gorillaz. Plastic Beach continues this trend, it has a guest artist on practically every song and it keeps everything fresh and new while still holding the gorillaz style that makes them so liked among their fanbase. r
Green Day Nimrod
Heart The Essential Heart
Hillsong United United We Stand
HIM Love Metal
HIM Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666
HIM Razorblade Romance
In Flames Reroute to Remain
Iron Maiden Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden Fear of the Dark
Iron Maiden A Matter of Life and Death
Iron Maiden Somewhere Back in Time
K'naan Troubadour
Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
Killswitch Engage As Daylight Dies
Korn Issues
Korn Follow the Leader
Kutless Kutless
Lostprophets The Fake Sound Of Progress
Mae Destination: B-Sides
First off, the energetic remixes from Mae's Detination: Beautiful are fun, lucid and
energetic. If you enjoyed The first album youll get a definite kick out of the remixes.
Tisbury Lane is just a really cute song. The acoustic version of Sun is superior to the
original and absolutely awesome. But do yourself a favor and listen to Awakening.
Metallica Metallica
Metric Grow Up and Blow Away
Interesting to see a bands roots after seeing the fully grown adult tree that they came to be. Obviously metric at a more experimental stage trying to find their sound. But undoubtedly it's them. Haine's vocals make it clear of that as well as the style of the music altogether. I always really liked Rock Me Now for some reason. Great song, Soft Rock star as well has become one of my favorite songs by them over the years as well. rIt's a bit slower by Metric standards, but it's still nice music. A good album for any Metric fan.
Michael Jackson Bad
Mortification Scrolls of the Megilloth
Mudvayne The End of All Things to Come
I like this album, but I haven't given the entire album a chance to really sit down and listen to it. Mudvayne does hold back form their first album which is probably a good thing since they find a nice blend. Lyrically its good, it sad and memorable and frustrated which is very much their style sound and lyrics throughout their works.
I do prefer lost and found though
Mumford and Sons Sigh No More
It's a solid album. Mumford and Sons get a lot of hate, presumably because they found a way to package and sell folk music. And while I agree that they certainly arent the first to try what theyre doing, they are the first to get some serious success with it. And honestly, the majority of the album is definetly solid. There is certainly heart and soul to be found here. It's not the 2nd coming of Christ, but hating on it seems a bit senseless to me.
Nightwish Over The Hills And Far Away
Paramore Riot!
Powerglove Metal Kombat for the Mortal Man
Queen Jazz
Ramones Greatest Hits
Red Hot Chili Peppers By the Way
Red Hot Chili Peppers Mother's Milk
Rhapsody of Fire Power of the Dragonflame
Rhapsody of Fire Symphony of Enchanted Lands
Rhapsody of Fire Dawn of Victory
Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad
As Rihanna takes her place among the new pop stars and the next icon. She does it well with good girl gone bad. It is a fun and simple album with good dance tracks as well as the ones that stay on the slower side.

All the tracks at the very least are somewhat decent with nothing phenomenal but enough that are alot of fun. Id say the better ones are: Shut up and drive, Umbrella, Good girl gone bad, Rehab, please dont stop the music and question existing.
Some tracks however don;t shine as much as others do and dont touch the bar the same way, yet as ive said its a decent and fun album.
Rise Against Endgame
Scorpions Best of Rockers 'N' Ballads
Shinedown Leave a Whisper
Skyfire Mind Revolution
I really Like what Skyfire does, their combination of Melodeath and Neo Classical really hits the spot with absolute speed and at time beautiful instrumentals. You throw in the immense harshness Karlssons voice. Makes for a great album. Its a healthy mic of Melodeathm Neo classical, Progressive and a large amount of symphony.
Slipknot Slipknot
Stars Set Yourself On Fire
Stone Sour Stone Sour
Stone Sour Come What(ever) May
Switchfoot The Beautiful Letdown
A good album to say the least and prolly one of my most listened to albums when I was growing up. Its got well written lyrics, catchy tunes and the entire album maintains a pretty stable atmosphere with few songs being great and the rest being considerably good (mostly anyway).
The Fall of Troy Manipulator
The Neighbourhood I Love You.
Cant say I agree with sarcasgnostic. They have some pretty good tunes in here. Its an odd blend of the melancholy tone of shoegaze with a bit more surf pop tossed in. Its pretty mellow. Great summer album.
Thousand Foot Krutch Phenomenon
Thrice Identity Crisis
U2 The Best Of 1990-2000
Underoath They're Only Chasing Safety
Within Temptation The Silent Force

3.0 good
A Day To Remember Homesick
Catchy riffs and chorus' very fun vibe with touches of hardcore where it counts. A very very cool album and not one to miss for fans of pop punk or post hardcore.
Aerosmith Pump
Alien Ant Farm TruANT
All That Remains Overcome
Audioslave Out of Exile
Good album, not as good as their debut. But good album. They dont change much soundwise. But theyre just as solid, if anything its just that Out of Exile is just less captivating and powerful than their first album as a whole. While it still does have several pieces worth noting, so dont ignore this album by any means.
AWOLNATION Megalithic Symphony
It's a good amount of fun, the tracks are VERY varried so it's interesting to say the least but you get the feeling that Aaron is trying very hard to find his place or just at least enjoys not having a specific one at all and would rather produce whatever fucking music he feels like. rBy all means a good listen if you like electro centered rock, but expect it to bounce around between styles and tempos constantly from track to track. Very aimless but fun nonetheless. Plus Sail is like the number 1 sex song of last year.
Backstreet Boys Black and Blue
Between the Buried and Me Between the Buried and Me
Between the Buried and Me The Anatomy Of
Bon Jovi Have a Nice Day
Breaking Benjamin Saturate
Good album, and a fun piece for the bands first work. Its good but not spectacular and it sports a few good tracks but the only one that really sticks with me is Next to Nothing.
I like the album dont get me wrong i just think Phobia is much better
Breaking Benjamin We Are Not Alone
IMO and excellent endeavor for the band after their debut entitled "saturate" which featured a decent alt metal/post grunge sound but with ultimatley poor lyrics.
This album steps up lyrical writing a fair bit as well as with much more memorable songs on this album. They sport a powerful sound and I like Burnley's voice which is deep melodic filled with desperation.
I enjoy this album
Creed Greatest Hits
Daft Punk Human After All
Dead And Divine The Fanciful
Disturbed The Sickness
Disturbed Ten Thousand Fists
Dr. Dre 2001
I'm not incredibly big on this album but I remember listening to it when I was 11 and I still have sogns that I listen to. It was a good rap album but I can never stand the over ecessive swearing on a few tracks.
Regardless its a half decent album. I liked it
DragonForce Valley Of The Damned (Demo)
Eagles Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)
Eagles Eagles
Eagles Long Road Out Of Eden
Eagles can still soar, sure. But not as high as they used to. Long Road out of Eden holds itself a couple gems with some mediocre filler, but for a fan of easy listening its certainly not a bad choice. But dont expect to be wow'd.
Eminem Curtain Call: The Hits
Eric Clapton Backtrackin'
Eric Clapton 20th Century Masters
Fall Out Boy Infinity on High
It's a bit more interesting than From Under the Cork Tree. But ultimatley just another pop punk album and another group to fill the holes in the music you love to hate. Nevertheless its still fun and likable. I enjoy Thnks Fr th Mmrs, This Ain't a scene its an arms race and Hum Hallelujah and Golden. Its all basic and fairly simply but fun nonetheless.
Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac
Fleetwood Mac The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac
Flogging Molly Float
Flyleaf Flyleaf
Four Year Strong Rise Or Die Trying
Gorillaz Gorillaz
Gorillaz Laika Come Home
Gwen Stefani Love. Angel. Music. Baby.
Despite Gwens incredibly creepy obsession with Harajuku girls. The album is fun cool pop. Enough good singles and the pop is very driven to make you want to bounce and dance. Especially songs like hollback girl. Which while annoying to osme at first is infectious and easy to understand the attraction.
Hillsong United All of the Above
HIM Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights
HIM And Love Said No
In Flames Soundtrack to Your Escape
Despite the mediocre review I gave this album it has 3 very redeeming songs.
-Evil in a Closet
-The Quiet Place
-My Sweet Shadow
Yes its a different style, but these are damn good songs if you ask me. Now the rest of the album remains fairly decent. Theres some other decent songs on there and theyrs some crap on there. I wouldn't dismiss it right away. Give it a listen, the bad is bearable and the good tracks on this album are pure excellence.
In Flames Lunar Strain
In Flames A Sense of Purpose
Interesting first off, the album starts off with an annoying riff but then The mirrors truth turns into a good song. Youll notice right away and this stays with all the songs more or less, that you actually understand on a consistent basis what is being sung as opposed to having to look up the lyrics.
The album is good and a few songs stand out really well but others dont pack the same energy as the few highlights. I know alot of people really dislike this album as In Flames fans and I can see that. Come Clarity was considered a good halfway between old in flames and RtR and StYE In flames. This is a bit of a continuation of that medium, but Andres is not the same brutal vocalist he used to be. Or hes not using it as much. (Which for many listeners is fine since this album is probably even more radio friendly). Not bad but not amazing either.
Jason Mraz We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things
Kansas The Best of Kansas
Kelly Clarkson Breakaway
Korn Korn
Lady Gaga The Fame
Lady Gaga bursts out onto the music scene with this very catchy and original collection of
songs. As an artist she works hard to set herself apart...almost too much at times.
Nonetheless the entire album is full of very fun songs to dance to with infectious beats and
clever wordplay.
Lady Gaga does well for herself by showcasing a brand of originality and unique style and
flair towards her music. Its easy to love or hate but impossibly to ignore. Love it or
leave it, lady gaga definitely knows what shes doing in the musical industry.
Lady Gaga Artpop
Artpop as a whole is probably better than Born This Way but it still stands that Gaga's most consistent works were The Fame and The Fame Monster, holding the most overall quality and not solely relying on it's singles to carry it. rI legitimately enjoy GUY and Applause quite a bit. I'd say they're probably better than all the singles off of Born This Way entirely, which is a shame because they had less than half the buzz any of those songs did. rIll be interested to see what she does next, for the time being it seems like Lady Gaga chose to fullfill the role of the light burning twice as bright burning half as long. Except in her case she shone 5x as bright as she needed and her peak popularity lasted a few years at best.
Lifehouse Lifehouse
Lil Dicky Professional Rapper
Some killer, lot of filler. Honestly, theres like 8 to many songs on this album. rBest tracks: Professional Rapper, Classic Male Pregame, Save Dat Money, Lemme Freak, Molly, Personality, Oh WellrUnfortunate that so much of the album is forgettable. Lil Dicky is undeniably talented and clever, but he should focus on only putting out his best work.
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory EP
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Gotta say I was not as impressed as I was with Meteora, which stands as my favourite album of all time. The better songs off of minutes to midnight are the softer ones and the ones that meet i nthe middle like what ive done and bleed it out. Given up and No more sorrow are more annoying to listen to which came as a shock to me.
However the lyrical writing still stands well for quite a few songs, to my mind comes hands held high ,In between, little things give you away and What Ive done.
The sound lacks alot of the energy they used to have but still is a good album and for a die hard LP fan like myself I still love the album for what it is.
Linkin Park The Hunting Party
Arguably Linkin Park hasn't put out an album worth much notice in over 10 years. I didnt actually dislike MtM but a lot of that was my teenage self projecting a desire to really enjoy it. ATS was overall really really poor save for maybe 2 songs. I think I was one of the few who did enjoy Living Things however and it was a step in the direction the general populace wanted to see LP take. rIs The Hunting Party worth your time though? It still heavily depends on how much patience you've given LP in the past. If you've been waiting patiently the last 10 some odd years waiting for another Meteora like experience you'll be half pleased and half disappointed. There are some solid songs on this album that show they still have some of their former prowess. "Guilty all the Same" "A Line in The Sand" "Wastelands" "Until Its Gone" are all solid examples of this. It's not a bad album. It just doesnt have the same force that Hybrid theory and Meteora did. It's still worth listening too. Especially if you enjoyed Living Things.
Lostprophets The Betrayed
What I dig about Lost Prophets is their ability to drastically change their sound each album so they give something for everyone. The Betrayed is much more fast and completely different than the radio friendly and pop sounding Liberation Transmission. Its not a great album but its still pretty decent.
Madonna Confessions on a Dancefloor
Major Lazer Peace Is The Mission
Lean On is my official summer jam song. There are good songs throughout especially Powerful. But I've listened to Lean On a disgusting amount of times.
Maximum the Hormone Bu-ikikaesu
Metallica Death Magnetic
So I had my reservations about Metallica`s new album (after the awful St. Anger) however I was a fan of love it or leave it Black album. So I decided to check this out.
How is it? Good, its like taking a blend of more thrash old school Metallica with the newer more slower and chill Metallica. It comes across as a decent combination and some songs are really great. Hetfields voice is still great, Lars drummer is at where it has always been keeps a steady pace never going to complex. Hammetts guitar as always is spot on, but I never felt there were many memorable riffs (Ie the likes of Enter Sandman or Master of Puppets). Dont worry about Bass, I felt it was almost mixed entirely out of the album. Jks, but it never becomes to prevelant, plus Trujillo had only done St.Anger before this so its not a huge dissapointment or let down, since... well you can only go up from St Anger.
The album sports a good amount of qaulity singles and all together well made tracks, just nothing stellar. If you ask me the best songs are:
Unforgiven III
Judas Kiss
The Day That Never Comes
That was just your life
Mindless Self Indulgence You'll Rebel To Anything
Lyrically dumb as anything, musically alot of fun and a very aggressive eltronic energy with heavy jungle influences. What MSI represents is their individualty and while this album is mildly more mainstream it is good nevertheless.
Mindless Self Indulgence Tight
My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
My Chemical Romance The Black Parade
Im not one to like MCR, however after listening to The Black Parade they had gotten my attention. The album is definetly well full of potential singles and has a way of making each song unique. This is one of the cooler parts of the album. The entire thing is very poppy and fairly happy. Despite the somewhat at times depressing lyrical content. For example Dead! good track fun and dancy but darker lyrics. House of Wolves is another great danceable track. The catchy and made for radio Teenagers is a fun and likeable song.
The album titled Welcome to the black parade is a powerful ballad about rising up from oppresion and living. Its a great song and a definite highlight of the album.

The problem with the album is I dont think MCR tries to achieve anymore than making catchy tunes which by all means is fine. The album pulls itself together as a decent pop rock album and it is not a listen youd regret if you have a taste for this kind of music.

Welcome to the black parade
House of wolves
The sharpest Lives
This is How I dissapear
Nickelback Silver Side Up
Nightwish Angels Fall First
Nightwish Dark Passion Play
They should have changed their name. As far as im concerned it's not Nightwish. Nonetheless the album is not bad. It still succeeds in being operatic and powerful, but not because of the vocals, do not expect the same qaulity put out by Tarja. Marco's vocals aren't as good as they used to be either. But the album still succeeds overall containing an epic feel throughout and a style change is not bad. We had almost 10 years of Nightwish with a a very constant style (not a bad thing) and we got alot of amazing albums, I think its a good thing it's different. Don't immediately discredit it, it is still a well made album.
Owl City Ocean Eyes
Its tough to place Owl City, its heavily produced and unoriginal pop rock. Adam Young writes lyrics that mean close to absolutely nothing. I cringed heavily when I listened to Dental Care, full of just the cheesiest and lamest jokes Ive ever heard.
That all being said, the album has alot of catchy and fun to listen to songs. Yea its just the stuff your gonna be hearing on the radio, and its not groundbreaking, genre busting, or even musically interesting. Its fairly shallow electronic pop music. But its infectious and fun to listen to. Songs like Fireflies and Hello Seattle have little to no meaning to them...but does music always have to have a lyrical meaning behind it? Why cant we be content with listening to a little bit of meaningless pretty lyrics affronted by a catchy synthesized beat? Does every single artist need to have the lyrical artistry of Bob Dylan or the technical prowess of Dream Theatre? Hardly, if its fun its fun.
No Owl City, isnt making anything new, and yea its just music that your hearing on the radio all the time. But that being said, there are gems on this album that are a true joy to listen and relax to. And for that I think Adam Young succeeds in creating an easily accessible album that many people listen to. And thankfully for once...these chart topping tunes arent all about sex, drugs and being a slut. So after listening to Ocean Eyes many times, I can still find enjoyment in its catchy and cute for dental care. But what are you gonna do?
Paramore Brand New Eyes
Ignoring the flack this band receives for being your typical standard teen punk pop music. If your in the market for it Paramore is certainly one of the better groups out there for it. While no members are musical geniuses by any means they are certainly not without talent. That all being said, it has always been Hayley Williams to be the face and entire image of the band, certainly a talented vocalist for her age. rIt's pretty much on par in terms of quality and style and maturity as their last albums, they haven't changed much at all, which isn't entirely a bad thing, it just seems to be the state of the band. All this being said, the songs are mostly catchy and fun and decent listening for your average teenager looking for some half decent summer tunes. rTurn it Off is probably my favorite song I've ever heard from the band and Misguided Ghosts is a nice change of pace, Decode is pretty cool for a song off of the Twilight soundtrack. The rest of the album is exactly what you would expect to hear from Paramore. Pretty decent.
Red Hot Chili Peppers The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Red Hot Chili Peppers One Hot Minute
Red Hot Chili Peppers Under the Covers
Rise Against Appeal to Reason
Scary Kids Scaring Kids The City Sleeps In Flames
Shinedown Us and Them
Skrillex Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
You know, Im still at an odds what to make of Dubstep. I really dont know if I can take it seriously at all, yet alot of the time it's still undeniably fun. And I gotta say, despite that I really never enjoyed Sunny Moore's other projects in the past. I really dig some of the tracks on this album. While overall pretty repetitive, it is still alot of friggin fun. Kill Everybody was the first song that I really got into. Scatta and Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites are both pretty sick.rThe remixes add some fun to the album but arent insanely different from the original tracks but enough so that they add more listenability to the album and with a genre like dubstep the music does tend to get boring after a few listens so the remixes are certainly a nice touch.rSkrillex isnt pushing any boundaries here, but the album if fun if you dont mind dubstep and is probably some of the more innovative as far as the genre goes. Worth checking out IMO.
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
It's ok but nothing phenomenal. It marks a difference in the past 2 albums and has a different sound (but its still clearly Slipknot).
The album is ok and some of the tracks are really quite good or decent but in the long run nothing stands out. Except maybe for duality and vermillion pt.2
However I will recommend other tracks like the blister exits, before I forget and Pulse of the maggots for the pure power and intensity of the album.
Swedish House Mafia Until Now
Repetive and fairly simple clubbing tunes. Serves it's purpose well and is mostly fun
throughout. Dont you Worry and Greyhound and solid tracks for sure and some of the albums on
the deluxe edition are pretty good. If you enjoy dance music its where the trend is at
right now and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that either.
The Almost Southern Weather
The Black Eyed Peas Elephunk
The Rolling Stones Aftermath
Thousand Foot Krutch The Art of Breaking
Thousand Foot Krutch Set It Off (Remastered)
Thousand Foot Krutch The Flame in All of Us
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Three Days Grace One-X
Thrice If We Could Only See Us Now
To Tell The Sun is Up and So Am I
Its cute, not a bad listen at all. The tracks are unique and its overall a very fun listen. Heavily piano driven, the rest of the members are more backing then anything and dont stand out in front of the vocals and piano (which happen to be done by the same guy).
Trivium Ember to Inferno
Underoath Cries of the Past
Underoath Define the Great Line
Velvet Revolver Contraband
Within Temptation Mother Earth
Within Temptation Enter

2.5 average
Adele 21
Talented vocally, not lyrically. Songs get overplayed and boring, but that's not necessarily a fault you can grade the music on. It's a meh record.
Atreyu Lead Sails Paper Anchor
Audioslave Revelations
I loved Audioslave quite alot, their first album especially and for the most part really enjoyed Out of Exile. But Revelations really shows them as a band just piecing this album together and you can definetly see where they the former Rage members were becoming tired of Cornell.
Its unfortunate cause the band has a very unique sound and style ,and them going out like this felt unbecoming. Oh well. We still have their first 2 albums.
Breaking Benjamin Dear Agony
Breaking Benjamin has never been genre pushing, ground breaking or anything we hadn't heard before. That all being said their albums have kept up with a consistent level of listen-ability and quality. They have yet to change from their style whatsoever. However they still make another album of the same style of rock as we've grown to expect from them. So if your into them, then this album should leave you pretty happy.
Coldplay X&Y
DragonForce Inhuman Rampage
So the band name sounds like it's named after a Lego set, and the vast majority of the music is just shredding to the point it becomes repetive and dull. The drumming is simplistic and all the songs seem to be written about fighting dragons. This band gained mainstream success after their inclusion in GH3 (though many knew them before).
Despite that most of the songs sounds the same and theirs not alot of substance there, Dragonforce is still quite fun to listen to....In doses. If they took themselves more seriously and slowed down on the guitar added some more complex drumming and maybe made some serious power metal. This band would be considered alot more than just guitar and speed whores.
Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree
Try to get past the fact that its Fall Out Boy and the fact that this band was made for 13 year old girls and that it's not genre defining or amazing. Your still left with some catchy tunes and a fun album. Its not stellar and its not gonna wow you. But if you let go and see that it's pretty fun, youll enjoy it.
Foo Fighters Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
I think it's pretty hard to meet someone and have them say they don't like the Foo Fighters. They're overall a talented rock band thats accessible enough to be liked by everyone and unique enough that you know your listening to a Foo Fighters song. The album comes off decently well. The Pretender being a good single although nothing groundbreaking. To me Long Road to Ruin is the best track. Whether it's the lyrics the styele or whatever I just really enjoy it. The problem is the rest of the album comes off as fairly boring, (none of it is bad, just really basic no heart). Give it a listen if your a fan. And check it out if you want some decent rock music. But dont expect to have your mind blown
Good Charlotte The Young And The Hopeless
Pretty average pop punk music, somewhat fun but fairly shallow.
Gorillaz G-Sides
HIM Dark Light
HIM is probably one of the easiest to hate bands on the music scene now, but there also have their own fanbase that is quite loyal. Your enjoyment of the band highly stems from how you feel about frontman Ville Valo. The band has a sound that is unique to say the least, mostly because of Valo's deep voice. I dont understand why this band labels themselves as love metal. Love is the last thing I think of when I hear them, having loved them lyrics doesnt always convey the emotion. For HIM expecially this is true, since the music is heavily bland at time and uneventful. That being said the album has a couple decent tracks that can make an ok listen. However IMHO there are far better bands out there.
HIM Venus Doom
In Flames Subterranean
Justin Bieber Purpose
For me this is probably the first full Beebz album I listened to. And while I've probably watched the video for Sorry more times that I'd like to admit (that girl in the green top is just pure fire). It's hard to ignore some seriously catchy songs on this album. However I still feel like J.Beebz is making his music primarily for the young females as it's always been. Sure his fans are older now and so is he, and he's definitely improved, I no longer immediately turn off his music when I hear it. But aside from a few songs the album does little to grab my attention. I think Skrillex producing the album definitely helped a bunch.
Kutless Sea of Faces
Lady Gaga Born This Way
Her first album and The Fame Monster showed a lot more promise. Aside from a couple tracks (Judas to a lesser extent Born This Way) she really didnt do much to step up her game. Edge of Glory is a horrible song.
Linkin Park Living Things
A step in a better direction considering where ATS left us (it wasn't very good, it's best songs were just kinda good). It still sounds nothing like their old style but to grow is to change. Is the change they make with Living Things good? It does some things pretty well, Lost In Echo is definitely a very solid opener to the album. Throughout there are still some decent songs to follow, Burn it Down, Castle of Glass, Skin To Bone are probably the decent tracks of the album. It honestly feels like a bit of a mixture of Minutes to Midnight and subtle influences off of their early works with only the slightest hints of ATS (its pretty clear in the distorted vocals and effects). rAll in all, its not a bad album, but its pretty glaringly average, there are some all together bad songs as well, Until it Breaks, Victimized, Powerless all really miss their mark, arguably the slower songs really feel weaker. And the softer songs on MtM were the stronger ones of the album so it just seems a weaker effort this time around. r
Lostprophets Liberation Transmission
I was never fully sold with Liberation Transmission, it had really radio friendly catchy tunes. But if you had become accustomed to TFSoP which was closer to a poppy nu metal feel and the perfectly balanced of the two Start Something, Liberation Transmission seemed so much more washed out and "cutesy". That being said the album has a couple nice points on it and its not bad. Its just not very good.
Mae Singularity
Metric Synthetica
Bands often have a tendency to age and slow down or lose some of the spunk that had previously
defined them. Metric is still a very talented band no doubt, but Synthetica shows that they may
have passed their golden age where every album they put out was excellent and full of catchy tunes
you could listen to endlessly. Synthetica is a bit more experimental and it still holds Metric's
unique quirkiness which is fun. It just seems like theyve slowed down and not all the songs have
the same charm. It's at best mediocre. Speed The Collapse is fairly cool though.
Mudvayne The Beginning of All Things to End
Nickelback The Long Road
Nickelback All the Right Reasons
While Nickelback is not really renowned for being incredibly respected in the muscial community they never fail to make infectious catchy radio friendly songs. Which ultimatley is not a bad thing. It just never makes you amount to much as an "artist".
All The Right reasons is at least, a step up from the substaintially awful "The Long Road". While songs like "Animals" are annoying sex anthems which is not suprising at all from Nickelback, the song is at least hilarious and kinda catchy. "If Everyone Cared" and "Savin' Me" remind us that Nickelback at least tries not to be total cock rock. The entire album is usually catchy and I think everyone smiles when they hear "Rockstar".
Rise Against The Unraveling
Sigur Ros Von
Its quite possible that im not the person to ask in regards to art rock, or experimental music. That being said I do understand it to a degree and I do know when things are being dragged out or when emotion is put into some work. I felt overall that Von was mixed, it was far to long in many parts and it was very odd. If your a sigur ros fan from albums such as ( ) or Takk then this will most likely turn you off as it did me. It is still interesting to listen to once or twice, but i never found the layers that i did In Takk or ( ). Its an odd album but some tracks are still kindoff cool to listen to.
Spice Girls Spiceworld
It's Spice Girls, its generic fun pop music. Nothing here thats unexpected but regardless a fun album.
Thousand Foot Krutch That's What People Do
Underoath The Changing of Times

2.0 poor
Alex Clare The Lateness Of The Hour
It's boring vocals and droning over monotonous beats. Too Close is a solid track, nothing else on this album shines even remotely. Could barely get through it the first time.
David Guetta Nothing but the Beat
Im gonna go ahead and say Im not nearly as cynical towards modern dance/clubbing music as many seem to be lately. Nothing on this album is essentially groundbreaking but there's fun to be had. Titanium is a pretty good song (although Christina Grimmie did it much better). I like Turn me On mostly because Nicki Minaj tends to shine very well on anything she collaborates on but does much worse on her own and while spot in this song is smaller and more repetitive, still a decent song. rThe majority of the cd after that is pretty boring, Usher has always struck me as a fool and nobody on the rest of the CD brings much mood or adds any enjoyment into it. There are a couple strictly house tracks that are pretty enjoyable, Metromusic and the Alphabeat coming to mind. Fun to listen to, but nothing you haven't heard before by more talented artists.rSave for a couple choice tracks this album isn't worth the time.
Evanescence The Open Door
Very average, nothing special about this album. It doesn't nearly stand out like Fallen did which I loved.
I think Amy lee is quite overrated and while she is a great vocalist she didn't showcase it as well with the open door and most of the tracks like I said are much less memorable. Even the first single "call me when your sober" gets tired fast
Finger Eleven Them vs. You vs. Me
One great tune (paralyzer) a few decent ones and the rest is boring. They've change a little bit from their old sound, normally im not mad about an artist doing this but they seemed to lost a sufficent edge.
Parlayzer was well worth the hype it received is without a doubt the highlight of the album
Gwen Stefani The Sweet Escape
Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying
Its normal for a band to have a somewhat lacking record and we see that here for Maiden (I say this in respect to Bruce Dickinson, during Bailey's run they hit this trench again). It isn't awful in anyway, it just lacks inspiration and any flair that Maiden is very characteristic for. Its song are list enable, just not that great.
Kesha Animal
The album has some catchy tunes to say the least. But unfortunately all of them were made singles so all you're really getting by buying the albums is a coaster. Don't get me wrong, she has her place in "music" but that place isn't a respectable one. Her 15 minutes will be done soon than we won't have to deal with her mediocre tripe anymore.
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns
It has some good tracks. "The Catalyst" and "When they come for me" immediately come to mind but outside of that...The album just bleeds average.
Metric Pagans In Vegas
Metric has really lost their touch. Which is such a shame since Fantasies was a truly fantastic album start to finish. And honestly up until Synthetica all their albums we're pretty great overall, they all had that weird metric charm which is some combination of odd rhythms and tunes, strange lyrics but overall very catchy songs. But then Synthetica happened and either we just got tired of Emily Haines' odd style or they just forgot to make their songs catchy along with the strange. Yet Haines seems to caught up in herself to be aware that the band just doesn't make good music anymore. I mean The Shade was a half passable first single, but only barely catchy. And none of the other pushes singles succeeded to even cause a ripple since. Though For Kicks is actually a pretty decent track and Celebrate is almost ok...but only almost. It's not impossible for Metric to come back and make good music again, but they seem like their pushing for stranger for the sake of strange over their likable and dance-able music of their past.
Mumford and Sons Babel
I'm imaging a scenario in recording this album where Mumford and Sons tried to literally clone their first success. But in the cloning process lost the soul that gave their first album it's passion and grace. That seems to be what happened with Babel. It's singles "I will Wait" and "Lover of the Light" really show a sharp decline in quality and rise in cheesiness that the first album gave in heartfelt honesty. rThere are some decent tracks, but they're unfortunately too far between that the album hardly leaves any lasting impression or desire to listen to again at all.
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone
In all honesty to me its a bit bland, other than a few good tracks t just doesn't go anything for slipknot. I enjoyed Vol.3 and that would have been a good album to leave on. This may not be which suggests another release from them before they finish the Slipknot thing
The Black Eyed Peas Monkey Business
Thousand Foot Krutch Set It Off
Underoath Act of Depression
The vocals are annoying to the ears and near imcomprehensible, there's is good reason that this album had such few available copies. However Underoath began to grow shortly after and even when they had Dallas Taylor the later albums were better.
This album does not do the band proper justice, but to be fair not many bands get it right on their early first EPs

1.5 very poor
Linkin Park Xero
Linkin Park Sweet Hamster Like Jewels From America!
It's dumb and annoying, but at some point during Jellyfish I just burst out laughing. And I think i know why LP did this. They prolly just wanted to fool around and have a few laughs. Don't take it seriously have a laugh with it and w.e
It's crap but its funny crap
Mudvayne The New Game
I really enjoyed Mudvayne, their first 3 releases kicked alot of ass. I dont understand what happened. They clearly just got lazy or maybe they no longer know what to do with the excellent Nu metal band that once was. First off, the inside booklet of the album is moronic. The so called suspects seems like a terrible way to try to make your band have a dark and messed up image. Poorly done. Especially all the blotted out eyes, and w.e else. It doesn't looks cool it looks dumb.rThe music itself does not seem to be the same mudvayne, its like they tried to go even more radio friendly than Lost and Found and just made their music laughable. Despite Ryan's excellent bass work as always the other members seem to not be even trying anymore. Chad had 3 years, to relax between albums, and his vocals sound terrible. No longer does he have the same anger or rage in his voice it doesn't sound interesting to listen to. The lyrics seem to try to take a political tone (akin to the cover of the album) and to me, dont seem to come across well or make a good point at all.rAll the negatives aside, the album is listenable some tracks are half decent. And thats a small amount
Tokio Hotel Scream
X Ambassadors VHS
In the realm of ultra generic alt. rock "Renegades" is actually a pretty solid song. Catchy, uplifting, good beat. And Jungle is actually a very cool track. But the rest of the album is some of the most piss poor alternative you'll listen to this year. It's a shame because their EP wasn't entirely terrible in and of itself.

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