Average Rating: 3.85 Rating Variance: 0.34 Objectivity Score: 60% (Somewhat Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicGospel The Moon Is a Dead World4.5 superbCursed III: Architects of Troubled SleepPoison the Well The Opposite of DecemberPulling Teeth FuneraryTrophy Scars Darkness, Oh Hell4.0 excellentCircle Takes the Square As the Roots UndoConverge No HeroesCursed IITrophy Scars Never Born, Never Dead3.5 greatModern Life Is War WitnessOff Minor Some Bloodpg.99 Document #8The Hope Conspiracy True NihilistTrap Them Darker Handcraft3.0 goodAgoraphobic Nosebleed AgorapocalypseLooses steam around the halfway point unfortunately. City of Caterpillar City of CaterpillarPig Destroyer Phantom Limb
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