| | Ratings (13) |
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1.0 awful | boobie boodgie | December 10th 23 | i am seriously concerned for anyone who rates this facebook black metal above a 2
1 Bumps | Bump |
3.5 great | I dont trust any user without a power metal 4.5 | December 10th 23 | only poseurs would compare this to bathory and only fascists would hail anything in the first place. tracks 1-4 are amazing heavy/tremz wins with tristessa vox and it looked like an easy 4, but then those last couple tracks yikes, her cleans are horrible on them and not in a good way
1 Bumps | Bump |
2.0 poor | Gary STAFF | November 8th 23 | "D-beat, Bathory, Crust" - these tags on Bandcamp are fucking LIES. It's a mix of distorted heavy/doom riffs, post punk-ish (quite goth) drums, and very tiring and weak black metal shrieks. It's mixed quite well, but it's pretty boring.
1 Bumps | Bump |
1.5 very poor | Pikazilla | March 6th 24 | facebook black metal sounds about right - this is some insipid shite for 12yos
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2.5 average | JohnDillinger | March 6th 24 | The first part of the record is pretty decent, nice riffs, cool punk-ish, doomy black metal. Halfway through "Victimized" very bad clean vocals are introduced and it just gets worse from there.
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4.0 excellent | zaruyache | December 5th 23 | HAIL BATHORY. HAIL BLACK METAL.
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2.5 average | Azazzel | December 8th 23 |
3.5 great | Gorey13 | November 13th 23 |
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