Average Rating: 4.56 Rating Variance: 0.44 Objectivity Score: 37% (Poorly Balanced)
Sort by: Rating | Release Date | Rating Date | Name5.0 classicAmon Tobin BricolageAmon Tobin SupermodifiedAutechre Anvil VapreBirdy Nam Nam Birdy Nam NamCibo Matto Viva! La WomanCibo Matto Stereo Type AColdcut Let Us PlayFelix Laband Dark Days ExitHint Portakabin FeverMr. Oizo Analog Worms AttackPropellerheads DecksandrumsandrockandrollTommy Guerrero Lifeboats and FolliesXploding Plastix Amateur Girlfriends Go Proskirt AgentsYello StellaYello You Gotta Say Yes To Another Excess4.5 superbAmon Tobin PermutationAmon Tobin Adventures In FoamAmon Tobin ISAMBackini ThreadsBonobo Dial 'M' For MonkeyBonobo Animal MagicClark IradelphicFunki Porcini OnGonzales Solo PianoHexstatic Master-ViewKelpe Ex-AquariumSpoonbill ZoomorphicTipper Broken Soul JamboreeTosca Dehli9Tosca No HassleXploding Plastix The Donca Matic SingalongsXploding Plastix Treated Timber Resists RotXploding Plastix Behind The Eightball4.0 excellentPepe Deluxe BeatitudePepe Deluxe SupersoundPepe Deluxe Queen of the Wave1.0 awfulBirdy Nam Nam Defiant Order
Bands: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z