Average Rating: 4.01 Rating Variance: 0.79 Objectivity Score: 62% (Fairly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicJaga Jazzist What We MustNick Drake Pink MoonPixies DoolittleRadiohead Kid AThe Flaming Lips Transmissions From the Satellite HeartThe Flaming Lips The Soft BulletinThe Flaming Lips Clouds Taste Metallic4.5 superbDJ Shadow Endtroducing.....Eels Blinking Lights & Other RevelationsJeff Buckley GraceMy Bloody Valentine LovelessRadiohead OK ComputerThe Delgados HateThe Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles the Pink RobotsThomas Dybdahl ...That Great October Sound4.0 excellent...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Source Tags and CodesBeck GuerodEUS Pocket RevolutionElliott Smith From a Basement on the HillFantomas Suspended AnimationPrimus Frizzle FryRadiohead The BendsSlint SpiderlandThe Delgados The Great EasternThe Delgados Universal AudioThe Magnetic Fields 69 Love SongsThomas Dybdahl Stray Dogs3.5 greatColdplay ParachutesQueens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf3.0 goodSufjan Stevens IllinoisThe Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness2.5 averageJane's Addiction Strays2.0 poorA Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step1.0 awfulDeath Cab for Cutie Transatlanticism
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z