
Reviews 2
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Last Active 06-03-22 3:44 pm
Joined 02-13-17

Review Comments 4,463

10.26.24 Ever met a famous musician? What were t10.21.24 Most depressing songs you've ever heard
10.14.24 Genuinely disturbing music11.07.22 Instrumental folk recommendations?
08.27.22 Am shitfaced08.20.22 By far the worst thing of 2022 just hap
06.11.22 Songs that have actually made you cry? 05.25.22 Three questions...
03.27.22 How do you see metal evolving in the 20 12.29.21 Music Noir
12.15.21 Recommend EUPHORIC songs please03.25.21 Ambient Drone Odysseys
03.17.21 10 Electronic Tracks Worth Hearing01.06.21 Anyone with an iphone get in here pls!
12.07.20 Favourite interludes?12.04.20 Chilled out southern acoustic doohickey
02.08.19 Recs for SowingSeason

Ever met a famous musician? What were they like?

Were they cool or cunty? Did they serve as an example of why you should never meet your heroes (better yet never have heroes) or did they leave you pleasantly surprised? Here's a brief description of a few encounters:
1Harry Styles
Harry Styles

In the chill out section of an underground club in Tokyo circa Jan 2019. I was shitfaced owing to their deceptively strong firewater (or gaijin killer) and I had to go sit down before I fell down.. at some point I notice that the guy next to me looked incredibly familiar but in my hazy state I couldn't put a finger on how I knew him... eventually I figured out where I knew him... he was a guy I had gone to school with. I greeted him accordingly then it clicked that I was talking to one of the biggest pop stars on the planet.

But if I was gonna be starstruck by anyone, it sure as hell wasn't going to be Harry. I don't care for his music (budget store wannabe 21st century Mick Jagger) and in my mind he's just another semi talented musician with boyish good looks so I remember chatting to him about celebrity status and the double edged sword of fame - I was too slaughtered to remember exactly what was said but I do remember him being surprisingly grounded.
2Harry Styles
Fine Line

(Cont.) He was clearly trying to go incognito ... no security and keeping a low profile... it had worked as seemingly nobody had noticed him.

In reality I was probably a slobbering schlub but I suppose he would've appreciated me treating him like anyone else.

His mission was compromised when a girl I was holidaying with came looking for me and stumbled upon Mr Styles and reacted as most women would in their early 20s, starstruck like a cow looking at an oncoming train...another few friends wandered over and soon a crowd had assembled around him prompting him to get the fuck out. I didn't see it but several friends attest that a mutual friend who was actually a big fan of his was running toward him trying to rouse his attention then faceplanted just as he turned around and gave him the most pitying glance and kept walking.

I don't remember the rest of the night but I remember waking the next morning thinking it was a vivid dream until one of my friends brought it up.
3Justin Bieber

This wasn't such a random or intimate encounter since I was working backstage at one of his tours circa 2016. Long story short I threw him a water bottle he requested, and asked if he could give it back with some backwash when he's done so I could sell it on ebay, he chuckled and walked off.

I couldn't believe how small he was (to be fair I'm 6'5) and there was no real aura or charisma about him.
Don't have much respect for him either - he's a decent performer I guess but a shit musician, hypocritical god bothering egotist and a prissy little diva by all accounts. Still he's another one who was effectively robbed of their childhood (and it might be worse than we knew given the recent situation unravelling) so who knows how he would've turned out if he grew up naturally.
4Jack Johnson
On and On

Hawaii circa Jan 2003. He was busking in Waikiki shortly before he blew up... my folks have camcorder footage of him inviting me over and trying to teach me a few chords - I was no older than 10 and it was the first time I had ever touched a guitar in retrospect (then started playing a few years later). He just seemed like an easy going dude and as far as I know he hasn't been embroiled in any major scandals and his music (which admittedly I haven't heard much of) conveys some important environmentally conscious messages so mahalo my man

Phil Anselmo. Live in Austin TX circa 2017. He's a controversial figure for good reason, he's said a lot of inexcusable shit over the years most notably at dimebash where he screamed white power... despite that I don't condemn the guy. I condemn his actions, but if you've listened to his interviews as I have you'll know he's just an impulsive guy with a big mouth but a good guy at heart nor is he actually a bigot. He's done a hell of a lot for metal, helping to get bands like Neurosis, Eyehategod and even Deftones recognition, promoting black metal in the mid 90s, even playing under a pseudonym in some black metal acts so he didn't attract the frat boys. Plus Pantera are the only band I can think of that actually became heavier and inaccessible after achieving mainstream success. This was a brief interaction after the show, I expressed appreciation he drawled something facetious like 'just doing my job sir' and sincerely thanked me, gave me a bone crushing handshake and embrace.
6Devin Townsend
Ocean Machine: Biomech

Canada circa 2016. One of my favorite human beings. He was on the off the flagon on the wagon but he still hung out with fans at the bar after the show and regaled us with his wit and cool uncle energy.

I saw him again last year in my hometown and he put on one of the best shows I've ever seen - insane vocal range and his crowd engagement is second to none, and he even let us chose what acoustic songs to perform, which were a bit rusty but that added to the authenticity of it. All this after he had gone 30 hours without sleep as well.
Écailles De Lune

Saw Neige perform circa 16 at a now closed venue that was made to look like a cavern with stalactites and mist... it was a really hypnotic performance and probably the only show I've been to where the crowd stood dead still the whole time just taking in the sound.
Afterwards I was heading off when I see Neige stood right in front of me. I praised his performance and tried to make some chit chat but I don't know if it was my Australian accent that threw him off or if he has intense social anxiety or autism or if he was just exhausted or dazed but it was a short and somewhat sour discourse before I ended his suffering by walking off.
8Lil Ugly Mane
Mista Thug Isolation

Waited around to meet and greet him after the show last year - I know he had been battling the blues, even had to postpone the tour by half a year ... I honestly didn't think it would ever go ahead.. his social media posts hadn't exactly obfuscated the fact he was feeling suicidal so I paid extra for ticket insurance just in case.

Anyway he showed up brought the house down, great energy, crowd went apeshit, lots of material from MTI and Oblivion Access, though none of his new stuff (which to be fair would have killed the momentum). He finished by reading a poem he had penned on the plane about a snail called Quintin that lost it's shell.
He was noticeably flustered afterwards so I didn't take much of his time, just thanked him for doing what he does and he thanked me for thanking him and I was on my way.
Very eclectic crowd too - metal heads to wannabe gangsters to indie/hipster types. To be expected I guess.
9Eskimo Joe
Black Fingernails, Red Wine

Met the drummer and his little scumbag son a few months back working at a community market grounds, apparently he can't go 5 minutes without informing everyone in earshot that he plays for Eskimo joe - his underage son tried to pour himself liquor and I tried being diplomatic but they soon wore our their welcome and I snapped and said just because daddy is in a washed up rock band doesn't mean you get treated like a king mate and the dad looked humbled and tried to laugh it off and they eventually fucked off.
Captain Morgan's Revenge

Somehow forgot, when I was briefly living with my cousin in Canada who had a power metal project that was gaining some popularity and I ended up filled in bass for a while after theirs quit without notice... we played a few local shows including opening for Alestorm, with whom we spliced the main braid and got three sheets to the wind after as you would expect, they ended up crashing at my cousins place. Seemed like a fun bunch of guys. Christ the frontman has been accused of being an edgelord twat who would make goading racist remarks and I don't doubt he is or was but hopefully outgrew that stupid shit
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