Average Rating: 4.41 Rating Variance: 0.20 Objectivity Score: 39% (Poorly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicChildren of Bodom HatebreederEnsiferum EnsiferumIron Maiden Piece Of MindIron Maiden KillersIron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh SonOpeth Blackwater ParkSlayer Reign in BloodThe Crown Deathrace King4.5 superbAmorphis Silent WatersDie Apokalyptischen Reiter LichtDie Apokalyptischen Reiter All you need is LoveFinntroll NattföddHammerFall Legacy Of KingsIn Flames ClaymanIn Flames WhoracleMeshuggah Catch ThirtythreeOpeth The Roundhouse TapesThe Crown Hell Is HereThyrfing Vansinnesvisor4.0 excellentAmorphis Tales From The Thousand LakesAmorphis EclipseAmorphis SkyforgerDie Apokalyptischen Reiter Riders On The StormEnsiferum Victory SongsEquilibrium RekreaturFinntroll Visor om slutetMeshuggah ChaosphereMeshuggah The True Human Design3.5 greatChildren of Bodom Hate Crew DeathrollThyrfing Valdr Galga
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z