Review Summary: Trudge To The Dhicket
In this album, blastbeats blast off, and instruments are squirted everywhere like a game of Splatoon. With a video game reference in the first sentence, kids will know I’m pretty rad. Similarly, with these spastic instruments going full technical, enjoyers of instruments will go oooo and aaaa.
The riff chaos may remind of Rings of Saturn, but unlike Rings of Saturn, it’s not dog vomit. However, these riffs bring a picture of an ancient alien entity come to rape all the cattle in a field to create a new, ungodly species that will serve as an army to destroy humans once zapped with an evolution ray. The guitars sounds insane, and while rape is definitely not condoned, the idea of mutated, murderous alien cows is rad in a Duke Nukem 3D kind of way. The guitars go on a sickening rampage, essentially.
The drums also exist. In fact, they exist so hard that the pummeling is similar to pushing cows down an infinite stairwell. The drums are so in tandem with the metal riffs, that they bring the end of days to your ear drums, making you hug your blankie for comfort. Let’s just say the drummer does more fills than land.
When listening to this album you must ask yourself, “is too much of an awesome thing a boring thing?”, but only if you’re a child. Everyone else will realize the brilliance of constant guitar hooks that are heavier than your mom when holding on to 5 backpacks on the way to child care. This album is for true metal enjoyers, the type that actually listen to metal regularly. Maybe Death metal album of the month, it’s that spooky. Those growls sound like someone possessed by the spirit of myself when I’m ***ing mad someone broke my guitar string. Translation: album owns.