
Album Ratings 34
Objectivity 65%

Last Active 10-25-12 4:30 am
Joined 10-25-12

Review Comments 1

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Mandroxa has not written any reviews yet

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  • JokineAugustus Seriously? That's quite surprising. Its pretty easy to add artists to the database.
    July 4 06:38 AM
  • Mandroxa So what, I don't need the stamp of approval of internet strangers. Besides the fact it takes less than a second to remove the shoutbox post of someone who refuses to accept that others are free to have their own tastes.
    October 27 06:15 AM
  • JokineAugustus Your gonna get hated for putting those artists up lol
    October 27 02:25 AM
  • Mandroxa It was an anime called Fighting Foodons. Super Cheesy, with more puns than even I can throw out. That guy is Albert, one of the few characters I really liked.
    October 25 05:49 AM
  • JokineAugustus Lol. Nice pic. Whats that from?
    October 25 05:37 AM

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