
Reviews 1
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Soundoffs 60
Album Ratings 995
Objectivity 57%

Last Active 12-21-13 10:33 am
Joined 09-07-09

Review Comments 78

Average Rating: 3.96
Rating Variance: 0.35
Objectivity Score: 57%
(Somewhat Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Adrian von Ziegler Wanderer
Aesthesys Camera Obscura
Agnes Obel Aventine
Anathema Resonance
Anathema Falling Deeper
Anathema re-evaluates their music from older material such as their doom-metal era to newer material and re-packages it in alternative versions, mostly instrumental. Ranging from excellent to breathtaking, this cd has been a violent grower for me and succeeds in what Anathema was aiming for.
Antimatter Leaving Eden
Architects Daybreaker
An album that shaped my beliefs and fed my general distrust towards politics. Aggressive at times, passive aggressive at seldom intervals, it makes for an engrossing listen that hasn't lost its power over time, even with over 50 listens.
Architects Lost Forever // Lost Together
This album just works as a whole. The songs vary from moderately calm to brutal but all are within the 5-star radius for me. As a concept album (adressing a multitude of themes) Lost Forever // Lost Together speaks to people of loss, fear, resilience and retrieval of power. It takes itself very seriously and rightly so.
Architects All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us
Darker, heavier and more complex than any of their previous offerings, "All our gods have abandoned us" pulls in the listener from the get-go. Lyrically, this album comes out on top of the game. With a variety of themes ranging from greed, selfishness, compassion, ignorance, religion and politics, Architects reinvent themselves by perfecting their strong characterists while improving the areas where they lacked. Never for one second did I think they could top their last record, but this one blows it clean out of the water. Album of the year for me, perhaps my favorite of all time. Undoubtedly the tragic death of Tom Searle, lyrical genius of the band, casts a shadow over the current success of the band and its future. It is my biggest hope they continue to pave the way in metalcore.
Ben Frost Theory of Machines
Ben Frost Steel Wound
Ben Frost The Invisibles
Peacefully sinking into a dark blue ocean, all of your mind's occupations washed away in the
softest sway of the waves. Music of the most organic nature, with all tracks seamlessly blending
into one another. Synthesizer sounds, the soft ticking of wood, lonely piano notes as a haunting
backdrop, with every instrument matching and complimenting the others.
Blueneck The Fallen Host
Powerful build-ups, ethereal atmosphere, poetical lyrics, this is post-rock done right.
Blueneck Scars Of The Midwest
Blueneck Repetitions
Blueneck Epilogue
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
So much has been said already about this record that I consider it quite problematic to add a new element to the afore-mentioned. TDAGARIM is a grower, most-likely the most determined fellow out there. It's been a couple of years since I've started listening and I keep on coming back to it, no matter what mood I'm in. A melancholic and/or discontent state of mind compliments this album very well in any case. I've grown up listening to this album; I've had the pleasure (or rather displeasure?) of going through every song at some point in my life, experiencing it in the flesh and afterwards rejoicing by listening. I've come to tears listening to it more times than I can count. It's a record defining broken people, the ones in seek of refuge but at home nowhere. The ones in search of rest, peace and quiet yet finding disillusionment, despair, melancholy and unfulfillment instead. It may well be the best record I have in my collection: no fillers, distinct character in each song, each song a grower and sublime. Incomparable to anything else I've ever encountered.
Brian Eno Ambient 1: Music For Airports
Brian Eno Discreet Music
The name says it all: Discreet Music is meant to be played in the background in order to reach full potential. Silence is deftly wielded as supplementary instrumentation. There's a constant repetitive tone in the background, overshadowed by soft, melodic touches that blend together into a colourful, warm ambience.
Brian Eno Reflection
Counterparts The Current Will Carry Us
Dead Can Dance Spleen and Ideal
This album, rather than a listen, would be most accurately defined as an experience. From the word go, the listener is plunged into a bleak, aberrant, macabre world in which Dead Can Dance pull the strings. You feel powerless, but that very powerlessness is addictive, seeing as the waves of ghastly feelings wash over you, cleansing you of earthly chains. In fact, a comparison with BDSM would be justifiable: indulging in pain and darkness that, upon listening, you make your own.rIn terms of technique, the album makes use of a surprising combination of medieval chants (which they repeat on later albums) and new-wave like drumbeats. Notable also are Lisa Gerrard's both angelic and haunting notes, which will stay with you long after having the listen.
Dead Can Dance In Concert
Dustin O'Halloran Lumiere
Eluvium Static Nocturne
Evanescence Fallen
Fennesz Black Sea
Christian Fennesz is a true innovator when it comes to glitch music. His contemporary plays have the power to create splendid dreamscapes, while retaining the rough edges with the insertion of glitch interjections. His album 'Black Sea' is - in my opinion - his masterpiece. Songs like Vacuum (a dreamy, ethereal melody lingering in the distance) and Black Sea (glitch chaos, then a calm, the eye of the storm) describe the volatility, proper to this album's nature. In a way, it resembles nature. In other ways, it resembles man, who is more often than not less than steadfast in his path. Lush, atmospheric but at no point boring, listening feels like drowning - in a peaceful, submitting way - and fading out into internal slumber. I always find myself reluctant to escape the 'druggy high' as the record draws to a close. It's a place I'd like to reside in forever.
Fennesz and Sakamoto Cendre
Hearing this album feels as though you're sitting outside on a warm summer's day with a dry mouth, accompanied by a mind that drifts away and a restlessness that you can't put your finger on. The wind is swiftly encircling around you, passing by in short howls, trees all around are swaying. You can almost taste the silence and if it would have a taste, it would be... exquisite. Rather than a general 'listen' this atmospheric/glitchy gem demands to be experienced.
Fennesz and Sakamoto Flumina
Fripp and Eno Evening Star
Hammock Kenotic
Hammock Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo
Hammock Chasing After Shadows...Living with the Ghosts
Hammock Asleep in the Downlights
Hammock Departure Songs
Harold Budd and Brian Eno The Pearl
Have Heart The Things We Carry
An album that seems to bend h/c according to its will. Inspiring and life-changing, it rolls onward with little room for catching one's breath. Catchy and yet full of murky depths to be explored.
Helios Eingya
Helios Caesura
Helios Unomia
Displaying a brooding disposition, you'll find it hard to stay indifferent towards the undeniable versatility found here. One track you'll find yourself spacing out on, hovering any which way, in disregard of the concept 'time' (Velius is an example that is dead-on), and next thing you know you go through a falling motion, crashing down like droplets of rain in a grim winter sky (Homero Hymnus). No doubt that this record crosses bridges: elements of ambient, electro, and post-rock mingle to form a diffused yet coherent concoction of melodies. Timeless.
Helios Unleft
Howard Shore The Return of the King
Howard Shore The Fellowship of the Ring: The Complete Recording
Howard Shore The Two Towers: The Complete Recordings
Howard Shore The Return of the King: The Complete Recordings
Howard Shore The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey
If These Trees Could Talk Red Forest
Jakob Cale:Drew
Johann Johannsson And in the endless pause came the sound of bees
Joris de Man Horizon Zero Dawn (Original Soundtrack)
Joy Division Unknown Pleasures
Katatonia Discouraged Ones
Kauan Kaiho
La Dispute Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair
The album deals with heartbreak in a very poetic fashion. Even though it's evident there's gone a lot of preparation into the album, at no point does it feel fabricated. It flows and glides further and deeper, as though it was meant to be made in the harmonic, natural manner that characterizes the music. And maybe it is. I don't think anyone can comprehend this album when they haven't experienced heartbreak and melancholy in the past. It's one of those albums you grasp whenever none other reaches deep enough; when nothing else makes sense, 'Somewhere at the bottom of the river between Vega and Altair' does. There's a near-perfect balance between the clean singing and screams, with each song leading to a devastating climax. It, however, is unpredictable throughout. Changes in intonation, diverse guitar riffs and constant alteration in rhythm make for a fascinating listen time after time.
La Dispute Wildlife
Admitted: Wildlife seemed like a worse direction to take than was the case with its predecessor 'Somewhere along the bottom of the river...' for the simple reason that it is more catchy and less cross, fierce, impassioned. It took me at least 30 full listens to come to a new conclusion: it makes a statement, however different from SATBOTR, that deserves to be heard. Not only does La Dispute's scope enlarge (dealing with topics such as cancer, suicide and politics), Dreyer's voice seems more controlled at points whereas still retaining his stereotypical edgy 'losing-it' screams/shouts at certain intervals. It is neither better nor worse than SATBOTR (which in itself is quite the achievement), but needs an open-minded person to come to full bloom. Here, in any case, it has struck gold.
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park Meteora
Martin O'Donnell Halo Original Soundtrack
Max Richter The Blue Notebooks
Max Richter Three Worlds: Music from Woolf Works
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Ghosteen
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
Have to be in the mood for this but when this clicks it hits like a ton of bricks. In dark times it's the only album I can stand. If you've ever wondered what a depressed person's mind feels like, this is the place to be. Probably one of the most (if not the most) vehement albums in terms of velocity, brutality, sheer anger and disappointment lashing out at everyone and everything.
Nine Inch Nails The Fragile
Nine Inch Nails Still
A tough listen, but a rewarding one. 9 times out of 10 the album is too inaccessible. But on rare occasions, it all makes sense unlike anything else. 'Losing Hope' is my favourite track here, and it has changed me with every listen.
Northlane Alien
Where Node and Mesmer saw flickers of Northlane's potential, Alien is a blazing inferno. Lead singer Marcus delves into deep-seated parts of his past, and the lyrics, imagery and overall sounds is phenomenal for it. It's pretty terrific, the gap that was bridged between earlier albums and this one Top-notch with a lot of replay value.
Parkway Drive Deep Blue
Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come
An album that has rather brutally altered my thoughts about consumerism and capitalism. The booklet is art in itself, beside the outstanding quality music. Every song is so relentless that at the moment when you come out of the spiral, you feel like you've been run over by a bulldozer. Definitely the best punk album I'm familiar with.
Sigur Ros ( )
Slowdive Just for a Day
Slowdive Pygmalion
Stars of the Lid The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid
Stars of the Lid And Their Refinement Of The Decline
Sylvain Chauveau Le Livre noir du capitalisme
Tenhi Maaaet
The Cure Disintegration
The Cure Bloodflowers
Late at night, we tend to experience a feeling we can't put a finger on. We're not in the dumps, nor are we exactly happy. We're not happy about the past, present and future. Dwelling in the past, we try to collect answers to solve problems in the present. This is what 'Bloodflowers' is about, this is when this record is spun. At first sight (or: listen), the listener would be inclined to think it's 'yet another' album about heartbreak. It isn't. Surely, the fact that the album's contents revolve around melancholy and nostalgia automatically include heartbreak (ostensibly noticeable in the first song, out of this world, which never fails to grip me even after numerous listens) in the process. But There's more to it. Regret, spite, wishing we could go back, back to re-experiencing a magical, out-of-this-world moment, in the knowledge that we can't, leaves a bittersweet taste that is sure to linger in the back of your throat. Perfectly encapsulating that exact bitter, stingy flavour, this album is a masterpiece all the way.
The Ghost Inside Returners
The Ghost Inside Get What You Give
The Ghost Inside combine the Heavyness of their previous records - Fury mostly - with their knack for songwriting - Returners - to create an album that gets everything just right. At first listen, I must admit, only a handful of tracks seemed semi to fully interesting. After some 10 full listens, every track speaks to me in unimaginable ways. As a grower, this album without a doubt makes its mark. In a sense, this album is a double-edged sword. There's a more or less consistent tension between a feeling of defeatism, and - ultimately prevailing - the sense of hope beyond reason. An album to cherish and keep close at all times. A band to follow up. A modern masterpiece in the metalcore genre.
The Ghost Inside Dear Youth
What Lost Together // Lost forever was to Architects, Dear Youth is to the Ghost Inside. It was not an easy album to ease into. A lot of rhythm changes leave you dangling during the first listens. Upon familiarising yourself with the tracks, however, you are bound to come across some of the most uplifting lyrics in musical history. Combining heavy riffs and screaming with their melodic counterparts and clean vocals, The Ghost Inside get everything just right.
Tim Hecker Harmony in Ultraviolet
Touche Amore ...To the Beat of a Dead Horse
Touche Amore Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me
Touche has turned into a blazing menace, spouting anger and putting forth discouragement. Every song is overflowing with emotion and belongs here.
Ulrich Schnauss No Further Ahead Than Today
We Came As Romans Understanding What We've Grown to Be
In spite of the lack of technical proficiency (WCAR never planned on reinventing the wheel), Understanding what we've grown to be is an inspiring record with an overall positive message. At some points dragging, but only very slightly, it rolls on with great vigour. Tracks such as What I Wish I Never Had share blunt lyrics, which, nonetheless, are straight to the point and somehow manage to bring forward a message of solidarity and decisiveness.
William Basinski The Disintegration Loops I
Yann Tiersen Eusa

4.5 superb
A Winged Victory for the Sullen A Winged Victory for the Sullen
A Winged Victory for the Sullen Atomos
AFI Sing the Sorrow
Great sing-along album and definitely the best effort AFI's pulled out so far. For me, anything beyond this album went downhill.
AFI Burials
Agnes Obel Philharmonics
Agnes Obel Citizen Of Glass
Anathema A Natural Disaster
Anathema Hindsight
Anberlin Vital
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works Volume II
Architects Hollow Crown
Architects Holy Hell
Artesia Chants d'Automne
AURORA (NOR) All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend
Beach House Depression Cherry
Beartooth Disgusting
Beartooth Disease
Ben Frost A U R O R A
blink-182 Blink-182
Boards of Canada Geogaddi
Boards of Canada Tomorrow's Harvest
Lush, atmospheric sound that brings about feelings of lonely, empty open spaces. Excellent blend of trip-hopesque beats and a myriad of electronic inputs. Most electronic music bores me or gets on my nerves, but this is a shining pearl in that black ocean.
Bon Iver Bon Iver, Bon Iver
Ethereal, sophisticated, otherworldly, glorious, resplendent. None of these adjectives come even close to the beautiful mind portrayed by this record. Just when everybody was self-certifying the threshold insurmountability posed by Vernon's debut, he dexterously makes his long-awaited comeback and releases his second masterpiece. Modern classic.
Brand New Deja Entendu
Brand New Your Favorite Weapon
Brand New Daisy
"Daisy, a 4.5? My response to you: "Why not?" The indeniably distinct atmosphere, very different from and seemingly inferior to TDAGARIM was what stopped me from giving it a high score. Inferior, good but unworthy. That view has changed. It is potent, it is fierce, it is relentless and even though the lyrics have more bluntness to them, the ensemble works like a charm. At first sight, (or on first hearing?) the songs appear to rely on brute strength instead of intimate, sophisticated melodies. Nevertheless, somewhere buried under these bitter, twisted wordplays and this seemingly endless amount of musical layers, there exists an allure, a twisted beauty craving discovery by some unexpecting stranger. One would be inclined to think an album such as Daisy would lose its appeal quickly. But instead, Daisy succeeds in achieving just the opposite: it rises, it surpasses and it soars above its former splendour with every listen. The more listens granted, the more the screams and shouts stick with you. It helps one to get the bigger picture, the little details, the beauty underneath. You grow with it, just as was the case with TDAGARIM. The stains are dispersed, but it's these very imperfections that render the whole sublime. Imperfection is also honesty. Taking pride in its aggressiveness and undenying recklessness proves to be Daisy's greatest trait.
Brand New Science Fiction
Brian Eno Ambient 4: On Land
A more than lovely collection of ambient masterpieces. It calls out to you, yet remains most powerful in the background. A fitting paradox for Brian Eno's music as a whole. Paranoia-inducing, spine-chilling and plain baffling, this record is especially fit for writing or other creative purposes, which is precisely what I use it for. It succeeds in transporting the listener to another world, inclusive of the experience of perception. Eno knows what he is doing; however arbitrary the sounds may ring in your ears, every single tone is carefully selected to enhance the listening experience, and the result is one worthy of being both praised and remembered.
Brian Eno Neroli
Brian Eno Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks
Brian Eno I Dormienti
Brian Eno Thursday Afternoon
Brian Eno Textures
Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season
City and Colour Bring Me Your Love
Clannad Legend
Clannad Nádúr
Counterparts The Difference Between Hell and Home
Counterparts Tragedy Will Find Us
Crystal Castles Crystal Castles II
Crywolf Cataclasm
Cult of Luna The Beyond
Cult of Luna Salvation
Cult of Luna Somewhere Along the Highway
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas Mariner
Currents The Place I Feel Safest
Currents I Let the Devil In
Currents The Way It Ends
Daft Punk Tron: Legacy
Dangers Anger
Daughter If You Leave
Daughter Not to Disappear
Dead Can Dance Aion
Dead Can Dance Within the Realm of a Dying Sun
Dead Can Dance Toward the Within
Defeater Travels
Defeater Empty Days and Sleepless Nights
Deftones Deftones
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Disturbed The Sickness
Dream Theater Images and Words
Echo and The Bunnymen Heaven Up Here
Echo and The Bunnymen Porcupine
Eddie Vedder Into the Wild
Eluvium Copia
Ennio Morricone The Mission Soundtrack
FEVER 333 Strength In Numb333rs
Fiona Apple The Idler Wheel...
Frou Frou Details
Gideon Costs
God Is an Astronaut All Is Violent, All Is Bright
Gorillaz Plastic Beach
Grimes Halfaxa
Grimes Visions
Utterly diverse and enchanting, Visions offers a peek into the mind of Claire Boucher, visionary and eclectic musician. Whereas her former works showed much promise, they were incoherent to a lesser or higher degree. It seems as thought all of her work and efforts lead to this record. I tend to compare it to a storm raging in a teacup. It tastes sweet, and then something comes up from under the surface, a beat, a line, that feels like a punch to the gut and entrances you until you are far removed from whatever place you previously found yourself in. Spectacular and overwhelming, this album is a rare gem indeed.
Grimes Art Angels
This is one of the most eccentric albums I know, and one I've come to love dearly. Art Angels surprises because of its heavily pop-oriented sound, whereas Claire Boucher's earlier expressions demonstrated synth/electronic/ambient-related sounds. Without losing the latter, Boucher manages to come further explore her 'style' (which is so bafflingly diverse it cannot be termed), without losing sight of catchiness in the process.
Grimes Miss Anthropocene
Hans Zimmer Inception
Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard Gladiator
Harold Budd and Brian Eno Ambient 2 - The Plateaux of Mirror
Have a Nice Life Deathconsciousness
Have Heart Songs to Scream at the Sun
Hayley Williams Petals for Armor
Holding Absence Holding Absence
IAMX Kingdom of Welcome Addiction
IAMX Alive In New Light
InMe Caught:: White Butterfly
Johann Johannsson Copenhagen Dreams
Johann Johannsson The Theory of Everything
Joni Mitchell Blue
Joy Division Closer
Depressing, bleak, aberrant but an indispensable album.
Julien Baker Sprained Ankle
Julien Baker Turn Out The Lights
Katatonia Viva Emptiness
Katatonia Brave Murder Day
Katatonia Tonight's Decision
Katatonia Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Katatonia Live Consternation
Kattoo Places
Korn Issues
La Dispute Vancouver
La Dispute Here, Hear.
La Dispute Here, Hear. II
La Dispute Here, Hear. III
La Dispute Rooms of the House
Levi The Poet Correspondence (a fiction)
Listener Wooden Heart
M83 Dead Cities, Red Seas and Lost Ghosts
Madredeus Os Dias da MadreDeus
Madredeus Existir
Martin O'Donnell Halo: Reach OST
Max Richter Recomposed: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
Memphis May Fire Challenger
In spite of not reinventing the wheel, Challenger is ridiculously catchy while boasting some of the most inspiring lyrics in music history.
Modest Mouse We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
Mogwai Earth Division
Mono Hymn to the Immortal Wind
Morrissey You Are the Quarry
Moving Mountains Pneuma
Moving Mountains Waves
My Dying Bride The Dreadful Hours
Neil Young Harvest
Neil Young After the Gold Rush
Neil Young Harvest Moon
Neurosis The Eye of Every Storm
Nick Cave and Warren Ellis La Panthere Des Neiges
Nils Frahm Streichelfisch
Nine Inch Nails With Teeth
Nine Inch Nails And All That Could Have Been
Nine Inch Nails Beside You in Time
Norma Jean Wrongdoers
Norma Jean All Hail
Northlane Singularity
Heartfelt lyrics, sent forth within a scorching blaze of energy. Themes such as religion/belief, hypocrisy, corruption and fear run rampant throughout the album. What makes this collection so great for me is the hopeful message that runs underneath all the chaos, rendering the album's message a life-affirming one.
Northlane Node
Nyctalgia Time Changed Everything...
This breaks me every time. Some of the rawest music I know in terms of sheer emotion.rIf I would have to explain to someone what loneliness, emptiness and desperation feel like, I would probably serve them this gem.
Olafur Arnalds ...And They Have Escaped The Weight Of Darkness
Palpitation Palpitation
PJ Harvey Rid of Me
PJ Harvey White Chalk
PJ Harvey Is This Desire?
Polaris The Mortal Coil
Polaris The Death of Me
Porcupine Tree Deadwing
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet
Portishead Dummy
Radiohead Amnesiac
Radiohead The Bends
Radiohead OK Computer
Radiohead The King of Limbs
Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine
Red (USA) End of Silence
Refused Refused Are Fucking Dead
Rise Against Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Rise Against The Sufferer and the Witness
Sigur Ros Agætis byrjun
Sigur Ros Takk...
Silent Planet The Night God Slept
Silent Planet Everything Was Sound
Simon and Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water
Slowdive Souvlaki
Soley We Sink
Soley Ask The Deep
Spiritbox Spiritbox
Stabbing Westward Darkest Days
Staind Staind
Definitely the record Staind had been brewing. It combines catchiness with destructive riffs and rage, reminiscent of their initial records, Tormented and Dysfunction. Truly a return to roots and how! The documentary that goes with it is mindful as well, and focuses on the hardships of musicians, which many people underestimate. I was truly touched with some scenes in it and, of course, with some songs that have already conquered a place in my heart.
Stick to Your Guns Disobedient
Stray from the Path Subliminal Criminals
Summoning Oath Bound
i love this to bits, and to me every single song in here is a masterpiece. Though it doesn't strike any emotional strings (yet). So for now, a 4.5 seems a most plausible outcome.
Tangerine Dream The Seven Letters From Tibet
Tangerine Dream Tangram
Tenhi Kauan
The Birthday Massacre Violet
The Birthday Massacre Walking With Strangers
The Birthday Massacre Imagica
The Chieftains The Long Black Veil
The Cure Pornography
The Cure Faith
The Mars Volta Frances the Mute
The Receiving End of Sirens The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi
The Sisters of Mercy First and Last and Always
The Smiths The Smiths
The Smiths Meat Is Murder
Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind
Thousand Below The Love You Let Too Close
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
To Destroy A City To Destroy A City
Lush and atmospheric sound. Sometimes very simple (on the brink of minimalism), sometimes very complex but always effective. This album's meant to reserved for focused listening, because there are many hidden layers beneath that would go unnoticed otherwise. It's rich in its essence.
Tool Lateralus
Tool Ænima
Touche Amore Live On BBC Radio 1
Touche Amore Is Survived By
Touche Amore Stage Four
"I'm all used up and out of steamrVacationing somewhere in betweenrA city named catharsisrAnd the other called emptyrIn one I feel so commonrIn the other I am royalty"rA crushing confession of sorts, Stage Four is once again a step forward for Touche Amore. It's been some time since they abandoned their short yet abrasive song structure for a more elaborate one, and their sound has improved since.
Toundra III
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo OST
Something about this... atmosphere. It makes me feel paranoid, angsty, self-conscious... I've heard many albums that can make one experience(teenage) angst, I've heard others that are embarassing (lyrically or just because of technical incompetence) and make one feel awkward, but I've never actually become paranoid while listening. For that alone, it deserves at least a 4. Overall, tracks are very strong and can each be listened to as stand-alone pieces, but obviously, you would need the entire album to experience the spectrum Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross were going for... There is so much variety and just brilliant musicianship going on.
Tycho Dive
Tycho Awake
Tycho Epoch
Type O Negative October Rust
Type O Negative Bloody Kisses
Vangelis Voices
Vangelis El Greco
Brooding and epic, El Greco is for me the apex of the aggregate of Vangelis' oeuvre. Ever menacing, it's filled to the brim with slow build-ups, climaxes and unexpected turns. A delight for the avid listener.
Vangelis 1492: Conquest of Paradise
Verse Aggression
Wage War Blueprints
Wage War Deadweight
While She Sleeps You Are We
William Basinski Cascade
William Basinski A Shadow in Time
Yann Tiersen Tabarly
Yann Tiersen Good Bye Lenin!
Yellowcard Ocean Avenue
Yellowcard Southern Air
Yellowcard Yellowcard

4.0 excellent
10 Years The Autumn Effect
12 Stones 12 Stones
12 Stones The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday
3 Doors Down The Better Life
A Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step
Adna Closure
Adna Run Lucifer
Adna Night
Adrian von Ziegler The Celtic Collection
Adrian von Ziegler Starchaser
Aesthesys Crossing The Shoreline
AFI Black Sails in the Sunset
Against The Current In Our Bones
Aix Em Klemm Aix Em Klemm
Alan Menken Beauty And The Beast OST
Alex Turner Submarine OST
Nothing spectacular to find here, but a charming little album this is. Alex Turner displays a new side of him, a more mellow and relaxed one, which feels like a breath of fresh air.
Allan Taylor Looking For You
Amy Macdonald The Human Demands
Anais Mitchell Anais Mitchell
Anathema Judgement
Anathema Alternative 4
Anathema We're Here Because We're Here
Anathema Weather Systems
Anberlin Cities
Anberlin Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place
Anberlin Lowborn
Angel Vivaldi Universal Language
Angelzoom Fairyland
Angelzoom Angelzoom
Anti-Flag For Blood and Empire
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Architects The Here and Now
Architects For Those That Wish to Exist
Architects The Classic Symptoms of a Broken Spirit
Ashes You Leave Songs of the Lost
Ashes You Leave Desperate Existence
Ashes You Leave The Passage Back to Life
Beach House Teen Dream
Beach House Bloom
Being as an Ocean Dear G-d
Ben Frost By the Throat
Ben Howard Every Kingdom
Ben Howard I Forget Where We Were
Bjork Vespertine
Sexually involved, unexplored depths of the human psyche, an abundance of latent anger, mesmerizing artwork and video; this album counts one merit after another and over time I continue to delve into it to find ever more phrases overlooked, meaning left un-analyzed, murky caves un-explored.
Black Mirrors Look Into The Black Mirror
Black Mirrors Tomorrow Will Be Without Us
Blue Foundation Life Of A Ghost
Blue Foundation Sweep Of Days
Blue Oyster Cult Blue Öyster Cult
Blue Oyster Cult Fire of Unknown Origin
Boards of Canada Music Has the Right to Children
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase
Bonobo Black Sands
Bonobo Migration
Bonobo Fragments
Brendan Perry Eye of the Hunter
Bring Me The Horizon Sempiternal
Carole King Tapestry
Caspian Dust and Disquiet
Celldweller Celldweller
The blend of music genres and immense diversity to the tracks make this album stand out in the current that is music. From 'regular rock',mixed with electro-elements (Switchback) over metal-like tunes (One good reason) to inspiring ambience-creating tracks (Welcome to the end), this album is indeed rare in its appearance. The one shadowside could well be its inconsistency, although this doesn't affect my love towards the album.
Celldweller Soundtrack for the Voices in My Head
Chevelle This Type Of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
"Like a leach,rI hold on as if we belonged,rTo some precious pure dream.rCast off, you've seen what's beneath,rNow fail me."rTo me this album is about growing up and finding out the things you once revered suddenly mean little to nothing anymore. You grow beyond them, and beyond the earlier version of you. Casting off your shell, you find yourself lost, looking for what this new chapter might mean, and how you can fit in. A very personal album for me, and full of hidden depths.
Chevelle La Gárgola
Chevelle The North Corridor
Circle of Dust Disengage
City and Colour Sometimes
City and Colour Live
City and Colour The MySpace Transmissions
Clannad Clannad
Clannad Clannad 2
Clannad Magical Ring
Close Your Eyes Empty Hands and Heavy Hearts
Cocteau Twins Heaven or Las Vegas
Counterparts Prophets
Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile Lotta Sea Lice
Crossbreed Synthetic Division
Crystal Castles Crystal Castles III
Vastly different from their debut and sophomore release, 'Crystal castles III' delves deeper into the underground, seeking redemption from its earthly chains. Taking what we all loved in 'crystal castles II' (the dark, atmospheric, trancy beats in Year of Silence, Empathy, Violent Dreams etc), and molding it into a more coherent, darker, bleaker aggregation. The lyrics have drastically been evolving for the better (take 'Kerosene' for instance). Crystal Castles are well aware that innovation has always been their greatest trump card and they exploit it: intensely, almost frantically, but the hallucinatory, trance-inducing beats are proof that they still have much untapped potential.
Cult of Luna Cult of Luna
Cult of Luna Eternal Kingdom
Cult of Luna Vertikal
David Duchovny Hell Or Highwater
David Duchovny Every Third Thought
Dead Can Dance The Serpent's Egg
Dead Can Dance Dead Can Dance
Dead Can Dance Into the Labyrinth
Dead Can Dance Spiritchaser
Dead Can Dance Anastasis
Dead Swans Sleepwalkers
Deep Purple Deep Purple In Rock
Deftones Adrenaline
Deftones Around the Fur
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Delta-s Voyage to Isis
One of those listens you tend to spin late at night when you're contemplating things... It really does feel like a voyage to me. The interludes help you get into the experience of leaving Earth and exploring other worlds. Some songs are flawed but taken as a whole, it's one amazing concept album that really achieves its goal.
Departures Death Touches Us, From The Moment We Begin To Love
Diablo Blvd. Builders of Empires
DIIV Is the Is Are
Disturbed Believe
Disturbed Ten Thousand Fists
Dozer Through The Eyes Of Heathens
Dream State Consequences
Dream Theater Train of Thought
Dream Theater Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Dream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
Dream Theater Awake
Drowning Pool Sinner
Drowning Pool Full Circle
Echo and The Bunnymen Crocodiles
Echo and The Bunnymen Echo and The Bunnymen
Editors In This Light and On This Evening
Eluveitie Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion
Eluvium Talk Amongst the Trees
Eluvium When I Live by the Garden and the Sea
Eluvium An Accidental Memory in the Case of Death
Eluvium Lambent Material
Eluvium Similes
Eluvium The Motion Makes Me Last
Eluvium Nightmare Ending
Eluvium False Readings On
Emery ...In Shallow Seas We Sail
Solid effort, lots of emotion and meaningful lyrics, although I have trouble hearing this as a whole. Don't know why, there are a lot of stand-out tracks and some songs are still growing on me, my attention just fades after a while... Shame.
Empyrium Weiland
Enya A Day Without Rain
Estas Tonne 13 Songs of Truth
Evanescence Evanescence
Evanescence Evanescence
Every Time I Die Ex Lives
Eyes Set to Kill Broken Frames
Fair to Midland Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is True
Fair to Midland Arrows and Anchors
Falling Up Captiva
Falling Up Fangs
Fischerspooner Odyssey
Fit for Rivals Steady Damage
Fleet Foxes Fleet Foxes
Fleetwood Mac Rumours
Frank Turner England Keep My Bones
Frenship Vacation
Gary Numan Splinter (Songs From A Broken Mind)
God Is an Astronaut The End of the Beginning
God Is an Astronaut God Is an Astronaut
God Is an Astronaut Age of the Fifth Sun
God Is an Astronaut Helios/Erebus
God Is an Astronaut Ghost Tapes #10
Goldmund Famous Places
Gorillaz Cracker Island
Gregory Alan Isakov This Empty Northern Hemisphere
Gregory Alan Isakov The Weatherman
Grimes Geidi Primes
Haken The Mountain
Halocraft A Mother To Scare Away The Darkness
Halou Wholeness and Separation
Halou Halou
Hammock Maybe They Will Sing for Us Tomorrow
Hammock Elsewhere
Hans Zimmer Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture
Hans Zimmer Dark Phoenix
Heights Dead Ends
Helios Ayres
Hungry Lucy To Kill a King
Hungry Lucy Pulse of the Earth
IAMX The Alternative
IAMX Metanoia
IAMX Everything Is Burning (Metanoia Addendum)
Icon For Hire Scripted
Icon For Hire You Can't Kill Us
Imagine Dragons Night Visions
Imogen Heap Speak For Yourself
Imogen Heap I Megaphone
Imogen Heap Ellipse
Imogen Heap Sparks
In This Moment The Dream
InMe Overgrown Eden
Insomnium Since the Day It All Came Down
Insomnium In the Halls of Awaiting
Insomnium Across the Dark
Insomnium One for Sorrow
Iron Maiden Powerslave
ISIS Wavering Radiant
Jakob Solace
Jerk When Pure is Defiled
Johann Johannsson The Miners' Hymns
Johann Johannsson Virðulegu Forsetar
Johann Johannsson Sicario OST
Johann Johannsson Arrival OST
Jon Hopkins Immunity
Jon Hopkins Singularity
Joni Mitchell Clouds
Jonsi Go
Joy Division Heart And Soul
One of the best boxsets I've ever seen: a remastered and virtually exhaustive garden of Eden for listeners of the gloomy, the eerie, the depressing. Basically a defining, ground-breaking musical period reduced to 4 CDs, perfectly denoting the feeling of defeatism, despondency, disconsolation typical of the zeitgeist; all of which Ian Curtis incarnated.
Katatonia The Great Cold Distance
Katatonia Night Is the New Day
Katatonia Dead End Kings
Katatonia Last Fair Day Gone Night
Kidneythieves Zerospace
Kidneythieves TryptOfanatic
Kitten Kitten
Klaus Schulze Timewind
La Dispute Untitled
Lacuna Coil Dark Adrenaline
Leonard Cohen You Want It Darker
Less Than Jake Anthem
Lights Out Asia Eyes Like Brontide
Lights Out Asia Tanks And Recognizers
Lights Out Asia Garmonia
Linkin Park The Hunting Party
Lisa Gerrard The Mirror Pool
Lisa Gerrard The Silver Tree
Listener Return to Struggleville
Loreena McKennitt The Visit
Lostprophets Start Something
Lostprophets The Fake Sound Of Progress
Lunatic Soul Through Shaded Woods
Lydia Illuminate
Machinae Supremacy A View from the End of the World
Machinae Supremacy Redeemer
Madredeus Lisboa
Madredeus Movimento
Martin O'Donnell Halo 3 OST
Massive Attack Mezzanine
Max Richter Memoryhouse
McAuley Schenker Group M.S.G.
Mechina Acheron
Mechina Progenitor
Mike Oldfield Return to Ommadawn
Mike Shinoda Post Traumatic
Mogwai Les Revenants OST
Mono One Step More and You Die
Motek Port Sunshine
Movements Feel Something
Neurosis Through Silver in Blood
Neurosis Souls at Zero
Neurosis Enemy of the Sun
Neurosis Honor Found in Decay
Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Push The Sky Away
Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine
Nine Inch Nails Year Zero
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IV
Nine Inch Nails The Slip
Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine: 2010 Remaster
I never paid much attention to Pretty Hate Machine. It has always seemed like an inferior little brother to the Fragile and Downward Spiral. However, I felt the compelling pull of the remastered CD, luring me in to hear the unraveling of one of those records where everything seems to blend and you have to turn it up tremendously to hear certain effects/sounds (the only reason I never gave the songs a deep listen, was because of the poor quality). And I dare say I was blown away. Especially 'head like a hole', 'terrible lie', 'kinda I want to' (a new instant favourite) and 'that's what I get' are superbly enhanced. Right now, the only band of whom I own nearly all the albums is NIN. They are that good. And this album only does justice to that statement.
O'Brother Endless Light
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Architecture & Morality
Pale Waves My Mind Makes Noises
Pale Waves Who Am I?
Paradise Lost Shades of God
Paradise Lost Draconian Times
Paradise Lost Icon
Paramore Riot!
Paramore Paramore
Paramore After Laughter
Parkway Drive Atlas
Pelican Forever Becoming
Phoebe Bridgers Punisher
Phoebe Bridgers If We Make It Through December
PJ Harvey Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
PJ Harvey Dry
Placebo Sleeping with Ghosts
Placebo Meds
Poets of the Fall Signs of Life
Porcupine Tree In Absentia
Promise and the Monster Transparent Knives
Promise and the Monster Red Tide
Pure Reason Revolution Eupnea
Puscifer Money Shot
Rachel Platten Wildfire
Radiohead Kid A
Radiohead Hail to the Thief
Radiohead My Iron Lung
Radiohead In Rainbows
Radiohead A Moon Shaped Pool
Rage Against the Machine Evil Empire
Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles
Ramallah But A Whimper
Ramallah Kill A Celebrity
Rammstein Mutter
Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication
Rhian Sheehan Standing in Silence
Rishloo Feathergun
Rishloo Living as Ghosts with Buildings as Teeth
Robert Rich Echo Of Small Things
Rush Moving Pictures
Rush Vapor Trails
Rush Counterparts
Rush Snakes & Arrows
Rush Snakes & Arrows Live
Russian Circles Station
Russian Circles Empros
Russian Circles Guidance
Ryuichi Sakamoto Playing The Piano
Saosin Saosin
Scale the Summit The Collective
Seasick Steve You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Seether Disclaimer II
Seether Disclaimer
Sia Colour the Small One
Sia 1000 Forms Of Fear
Sigur Ros Heima (DVD)
Sigur Ros Valtari
My god, this is beautiful and scary at the same time. Magic. Sheer magic...
Simon and Garfunkel Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
Sirenia At Sixes And Sevens
Skillet Collide
Sleep Token This Place Will Become Your Tomb
sleepmakeswaves In Today Already Walks Tomorrow
Soilwork The Living Infinite
Soundgarden Superunknown
Stabbing Westward Wither Blister Burn & Peel
Staind Break The Cycle
Staind Dysfunction
Staind Tormented
Stake When the Candle Dies Out
Stake All Is Chaos
Stand Atlantic Pink Elephant
Stand Atlantic F.E.A.R.
Static-X Wisconsin Death Trip
Stray Abuse by Proxy
Stray Letting Go
Stray from the Path Anonymous
Sufjan Stevens Carrie and Lowell
Sun Kil Moon Benji
Tangerine Dream Zeit
TesseracT Portals
The Birthday Massacre Nothing and Nowhere
The Birthday Massacre Show And Tell
The Chats Get Fucked
The Chieftains Water from the Well
The Cure Seventeen Seconds
The Echelon Effect Drift Ten
The Ghost Inside The Ghost Inside
The Ocean Heliocentric
The Ocean Pelagial
The Radio Dept. Lesser Matters
The Radio Dept. Clinging to a Scheme
The Radio Dept. Running Out of Love
The Sisters of Mercy Vision Thing
Though it somewhat pales in comparison to the rest of their already legendary discography, this album in itself most certainly has its merits and knows how to underline them effectively. Catchy, dark, meaningful: your typical Sisters' album.
The Sisters of Mercy Floodland
The Smiths The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths Strangeways, Here We Come
The Smiths The World Won't Listen
The Unseen State Of Discontent
The Unseen The Anger and The Truth
The Unseen So This Is Freedom?
Thievery Corporation Saudade
Third Eye Blind Blue
Third Eye Blind Out of the Vein
Thirty Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds To Mars
Thirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful Lie
Thornhill Butterfly
Three Days Grace One-X
Tide Lines An ocean full of islands
Tiesto In Search of Sunrise 5: Los Angeles
Tom Petty Wildflowers
Tonight Alive What Are You So Scared Of?
Tonight Alive The Other Side
Tonight Alive Limitless
Tonight Alive Underworld
Tool 10,000 Days
Tori Amos Little Earthquakes
Tori Amos Under the Pink
Tori Amos From the Choirgirl Hotel
Tori Amos Ocean to Ocean
Toto The Seventh One
Touche Amore Touche Amore
Toundra Toundra
Toundra Toundra (II)
Toundra IV
Toundra Vortex
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross The Social Network OST
Trentemoller Harbour Boat Trips 01 - Copenhagen
Trivium The Sin and the Sentence
Type O Negative World Coming Down
Type O Negative Life Is Killing Me
Unter Null Moving On
Verse From Anger and Rage
Vision of Disorder The Cursed Remain Cursed
VNV Nation Futureperfect
VNV Nation Empires
VNV Nation Burning Empires
Voicians EscApe
Warpaint Warpaint
Whispering Sons Endless Party
William Basinski Watermusic II
William Basinski Nocturnes
Zeal and Ardor Stranger Fruit

3.5 great
12 Stones Potter's Field
12 Stones Anthem For The Underdog
Agnostic Front Another Voice
Alice in Chains Dirt
Amy Macdonald This Is The Life
Anais Mitchell Hadestown
Anais Mitchell Young Man in America
Anathema A Fine Day to Exit
Anathema Eternity
Angel Olsen Big Time
Anohni and the Johnsons Antony and the Johnsons
Anymore Umani
Armin van Buuren Imagine
Armin van Buuren Mirage
Armin van Buuren A State Of Trance 2012
Attack Attack! This Means War
Beach House Once Twice Melody
Beartooth Aggressive
Billy Joel The Stranger
Billy Joel Storm Front
Blue Stahli Antisleep Vol. 01
Blue Stahli Blue Stahli
Bo Burnham Inside (The Songs)
Bonobo Days To Come
Brand New Fight Off Your Demons (The Demos)
Bring Me The Horizon There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It...
Celldweller Wish Upon a Blackstar
Celldweller Soundtrack for the Voices in My Head Vol. 02
Chelsea Wolfe Abyss
Chevelle Vena Sera
CHVRCHES The Bones of What You Believe
CHVRCHES Every Open Eye
Citizen Youth
Songs full of anger, a bitter mindset laid bare. The bluntness of it all gives me the chills.
Clannad Sirius
Clannad Dúlamán
Clannad Fuaim
Clannad Lore
Cocteau Twins Head Over Heels
Coheed and Cambria The Color Before The Sun
Comeback Kid Wake the Dead
Comeback Kid Turn It Around
Creedence Clearwater Revival Green River
Crossfade Crossfade
Crossfaith Xeno
Crown the Empire The Fallout
Crystal Castles Crystal Castles
Danko Jones I'm Alive and on Fire
David Bowie Black Tie White Noise
Destrophy Destrophy
DIIV Deceiver
Dream Theater Falling into Infinity
Echo and The Bunnymen Ocean Rain
Eisbrecher Sturmfahrt
Emarosa 131
Enter Shikari Take to the Skies
Enya Watermark
Enya The Memory of Trees
Escape the Fate Escape the Fate
Evanescence Anywhere But Home
Exilia Decode
Falling Up Exit Lights
Fleetwood Mac Tango in the Night
Fleetwood Mac Tusk
For Today Breaker
Frank Turner Love, Ire & Song
Gary Numan Sacrifice
Gary Numan Exile
Good Charlotte Good Morning Revival
Gregory Alan Isakov That Sea, The Gambler
Guano Apes Walking On A Thin Line
HAIM Days Are Gone
Halou We Only Love You
Hammock The Sleep-Over Series (Volume 1)
Handguns Angst
Holding Absence The Greatest Mistake of My Life
Hotwire The Routine
Hungry Lucy Apparitions
IAMX The Unified Field
If These Trees Could Talk Above the Earth, Below the Sky
If These Trees Could Talk The Bones of a Dying World
In Hearts Wake Earthwalker
Insomnium Above the Weeping World
Jakob Subsets of Sets
Jamiroquai Dynamite
Perfect to work with these tunes in the background, ideal for a party, to set the mood with friends... An effort well appreciated.
Joe Jackson Night and Day
Katatonia The Fall of Hearts
Keaton Henson Birthdays
Khruangbin The Universe Smiles Upon You
Khruangbin Mordechai
Klaus Schulze Silhouettes
Klaus Schulze Timbres of Ice
Laura Marling A Creature I Don't Know
Less Than Jake Borders and Boundaries
Lights Little Machines
Lights Skin and Earth
Limp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
Linkin Park Reanimation
Linkin Park Living Things
Linkin Park Recharged
Loreena McKennitt The Book of Secrets
Lostprophets Liberation Transmission
Lucy Dacus Historian
Mega Drive Hardwired
Mega Drive 198XAD
Mega Drive Seas of Infinity
Mega Drive 199XAD
Memphis May Fire The Hollow
Memphis May Fire Remade in Misery
Mike Oldfield Crises
Mike Oldfield Discovery
Mike Oldfield Earth Moving
Mike Oldfield Amarok
Mike Shinoda Dropped Frames, Vol. 1
Mike Shinoda Dropped Frames, Vol. 2
Misery Signals Of Malice and the Magnum Heart
Mono You Are There
Motek Dragons
Movements No Good Left to Give
Neil Young Hitchhiker
Nemesea In Control
Nine Inch Nails Broken
Nine Inch Nails Hesitation Marks
P.O.D. Satellite
Panzer AG This Is My Battlefield
Papa Roach Infest
Paradise Lost Symbol Of Life
Pink Floyd The Division Bell
PJ Harvey Let England Shake
Pure Reason Revolution The Dark Third
Pure Reason Revolution Amor Vincit Omnia
Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf
Rachel Platten Waves
Radiohead Pablo Honey
Rammstein Reise, Reise
Rammstein Untitled
Rammstein Zeit
Red (USA) Innocence and Instinct
Red Hot Chili Peppers By the Way
Refused Freedom
Rise Against Appeal to Reason
Runrig The Cutter and the Clan
Runrig The Big Wheel
Runrig In Search of Angels
Runrig Everything You See
Rush 2112
Rush Roll the Bones
Rush Presto
Rush R30: 30th Anniversary Tour
Seasick Steve Hubcap Music
Seasick Steve Love and Peace
Sharon Van Etten We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong
Sia We Are Born
Sinead O'Connor The Lion And The Cobra
Siouxsie and the Banshees Juju
Sirenia An Elixir For Existence
Skillet Comatose
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
Smile Empty Soul Smile Empty Soul
Sonata Arctica Reckoning Night
Sonata Arctica Silence
Sonata Arctica Unia
Spineshank The Height of Callousness
Stabbing Westward Stabbing Westward
Staind 14 Shades of Grey
Static-X Shadow Zone
Stick to Your Guns Diamond
Stone Temple Pilots High Rise
Sum 41 Chuck
Supertramp Crime of the Century
Taproot Gift
Taproot Our Long Road Home
Taylor Swift Lover
Tenhi Vare
Tenhi Airut: Aamujen
Tenhi Saivo
The Birthday Massacre Looking Glass
The Birthday Massacre Pins and Needles
The Church Starfish
The Cranberries Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?
The Cranberries Bury the Hatchet
The Graduate Only Every Time
I love this album thoroughly, catchy as fuck. Just the perfect mix of good upbeat rock and catchy hooks.
The Luna Sequence They Follow You Home
The Pretty Reckless Light Me Up
The Smile A Light For Attracting Attention
Thievery Corporation It Takes a Thief: The Very Best Of
Thirty Seconds to Mars This Is War
Three Days Grace Explosions
Tiesto In Search of Sunrise
Toto Hydra
Toto Isolation
Toto Fahrenheit
Toto Tambu
Trapt Someone in Control
Trentemoller The Last Resort
Trust Company The Lonely Position of Neutral
Ulrich Schnauss and Mark Peters Underrated Silence
Unter Null The Failure Epiphany
Verse Rebuild
VNV Nation Judgement
Walls of Jericho The American Dream
Walls of Jericho Redemption
We Came As Romans To Plant a Seed
Weezer The Red Album
Yann Tiersen Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
Yann Tiersen L'Absente

3.0 good
Anberlin New Surrender
Blood for Blood Serenity
Blue Foundation In My Mind I Am Free
Bonobo The North Borders
Breaking Benjamin Dear Agony
Chevelle Sci-Fi Crimes
Chevelle Hats Off To The Bull
Crystal Lake True North
David Bowie David Bowie
Dead By Sunrise Out of Ashes
Egypt Central Egypt Central
Escape the Fate I Am Human
Evanescence The Open Door
Evanescence Origin
Exilia Can't break me down
Falling Up Crashings
Falling Up Dawn Escapes
Fennesz Seven Stars
Fiona Apple Extraordinary Machine
Fiona Apple Tidal
Fiona Apple When the Pawn...
Fort Minor The Rising Tied
God Is an Astronaut A Moment of Stillness
God Is an Astronaut Origins
Godsmack Awake
Godsmack Faceless
Godsmack IV
Halsey Badlands
Halsey Manic
Halsey If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power
Hayley Williams FLOWERS for VASES / descansos
How to Destroy Angels How To Destroy Angels
IAMX Kiss + Swallow
IAMX Volatile Times
Idlewild The Remote Part
Ill Nino Revolution/Revolucion
Ill Nino One Nation Underground
In Hearts Wake Skydancer
InMe White Butterfly
InMe Daydream Anonymous
InMe Herald Moth
Katatonia Deliberation
Katatonia The Longest Year
Lacuna Coil Comalies
Mike Oldfield Five Miles Out
Mono Under the Pipal Tree
Neutral Milk Hotel On Avery Island
Norma Jean Redeemer
Paul Simon Graceland
Persefone Metanoia
Porcupine Tree Stupid Dream
Porcupine Tree Lightbulb Sun
Purplene Purplene
Ruiner Prepare To Be Let Down
Rush A Farewell to Kings
Rush Permanent Waves
Rush Signals
Rush Hemispheres
Rush Grace Under Pressure
Saosin Translating the Name
Saosin Saosin EP
Saosin Come Close
Shearwater Animal Joy
Shinedown The Sound of Madness
Simon and Garfunkel Bookends
Simon and Garfunkel Sounds of Silence
Staind Chapter V
Taproot Blue-Sky Research
Taproot Plead the Fifth
Tears for Fears Songs from the Big Chair
Teitur Poetry & Airplanes
The Chieftains Down the Old Plank Road
The Cure Wild Mood Swings
The Ghost Inside Fury and the Fallen Ones
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Radio Dept. Pet Grief
The Radio Dept. This Past Week
The Unseen Lower Class Crucifixion
The Unseen Explode
The Unseen Internal Salvation
Third Eye Blind Ursa Major
This Mortal Coil Filigree & Shadow
This Mortal Coil Blood
Tim Hecker Ravedeath, 1972
Tool Undertow
Tool Opiate
Toto Toto
Touche Amore Lament
VNV Nation Matter and Form
Y Kant Tori Read Y Kant Tori Read

2.5 average
Angus and Julia Stone A Book Like This
Burn Season Burn Season
Deep Purple Shades of Deep Purple
Not bad, not good. Stays within set boundaries, but flickers of talent pop up here and there. A sign of what's yet to come.
Escape the Fate Dying Is Your Latest Fashion
Not bad, has its catchy moments, sounds nostalgic, but no staying value for me.
Florence and the Machine High as Hope
Listener Ozark Empire

2.0 poor
Escape the Fate There's No Sympathy for the Dead
Fleetwood Mac Mystery to Me

1.5 very poor
Architects Nightmares
Architects Ruin
Northlane Discoveries
P.O.D. Payable on Death

1.0 awful
Code Orange I Am King
Sun Kil Moon This Is My Dinner

Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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