Reviews 19 Approval 87%
Soundoffs 174 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 25 Album Edits 37
Album Ratings 475 Objectivity 77%
Last Active 06-08-17 9:58 am Joined 03-13-15
Review Comments 399
 | tyman128 hey man, thought I would address you directly about this. Sorry that I haven?t been able to get a review out for you, but what I had planned just fell flat of what you deserved, so I?m going to take a break and come back to it hopefully later on. Love the album though, and I?ll let you know when I try it out again
 | Beardog Not sure if you're interested, but would be cool if you checked out the record I've made :)
 | BlackMalachite Hey man, I dropped a new album if you wanna give it a whirl -
 | osmark86 ps, check some of my stuff too and see if you dig :). always fun to listen to stuff from fellow electronic producers.
 | Drifter Sweet snoop rating/soundoff bro. You should check more of his stuff ;)