
Soundoffs 131
Album Ratings 2790
Objectivity 72%

Last Active 01-01-23 10:38 pm
Joined 03-01-06

Review Comments 490

Average Rating: 3.57
Rating Variance: 0.47
Objectivity Score: 72%
(Fairly Balanced)


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5.0 classic
Between the Buried and Me Colors
This marked the shift of an era. A classic that blurs the lines between metalcore and prog in a way that pushes both genres to new peaks. An example of something that feels thoroughly off-the-cuff yet planned, like a miraculous circumstance. Like accidentally stumbling upon what will come to be one of your fondest memories. That's all I have to say. I instantly felt compelled to learn the entire album on guitar, despite metalcore never being a particular favorite genre of mine. Who doesn't still get excited when they hear White Walls live?
Black Sabbath Paranoid
You really need me to explain this rating? Bruh. Look at the tracklisting. People who hate metal have still enjoyed these tracks at some point, I guarantee it.
Charles Mingus The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
On my first listen, I had many "wow" moments, but my most basic summary statement: "I'm going to have to listen to this at least 50 more times." There is a change in the air every time I put this on where the inevitable desire of the human soul takes mainstage and never leaves as it settles into the heart and mind. One of the most soulful albums I've ever heard, with equal compositional and technical finesse that can give anyone a run for their money today. And this was over 50 years ago. If this came out today, it would still be heralded as a major accomplishment.
Devin Townsend Project By A Thread: Live in London 2011
An amalgamation of a near-flawless run by one of prog metal's most prolific song-writers and performers. This group of performances represents Devin Townsend at his peak. Sound quality is phenomenal. Vocals (and all instruments) aren't just on-point, but go the extra mile. Every set provides a unique atmosphere that is encompassing of a pointed mentality relative to each album being performed; This is all during a key point in his personal progression through life, representing what heights can be reached with a sober mentality. The "encore" portions represent many of his best tracks from throughout his career. This performance is everything it should be.
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix
"I don't think they get it." "And you if don't, then there's something wrong, up here in your noggin." The prison complex slave force is having trouble keeping up with the increasing forest fires. People have been taking to the streets because of incongruence between politics and the need for representation. People are overdosing on pills in droves from a depressive disconnection; a lack of consequence. Society exists in disassociation; It's in our structures. These are the rational ramblings of well-meaning men.
Kendrick Lamar To Pimp a Butterfly
The fact that this can end up on multiple major publications' "Best of the Decade" list, despite the people making these lists not even understanding every core point expressed on the album, is pretty damn substantial. For an album that seems to be geared towards black people, I feel a noticeable shift within myself every time I let this sink in that's just... perfect. This album actively makes me a better (more considerate, logical, and sympathetic) person. This is the most thorough actualization of a piece of poetry that's equally simple and deep that I've ever heard. It's literally a goddamn rap opera that's way too cool to be considered an opera.
maudlin of the Well Bath
Words escape me. This album is irreplaceable. When I was reaching a point in my life where mental breakdowns were becoming overwhelming, this brought my soul escape. This helped to redefine the way I view my place in this world, in my Earthly shell. I still think some of the guitar solos here are some of the most satisfying solos I've ever heard. The instrumentation is so unique, almost off the wall, but SO vivid in fulfilling the purpose of it's execution (pun). Speaking of... the concept. All I'm going to say is that I avoided listening to this when I used to take acid because I didn't want to have to go through the process of experiencing a reasonable mentality where murder could occur out of a deranged sense of love... because this album is way too good at taking you down that road just to lose and regret. And yet, there's still peace. It's so broken, yet in tune with it's fulfillment. This is the type of thing that requires a process of rationalization. I don't really know what else to say... This is the perversion of transcendence. And it's just a beautiful thing to observe, deal with, and learn from.
Meshuggah I
I'm not posting this sound-off to change anyone's mind. But this is basically the musical incarnation of Armageddon.
Mr. Bungle California
Indescribable. Literally. The only way to communicate the quality of this album is to tap into it's mentality, and inevitably scare off and confuse people who don't jump headfirst into accepting everything life has to offer. Mr. Bungle is a band that is known for mixing genres together that would not be expected; Whereas the previous album, Disco Volante, was peak weirdness in artistry... this album brings much more topical focus and dynamic cohesion, and overall responds to general expectations of modern music, making this easily the most accessible album from a band that seems to do everything they can to not be. Some of the topics covered throughout are pretty clear satire after you let them sink in. "Nobody wants to be a Mr. Bungle."
Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
This album's track-listing isn't perfect because of one or two tracks (which are still fine tracks), but the execution of the concept itself is flawless and invaluable. Acting like this didn't totally redefine modern music, and that this isn't an epitome of itself, is a misnomer. Sometimes, the grime of life sticks to you, and letting it build up can make you unrecognizable to your past self. This album is a reminder. Eraser and Reptile still give me chills. Heresy, March of the Pigs, and The Becoming were definitive tracks of my depressed youth that all carry an energy, a sense of engagement, and a portrayal of self, that still define a quality of personal artistic engagement I prominently look for in music today.
Opeth Blackwater Park
An impossibly encapsulating darkly ethereal experience. Something that's incredibly easy to lose yourself in just to get sucked back in by the manner of each song's progression. The musical composition between all the instruments brings me to a different level of expectation of what a riff can do. One of the most obvious contenders for a progressive metal masterpiece. Still enjoy to the same exact degree today as I did 100+ listens ago.
Radiohead OK Computer
The album that was so encompassing that Thom Yorke had to make Kid A in order to escape it's success.
Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine
A song about unlawful police, where the ending refrain is "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me (x16)" was played all over the radio when I was in elementary school. I instantly loved it. Even at that age, I didn't it interpret as visceral or immature, like some subsequent nu-metal bands would promote within the rap/rock hybrid, though I clearly was too young to have any reasonable impression of politics. There is something about the sound throughout this album that is instantly recognizable pertaining to being ready to observe what exists in reality rather than what you're told to believe, backed up by some massive-sounding riffs, driving beats and grooves, and expressive, effect-laden solos that sing in a totally unique fashion; arguably Tom Morello's best work to date. Considering how instantly recognizable and how pure of a genre mix this is, with an unmistakably refined-yet-experimental, unforgettable sound, this album is definitely a classic.
Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come
This album is a life-changer. A testament to the artistic value of music. Punk died with this album so that it may be reincarnated in all of our hearts. God bless them.
Run the Jewels RTJ4
I've never heard any album do exactly what this album did. This took repeated listens to familiarize with the true quality of, but what other album filled with bangers is meant to approach your soul for a real talk about how our collective accountability equates to the potentiality for personal satisfaction? And there's so much more. This is layered. This is coded. This is like the homeless guy from "How Much a Dollar Cost" by Kendrick Lamar. Killer Mike and El-P both stepped their game up here. El-P's dropping one-liners that have up to four meanings, Killer Mike's energy is as infectious and relatable as ever (yet more driven), and they're knitting their verses together to balance off of each others meanings to reflect all sorts of perspectives through specific phrasing. This is an essential entry into the hip-hop canon, alongside any classic, and, to me, a picture perfect representation of a common man who interacts with his surroundings and just wants to invest in what really matters, despite imposing forces. Favorite rhetorical device: The loop from the outro to the intro. Also... "Never Look Back" is incredible when it sinks in, comparing the meaning to "Thursday In The Danger Room" from RTJ3. We live our love.
Tag Team Whoomp! (There It Is)
The song that was so good, they had to disband while standing in the mere shadow of it's
legacy. Never has there been a more widely encompassing anthem for partygoers of all
varieties and backgrounds. Even sports stadiums cannot avoid playing this banger on their
speakers to this day. The title says it all. Whoomp! (There it is.)
Tool Lateralus
The most encapsulating archetype of modern progressive rock. This album frames depth in a way that anyone can see, and it's kind of miraculous. Something to get lost in, and find yourself in. Deconstruction of core elements, amplified through open hearts and minds. Incredible, unforgettable, and massively influential, yet impossible to completely encapsulate by all the people trying to follow in their steps. No weak points. Fantastic.

4.5 superb
A Perfect Circle Thirteenth Step
A Tribe Called Quest The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest Midnight Marauders
A Tribe Called Quest We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your service
A Wilhelm Scream Career Suicide
Aceyalone A Book of Human Language
Ad Nauseam Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
Aesop Rock Spirit World Field Guide
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain
Impossibly lonely, cold, and isolated. And simultaneously majestically beautiful, sometimes soaring. Intimate, exposed, and vulnerable. Searching for peace in uncertainty. Unforgettable.
Antonio Vivaldi The Four Seasons
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92
At the Drive-In Relationship of Command
The abstract lyricism and the occasionally off-kilter, quirky guitarwork add an invaluable flavor to a style that's easily interpretable (post-hardcore/alt-punk), but no less innovative, experimental, or expressive. While most tracks take an energetic, almost upbeat approach to serious foreign political issues being discussed through consistent metaphorical phrasing, some of the strongest points are when they slow down and really let the mood sink in. My only major complaint is that it doesn't end as strongly as it started.
Autechre Tri Repetae
Bad Religion Suffer
Bad Religion No Control
Beastie Boys Paul's Boutique
Beck Odelay
Between the Buried and Me Alaska
Between the Buried and Me Colors_Live
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Between the Buried and Me Future Sequence: Live at the Fidelitorium
Billie Holiday Music for Torching
Binary Star Masters of the Universe
Bjork Post
Bjork Homogenic
Bjork Vespertine
Black Flag Damaged
Black Flag My War
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath Master Of Reality
Black Star Black Star
Blotted Science The Machinations of Dementia
This is a really hard album to encompass the artistry of in words without doing research on the actual topic of each instrumental, but I can definitely say that the musicality is of a degree relative to a masterclass jazz musician, but within a specific style I've never heard anywhere due to the required technical prowess. This isn't exercises: This is enticing brain fuel from start to finish, with psychological analyses engorging (both definitions) vivid sensations that reach towards root functions within the brain. Activation Synthesis Theory is one of the greatest metal instrumentals I have ever heard, with a solo that's nearly impossible to put into notation without making a mess. A monumental instrumental release.
Bomb the Music Industry! To Leave or Die in Long Island
Bomb the Music Industry! Vacation
Boogie Down Productions Ghetto Music: The Blueprint Of Hip Hop
Botch We Are the Romans
This is definitely the best Saturation album, and the best Brockhampton project by my standards. Not one filler track (S2 may have had a couple higher peaks, but it falls off toward the end). Engaging album flow; Every following track feels entirely necessary). They clearly hit their stride by putting their work in through 2017, and it shows here. Killer production. Everyone's performances round out their overall offerings to the group, providing everyone's highlights. Plus there's a good range of topics and moods, with Bleach being more introspective and one of their most enjoyable hits, and Sister/Nation being one of their most daring compositions. Also recommend the tracks: Rental, Stupid
Calvaiire Forceps
Camel The Snow Goose
Camel Moonmadness
Camel Mirage
Cannibal Ox The Cold Vein
Charles Mingus Mingus Ah Um
Charles Mingus Let My Children Hear Music
Charles Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus
Charles Mingus Me Myself An Eye
Charles Mingus The Clown
Charles Mingus Blues & Roots
Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper
Easily the best Children of Bodom record to me. They had this raw classic metal band energy over the first three albums that peaked here. And then Hate Crew Death Roll was like their Black Album to me; Got a lot of people into them, and it's a great album, but has the same issue: "Modernization" makes it tied to it's time. Where HCDR feels like a throwback to something that felt new, Follow the Reaper always feels exactly like it used. So many good tracks. Memorable from start to finish.
clipping. There Existed an Addiction to Blood
When you're ready to let it sink in, it can make you shiver from beginning to end. That's how it was for me on my second listen, when I gave it my full attention. A horror album where every (potentially) gruesome scenario is a metaphor for a real-life psychological horror, contrasting it's following partner album which largely does the opposite. On first listen, I had wished there were more drums. On the second listen, I realized the pulse was meant to be in my head, as it was implied by the placement of the vocal rhythms. First, I thought his flow and wordplay was very precise and well-executed. Then, I realized just how vivid yet interpretable Daveed's story-telling is as I started applying the details in these distinct scenarios to details of situations that I, and most people, should reasonably fear. This album brought me substantial realizations about hip-hop; How artistically daring it can be, and how effectively a fiction can indicate something real to a general audience, thus granting a window for anyone who wishes to get into the genre across backgrounds. Absolutely noteworthy: The sound design in "Run For Your Life" is precious. The transitions between tracks is so smooth, it makes the album feel like one extended sonically entrancing art piece. The final track is literally just a burning piano for 19 minutes, but because of how engaged I've been with the concepts throughout the prior 50 or so minutes, I've sat through it way more times than I can rationalize to anyone. I think it's a testament of accomplishment.
clipping. Visions of Bodies Being Burned
At first, I thought this might be a B-sides. That opinion was partially formed by hearing "Say the Name" first. However, that is easily the "safest" track on here, and serves a logical purpose near the beginning of the album as a bit of a calm. Comparing this to it's mirror album, There Existed An Addiction To Blood, there seems to be more of a psychological horror element here; whereas it's predecessor was largely based on fearing for your living flesh and blood in different contexts, there's a heavier element of underlying horrors and haunting here. If you're expecting the tone of Daveed's voice to haunt you more than the words he's saying, this isn't your kind of horror... This is more of an homage to classic horror movies that utilizes these tracks as a vehicle to make modern connections to legitimate points these movies made. This album is objectively an artistic achievement. While certainly not flawless (the interludes are less essential this time, Daveed's tone could occasionally be more aggressive), there are enough clear monuments to modern experimental hip-hop here to put clipping. very far into their own lane. Favorite/Recommended Tracks: Eaten Alive, Something Underneath, Enlacing
Clipse Hell Hath No Fury
Company Flow Funcrusher Plus
Not flawless, though undeniably a classic in it's own sense. Some of the strongest hip-hop tracks from the 90s. Occasionally transcendental. The only flaw throughout it's entirety is that it could use a few more topically focused tracks; Last Good Sleep is absolutely heartbreaking, and just how strong of a track it is makes it even more-so, because I can feel the dedication to the craft being relative to the need to escape from something that feels out of control. Aside from that, there's flows for days and instrumentals that are instantly recognizable, yet sonically complex within their occasionally lo-fi sensibilities. The head-space might go past some people, but when you're in it, complex thoughts might become catchy.
Converge Jane Doe
Cormorant Diaspora
Cynic Focus
Cynic Traced in Air
Cypress Hill Cypress Hill
Danny Brown Atrocity Exhibition
Danny Brown XXX
David Bowie Hunky Dory
David Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars
De La Soul 3 Feet High and Rising
Dead Kennedys Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables
Dead Kennedys Plastic Surgery Disasters
Death The Sound of Perseverance
Death Individual Thought Patterns
Death Symbolic
Death Human
Demilich Nespithe
Denzel Curry TA13OO
Depeche Mode Violator
Descendents Milo Goes to College
Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech
Devin Townsend Terria
Devin Townsend Project Deconstruction
Devin Townsend Project Ghost
Devin Townsend Project Contain Us
Devin Townsend Project Ocean Machine: Live in Plovdiv
Dilute Grape Blueprints Pour Spinach Olive Grape
DJ Shadow Endtroducing.....
Dream Theater Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
Dream Theater Images And Words
Dream Theater Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
I think that this is the least flawed Dream Theater album. There may technically be higher peaks at different points of their discography, but... Put it this way: SFAM is obviously a classic album, but I just can't stand the cheesier bits, and in retrospect, that contrast of styles and tones actually lessens the compositional cohesion. It's really disappointing to skip tracks on one of the greatest concept albums because the mood shifts don't always land. However, I don't see a reason to skip any track here, and find these songs to relate very clearly to each other while still offering substantial variations throughout it's runtime.
dredg El Cielo
Drive Like Jehu Yank Crime
El-P Cancer 4 Cure
El-P I'll Sleep When You're Dead
El-P Fantastic Damage
Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP
Eric B and Rakim Paid in Full
Eric B and Rakim Follow the Leader
Eric B and Rakim Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em
Exotic Animal Petting Zoo I Have Made My Bed in Darkness
This album slays so fucking hard, front to back. An hour of straight fire. It's like mixing Dillinger Escape Plan with The Mars Volta and making it sound like a 90s rock band that's too insane for radio play, or a post-hardcore album gone wrong. So good. Every track flows together and offers something different. Vocals are distinct, strong, and memorable. Lyrics are abstract, yet vividly provocative. All instrumentals are incredibly distinct, bringing chills down your spine and flames in your mind. The drummer absolutely owns. The compositions are all unconventional, successful experiments. So strongly recommended.
Eyedea and Abilities First Born
Failure The Heart Is a Monster
Fear Before The Always Open Mouth
First Fragment Dasein
Fishmans Long Season
Flying Lotus Cosmogramma
Frodus And We Washed Our Weapons In The Sea
Fugazi Red Medicine
Fugees The Score
Funkadelic Maggot Brain
Gang Starr Hard to Earn
Gang Starr Step in the Arena
Gang Starr Moment of Truth
Genesis Owusu Smiling with No Teeth
This album is absolutely incredible to me. There's such a wide mix of influences that come together flawlessly to carry through these vocal performances of a soul on fire, with impeccably well-crafted lyrics. The theme of the black dog carries a lot of weight as he really delves into the fine details of these two aspects: Of loving yourself when your partner convinces you otherwise, and when society convinces you otherwise as well. They aren't unrelated, it all contributes to an interplay of aspects of self-image. More importantly, the psychological nuances of what eats away at well-being, and the true nature of those nuances, is buried in all these lines in a very personally connective way; This album was born from the necessity of the human spirit to thrive. There's plenty of dreaminess throughout, a lot of throwbacks to older funk and soul styles, occasionally some rock and punk influences; it seamlessly bridges influences over multiple decades. Really feel the need to re-emphasize just how well-knit the lyrical themes between tracks are, it really serves as a strong basis for a complete listening experience as the performances fully convey the meanings. Most tracks are my favorites, but for a start, I recommend: Centrefold, Don't Need You, Smiling With No Teeth, Black Dogs!, Whip Cracker. These tracks all offer drastically different things while all being very clearly cohesive. Love it when experimentation lands well like this.
Genghis Tron Board Up the House
Glassjaw Coloring Book
Glassjaw Worship and Tribute
Godflesh Streetcleaner
Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Godspeed You! Black Emperor F♯ A♯ ∞
Gojira The Flesh Alive
Gojira From Mars to Sirius
Gojira Magma
Goodie Mob Soul Food
Gorod Leading Vision
Gravediggaz 6 Feet Deep
GZA Liquid Swords
Haken Vector
Hieroglyphics 3rd Eye Vision
Holy Fawn Death Spells
Ice Cube AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted
Ice Cube Death Certificate
Ichiko Aoba 0
Ichiko Aoba qp
Ichiko Aoba Mahoroboshiya
IDLES Joy as an Act of Resistance
Immolation Close to a World Below
In Flames The Jester Race
Incubus (USA-CA) S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Injury Reserve Live From The Dentist Office
Iosonouncane Ira
Iron Maiden The Number Of The Beast
Iron Maiden Brave New World
Iron Maiden Piece Of Mind
Iron Maiden Powerslave
Jaga Jazzist What We Must
James Blake Overgrown
Japandi The Great Dinosaur Mystery
Japanese Breakfast Jubilee
Jeru the Damaja The Sun Rises in the East
Jeru the Damaja Wrath of the Math
Jethro Tull Stand Up
Jethro Tull Thick as a Brick
I literally just heard this for the first time, and I can't believe how much fire there is in here. Amazing riffs / song composition. Easily a progenitor of modern prog rock. Contemplating a 5. Btw, I'm guessing musicians' issue with the "concept album" label is the fact that literally any album that's about anything is a "concept" album. Kind of like how most bands that use advanced compositional techniques are generally considered "prog."
JID DiCaprio 2
JID The Never Story
JID The Forever Story
After letting this sink in, it's actually better than I initially thought. The way the lyrical themes tie together is really clever. It covers his come-up and dealing with money and "the devil's temptations," sure, but the way he portrays how family matters within the influence of growing up in poverty really helps get across a clear picture, visually and mentally. JID has an impressive amount of subtlety for someone who's capable of being flashy. Just about all of the main attributes that a rapper can do well, he pulls off; Commercial appeal, technical flows, smooth double talk, conscious lyrics that don't over-preach, a wide variety of beats, and even some well-sung passages. The features all fit well into their tracks, but JID is definitely a big part of why they shine, as he balances off of their contributions perfectly, such as in "Just in Time." Something particular special about JID that's further exemplified on this album is his ability to really bring an instrumental to life with the way he structures his approach, which he has achieved a very fine balance with on here, both on individual tracks and throughout the album. Probably the biggest flaw out of the whole thing is the album essentially feeling like two halves, being front-loaded with bangers followed by mostly melodic, more vulnerable cuts after. It's not detrimental enough to lessen the songs, but a transitional track might've done wonders, considering everything else was mostly on point. Heavy contender for album of the year.
Jimmy Eat World Clarity
John Coltrane Blue Train
John Coltrane A Love Supreme
Jon Gomm Don't Panic
JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown Scaring the Hoes
Judas Priest Sad Wings Of Destiny
Juggaknots Re:Release
Kamasi Washington The Epic
Kashiwa Daisuke Program Music I
Kendrick Lamar good kid, m.A.A.d city
Kendrick Lamar Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers
This album is salvation and a total piece of shit. There, now that we got the silly part out of the way: This is K Dot covering the toxicity in the culture at the root of interpersonal relationships, starting with our selves. He's still doing the same shit he's always done. He's still saying simple things that people aren't thinking about enough to get the true meaning of. His flows aren't as aggressive or technically savvy this time around, but he still tastefully switches it up a lot, and it serves as a basis for baring soul. This album is a therapy session, flat-out. And simultaneously, he's still locked into that public expectation and pulling it off. While there're 2-4 tracks that don't hit the same, the album as a whole conveys a very important process of self-reflection and internalization. This album will positively impact many people. It's a success in my book.
Kids See Ghosts Kids See Ghosts
Killer Mike R.A.P. Music
King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
King Diamond Abigail
Koji Kondo The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time OST
KRS-One Return Of The Boom Bap
Last Chance to Reason Level 2
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III
Lil Ugly Mane Oblivion Access
Linkin Park The Hunting Party
For me, this is clearly Linkin Park's best work, right next to Hybrid Theory. This album is raw, personal, and emotionally charged, for sure. Most of the tracks on here are highlight tracks, and the ones that are closer to average aren't bad tracks. The only track I can't really get behind is Final Masquerade. Aside from that, there're multiple collaborations on here that work as well as they possibly could have, with features including Rakim and members of Helmet, System of a Down, and Rage Against the Machine. Hybrid Theory had a certain angst to it that could at worst be considered teenage angst, but is ultimately based in a dark and troubled past that gets conveyed effectively when connecting with the material. Hunting Party doesn't feel like teenage angst; This is the peak representation of Linkin Park sounding relevant with their angst as adults. These tracks come off more like anthems of facing an existential crisis. Aside from the feature tracks all being great, other highlights include Keys to the Kingdom having the kind of chorus only Chester could deliver that skillfully and naturally, as well as Mark the Graves having some seriously impressive high notes in an overall effective rock track.
Little Big League Tropical Jinx
Machine Head Unto The Locust
Machine Head Bloodstone And Diamonds
Madvillain Madvillainy
Manic Street Preachers The Holy Bible
Massive Attack Mezzanine
Mastodon Crack the Skye
maudlin of the Well Leaving Your Body Map
mclusky McLusky Do Dallas
Megadeth Rust In Peace
Meshuggah Nothing (Re-Release)
Meshuggah obZen
Meshuggah Alive
Meshuggah The Violent Sleep of Reason
As a longtime fan of Meshuggah, this release is an absolute treat for me. For anyone inclined towards nerding out over technicalities: Koloss was an effective step away from simply repeating odd patterns in a clever formation by including more specifically placed deviations. However, I feel that it actually detracted from that album's replay value, despite it being slightly less predictable. However, on this album, there's a perfect balance between formulaic and nuanced, and some more subtle tricks are introduced that may not be noticeable if giving oneself wholly to the "swirl" rather than focusing on staying grounded. FANTASTIC examples: By the Ton's riffs don't line up into the 4 of 4/4 groupings, meaning if you start following one riff, you might not be on the original on-beat. Also, this track is absolutely loaded with parts that constantly change, more like demented free jazz. Another great example is Stifled: The intro contains 3 notes before the phrase kicks in, meaning the first downbeat is on a fast offbeat. There're little things like this that make perfect sense for Meshuggah, but just haven't been utilized like this until now, and it shows that they're still capable of finding room for growth within their thoroughly established identity. On a visceral level, this thing just fucking bangs. Clockworks, Monstrocity, Ivory Tower, Nostrum, In Decay... All killer, totally distinct within their discography. Good workout album with no major lulls.
Metallica Ride The Lightning
Metallica Master Of Puppets
Metallica Live Shit: Binge & Purge
Mew Frengers
Miles Davis Kind of Blue
Miles Davis Bitches Brew
Miles Davis Milestones
Misfits Walk Among Us
Mobb Deep The Infamous
Mobb Deep Hell on Earth
Morbid Angel Altars of Madness
Morbid Angel Blessed Are the Sick
Morbid Angel Covenant
Motorhead Ace Of Spades
Mr. Bungle Disco Volante
Mudvayne L.D. 50
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
Nas Illmatic
Necrophagist Epitaph
Nekrogoblikon Power
Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Nevermore Dead Heart in a Dead World
Nevermore The Year of the Voyager
They play most of their best tracks over 2 hours. Everyone's performance is refined and on-point. Warrel's voice stays strong on every song. A prime representation of Nevermore as a band.
Night Verses From the Gallery of Sleep
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VII: Original Soundtrack
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections
NOFX Punk in Drublic
Norma Jean Polar Similar
Nujabes Modal Soul
Old Man's Child The Pagan Prosperity
Oni (CAN) Ironshore
Wow! Can't believe there isn't a review for this. I'm pretty sure this was my favorite metal album from 2016. The track "The Science" is absolutely incredible. The whole album has well-composed instrumentals that carry the band's theme really well. Plus, everyone's nasty at their instruments, but shout-out to the xylo-synth player for shredding with the mallets.
Operation Ivy Energy
Opeth Ghost Reveries
Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse
Opeth Still Life
Opeth In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall
Origami Angel Somewhere City
Ornette Coleman The Shape of Jazz to Come
OutKast ATLiens
OutKast Stankonia
OutKast Aquemini
P.O.S Never Better
Pantera Cowboys from Hell
Pantera Vulgar Display of Power
Panzerballett Breaking Brain
Parliament Mothership Connection
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd The Wall
Pink Floyd Animals
Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon
Poor Righteous Teachers Holy Intellect
Portishead Dummy
Primus Frizzle Fry
Primus Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Prince Purple Rain
Prince Sign o' the Times
Prince Paul A Prince Among Thieves
Propagandhi Supporting Caste
Protest the Hero Kezia
Psychostick Sandwich
I think this is the closest we're getting to a consistent concept album from these guys. And it works! Personally, I think this is their best. I'm not much of a hardcore dancer, but if ever there was a song worth hardcore dancing for... it's Orange.
Public Enemy Fear of a Black Planet
Public Enemy It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf
Queensryche Operation: Mindcrime
Radiohead Kid A
Radiohead In Rainbows: From the Basement
Rancid ...And Out Come the Wolves
Ras Kass Soul on Ice
Red Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Revocation Deathless
Right Away, Great Captain! The Bitter End
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels 2
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels 3
Run-D.M.C. Raising Hell
Sadistik and Kid Called Computer The Art of Dying
Scale the Summit The Collective
Sepultura Beneath the Remains
Sepultura Arise
Shpongle Tales of the Inexpressible
Shpongle Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost
Sigur Ros Agætis byrjun
SikTh Death of a Dead Day
SikTh The Trees Are Dead and Dried Out, Wait for Something Wild
Slayer Reign in Blood
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss
Slick Rick The Great Adventures of Slick Rick
Soften The Glare Glint
Souls of Mischief 93 'til Infinity
Strapping Young Lad Alien
Strapping Young Lad City
Streetlight Manifesto Somewhere in the Between
Streetlight Manifesto Everything Goes Numb
Swallow the Sun The Morning Never Came
Sweet Trip Velocity : Design : Comfort
Symphony X The Odyssey
The Altogether When We Were Kids
The Avalanches Since I Left You
The Clash London Calling
The Dillinger Escape Plan Miss Machine
The Dillinger Escape Plan Irony Is a Dead Scene
The Dillinger Escape Plan Calculating Infinity
The Dillinger Escape Plan Option Paralysis
The Dillinger Escape Plan Dissociation
The Dillinger Escape Plan Ire Works
The Doors The Doors
The Dynospectrum Dynospectrum
The Faceless Planetary Duality
The Future Sound of London Dead Cities
The Jesus Lizard Liar
The Jesus Lizard Goat
The Jimi Hendrix Experience Are You Experienced
Setting aside personal enjoyment... This album made something that is instantly recognizable in it's visceral feeling, and yet is equally entrancing in it's soulful execution. This is essentially the archetype of someone pouring their souls into a rock album, with instrumentation that is appropriately expressive to match spirits bursting with life.
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium
The Mothers of Invention Absolutely Free
The Notorious B.I.G. Ready to Die
The Offspring Smash
The Offspring Ixnay on the Hombre
The Pharcyde Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde
The Roots Things Fall Apart
The Roots Illadelph Halflife
The Sound of Animals Fighting We Must Become the Change We Want to See
The Stooges Fun House
The Stooges Raw Power
Thelonious Monk Brilliant Corners
Thelonious Monk Monk's Dream
Thelonious Monk Straight, No Chaser
Thelonious Monk Thelonious Monk With John Coltrane
Thrice Vheissu
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II
Thundercat The Golden Age Of Apocalypse
Thy Catafalque Roka Hasa Radio
Tiamat Wildhoney
Tipper Broken Soul Jamboree
Tkay Maidza Last Year Was Weird, Vol. 2
toe New Sentimentality
Tool Ænima
tsosis Red Version
tsosis Blue Version
TTNG Animals
TTNG Animals Acoustic
The original version of this album is beautiful, and this acoustic version actually manages to be more beautiful. Any criticism of the original version applies to this, but also those string sections really add a lot. Very easy to get lost in, and very emotionally pertinent. Easily as worth hearing as the original, though the track order is different.
Turnstile Glow On
Turnstile Time and Space
Tyler, the Creator Flower Boy
Ulver Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
Unexpect In a Flesh Aquarium
Unexpect _We, Invaders
Unwound Leaves Turn Inside You
Unwound Repetition
Venetian Snares Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett
Vessels Helioscope
Weezer Weezer
Weezer Pinkerton
Wintersun Wintersun
Wu-Tang Clan Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Yes Fragile
Yes Close to the Edge

4.0 excellent
$ilkmoney Attack of the Future Shocked, Flesh Covered, Meatb
1914 The Blind Leading the Blind
2Pac Me Against the World
3 (USA) The Ghost You Gave To Me
A Perfect Circle Mer de Noms
A Tribe Called Quest People's Instinctive Travels & The Paths of Rhythm
A Wilhelm Scream Ruiner
A Wilhelm Scream Mute Print
AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Adebisi Shank This is the Second Album
Aenigmatum Deconsecrate
Aeon Spoke Aeon Spoke
Aesop Rock The Impossible Kid
Aesop Rock Labor Days
Aesop Rock x Blockhead Garbology
Aeviterne The Ailing Facade
Agalloch Pale Folklore
Agalloch The Mantle
Agalloch The White
Agitation Free 2nd
Akhlys Melinoe
Alaya Thrones
Alfa Mist Antiphon
Alice in Chains Dirt
Alkaline Trio From Here to Infirmary
Alkaline Trio Is This Thing Cursed?
Alustrium A Tunnel to Eden
Amon Tobin How Do You Live
An Abstract Illusion Woe
Analog Brothers Pimp to Eat
And So I Watch You From Afar And So I Watch You From Afar
Anderson .Paak Ventura
Anderson .Paak Malibu
Animal Collective Feels
Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion
Animal Collective Fall Be Kind
Animals As Leaders Animals as Leaders
Animals As Leaders The Joy of Motion
Anna Wise The Feminine: Act II
Aphex Twin Drukqs
Aphex Twin ...I Care Because You Do
Aphex Twin Richard D. James Album
Aphex Twin Windowlicker
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works Volume II
Archspire Bleed the Future
Armand Hammer Race Music
Art Blakey Moanin'
Ashenspire Hostile Architecture
Asian Dub Foundation Facts and Fictions
Aspherium The Fall of Therenia
At the Drive-In Vaya
At the Drive-In In/Casino/Out
Atheist Unquestionable Presence
Atheist Piece Of Time
Atheist Elements
Atheist Jupiter
Atmosphere God Loves Ugly
Atmosphere Seven's Travels
Atmosphere Whenever
There's some genuine vulnerability here. Regarding the need for fulfillment and how that may complicate ambitions of intimacy. The unquenchable need for validation in affection carries the theme throughout the album, letting the feeling sink in with a few significant emotional highlights that portray complications and clarity effectively. Solid.
Atmosphere Overcast!
Audioslave Audioslave
Autechre Amber
Autechre LP5
Autopsy Mental Funeral
Ayreon The Human Equation
Bad Brains Bad Brains
Bad Religion Generator
Bad Religion Against the Grain
What is there not to like? The atmosphere, the musical expression, the compositions are all rich. There is grandiosity, serenity, and grooves. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Bassnectar Timestretch
Battles Mirrored
Be'lakor The Frail Tide
Beach House Teen Dream
Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill
Beastie Boys Check Your Head
Beck Guero
Bedwetter Volume 1: Flick Your Tongue Against Your Teeth...
Belvedere Fast Forward Eats the Tape
Benny The Butcher Butcher on Steroids
Benny The Butcher Tana Talk 4
Between the Buried and Me The Silent Circus
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect
Between the Buried and Me The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues
Big Daddy Kane Long Live The Kane
Big Daddy Kane It's A Big Daddy Thing
Big K.R.I.T. 4eva Is a Mighty Long Time
Big K.R.I.T. Cadillactica
Big Pun Capital Punishment
Billy Woods Aethiopes
Birds in Row Gris Klein
Bjork Biophilia
Bjork Vulnicura
Black Country, New Road For the first time
Black Flag Slip It In
Black Midi Cavalcade
Black Sabbath Vol. 4
Black Thought Streams of Thought, Vol. 1
Blackalicious Blazing Arrow
Blackfield Blackfield
Blood Incantation Hidden History Of The Human Race
Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh
Blotted Science The Animation of Entomology
Blu and Exile Give Me My Flowers While I Can Still Smell Them
Bomb the Music Industry! Album Minus Band
Bomb the Music Industry! Get Warmer
Bomb the Music Industry! Goodbye Cool World!
Bomb the Music Industry! Adults!!!: Smart!!! Shithammered!!! And Excited By Nothing!!!!!!!
Boogie Down Productions Edutainment
Boogie Down Productions Criminal Minded
Boogie Down Productions By All Means Necessary
Brainiac Hissing Prigs in Static Couture
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
Brockhampton Roadrunner: New Light, New Machine
Brockhampton SATURATION II
Bruce Haack The Electric Lucifer
BRUIT The Machine Is Burning...
Buckethead Electric Tears
Burial Untrue
Busdriver Cosmic Cleavage
Busta Rhymes Extinction Level Event
Busta Rhymes Extinction Level Event 2: The Wrath of God
Damn, Busta came back swinging. Despite a fairly long track listing, I really don't think there's much filler on here when you get down to what's worth cutting; Maybe a track or two, at most. What I really like about this record, aside from an overall invigorated performance by an OG MC, is just how many phases it goes through. He really gives you a little bit of everything in his bag, while updating his sound. One of his best. Recommended taster tracks: Slow Flow, True Indeed, Deep Thought, Best I Can
C.B Murdoc Here Be Dragons
Cake Fashion Nugget
Camel Rain Dances
Candlemass Nightfall
Candlemass Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
Candy (USA) Good To Feel
Cannibal Corpse Violence Unimagined
Car Bomb Meta
Casual Fear Itself
Casualties of Cool Casualties of Cool
Cattle Decapitation Monolith of Inhumanity
Cee Lo Green Cee-Lo Green & His Perfect Imperfections
Cee Lo Green Cee-Lo Green Is The Soul Machine
Charlie Griffiths Tiktaalika
Chat Pile God's Country
Children of Bodom Hatebreeder
Children of Bodom Something Wild
Chimaira The Impossibility of Reason
Chimaira Chimaira
Chimaira Coming Alive
Chroma Key Dead Air For Radios
Chroma Key Graveyard Mountain Home
Cire Wholesale Buyout
Cire Adrenological
clipping. CLPPNG
Clipse Lord Willin'
Cloudkicker Let Yourself Be Huge
Cloudkicker Solitude
Coheed and Cambria From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
Common Resurrection
Control Denied The Fragile Art of Existence
Converge Axe to Fall
Converge You Fail Me
Converge All We Love We Leave Behind
Conway the Machine Reject II
Conway the Machine Blakk Tape
Conway the Machine God Don't Make Mistakes
Cormorant Dwellings
Counterparts Nothing Left to Love
Counterparts A Eulogy for Those Still Here
Cradle of Filth Midian
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus
CunninLynguists A Piece Of Strange
Cypress Hill Black Sunday
D'Angelo Black Messiah
D'Angelo Voodoo
Daath The Concealers
Daft Punk Discovery
Dalek Absence
Dalek From Filthy Tongue Of Gods And Griots
Damon Albarn Dr. Dee
Danger Mouse and Black Thought Cheat Codes
DangerDoom The Mouse And The Mask
Danny Brown Old
Darko Bonsai Mammoth
Darkside Psychic
Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Das Racist Shut Up, Dude
Daughters You Won't Get What You Want
David Maxim Micic Bilo 3.0
Dead Kennedys Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death
Dean Blunt Black Metal
Death Scream Bloody Gore
Death Spiritual Healing
Death From Above 1979 You're a Woman, I'm a Machine
Deathchain Deadmeat Disciples
Deathchain Deathrash Assault
Decapitated Organic Hallucinosis
Defeated Sanity The Sanguinary Impetus
Deftones White Pony
Deftones Diamond Eyes
Del Tha Funkee Homosapien I Wish My Brother George Was Here
Del Tha Funkee Homosapien No Need For Alarm
Deltron 3030 Deltron 3030
Demolition Hammer Tortured Existence
Demolition Hammer Epidemic of Violence
Denzel Curry Melt My Eyez See Your Future
Denzel Curry and Kenny Beats Unlocked
Der Weg Einer Freiheit Noktvrn
Destrage So much. Too much.
Destrage Are You Kidding Me? No.
Devin Townsend Infinity
Devin Townsend The Retinal Circus
Devin Townsend Project Ki
Devin Townsend Project Addicted
Devin Townsend Project European Tour
Digable Planets Blowout Comb
Digable Planets Reachin' (A New Refutation of Time and Space)
Dischordia Triptych
Disillusion Back to Times of Splendor
This is a really solid progressive melodeath release. I don't really see why this would be so universally highly rated, though. There're plenty of other comparable quality releases with this overall sound, in my opinion. Still, certainly worthwhile for fans of this subgenre. Title track is easily the best track.
Dizzee Rascal Boy In Da Corner
DJ Shadow Our Pathetic Age
Not sure what people's problem is with this. Enjoyed the vast majority of the material on here, though Endtroducing is my only other reference point for him.
DJ Shadow The Private Press
DMX Flesh Of My Flesh, Blood Of My Blood
Dog Fashion Disco Adultery
Dominique Guiot L'univers De La Mer
Don Caballero For Respect
Don Caballero What Burns Never Returns
Don Caballero Don Caballero II
Don Caballero American Don
Dr. Dre The Chronic
Dream Theater Train of Thought
Dream Theater Score
Drive Like Jehu Drive Like Jehu
Dub FX Everythinks A Ripple
Dvne Asheran
Earl Sweatshirt Doris
Earl Sweatshirt I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside
Earl Sweatshirt Some Rap Songs
Earl Sweatshirt and The Alchemist Voir Dire
EarthGang Shallow Graves For Toys
EarthGang Rags
EarthGang Royalty
Edge of Sanity Crimson
Edge of Sanity Crimson II
Eminem The Slim Shady LP
Envy A Dead Sinking Story
Envy All the Footprints You've Ever Left and the Fear Expecting Ahead
Envy The Fallen Crimson
EPROM Metahuman
EPROM Halflife
Eric B and Rakim Don't Sweat the Technique
Erick Sermon No Pressure
Erick Sermon Double or Nothing
Erykah Badu Baduizm
Ever Forthright 2010 Demo (Instrumental)
Evergrey In Search Of Truth
Every Time I Die Radical
Every Time I Die From Parts Unknown
Every Time I Die Ex Lives
Every Time I Die Low Teens
Every Time I Die Hot Damn!
Exivious Exivious
Exocrine The Hybrid Suns
Exotic Animal Petting Zoo Tree of Tongues
While their previous album seems more cohesive, like it grips your attention at any point while all having engaging context, this album has a few weak points. That said, some of the highs on here are easily among this band's best moments. This album is more emotionally chaotic than it's predecessor, while trying to channel that into a more controlled song-writing environment. Honestly, I think these specific elements clash more than they compliment. Whores of Babel and Arcology both feel like they should be more emotionally raw in the music to match the lyrics. Overall, album starts off strong and mostly maintains it, with minor slumps and an underwhelming finish.
Failure In The Future Your Body Will Be The Furthest Thing From Your Mind
Failure Wild Type Droid
Fair to Midland Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is True
Faith No More The Real Thing
Faith No More Angel Dust
Faith No More Sol Invictus
Fallujah The Flesh Prevails
Fallujah Nomadic
Fallujah Empyrean
Far Water & Solutions
Fatboy Slim You've Come A Long Way, Baby
Fear Factory Demanufacture
Fear Factory Obsolete
Fear Factory Mechanize
Filter Title Of Record
This may reflect badly on me, but I'm pretty sure the reason this album is better than the rest of Filter's discography is because they were doing a lot of cocaine. I never really found them to have all that much substance so the cocaine really helps.
Finntroll Trollhammaren
Fiona Apple Tidal
Fiona Apple When the Pawn...
First Fragment The Afterthought Ecstasy
First Fragment Gloire Eternelle
Fit for an Autopsy The Great Collapse
Fleet Foxes Helplessness Blues
Flume Hi This is Flume
Flying Lotus You're Dead!
Flying Lotus Los Angeles
Flying Lotus Until the Quiet Comes
Fontaines D.C. Skinty Fia
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters The Colour and the Shape
Four Tet Pause
Four Tet Rounds
Franco Battiato Pollution
Frank Ocean Blonde
Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects Sol Niger Within
Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects Sol Niger Within V3.33
Frontierer Oxidized
Fuck Buttons Tarot Sport
Fugazi 13 Songs
Fugazi Repeater
Fugazi The Argument
Fugazi In on the Kill Taker
Funkadelic Standing on the Verge of Getting It On
Funkadelic Free Your Mind...And Your Ass Will Follow
Funkadelic Funkadelic
Funkadelic Hardcore Jollies
Funkadelic Cosmic Slop
Funkadelic Let's Take It to the Stage
Future of the Left Travels With Myself And Another
Future of the Left Curses
Gang Starr Daily Operation
Genghis Tron Dream Weapon
Ghostface Killah Ironman
Ghostface Killah Fishscale
Glassjaw Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Glassjaw Our Color Green (The Singles)
God Is an Astronaut All Is Violent, All Is Bright
Godflesh Pure
Godspeed You! Black Emperor 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
Gojira The Way of All Flesh
Gojira The Link Alive
GoldLink At What Cost
GoldLink Diaspora
Goodie Mob Still Standing
Gorod Transcendence
Gorod A Perfect Absolution
Gorod A Maze of Recycled Creeds
Gorod Aethra
Gospel The Moon Is a Dead World
Green Day Dookie
Greg Puciato Child Soldier: Creator of God
Greyhaven This Bright and Beautiful World
Greylotus Dawnfall
Grizzly Bear Veckatimest
Hail the Sun Wake
Hail the Sun New Age Filth
Haken Virus
Haken Aquarius
Haken Affinity
Haken The Mountain
He Is Legend I Am Hollywood
He Is Legend Endless Hallway
Heaving Earth Darkness of God
Helena Deland Someone New
Hella The Devil Isn't Red
Heltah Skeltah Nocturnal
Her Name Is Calla Navigator
Hiatus Kaiyote Tawk Tomahawk
Hiatus Kaiyote Choose Your Weapon
Horace Silver Song For My Father
Hugh Hardie Colourspace
Hugh Hardie Shadows & Silhouettes
Hum Inlet
Hundredth Iridescent
Ice Cube The Predator
Ice-T O.G. Original Gangster
Ichiko Aoba Adan no Kaze
IDK Subtrap
IDLES Crawler
IDLES Brutalism
If These Trees Could Talk Red Forest
If These Trees Could Talk The Bones of a Dying World
Igorrr Spirituality and Distortion
Igorrr Nostril
Igorrr Hallelujah
Ihsahn Das Seelenbrechen
Immolation Acts of God
Immortal Technique Revolutionary Volume 1
Imperial Triumphant Alphaville
In Flames Whoracle
In Flames Colony
In Flames Lunar Strain
Inanna Transfigured in a Thousand Delusions
Incantation Onward to Golgotha
Incubus (USA-CA) Fungus Amongus
Incubus (USA-CA) Make Yourself
Injury Reserve Floss
Injury Reserve Injury Reserve
Injury Reserve Drive It Like It's Stolen!
Intervals The Space Between
Intervals The Shape of Colour
Intronaut The Direction of Last Things
Ion Dissonance Breathing Is Irrelevant
Ion Dissonance Cursed
Irreversible Mechanism Immersion
Isaiah Rashad Cilvia Demo
J Dilla Donuts
James Blake Friends That Break Your Heart
James Blake Klavierwerke
James Brown Black Caesar
Japandi Decorative Duck
Jay Rock From Hood Tales to the Cover of XXL
Jay-Z Reasonable Doubt
Jedi Mind Tricks Violent by Design
Jeff Beck Blow by Blow
Jethro Tull Minstrel in the Gallery
Jinjer King of Everything
Joe Satriani Strange Beautiful Music
Joe Satriani Crystal Planet
Joe Satriani Joe Satriani
Joey Badass Summer Knights
Joey Badass 1999
John Petrucci Suspended Animation
Johnny Booth Connections
Jon Hopkins Insides
Journey Infinity
JPEGMAFIA LP! (online)
JPEGMAFIA All My Heroes Are Cornballs
Judas Priest Painkiller
Julien Baker Turn Out The Lights
Julien Baker Sprained Ankle
Kalmah Swamplord
Kalmah Swampsong
Kalmah They Will Return
Kamasi Washington Harmony of Difference
Kamasi Washington Heaven and Earth
Kamasi Washington The Choice
Kanye West Late Registration
Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Karnivool Themata
Karnivool Sound Awake
Kashiwa Daisuke 88
Kashiwa Daisuke Program Music III
Kashiwa Daisuke April. #02
Kayo Dot Choirs of the Eye
Kaytranada 99.9%
Kendrick Lamar Section.80
Kendrick Lamar DAMN.
Kid Cudi Man on the Moon: The End of Day
Killing Joke Revelations
Killing Joke Killing Joke (2003)
Killing Joke What's THIS For...!
Kilo Kish American Gurl
King Geedorah Take Me to Your Leader
King Missile Mystical Shit
Knocked Loose A Tear in the Fabric of Life
KRS-One Life
Kyuss Blues For The Red Sun
Kyuss Welcome To Sky Valley
L.S. Dunes Past Lives
Lamb of God Ashes Of The Wake
Lamb of God Killadelphia
Lar Kaye EP
Last Chance to Reason Lvl. 1
Lauryn Hill The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
LCD Soundsystem Sound of Silver
Leaders Of The New School A Future Without a Past
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
Letters From The Colony Vignette
Lil Ugly Mane Volcanic Bird Enemy and the Voiced Concern
This album did a really good job of keeping it's structures out of my mind while actually staying buried in my subconscious. Like it's the album that's easy to forget about, then I put it on, I'm like "oh yeah! I love this." A lot of that has to do with the mood being working through depression - a lot of this loosely feels like an unreleased 90s Beck album if he needed to work through a harsh break-up - but a lot of it is because of how the songs are built-up; There's a really clever sense of establishing inter-knit dynamics and functioning nuances using a quirky range of samples. Instrumentation sounds refined, yet purposely unrefined at the same time; The out-of-tune guitar actually emphasizes the lyrical theme of "Cursor" really effectively, like just running with a sense of satisfaction that won't resonate well. "VPN" establishes a dark headspace in really beautifully compiled sonic layers that itself feels like a triumph, a monument to stand above it's roots. "Styrofoam" encapsulates a mentality of living outside the present (emphasized by sounding like an old-timey cartoon playing off a TV) and how investing in the moment requires an actual long-term investment. The majority of the tracks make good points about the true nature of love, and with a keen sense of sonic layering in a clearly defined, yet hard to pigeonhole, thematic outline, this album cements itself as an essential release to anyone willing to let it sink in, and to underground music, in general.
Lil Ugly Mane Third Side of Tape
Lil Ugly Mane Mista Thug Isolation
Liquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension Experiment
Liquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension Experiment 2
Little Big League These Are Good People
Little Brother The Listening
Little Simz E.D.G.E.
Little Simz Sometimes I Might Be Introvert
Little Simz No Thank You
Lizard Professor Eccentricity
Loathe (UK) The Cold Sun
Loathe (UK) I Let It In And It Took Everything
Lord Huron Long Lost
Lords of the Underground Here Come the Lords
Lorna Shore Pain Remains
So I honestly like this more than any other Lorna Shore release. I don't know why, after multiple albums of the same sound, this one somehow feels less generic to me. It still has similar flaws to every other release, but I feel like the overall dynamics flow together a little more naturally, whereas on their last EP, it felt more like a mix and match of elements that theoretically work based on past experience, but don't actually correlate in specificity to elevate and distinguish each particular track. I think there's still room for improvement, though, if they try to carve a new coinciding niche at SOME point in the future. Because doing the same exact sound is most definitely going to get old for people who aren't hardcore into the genre. They're great at tempo / feel switches mid-breakdown, but it could indeed use more tonal variation instead of just feeling like a pummelling wall of single-note crunch every time. At least the elements are functioning properly here. It is a long album, but I'm fine with taking that as a reason to split my listening experience with the 3-song closer feeling separate.
Low Double Negative
Lucid Planet II
Luna's Call Divinity
Luna's Call Void
Lupe Fiasco DROGAS Wave
Lupe Fiasco Food & Liquor
Mac DeMarco 2
Mac DeMarco Salad Days
Mac Miller Watching Movies With The Sound Off
Mac Miller Swimming
Mac Miller Circles
Machine Head The Blackening
Mahogany Connectivity!
Main Source Breaking Atoms
Makaya McCraven Deciphering The Message
Makaya McCraven In the Moment
Makaya McCraven In These Times
Make Them Suffer Neverbloom
Malibu Ken Malibu Ken
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity
Mare Cognitum Solar Paroxysm
Maruja Knocknarea
Massive Attack Blue Lines
Masta Ace Take A Look Around
Mastodon Leviathan
Mastodon Blood Mountain
Mastodon The Hunter
Mastodon Once More 'Round the Sun
Max Richter Memoryhouse
Maximum the Hormone Yoshu Fukushu
mclusky The Difference Between Me and You Is That I'm Not on Fire
Megadeth Endgame
Melt-Banana Cell-Scape
Melt-Banana Fetch
Melt-Banana Charlie
Mereba AZEB EP
Mereba The Jungle Is The Only Way Out
Mereba Room for Living
Meshuggah Destroy Erase Improve
Meshuggah Catch Thirtythree
Meshuggah None
Meshuggah Koloss
Meshuggah The Ophidian Trek
Metallica ...And Justice For All
Method Man and Redman Blackout!
MF DOOM Operation: Doomsday
MHz MHz Legacy
Miles Davis 'Round About Midnight
Milo Who Told You To Think?​?​!​!​?​!​?​!​?​!
Milo So The Flies Don't Come
Mindforce New Lords
I like to do silly dances to this album, so I think it's a good album.
Mindless Self Indulgence Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy
Misthyrming Söngvar elds og óreiðu
Modest Mouse This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About
Mogwai Young Team
Monster Machismo Aye Aye Porcupine
Moonsorrow Verisäkeet
Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja
Motorhead Overkill
Mouse On The Keys An Anxious Object
Mouse On The Keys The Flowers of Romance
Mouse On The Keys Sezession
Mr. Bungle Mr. Bungle
Mudvayne The End of All Things to Come
Mudvayne L(ive) D(osage) 50: Live in Peoria DVD
Muse Absolution
Musk Ox Inheritance
Musk Ox Woodfall
Mute Thunderblast
Mutoid Man Bleeder
N.W.A. Straight Outta Compton
Naivete naivete
NAMI The Eternal Light of the Unconscious Mind
Nas Magic
This album starts off solid and gets better throughout its entirety, finishing before it has a chance to dip back down in quality. Easily better than both of the King's Disease albums, which were already generally well-regarded. I do not understand anyone comparing this to Illmatic (why would anything he ever does sound like that again?). I also don't understand why someone would say he's back; The last two albums were fairly well-regarded... This album serves as confirmation of his current upward trajectory, which is an invigorating and rather rare thing to hear from a veteran rapper. I wouldn't be surprised if the next album is only alright after dropping consistent heat, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being his second best behind the obvious classic debut.
Nate Dogg G-Funk Classics, Vol. 1 & 2
National Sunday Law Festival of the Horned God
Necrophagist Onset of Putrefaction
Necrophagist Onset of Putrefaction (Re-issue)
Nekrogoblikon Welcome to Bonkers
Neverending White Lights Act 1: Goodbye Friends of the Heavenly Bodies
Nevermore Dreaming Neon Black
New Order Power, Corruption and Lies
New Order Low-Life
Nice and Smooth Nice & Smooth
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds From Her To Eternity
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Kicking Against The Pricks
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Your Funeral... My Trial
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Tender Prey
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds The Good Son
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Henry's Dream
Nicolas Jaar Space Is Only Noise
Nicolas Jaar Sirens
Nicolas Jaar Telas
Night Verses Every Sound Has a Color...: Part I
Nine Inch Nails Broken
Nine Inch Nails The Fragile
Nine Inch Nails Still
Nine Inch Nails Year Zero
Nine Inch Nails And All That Could've Been [DVD]
Nine Inch Nails Bad Witch
Nine Inch Nails Add Violence
Nirvana Bleach
No Devotion Permanence
No Trigger Canyoneer
Nobuo Uematsu FFVII: Advent Children OST
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VIII: Piano Collections
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy IX - Piano Collections
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VIII: Original Soundtrack
NOFX White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
Norma Jean All Hail
Norma Jean Deathrattle Sing for Me
Nujabes Metaphorical Music
Nujabes Spiritual State
O.C. Word...Life
Off Minor Innominate
Ol' Dirty Bastard Return to the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version
Old Man's Child In Defiance of Existence
Opeth Deliverance
Opeth Damnation
Opeth Lamentations
Opeth Watershed
Origami Angel Gami Gang
Orion Sun Hold Space For Me
Ornette Coleman Change of the Century
Orphaned Land Mabool (The Story of the Three Sons...)
OutKast Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik
OutKast Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
Outworld Outworld
Ozzy Osbourne Blizzard Of Ozz
Ozzy Osbourne Diary Of A Madman
P.O.S Audition
Painted in Exile Revitalized
Pan.Thy.Monium Khaooohs and Kon-Fus-Ion
Panzerfaust The Suns of Perdition - Chapter II
Panzerfaust The Suns of Perdition - Chapter I: War, Horrid War
Paramore Riot!
Pat the Bunny Probably Nothing, Possibly Everything
Pennywise About Time
Pennywise Pennywise
Pennywise Unknown Road
Peregrine (USA-MA) the awful things we've done
Pete Rock and CL Smooth Mecca and the Soul Brother
Piglet lava land
Pissed Jeans King of Jeans
Planet X MoonBabies
Planet X Quantum
Planets Planets
Plini Sweet Nothings
Pomegranate Tiger Boundless
Pomegranate Tiger Entities
Porcupine Tree Deadwing
Porcupine Tree Signify
Porcupine Tree Lightbulb Sun
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet
Porcupine Tree Arriving Somewhere...
Excellent dvd. Amazing sound quality.rMost songs sound better than the original, plus there're a few added parts, such as in"Open Car" before the second chorus and a drum solo at the end of "Hatesong" that wonderfully demonstrates Gavin Harrison's masterful style and skill behind the kit.rOnly thing I'm fussy about is there aren't any songs before the Stupid Dream cd (in the main performance) and only one off of Lightbulb Sun, but considering how much is already on this dvd and how much quality material PT have released... can't really complain too much.
Porcupine Tree The Sky Moves Sideways
Porcupine Tree Coma Divine
Portishead Third
Pretend Bones In The Soil, Rust In The Oil
Pretend Tapestry'd Life
PRhyme PRhyme
Primus Animals Should Not Try To Act Like People
Prince Controversy
Prince 1999
Proceed Curious Electric
Propagandhi Less Talk, More Rock
Propagandhi Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes
Propagandhi Potemkin City Limits
Protest the Hero Fortress
Psychonaut Unfold the God Man
Psychostick The Flesh Eating Rollerskate Holiday Joyride
Not a fan of Christmas music? Behold! Jingle bell metal is here! Whether you didn't get the Boba Fett you wanted or you just simply wish Rudolph would stand up to those other mean reindeer and get bloody revenge, this album's for you!
Psychostick Do
This actually might be my favorite Psychostick album because of the personal connection to the material. This album is really effective at assessing a depressing mind state and making light of it. For instance, the lyrics to the second track could be taken seriously - "I could off myself but I'm too lazy to try" - but the context of being an anti-inspirational hardcore song feels like a roast from a friend. The track "Adulting" perfectly describes losing a grip on taking care of yourself because all of your effort goes into supporting yourself in a cycle that brings no joy - "I don't want to human today, no more brushing teeth, let them decay. Haven't showered in over a week. I don't even want to think." - But again, these thoughts that could be normal in an abnormal mind state are provided a context that actually makes them humorous to observe. It's actually pretty effective art in the form of comedy. Aside from that, there are a few tunes that just make me absolutely happy, like "Thinkin' With Yer D" with it's catchy swing feel, and "Bacon, Egg, and Cheese on Toast With Sriracha" sounding like an original System of a Down track. Tracks like "Introvert Party Time" and "Moving Day" are thematically well-executed and I think legitimately clever. This album is a fantastic representation of shaking off a bad mood.
Psychostick Space Vampires vs. Zombie Dinosaurs in 3
The Drowning Pool cover at the end alone is worth it. Also... boobs. Boobideeboobideeboobideeboobs. Bewbs. : )
Psychotic Waltz A Social Grace
Public Enemy Yo! Bum Rush the Show
Public Enemy Apocalypse 91 The Enemy Strikes Black
PUP The Dream Is Over
Quasimoto The Unseen
Quasimoto The Further Adventures of Lord Quas
Queen Sheer Heart Attack
Queen Stone Cold Classics
Queen Queen
Queen Queen II
Queens of the Stone Age ...Like Clockwork
Queens of the Stone Age Rated R
Quelle Chris Being You Is Great...
Radiohead In Rainbows
Radiohead The King of Limbs: From the Basement
Radiohead The Bends
Raekwon Only Built 4 Cuban Linx...
Rage Against the Machine Evil Empire
Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles
Rage Against the Machine Live & Rare
Rage Against the Machine Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium
Rancid Let's Go
Ras Kass Rasassination
Ras Kass Barmageddon
Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication
Reflections The Color Clear
Refused Songs To Fan The Flames Of Discontent
Remi Wolf Juno
Revocation Teratogenesis
Revocation Great Is Our Sin
Revocation Netherheaven
REZN Chaotic Divine
Rich Kids on LSD Rock 'n Roll Nightmare
Rick James Street Songs
Rolo Tomassi Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It
Rolo Tomassi Grievances
Rolo Tomassi Where Myth Becomes Memory
Rolo Tomassi Astraea
Royksopp Melody A.M.
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels
Run the Jewels Run the Jewels (Instrumentals)
Run-D.M.C. Run DMC
Russian Circles Empros
Rx Bandits The Resignation
Saba Care For Me
Saba Few Good Things
Sage Francis Personal Journals
Sage Francis A Healthy Distrust
Saidan Onryo II: Her Spirit Eternal
Sanctuary Into The Mirror Black
Save Us From The Archon How Terrible, The Undergrowths Jaws That Tangle.
Scale the Summit Carving Desert Canyons
Sepultura Chaos A.D.
Shabazz Palaces Black Up
Shadow Of Intent Elegy
Shadows of Immortality Fragments E.P.
Shpongle Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland
Sigur Ros ( )
Silk Sonic An Evening with Silk Sonic
Silverstein This Is How the Wind Shifts
Simon and Garfunkel Sounds of Silence
Sithu Aye 26
Six Gallery Breakthroughs in Modern Art
Skepta Konnichiwa
Skyfire Mind Revolution
Slayer South of Heaven
Slayer Still Reigning (Video)
Slayer Hell Awaits
Slayer Haunting the Chapel
Sleep Token One
Slick Rick The Ruler's Back
Slint Spiderland
Slipknot Slipknot
Slipknot We Are Not Your Kind
slowthai Nothing Great About Britain
slowthai TYRON
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology
So Hideous None But a Pure Heart Can Sing
Social Distortion Mommy's Little Monster
Soften The Glare Making Faces
Solterra Umbra
SOUL GLO Diaspora Problems
Soulfly Dark Ages
Soundgarden Superunknown
Spillage Village Bears Like This Too Much
State Faults Resonate/Desperate
Stone Healer He Who Rides Immolated Horses
Storm Corrosion Storm Corrosion
Strapping Young Lad 1994–2006 Chaos Years
Strung Out Twisted By Design
Sublime 40 Oz. to Freedom
Sublime Sublime
Suicidal Tendencies Suicidal Tendencies
Sunrise Patriot Motion Black Fellflower Stream
Swallow the Sun Ghosts Of Loss
Sweet Trip You Will Never Know Why
Sweet Trip A Tiny House, In Secret Speeches, Polar Equals
Swirlies Blonder Tongue Audio Baton
Symphony X V: The New Mythology Suite
Symphony X The Divine Wings of Tragedy
System of a Down System of a Down
System of a Down Toxicity
T.R.A.M. Lingua Franca
Talking Heads Fear of Music
Talking Heads Speaking in Tongues
Talking Heads Talking Heads: 77
Tech N9ne The Worst
TesseracT Concealing Fate
Testament Practice What You Preach
Testament The Legacy
Testament The New Order
Testament The Formation of Damnation
Thank You Scientist Maps of Non-Existent Places
The Altogether Silo
The Black Mages The Black Mages
The Callous Daoboys Celebrity Therapist
The Chariot One Wing
The Contortionist Exoplanet
The Contortionist Language
The Contortionist Exoplanet (Redux)
The Cure Disintegration
The Devin Townsend Band Synchestra
The Devin Townsend Band Accelerated Evolution
The Dillinger Escape Plan One of Us Is the Killer
The Dismemberment Plan Emergency & I
The Fall of Troy The Fall of Troy
The Fall of Troy Doppelganger
The Flashbulb Soundtrack to a Vacant Life
The Flatliners Cavalcade
The Future Sound of London Lifeforms
The Human Abstract Digital Veil
The Ink Spots The Anthology
This whole thing is bittersweetly serene. The vocals can melt like butter on a hot biscuit and warm the chest like a steamy cup of hot chocolate. The only major downside is that too many of these tracks start the same exact way. Otherwise, I'd rate this higher. Delightful.
The Knife Shaking the Habitual
The Knife Silent Shout
The Koreatown Oddity Little Dominques Nosebleed
The Machinist (USA-NY) All is Not Well
The Menzingers On the Impossible Past
The Mothers of Invention Freak Out!
The Notorious B.I.G. Life After Death
The Ocean Fogdiver
The Offspring Ignition
The Pharcyde Labcabincalifornia
The Prodigy The Fat Of The Land
The Red Chord Fed Through the Teeth Machine
The Reticent The Oubliette
The Roots Game Theory
The Roots Do You Want More?!!!??!
The Roots Rising Down
The Sound of Animals Fighting Tiger and the Duke
The Sound of Animals Fighting Apeshit
The Stooges The Stooges
The Suicide Machines Destruction By Definition
The Swellers Running Out of Places to Go
The Swellers Ups and Downsizing
The Swellers My Everest
The Weakerthans Left and Leaving
The Weakerthans Fallow
Thelonious Monk Solo Monk
This Heat This Heat
This Heat Deceit
thoughtcrimes Altered Pasts
Three 6 Mafia Chapter 1: The End
Three 6 Mafia Mystic Stylez
Thrice The Illusion of Safety
Thrice The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV
Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance
Thrice To Be Everywhere Is to Be Nowhere
Thrice The MySpace Transmissions
Thundercat It Is What It Is
Thundercat Drunk
Thy Catafalque Tuno Ido Tarlat
Tigran Hamasyan Mockroot
Tigran Hamasyan A Fable
Tigran Hamasyan Shadow Theater
Tim Hecker Harmony in Ultraviolet
Tipper Insolito
Tipper Forward Escape
Tkay Maidza Last Year Was Weird, Vol. 3
toe The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety
toe For Long Tomorrow
Tom Waits Closing Time
Tool Salival
Trepalium Alchemik Clockwork of Disorder
Tricky Maxinquaye
Trioscapes Separate Realities
Trivium In the Court of the Dragon
I have never particularly been a Trivium fan, finding them overall moderately enjoyable. However, this album fucks.
Tropical Fuck Storm A Laughing Death in Meatspace
tsosis Underwater Tell Each Other Secrets
TTNG Adventure, Stamina and Anger
TTNG This Town Needs Guns
Tubelord Our First American Friends
Twista Adrenaline Rush
Two Gallants The Throes
Tyler, the Creator Igor
Tyler, the Creator Call Me If You Get Lost
UGK Ridin' Dirty
Ulcerate Stare Into Death and Be Still
Ultramagnetic MCs Critical Beatdown
Ultramagnetic MCs Funk Your Head Up
Ultramagnetic MCs The Four Horsemen
Undeath It's Time...To Rise From the Grave
Unexpect Fables of the Sleepless Empire
Unhuman Unhuman
Unwound Fake Train
Unwound Unwound
Unwound The Future of What
Unwound Challenge For a Civilized Society
Vegyn Only Diamonds Cut Diamonds
Vein.fm This World Is Going to Ruin You
Venetian Snares Cavalcade of Glee and Dadaist Happy Pom Poms
Venetian Snares Detrimentalist
Venetian Snares Doll Doll Doll
Viktor Vaughn Vaudeville Villain
Vildhjarta Måsstaden Under Vatten
Vince Staples Big Fish Theory
Vince Staples Summertime '06
Vipassi Śūnyatā
Vital Remains Dechristianize
Voivod Synchro Anarchy
Voivod Dimension Hatröss
Voivod Killing Technology
Warren G Regulate...G Funk Era
Weezer The Blue Album (Deluxe Edition)
Wiki Oofie
Wintersun Time I
Wipers Is This Real?
Wire Pink Flag
World's End Girlfriend The Lie Lay Land
Yamantaka // Sonic Titan Uzu
Yarotz Erinyes
Yeah this bumps pretty fucking hard. Great atmospheres contrasting jagged riffs with interesting tonal choices that land really well. Composition breathes well, not feeling too constricted or elongated at any point. Just sits right. Definitely coming back to enjoy this one.
Yashira Fail To Be
Yasushi Yoshida Grateful Goodbye
Yes The Yes Album
Your Old Droog Jewelry
Yves Tumor Safe in the Hands of Love
Zao Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest
Zao The Crimson Corridor
Zao Liberate Te Ex Inferis
Zao The Well-Intentioned Virus
Zao The Funeral of God
ZelooperZ Gremlin
That shift from the first track to the second still makes me raise my eyebrows after multiple listens. I def think this one is underrated compared to his other albums. Only track I can't really get behind is Dj Freaky Zhit because of the overused "alright." Really interesting balance of styles, I.m.o.
ZelooperZ Van Gogh's Left Ear
Zheani Eight

3.5 great
$ilkmoney I Hate My Life and I Really Wish People Would Stop
$uicideboy$ Sing Me A Lullaby, My Sweet Temptation
311 311
65daysofstatic The Fall of Math
A Tribe Called Quest Beats, Rhymes And Life
A Wilhelm Scream A Wilhelm Scream
A Wilhelm Scream Partycrasher
A Wilhelm Scream Lose Your Delusion
AC/DC High Voltage
AC/DC Let There Be Rock
Acid Bath When the Kite String Pops
Adjy The Idyll Opus (I-VI)
Agalloch Marrow of the Spirit
Agalloch Faustian Echoes
Aghora Aghora
Air Moon Safari
Alex G Trick
Alice in Chains Black Gives Way to Blue
Alkaline Trio Goddamnit
Alkaline Trio Maybe I'll Catch Fire
Alkaline Trio Good Mourning
Allegaeon Damnum
Altars (AUS) Paramnesia
Alter Bridge One Day Remains
Alter Bridge Blackbird
Amon Amarth Fate of Norns
Amon Amarth Wrath of the Norsemen
Amon Amarth With Oden on Our Side
Amon Tobin Foley Room
An Abstract Illusion Illuminate the Path
Anderson .Paak Oxnard
Animal Collective Strawberry Jam
Animals As Leaders Weightless
Animals As Leaders The Madness of Many
Animals As Leaders Parrhesia
Anna Wise The Feminine: Act 1
Anthrax Among The Living
Aphex Twin Come To Daddy
Aphex Twin Ventolin
Arch Enemy Anthems of Rebellion
Arch Enemy Stigmata
Arch Enemy Burning Bridges
Arch Enemy Wages of Sin
Arch Enemy Doomsday Machine
Arch Enemy War Eternal
Architects Hollow Crown
Arcturus The Sham Mirrors
Armand Hammer Paraffin
Armand Hammer Rome
Armand Hammer and The Alchemist Haram
Arsis We Are the Nightmare
Artificial Brain Artificial Brain
Asian Dub Foundation RAFI's Revenge
atameo it sure is sad to hope for the best while...
Atari Teenage Riot 1995
Atmosphere When Life Gives You Lemons...
Atmosphere To All My Friends, Blood Makes The Blade Holy
Atmosphere WORD?
August Burns Red Found in Far Away Places
August Burns Red Messengers
Autechre Chiastic Slide
Autechre Incunabula
Autonoesis Moon of Foul Magics
Most of this album feels pretty familiar on first listen. Many riffs are given detail to a degree in which they are effective. That said, a lot of riffs on this album feel and sound cool, but a: mostly don't evoke a visceral reaction in my body (very mentally inward), and b: aren't "catchy" enough compared to some of the comparable influences. The parts that aren't more technical aren't differentiated enough in my opinion. I think if this band payed slightly more attention to nuance in chill spots and let there be a little bit more variation between having breathing room and staying tightly knit, that album may be in consideration for a classic. That and a stronger thematic presence, because I can easily block out any sense of lyricism. That said, this album is a joy to listen to. I can tell a lot of work was put into it. The styles do blend very naturally, and I can't say there's a particularly bad moment, just a few parts that made me notably not feel like moving. While impressive, I still see room for growth.
Avenged Sevenfold Waking The Fallen
AZ Doe or Die
Bad Brains Rock For Light
Bad Religion How Could Hell Be Any Worse?
Bad Religion The Process of Belief
Bad Religion Recipe for Hate
Basement Jaxx Rooty
Bassnectar Wildstyle
Baths Cerulean
Battles Gloss Drop
Be'lakor Coherence
Beastie Boys Hot Sauce Committee Part Two
Beastie Boys Ill Communication
Beck Mellow Gold
Beck Morning Phase
Behemoth Demigod
Behold... The Arctopus Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning EP
Behold... The Arctopus Nano-Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning
Benjamin Clementine At Least For Now
Benny The Butcher The Plugs I Met
Between the Buried and Me Between the Buried and Me
Between the Buried and Me Alaska (Instrumental)
Between the Buried and Me Automata II
Big Boi Sir Lucious Left Foot
Big K.R.I.T. Live From The Underground
Big Ups Before a Million Universes
Biohazard Kill or be Killed
BJ the Chicago Kid Pineapple Now-Laters
Bjork Debut
Bjork Medulla
Bjork Volta
Black Light Burns Cruel Melody
A few solid 4/5 tracks, but occasionally the lyrics could be better, the influences can be kind of obvious, and some hooks could've landed better. Instrumentally, this is pretty good. Guitars have a particular but comfortable style, textured well. Everyone holds their own, performance-wise. Familiar, but fresh enough to not be a throwaway.
Black Midi Schlagenheim
Black Midi Hellfire
Black Milk If There's A Hell Below
Black Milk No Poison No Paradise
Black Moon Enta Da Stage
Black Sabbath Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Black Sabbath Sabotage
Black Sun Empire From The Shadows
Black Thought Streams Of Thought, Vol. 2
Bleeding Through This Is Love, This Is Murderous
blink-182 Dude Ranch
Bloc Party Silent Alarm
Bloodbath Breeding Death
Bloodbath The Wacken Carnage
Bloodbath Unblessing the Purity
Bloodbath The Fathomless Mastery
Blu and Exile Miles
Boldy James and Real Bad Man Killing Nothing
Boldy James and The Alchemist The Price Of Tea In China
Boldy James and The Alchemist Bo Jackson
Bomb the Music Industry! Scrambles
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony E 1999 Eternal
Boogie Down Productions Sex And Violence
Botch American Nervoso
Brand of Sacrifice God Hand
Bree Runway 2000And4Eva
Brockhampton SATURATION
Brockhampton All-American Trash
Brockhampton Iridescence
Brockhampton Ginger
Brockhampton The Family
I'm not gonna drop any kind of direct analysis. I'm just gonna say that right now, I like this more than most of Iridescence.
Buckethead Colma
Buckethead Enter the Chicken
Buckethead Bucketheadland
Buckethead Island of Lost Minds
Busdriver Perfect Hair
Busta Rhymes The Coming
Busta Rhymes Genesis
Busta Rhymes When Disaster Strikes...
Cage (USA-NY) Movies for the Blind
Caligula's Horse The Tide, the Thief and River's End
Candiria 300 Percent Density
Candiria Process of Self-Development
Candlemass Candlemass
Candy (USA) Heaven Is Here
Cannibal Corpse The Bleeding
Cannibal Corpse Live Cannibalism
Cannibal Corpse Tomb Of The Mutilated
Cannibal Corpse Kill
Cannibal Corpse Butchered At Birth
Cannibal Corpse The Wretched Spawn
Car Bomb w^w^^w^w
Caspian Dust and Disquiet
Cattle Decapitation The Anthropocene Extinction
Cattle Decapitation Karma.Bloody.Karma
Cattle Decapitation Death Atlas
Cephalic Carnage Xenosapien
Chance the Rapper Coloring Book
Charles Mingus Pithecanthropus Erectus
Charli XCX Pop 2
Charli XCX Number 1 Angel
Chevelle Wonder What's Next
Children of Bodom Hate Crew Deathroll
Children of Bodom Chaos Ridden Years - Stockholm Knockout
Children of Bodom Hexed
Chimaira Pass Out of Existence
Chimaira Resurrection
Chimaira Crown of Phantoms
Circa Survive Juturna
Circle Jerks Group Sex
Circle Jerks Wild in the Streets
Circle of Contempt Artifacts in Motion
City Morgue Vol. 3: Bottom Of The Barrel
City Morgue City Morgue Vol 2: As Good As Dead
CKY Volume 1
Clams Casino Rainforest
clipping. Splendor and Misery
clipping. Midcity
clipping. Wriggle
clipping. The Deep
Cloudkicker Subsume
Cloudkicker Loop
Cloudkicker The Map Is Not the Territory
Cloudkicker The Discovery
Coldplay Parachutes
Converge Petitioning The Empty Sky
Conway the Machine From King To A God
Cormorant Earth Diver
Counterparts You're Not You Anymore
Cradle of Filth Bitter Suites to Succubi
Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine
Creux Lies Goodbye Divine
Crosses Crosses
Cryptopsy None So Vile
Cyborg Octopus Between the Light and Air
D.I.T.C. D.I.T.C.
Daath The Hinderers
Daath Daath
Daft Punk Homework
Daft Punk Random Access Memories
Damageplan New Found Power
Damian Marley Welcome To Jamrock
Danny Brown uknowhatimsayin¿
Danny Brown The Hybrid
Dark Angel Darkness Descends
Das EFX Dead Serious
Das Racist Sit Down, Man
Dave We're all alone in this together
Dead Kennedys Bedtime For Democracy
Deafheaven Sunbather
Death Leprosy
Death Grips Bottomless Pit
Deathspell Omega Paracletus
Decapitated Winds of Creation
Deftones Deftones
Deftones Koi No Yokan
Deicide Scars of the Crucifix
Deicide Legion
Deicide The Stench Of Redemption
Deltron 3030 Event II
Demon Fuzz Afreaka!
Denzel Curry Imperial
Denzel Curry Zuu
Derek Sherinian Blood of the Snake
Derek Sherinian Mythology
Derek Sherinian Black Utopia
Destrage The King Is Fat'n'Old
DevilDriver The Fury of Our Maker's Hand
Devo Duty Now for the Future
Devo Something for Everybody
Diplo Florida
Dir En Grey Dum Spiro Spero
DMX It's Dark and Hell Is Hot
Dog Fashion Disco Sweet Nothings
Dopehead Plaid Palm Trees
Somehow has more of an old-school sound, which is kind of preferable to the stuff he did after. Dopehead has a little bit of an issue with bluntness vs substance, but that weakness is less prominent on this release than others. Though he never really gets past being like an over-the-top crunk-type dude, there are enough bars and interesting beats on here to carry the listening experience through without being repellant to people just trying to chill. Overall, this is the closest he got to Danny Brown level quality (comparing members of the Bruiser Brigade), but Danny Brown was still slightly better than this at his "low" points, they were just part of the same conversation at this point in time. Def recommend if you're into Danny Brown or Zelooperz, but I can see why Dopehead wouldn't go back to this style even though I personally prefer it.
Dopehead Devil’s Heaven
Dr. Dre 2001
Dr. Dre Compton
DragonForce Sonic Firestorm
Drake Take Care
Dream Theater Octavarium
Dream Theater Live at Budokan
Dream Theater A Change Of Seasons
Dream Theater Live Scenes From New York
Dream Theater Chaos in Motion
Dream Theater Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Dreamville Revenge Of The Dreamers III
Dropkick Murphys Sing Loud, Sing Proud!
Dub FX Thinking Clear
Dvne Etemen Ænka
Dyssidia Costly Signals
Earl Sweatshirt Sick!
EarthGang Mirrorland
EarthGang Robots
EarthGang Strays With Rabies
EarthGang Ghetto Gods
Earthgang reverts from the psychedelic-tinged Mirrorland towards the more straight hip-hop side of their sound. Instead of aiming for using a more abstract sense of metaphor, the lyrical content here is more grounded in consequence and surroundings, rather than elevating to a different world; More invested in cash flow, which a lot of artists make trite, but they're at least smiling and letting their quirkiness carry them through. While not necessarily their strongest album, it's nice to hear them go back to their established roots. Would be cool to hear them go back to Mirrorland style on the next one.
Edge of Sanity Purgatory Afterglow
El-P High Water
Eluvium Copia
Eminem The Eminem Show
Eminem Music To Be Murdered By: Side B
Right, so now that I've listened to this album a few times and am not going off of my
initial reaction: This is Eminem's funnest album since The Eminem Show. The only track
that's weak here is Killer, and that's not even a bad track, it's just a collab with Tyga
that came out a little bland. There is not one atrocious hook, surprisingly enough. There
is plenty of immaturity here, just as sure as the sun is hot... but there's actually a
lot of honesty here as well, more than I expected. He still touches on his critics a
little bit, but he includes a healthy dose of self-reflection this time, making it much
more relatable than any previous attempt. There are easily more good bars than bad here,
with the strongest quality ratio since he went sober; People who feel the need to nitpick
specific lines as an indicator of overall quality are legitimately just people who want
Eminem to be somebody he's not. It's worth noting that the handful of bad bars buried in
the well-done flows actually lean more towards stupid/funny instead of the cringe-y dad
jokes of Revival. If you at one point liked Eminem, and don't accompany your nostalgia
with amnesia, then this is actually pretty close to the quality of his heyday. If you can
go into this without any major expectations, you will be pleasantly surprised. This
should've been Side A.
EPMD Strictly Business
Ethereal Shroud Trisagion
Ever Forthright Ever Forthright
Evergrey Recreation Day
Every Time I Die New Junk Aesthetic
Every Time I Die A Colossal Wreck // Desperate Pleasures
Exivious Liminal
Eyedea and Abilities E&A
Eyedea and Abilities By the Throat
Faith No More King For A Day... Fool For A Lifetime
Fall of Stasis The Chronophagist
Fallujah The Harvest Wombs
Fantomas Suspended Animation
Fat Jon The Ample Soul Physician Wave Motion
Fatboy Slim Better Living Through Chemistry
Fates Warning Awaken the Guardian
Fear Factory Archetype
Fear Factory Soul of a New Machine
Fear Factory Genexus
Fear Factory Aggression Continuum
Felt (USA-MN) A Tribute to Christina Ricci
Felt (USA-MN) Felt 2: A Tribute to Lisa Bonet
Fit for an Autopsy Oh What the Future Holds
Fit for an Autopsy The Sea of Tragic Beasts
Flesh Field Strain
Flying Raccoon Suit Afterglow
Foetus Nail
Fontaines D.C. Dogrel
Fontaines D.C. A Hero's Death
Foo Fighters One by One
Forest Swords Engravings
Forest Swords Compassion
Fort Minor The Rising Tied
Four Tet There is Love in You
Frank Zappa Sheik Yerbouti
Freddie Gibbs and Madlib Bandana
Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist Alfredo
Fuel Sunburn
Fugees Blunted On Reality
Future of Forestry Twilight
Future of the Left How To Stop Your Brain In An Accident
Future of the Left The Plot Against Common Sense
Future of the Left The Peace and Truce of
Gang Starr The Ownerz
Gang Starr One Of The Best Yet
Gary Numan The Pleasure Principle
Genesis Owusu Cardrive
Genghis Tron Dead Mountain Mouth
Compared to NOISE, this one is a lot less dramatic, and it works much more in it's favor. Interesting Powerman 5000 reference on Axis. Touches on that goth-type shit without coupling the genres inherent flaws. Overall sidesteps a lot of flaws here, tbh. Like his scream kind of comes off like a screamo tone, but it mixes just right to not come off amateur. The flow switches up enough to maintain attention. Tracks flow together nicely, structurally and atmospherically. Seems like the right entry point for this artist.
Ghostface Killah Shaolin's Finest
Ghostface Killah Supreme Clientele
Girls Against Boys Venus Luxure No. 1 Baby
Gojira Terra Incognita
Gojira The Link
Gojira L'Enfant Sauvage
Goldfrapp Tales Of Us
Goldfrapp Felt Mountain
Gorillaz Demon Days
Gorillaz Gorillaz
Gorod Neurotripsicks
Gorod The Orb
Green Day Kerplunk
Green Day 39/Smooth
Greyhaven Empty Black
Grip Inc. Incorporated
Gris À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Âme Constellée...
Griselda WWCD
Gunplay Living Legend
Guru Jazzmatazz, Vol. 1
Gwynbleidd Nostalgia
Hacride Lazarus
Handsome Foxes Don't Care
Hatebreed Rise of Brutality
Hatebreed Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire
Hath All That Was Promised
He Is Legend White Bat
Head Automatica Decadence
Heavy D and the Boyz Big Tyme
Hella Hold Your Horse Is
Helloween Helloween
Hiatus Kaiyote Mood Valiant
Hieroglyphics Full Circle
Ho99o9 Skin
Ho99o9 United States Of Horror
HORSE the band R. Borlax
Hum Downward Is Heavenward
Ice Nine Kills The Silver Scream 2: Welcome to Horrorwood
Ice-T Rhyme Pays
Ichiko Aoba Kamisori Otome
IDK Simple.
IDLES Ultra Mono
IDLES Welcome
If These Trees Could Talk Above the Earth, Below the Sky
Ignite A Place Called Home
Imminent Sonic Destruction Recurring Themes
Immolation Atonement
Imperial Triumphant Vile Luxury
In Flames Clayman
Inanna Converging Ages
Incubus (USA-CA) A Crow Left of the Murder...
Incubus (USA-CA) Morning View
Incubus (USA-CA) Enjoy Incubus
Infant Annihilator The Battle of Yaldabaoth
Insomnium Since the Day It All Came Down
Insomnium Above the Weeping World
Invent Animate The Sun Sleeps, As If It Never Was
Invent Animate Stillworld
Ion Dissonance Cast the First Stone
70-80% of this album is fantastic; The rest is still pretty good. What the FUCK is up with the EQ, though? I had to turn the mid down and treble and bass way up to actually enjoy this in my car (using Spotify).
Ion Dissonance Solace
Iron Maiden Dance Of Death
Isaiah Rashad The Sun's Tirade
ISIS In the Absence of Truth
ISIS Wavering Radiant
James Blake James Blake
James Blake Air & Lack Thereof
James Blake CMYK
James Blake The Colour in Anything
Japanese Breakfast Soft Sounds From Another Planet
Jay Rock Follow Me Home
Jay Rock 90059
Jay-Z Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life
Jeff Loomis Zero Order Phase
Jeff Rosenstock NO DREAM
Jeru the Damaja Still Rising
Jethro Tull Aqualung
Jethro Tull This Was
JID DiCaprio
JID Para Tu
Jinjer Cloud Factory
Jinjer Micro
Joe Satriani Is There Love In Space?
Joe Satriani Super Colossal
Joey Badass B4.DA.$$
Joey Badass 2000
John Legend Get Lifted
Johnny Booth Storyteller
Johnny Booth Firsthand Accounts
Johnny Booth Moments Elsewhere
Joliette Principia
Joyner Lucas Along Came Joyner
Julien Baker Little Oblivions
Junglepussy Satisfaction Guaranteed
Kalmah The Black Waltz
Kano Hoodies All Summer
Kanye West The College Dropout
Kanye West Graduation
Kashiwa Daisuke Program Music II
Katatonia Viva Emptiness
Katatonia Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Katatonia Brave Murder Day
KEN mode Loved
Kendrick Lamar Overly Dedicated
Kendrick Lamar untitled unmastered.
Kenny Beats Louie
Kid Cudi Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager
Kid Cudi Man on the Moon III: The Chosen
Killer Be Killed Killer Be Killed
Killer Mike I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind II
Killer Mike Monster
Killing Joke Killing Joke
Killing Joke Pandemonium
Kim Petras Turn Off the Light
Kim Petras Clarity
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Nonagon Infinity
King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard Omnium Gatherum
Korn Korn
KRS-One I Got Next
KRS-One The Sneak Attack
KRS-One Keep Right
KRS-One Hip Hop Lives [With Marley Marl]
KRS-One Adventures In Emceein
Lamb of God As The Palaces Burn
Last Chance to Reason Level 3
LCD Soundsystem This Is Happening
Levin Minnemann Rudess Levin Minnemann Rudess
Lil Wayne Tha Carter II
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory EP
Linkin Park Live In Texas
Little Simz Grey Area
Little Simz A Curious Tale Of Trials + Persons
Liturgy H.A.Q.Q.
Logic No Pressure
Lord Finesse Funky Technician
Lord Huron Lonesome Dreams
Lords of the Underground Keepers of the Funk
Lorna Shore Flesh Coffin
Lorna Shore Immortal
Lorna Shore ...And I Return to Nothingness
Lorna Shore Psalms
Low Hey What
Ludacris Word Of Mouf
Mac Miller K.I.D.S.
Mac Miller GO:OD AM
Mac Miller The Divine Feminine
Mach-Hommy Balens Cho (Hot Candles)
Mach-Hommy Pray For Haiti
Machine Girl Gemini
Machine Head Burn My Eyes
Machine Head Arrows in Words from the Sky
Mahogany The Dream of a Modern Day
Marc Rebillet Marc Rebillet
Marduk Opus Nocturne
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith
Massa Nera Derramar | Querer | Borrar
Mastodon Emperor of Sand
Mastodon Call of the Mastodon
Mastodon Live at the Aragon
Mastodon Hushed and Grim
maudlin of the Well Part the Second
Max Richter Waltz With Bashir
Maximum the Hormone Bu-ikikaesu
Maximum the Hormone Mimi Kajiru Shinuchi
mclusky My Pain and Sadness Is More Sad and Painful Than Yours
Megadeth United Abominations
Melt-Banana Bambi's Dilemma
Melt-Banana Teeny Shiny
Meshuggah Chaosphere
Meshuggah Nothing
Meshuggah Immutable
Metal Allegiance Metal Allegiance
Metallica Metallica
Metallica S&M
Metallica Kill 'Em All
Metallica No Life 'til Leather
mewithoutYou Brother, Sister
mewithoutYou It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright!
MF DOOM Born Like This
Mick Jenkins Elephant In The Room
Mick Jenkins Pieces Of A Man
Mindforce Excalibur
Mindless Self Indulgence You'll Rebel To Anything
Moby Play
Moody Good Moody Good
Moonsorrow Viides luku - Hävitetty
Moor Mother Jazz Codes
Wasn't vibing at first but it started to get more in the zone. Def agree that some features don't necessarily elevate the tracks as much as they could, but they aren't bad either, so it does overall come together into a cohesive package. Some interesting moments and ideas lyrically, but I'm also not substantially wowed by any specific moment. Great for what it is.
Morbid Angel Domination
Mount Kimbie Love What Survives
Mouse On The Keys Tres
Moving Atlas Et Al
Municipal Waste Hazardous Mutation
Muse Showbiz
Muse Black Holes & Revelations
Mute The Raven
Mutemath Mutemath
Nas Stillmatic
Nas It Was Written
Nas King’s Disease
Nas King's Disease II
Nas King's Disease III
Neck Deep Life's Not Out To Get You
Nevermore This Godless Endeavor
Nevermore Enemies of Reality
Nevermore The Politics of Ecstasy
Nevermore Nevermore
New Order Movement
New Order Brotherhood
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds The Firstborn Is Dead
Nicolas Jaar Cenizas
Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine
Nine Inch Nails Beside You in Time
Nine Inch Nails And All That Could Have Been
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts I-IV
Nine Inch Nails The Slip
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts V: Together
Nine Inch Nails Ghosts VI: Locusts
Nine Inch Nails Not The Actual Events
Nirvana Nevermind
No/Mas Consume/Deny/Repent
Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy X - Piano Collections
NOFX So Long and Thanks for All the Shoes
NOISIA Outer Edges
Norma Jean Wrongdoers
Oblique Rain Isohyet
Obscura Cosmogenesis
Old Man's Child Born of the Flickering
Once Human Evolution
Onyx Bacdafucup
Open Mike Eagle Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
Opeth Morningrise
Opeth Orchid
Opeth The Roundhouse Tapes
Opeth Pale Communion
Opeth Heritage
Opeth In Cauda Venenum
Oranssi Pazuzu Mestarin Kynsi
Orbs Asleep Next to Science
Organized Konfusion The Equinox
P.M. Dawn The Bliss Album…?
P.O.S Ipecac Neat
Pain of Salvation Be
Pain of Salvation One Hour by the Concrete Lake
Pantera Far Beyond Driven
Pantera Reinventing Hell: The Best of Pantera
Panzerfaust The Dark Age of Militant Paganism
Paramore All We Know Is Falling
Pennywise Full Circle
Peregrine (USA-MA) As One Would Exist Within the Crescendo
Periphery Periphery
Pestilence Malleus Maleficarum
Phinehas thegodmachine
PinkPantheress To Hell With It
Pitchshifter www.pitchshifter.com
Pitchshifter Desensitized
Pitchshifter Infotainment?
Plini Handmade Cities
Polkadot Cadaver Purgatory Dance Party
Poor Righteous Teachers Pure Poverty
Poppy Choke
Porcupine Tree Up the Downstair
Porcupine Tree Voyage 34: The Complete Trip
Porcupine Tree In Absentia
Porcupine Tree Stupid Dream
Porcupine Tree Nil Recurring
Porcupine Tree Warszawa
Porcupine Tree Closure/Continuation
"It's not as good as most of their other stuff, but it sure is excellent!" They're functioning. It's a comeback. It's solid. Some bits sound fresh (for them). Some bits sound exactly like what you'd expect from a PT record. I'm personally less a fan of the familiar, which may not entirely be because of my taste. That's all I'll get into.
Portugal. The Man Evil Friends
Prefuse 73 One Word Extinguisher
Primus Hallucino-Genetics (DVD)
Primus They Can't All Be Zingers
Primus Tales from the Punchbowl
Prince Dirty Mind
Prince Around the World in a Day
Propagandhi How to Clean Everything
Propagandhi Failed States
Protest the Hero Pacific Myth
Protest the Hero Palimpsest
Protomartyr Relatives in Descent
Psychostick We Couldn't Think of a Title
I'm kind of nostalgic for this album. It has definitely brought many laughs and smiles every time I revisit. Unfortunately, the replay value diminishes a bit if you want something to consistently listen to, but it's a great time in the moment. Some tracks have more of a lasting impression than others; Even though songs like "Why Oh Why?" are very effective satire ("Dude, seriously, you need to get a life" [instead of writing break-up songs all the time]), the style they satirize isn't necessarily inviting. That said, songs like Beer!, Two Ton Paperweight, and Throwing Down still resonate really well as effective satires in well-structured, fun songs.
Psychostick IV: Revenge of the Vengeance
Ya know what the funniest part of this album is to me, low-key? The way they represent their version of maturity. A lot of this album actually feels like a progression from where they were, specifically in their lane of satiric metal. While I feel like this album as a whole didn't make me bust my gut like a good number of tracks from previous albums, they do still have a sharply defined approach with their sense of humor, which moves more towards specificity regarding subject matter. Some tracks make this work really well (Obey the Beard, Fight to the Death) while some tracks have good premises but don't necessarily make me laugh, despite the obvious comedic fertility (Loathe Thy Neighbor, Blue Screen). Still a worthwhile listen for fans of this group.
Psychostick ... And Stuff
It's a covers and b-sides. All the best tracks are either covers or songs about food. Recommended: Metaldonna Medley, Chimichanga, Mi Queso, Hedstronk. "Ghostbuster!" as a Sepultura track is brilliant. A few duds here, too, though. Not a fan of "Let's Do The Sex." I hope they put out an album of fresh tunes not too long after this!
Public Service Broadcasting Inform - Educate - Entertain
Puff Daddy No Way Out
Puscifer "V" Is For Vagina
Pusha T It's Almost Dry
Queens of the Stone Age Era Vulgaris
Queens of the Stone Age Lullabies to Paralyze
Queens of the Stone Age Villains
Quelle Chris DEATHFAME
Quicksand Slip
Quicksand Distant Populations
Racer X Street Lethal
Radiohead The King of Limbs
Radiohead Hail to the Thief
Radiohead COM LAG (2plus2isfive)
Rage Against the Machine Renegades
Raider Klan Tales From The Underground
Reason New Beginnings
Red Hot Chili Peppers By the Way
Redd Kross Neurotica
redveil Niagara
redveil Learn 2 Swim
Revocation Existence Is Futile
Revocation Chaos of Forms
Revocation Revocation
Rico Nasty and Kenny Beats Anger Management
Rings of Saturn Dingir
Rishloo Living as Ghosts with Buildings as Teeth
Roadrunner United The All-Star Sessions
Rob Zombie Hellbilly Deluxe
Rob Zombie The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy
Rolo Tomassi Cosmology
Royce da 5'9 The Allegory
Royce da 5'9 Death is Certain
Run-D.M.C. King Of Rock
This isnt the best Run-DMC album, but it's still got personality and purpose. Title track is great. Some tracks are pretty funny. "Its not funny!" Lies!
Run-D.M.C. Tougher Than Leather
Rx Bandits Mandala
Rx Bandits ...And the Battle Begun
Saba Bucket List
Say Anything ...Is a Real Boy
Say Anything ...Is A Real Boy (re-release)
Scale the Summit The Migration
Septicflesh The Great Mass
Septicflesh Modern Primitive
Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols
Shadows Fall The Art of Balance
Shai Hulud Hearts Once Nourished With Hope...
Show Me The Body Trouble The Water
Shygirl ALIAS
Sigh Imaginary Sonicscape
SikTh Opacities
SikTh The Future In Whose Eyes?
Slayer Show No Mercy
Slayer Christ Illusion
Slayer World Painted Blood
Sleep Token Two
Track 2 is literally just James Blake + thall. Overall, not bad. I feel like this group can still do better, though.
Slice the Cake Odyssey to the West
Slipknot Disasterpieces
Slipknot Iowa
Slipknot Day of the Gusano
slowthai UGLY
Smif-N-Wessun Dah Shinin'
Snoop Dogg Doggystyle
Sole Bottle Of Humans
Sole Selling Live Water
Sophie Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides
SOUL GLO The Nigga In Me Is Me
Soulfly Soulfly
Soulfly 3
I'm listening to Soulfly's discography in order, and... I really don't see what people's problem is with this album. The features are really interesting. None of these tracks specifically fall flat for me. They're still creating primal music that has some sonically and stylistically interesting choices; The layers at the end of Four Elements and the R&B elements in Tree of Pain are really good examples of unique and effective expression within experimentation. Though this album seems less infectiously catchy than Primitive, it definitely utilizes the root of what makes their music work, so if you like Soulfly or late-Cavalera era Sepultura, this is worth a listen.
Soulfly Prophecy
Spawn of Possession Noctambulant
Spawn of Possession Incurso
Special Ed Youngest In Charge
Spectral Lore and Mare Cognitum Wanderers: Astrology of the Nine
Spillage Village Spilligion
Spillage Village Bears Like This
Spiritbox Eternal Blue
Spiritbox Spiritbox
Spiritualized Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
Static Dress Rouge Carpet Disaster
Steven Wilson Insurgentes
Steven Wilson The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)
Stone Healer Conquistador
Stormtroopers of Death Speak English or Die
Stormtroopers of Death Bigger Than the Devil
Strapping Young Lad The New Black
Strapping Young Lad Strapping Young Lad
Strapping Young Lad For Those Aboot to Rock (DVD)
Street Sects End Position
Strike Anywhere Change Is a Sound
Stromae Multitude
Strung Out Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues
Sufjan Stevens Carrie and Lowell
Summoning the Lich United in Chaos
Superheaven The Difference In Good and Bad Dreams
Swallow the Sun Songs From The North I, II & III
Swindle Long Live The Jazz
Sylosis Casting Shadows
Sylosis Edge of the Earth
Sylosis Monolith
Sylosis Conclusion of an Age
Symphony X Paradise Lost
System of a Down Steal This Album!
Table Uncut
Talking Heads More Songs About Buildings and Food
Tech N9ne The Calm Before The Storm
Telomere (CAN) Where Are We Still
Tera Melos Patagonian Rats
Tera Melos Untitled
TesseracT One
Testament Live at the Fillmore
Textures Silhouettes
The Alchemist This Thing Of Ours, Vol. 2
The Algorithm Octopus4
The Algorithm Polymorphic Code
The Black Mages The Skies Above
The Blood Brothers ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn
The Chariot Long Live
The Chemical Brothers Surrender
The Contortionist Our Bones
The Faceless Akeldama
The Flashbulb Compositions For Piano
The Flatliners Destroy To Create
The Haarp Machine Disclosure
The Hotelier Home, Like NoPlace Is There
The Human Abstract Nocturne
The Jesus Lizard Head
The Koreatown Oddity Finna Be Past Tense
The Koreatown Oddity 200 tree rings
The Machinist (USA-NY) Confidimus in Morte
The Mars Volta Frances the Mute
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones Let's Face It
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Mongrel
The Number Twelve Looks Like You Worse Than Alone
The Ocean Pelagial
The Offspring The Offspring
The Offspring Americana
The Prodigy Experience
The Prodigy Invaders Must Die
The Red Chord Prey for Eyes
The Ritual Aura Velothi
Hmm... It's got something going for it, for sure. Yet somehow it's consistently missing something. But I don't think it's because it changes too much or too little. I feel like it's a sense of themes not being contrasted in the proper fashion. It's like each part here sounds good on it's own, and it technically belongs where it is on the album, but just because it's structurally sound on a technical level doesn't mean the contexts are all appropriate. This makes emotional and mental processing for the listener a little bit of a jigsaw, which most people would opt for viewing as messy or disjointed. I do think there's potential here, though. I think a good number of parts here would've settled much better with just the slightest tweaks.
The Ritual Aura Laniakea
The Rolling Stones Out of Our Heads
The Rolling Stones Aftermath
The Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesties Request
The Roots Phrenology
The Roots undun
The Roots How I Got Over
The Sound of Animals Fighting Lover, the Lord Has Left Us...
The Sound of Animals Fighting The Ocean and the Sun
The Sound of Animals Fighting Tiger and the Duke (Re-Issue)
The Used The Used
The Weathermen The Conspiracy
The Weeknd After Hours
The Weeknd Dawn FM
The Winery Dogs Hot Streak
Their / They're / There Their / They're / Three
Thom Yorke The Eraser
Three 6 Mafia Chapter 2: World Domination
Thrice Major/Minor
Thrice Beggars
Thundercat Apocalypse
Thy Art Is Murder Hate
Tipper Surrounded
Tipper Jettison Mind Hatch
Tkay Maidza Last Year Was Weird, Vol. 1
toe The Future Is Now
Tomb Mold Planetary Clairvoyance
Tool Undertow
Tool 10,000 Days
Toska Fire by the Silos
Trepalium XIII
Trepalium Through the Absurd
Tricky Pre-Millenium Tension
Trivium Shogun
Trivium The Sin and the Sentence
Trophy Scars Astral Pariah
Tropical Fuck Storm Deep States
Turnstile Nonstop Feeling
Twista Kamikaze
Underoath Define the Great Line
Unexpect Utopia
Unleashed Midvinterblot
Unwound New Plastic Ideas
Vansire The Modern Western World
Veil of Maya The Common Man's Collapse
Veil of Maya False Idol
Vein.fm Errorzone
Vektor Terminal Redux
Venetian Snares Moonglow/This Bitter Earth
Venetian Snares Huge Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding
Venetian Snares Songs About My Cats
Verberis Adumbration of the Veiled Logos
This album does a good job of creating dismal atmospheres that invoke a hellish abyss. As black / death metal releases may be inclined to do so. Tracks 2 and 3 feel like the peak of this album, whereas I think things drag on a bit much by the 20-minute closing track. Tracks 4 and 5 start to feel a bit too familiar compared to the hellscape of the first half. Still, overall pretty good.
Vessels White Fields and Open Devices
Vexes Imagine What We Could Destroy / If Only Given Time
Vildhjarta Thousands Of Evils
Vildhjarta Måsstaden
Vildhjarta Omnislash
Vince Staples Prima Donna
Vince Staples FM!
Vince Staples Vince Staples
I like how Vince seems to make accessible music that needs to grow on you. I was lukewarm to this and FM! on first listens, but the quality sinks in as I internalize the perspectives. Kenny provides a space that is centered, but wandering. Vince uses this backdrop to emphasize a comfortable focus with his identity, but with a soul tinged with a type of darkness that keeps one from total peace; The subtlety of this dynamic may not be for everyone, but it's there for people open to it. Worth revisiting.
Vince Staples Hell Can Wait
Vince Staples Ramona Park Broke My Heart
Virvum Illuminance
VOLA Inmazes
VOLA Applause of a Distant Crowd
Ween Chocolate and Cheese
Weezer Everything Will Be Alright in the End
Weezer The White Album
Weezer The Green Album
Westside Connection Bow Down
Westside Gunn Flyest Nigga In Charge, Vol. 1
Westside Gunn Hitler Wears Hermes 8: Sincerely Adolf
White Zombie Astro Creep: 2000
Whitechapel This Is Exile
Whitney Houston Whitney Houston
Wow! I can really see where Dream Theater got it from now!
Wilderun Veil of Imagination
Wolves at the Gate Captors
Wu-Tang Clan Wu-Tang Forever
Yashira Shrine
Yves Tumor Heaven To A Tortured Mind
Zack Fox Shut The Fuck Up Talking To Me
Zao (Self-Titled)
ZelooperZ Valley of Life
ZelooperZ Dyn-O-Mite
ZelooperZ Wild Card
Zheani The Line
Zheani Satanic Prostitute

3.0 good
1914 Where Fear and Weapons Meet
2 Skinnee J's SuperMercado!
Affiance The Campaign
After the Burial Forging a Future Self
Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill
All Shall Perish The Price of Existence
Amine OnePointFive
Amon Amarth Versus the World
Amorphis Silent Waters
Anata Under a Stone With No Inscription
Animals As Leaders Wave of Babies
Aphex Twin Syro
Arca KicK iii
Arch Enemy Black Earth
Arch Enemy Rise of the Tyrant
Archers of Loaf Icky Mettle
Architects Nightmares
Arctic Monkeys AM
Ascension of the Watchers Numinosum
Atmosphere You Can't Imagine How Much Fun...
Atmosphere The Family Sign
Atmosphere The Day Before Halloween
I don't think anyone asked for or expected this album. That said, at least it sounds different for them, particularly with the production. While most of their albums are better than this, it doesn't really bring down their discography. If you're trying to get into Atmosphere, start somewhere else.
Atmosphere Southsiders
Atmosphere Fishing Blues
August Burns Red Thrill Seeker
Avenged Sevenfold City Of Evil
Baby Keem The Melodic Blue
Basement Jaxx Remedy
Bassnectar Underground Communication
Bassnectar Divergent Spectrum
Beastie Boys The Mix Up
Beastie Boys Hello Nasty
Beck Mutations
Behold... The Arctopus Skullgrid
Benny Benassi Hypnotica
Between the Buried and Me Coma Ecliptic
Between the Buried and Me Bohemian Rhapsody / Vertical Beta 461
Between the Buried and Me Automata I
Between the Buried and Me Colors II
Multiple comments about edge lord purists sadly sums up the stylistic vacuum that is currently the second half of BTBAM's career so far. At this point, I'm not expecting anything new, and this album doesn't actually have that much to do with the old shit, despite all the rehashes and getting a little bit heavier again; Very little of the vast amount of new material sounds like it's actually accurately a continuation of Colors. The most daring thing about Colors 2 is that it exists. Good for them. Hopefully Colors 3 is more airtight and serves a more pointed artistic purpose rather than just being a mishmash of BTBAM elements that might as well have been algorithmically constructed.
Big K.R.I.T. K.R.I.T. Iz Here
Bilmuri 400LB Back Squat
Black Kray Thug Angel
Black Sun Empire Cruel and Unusual
blink-182 Enema Of The State
Bloodbath Resurrection Through Carnage
Blur Parklife
Born of Osiris The Discovery
Born of Osiris The New Reign
Brainiac Bonsai Superstar
Buckethead Kaleidoscalp
Cancer Bats Hail Destroyer
Cannibal Corpse Gallery Of Suicide
Cannibal Corpse Bloodthirst
Cattle Decapitation The Harvest Floor
Cavalera Conspiracy Inflikted
Chance the Rapper 10 Day
Chance the Rapper Acid Rap
It's crazy how conflicting my feelings about this album became over time. Initially, I thought this album had some charm to it, like even though his purposely nasal voice gets overbearing sometimes, it's like it came from a friend who annoyed you into having a good time because you were being uptight. However, getting to know how this dude operates over the years really changed the context for how this album sounds to me. At this point, I really don't think this guy ever touched acid in his life and just wanted to make an album that appeals to that crowd, noticing how enthused they may be. The chorus to NaNa sounds more like a kid trying to taunt someone when you consider how he treats people who help him. The entire album balances on the assumption that Chance is charismatic, but he's going to need to be more the person he portrays in order for it to be appropriately endearing, and I can't help but notice lines in his newer material that push him away from the version of himself that got him popular. Someone trying to annoy you out of uptight-ness really flips around the impression when you realize they were actually giving you a valid reason to feel uptight.
Charli XCX Sucker
Charli XCX Charli
Charli XCX How I'm Feeling Now
Chevelle This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
Children of Bodom Halo of Blood
Children of Bodom I Worship Chaos
Chimaira The Infection
CHON Homey
CHON Newborn Sun
Circle of Contempt Entwine the Threads
clipping. Face
Cloud Rat Threshold
Code Orange Underneath
Combichrist Everybody Hates You
Common Can I Borrow a Dollar?
While it seems like a great old-school hip-hop record at a glance, there're rhyme schemes that are quite literally elementary on just about every track. I mean nursery rhyme shit. It's not really a concept, it just keeps coming up. Brings down tracks that could've been bangers, like Blows to the Temple. Take them out and this would've easily been better.
Conducting from the Grave When Legends Become Dust
Cormorant Metazoa
Corpsessed Succumb to Rot
Covet technicolor
Cradle of Filth From the Cradle to Enslave
Cradle of Filth Hammer of the Witches
Cradle of Filth Existence Is Futile
Crosses Initiation / Protection
Cynic Carbon-Based Anatomy
Cynic The Portal Tapes
Cynic Re-Traced
Cypress Hill Back In Black
Dark Lunacy Devoid
Dark Tranquillity The Gallery
Das Racist Relax
Dead Kennedys Frankenchrist
Deante' Hitchcock BETTER
Death Grips Year of the Snitch
Deathspell Omega Si Monvmentvm Reqvires Circvmspice
Decapitated Nihility
Defeater Dear Father
Deftones Around the Fur
Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
Deftones B-Sides And Rarities
Deicide Deicide
Denzel Curry 32 Zel / Planet Shrooms
Devin Townsend Physicist
Devin Townsend Ziltoid the Omniscient
This album, at first, I thought was kind of a disappointment and the voice-overs can be kind of corny sometimes, but this has grown on me a lot. The heavy parts aren't as heavy as SYL generally is, there're more odd and quirky vocal melodies here and there, and, best of all, Devy's vocals sound much fresher and less strained than on some of the past releases (some vocals off Synchestra and The New Black sound like they could've been much better had he not been touring non-stop).
Something I usually expect from Devy's releases, especially SYL, is a set of songs consisting of half the tracks or so being high-quality and the other half being lackluster. This cd is much more consistent. You most likely won't be skipping tracks too often. Though some parts of the tracks might not appeal much, there'll most likely be another part of the song that'll get your attention.
Devin Townsend Official Bootleg
Devin Townsend Unplugged
Devin Townsend Empath
Devin Townsend Project Epicloud
Devin Townsend Project Z2
Devin Townsend Project Transcendence
Disturbed Believe
Divine Heresy Bleed the Fifth
DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince Rock the House
A pivotal rap album that... really hasn't aged well. When it comes down to it, Jazzy Jeff saved this. Compared to the following album, this album has particular high and low points. One note: The beat boxer's spit snare sounds HORRIBLE But then it's made up for with some higher quality performance. Kind of sums up the quality of the whole album.
DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper
Doechii Oh The Places You'll Go
Dr. Octagon Dr. Octagonecologyst
Man, I used to really jam this album in 2010, before I listened to more hip-hop. The thing about this album is that it definitely has style, but that's 100% of the appeal, and once you really dig the lyrics apart, it becomes apparent this album only really works if you turn your brain off. In the very least, it does invite you to do this, but after familiarizing with more classics, this comes off as more of a step in a progression than a pivotal launch point.
Drake Thank Me Later
Drake Nothing Was the Same
Drake So Far Gone
Drake If You're Reading This It's Too Late
Dream Theater Awake
Dream Theater Systematic Chaos
Dream Theater A Dramatic Turn of Events
Dream Theater Dream Theater
Dream Theater Distance Over Time
Dream Theater A View From The Top Of The World
By the numbers. Some inspired moments. Song-writing isn't really there, though. Long tracks without that much sense of grandeur, which is what always carried their classics through. Some great isolated bits of music in a huge collage of expectable familiarity that doesn't do much to tempt the soul. Album ends stronger than it starts.
Earl Sweatshirt Feet of Clay
EarthGang Torba
Earthsuit Kaleidoscope Superior
Ebony Tusks Heal_Thyself
Compared to the band clipping.: Almost the same exact style of instrumentals, but less
vivid / high def (one of the tracks actually gave me a headache, which clipping. has
never done). Same style of rhetoric as clipping.'s older stuff, but without the deeply
wound stories. Similar wordplay and references, but... just go listen to clipping. If
you've worn out their music and want more of the same, then come here. I would wish for
more variation on their next release, and better mastering.
Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP 2
Eminem Infinite
Every Time I Die Last Night in Town
Faceless Burial Grotesque Miscreation
Fall In Archaea Aura Magenta
Fantomas Delìrium Còrdia
Fantomas Fantômas
Fat Jon The Ample Soul Physician Afterthought
Fear Factory Digimortal
Fear of God Within the Veil
Fellsilent The Hidden Words
Filter Short Bus
Filter The Amalgamut
Flume Flume
Foo Fighters There Is Nothing Left to Lose
Gang Starr No More Mr. Nice Guy
General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners
Ghost (SWE) Meliora
There are interesting ideas musically. I'm personally not really into the vocal style / tone a lot of the time, and the lyrics don't help. I almost get a "look what your moody teenager grew into" vibe from this one. How some parts are constructed can carry some decent ideas and does carry the songs through. Just not enough coming together for me to stay into it. There's an excessive use of bass sometimes, too forward, not surrounding. Gets better towards end of album. Industrial bits do vaguely cross-reference the late 90s a lot, but then there's like goth trap. Honestly his higher pitch variation in rapping at least proves he can sound more than moody about "dark shit." "I can't relate." The ideas are spirited, but I'm just craving more than what I get on most of these, sonically and in terms of meaning and substance. Even going full ignorant might be preferable to me, just land on some kind of epitome. I didn't get that here, personally. XXXTentacion came up on shuffle after this and I thought Ghostemane actually went hard for a second, wooooow lololol
Ghostpoet Shedding Skin
Glass Cloud Perfect War Forever
Glassjaw Material Control
God Forbid IV: Constitution of Treason
Gojira Fortitude
Some of these tracks could be, in some ways, considered Gojira's best tracks, in terms of instrumental expressivity and overall progression for their sound. And then there're tracks that don't really ask for a replay, which is unfortunate because I really care about the Amazon forest burning, but I almost never want to listen to the song about it. Song-writing doesn't feel as monumental as their other efforts. Hopefully the next effort improves on what this album does.
Gold Necklace Gold Necklace
Goldfrapp Seventh Tree
Goldfrapp Supernature
Goldfrapp Black Cherry
GoldLink Haram
Bad mastering and some ineffective production choices makes a potentially successful experiment fall flat. Goldlink puts distortion on all of his own vocals (which lacks bass in the EQ, leaving it sounding thin), which makes it sound even trashier when you hear a feature with clean sound quality come in right next to it. Shame that this didn't go all the way to hit the mark because the ideas throughout the album are legit really solid and this could be a significant variation in his style, having a bit more abrasiveness kind of relative to rock music without crossing the genre line. Hopefully the sound issues aren't prevalent on his next release, as I really want to see where he's going.
Good Tiger A Head Full of Moonlight
Gorillaz Plastic Beach
Gorod Process of a New Decline
Greg Puciato Mirrorcell
Grimes Visions
Haken Visions
Hatebreed Perseverance
Hatebreed Supremacy
Haxprocess The Caverns Of Duat
Hella There's No 666 In Outer Space
Helmet Meantime
HIM Razorblade Romance
Holding Absence The Greatest Mistake of My Life
Horrendous Idol
Hum You'd Prefer an Astronaut
Hungry Lights The Awry Ascent
Damn, Umber Tower is sexy. "From the taste upon my tongue." Oo baby. Too bad that doesn't save this album from being by the numbers. The symphonic aspect is actually pretty enjoyable, but the prog metal is pretty standard throughout. The Nimloks sounds like it was meant for the radio but didn't suffice. Very hit or miss.
Ice Nine Kills The Silver Scream
Some parts were surprisingly fun. Other parts were between bland and cringe. Impressions range from 2/5 to 4/5, ultimately leaving the album feeling both consistent and lacking a feeling of unification in structure. Lyrics were cheesy, delivery was done well for its style.
Ice-T Power
IDK The Empty Bank
In Flames Soundtrack to Your Escape
In Flames Come Clarity
In Flames A Sense of Purpose
Insomnium One for Sorrow
Iwrestledabearonce Iwrestledabearonce
Iwrestledabearonce It's All Happening
J. Cole 2014 Forest Hills Drive
J. Cole Cole World: The Sideline Story
Japanese Breakfast Psychopomp
Joe Budden Halfway House
John Legend Once Again
John Petrucci Terminal Velocity
JPEGMAFIA Black Ben Carson
Junglepussy Pregnant With Success
Kaada / Patton Romances
Kalmah 12 Gauge
Kanye West Donda
Kanye West Yeezus
Kaytranada Bubba
Kaytranada Intimidated
Key! and Kenny Beats 777 Deluxe
Khemmis Desolation
Killer Be Killed Reluctant Hero
Killer Mike I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind
Killing Joke Night Time
King Diamond House Of God
King Krule The OOZ
Knocked Loose Laugh Tracks
Korn Life Is Peachy
Korn Follow the Leader
Korn The Paradigm Shift
KRS-One Spiritual Minded
Kurupt The Streetz iz a Mutha
Lamb of God New American Gospel
Lamb of God Sacrament
Lamb of God Resolution
Lamb of God Wrath
Leaders Of The New School T.I.M.E.
Linkin Park Meteora
Liquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension Experiment 3
I'm glad to see these folks back at it; That simple fact is probably my favorite thing about this album, though. The references to old Dream Theater are a little too obvious for me, having been a big fan of their work with Portnoy; I can easily point to at least one exact moment on every track that only varies from it's original source to such a minor degree that it barely registers as different. The compositions feel more like jams than planned sessions with a pointed purpose. Overall enjoyable. I wouldn't call it thoroughly gripping like LTE2, but there are elements coming together, they're just unrusting their connection. They just need to lock in to new shit more than rehash and they'll be killing it.
Logic Vinyl Days
Alright, I guess I'm starting my Thanksgiving with "it's the birth of the black white boy! Retire for what!?" Not bad, but I still can't help but feel like there's something central that's missing. I think... Maybe the over-aggressive bars and awkward skits are kind of revealing how neurotic this dude is (not that neurotic is inherently bad). I can't say this is bad rap, but I'm not sure what it is I'm supposed to hang on to and want to revisit. The beats aren't incredible, but they're solid. The flows sound good (which wasn't necessarily the issue with his worse albums, this was always the strong point, though it was because he was lifting styles off people too blatantly), but I don't really have any particular meanings, feelings, or reflections that I find inspiring or significantly relatable. Still a lot of style lifts that are obvious to me, making this clearly feel like a boom bap sampler. Just my take.
Logic Under Pressure
Logic The Incredible True Story
Logic Bobby Tarantino
Logic Young Sinatra IV
Lucid Planet Lucid Planet
Ludacris Back For The First Time
Ludo Prepare the Preparations
Mac DeMarco Rock and Roll Night Club
Machine Head Through The Ashes Of Empires
Machine Head Of Kingdom And Crown
Marc Rebillet Europe
Mare Mare
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals
Mastodon Remission
Megadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
Megadeth Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good!
Mekong Delta Kaleidoscope
Meshuggah The True Human Design
Meshuggah Psykisk Testbild
Metallica Death Magnetic
Metallica Beyond Magnetic
Mike Patton Adult Themes for Voice
Mindless Self Indulgence If
Misfits Legacy Of Brutality
Mithras On Strange Loops
Mnemic Mechanical Spin Phenomena
Mnemic The Audio Injected Soul
Motograter Motograter
Mr. Muthafuckin eXquire Confessions of a Sex Addict
Mr. Muthafuckin eXquire Mr. Muthafuckin Exquire
Mudvayne Mudvayne
Municipal Waste Waste 'Em All
Muse Origin of Symmetry
Mushroomhead XX
Native Construct Quiet World
Nekrogoblikon Heavy Meta
New Found Glory New Found Glory
Nice and Smooth Jewel of the Nile
Nickelus F and Shawn Kemp Trick Dice
Nine Inch Nails With Teeth
Nine Inch Nails Hesitation Marks
No Consequence In the Shadow of Gods
Norma Jean Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child
Occultist Death Sigils
OFWGKTA The OF Tape Vol. 2
Oni (CAN) Loathing Light
Not nearly as compositionally tight, vibrant, catchy, energetic, or thematically well executed as the debut LP. Different band members than the first album. The vocals sound slightly more trained, though I also feel that it doesn't tie in enough with the first album enough. Overall, this felt like a slight curve ball while also being a little bit safe. The City Morgue feature is unexpected but very much welcome, and kind of funny considering the "rivalry" between Oni the metal band and Oni the rap artist. Solid album, but I really wish they stayed away from these particular clean verses, as it sounds much more catered to the radio than to the progressive tendencies of the first.
Oni (CAN) The Silver Line
Opeth Sorceress
Oysterhead The Grand Pecking Order
P.O.S Chill, Dummy
P.O.S We Don't Even Live Here
Palms Palms
Panchiko D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L
Pantera Reinventing the Steel
Pantera The Great Southern Trendkill
Pantera Power Metal
Parkway Drive Killing with a Smile
Paul Gilbert Get Out of My Yard
Peeping Tom Peeping Tom
Periphery Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
Periphery Clear
Periphery Juggernaut: Alpha
Periphery Juggernaut: Omega
Periphery Periphery V: Djent Is Not a Genre
Phish Lawn Boy
Pitchshifter PSI
Pitchshifter Industrial
Polaris The Mortal Coil
Porcupine Tree The Incident
Portishead Portishead
Powerman 5000 Tonight the Stars Revolt
Primus Pork Soda
Primus Antipop
Proper. The Great American Novel
So I will admit I'm not a huge emo fan. I don't dislike it, but it's not my first choice. From there, I'll say that I am inclined to agree with the viewpoints displayed across this album. That said, I can't help but feel like this album is a prime example of why someone would say "leave politics out of music." I think personal experiences relating to politics is very important for art... But I think the way they deliver it here undermines the message a little bit. There're a few too many lines that make me think "wait, why do you want me to care about that so much?" Which is weird among topics that do provide valuable assessments. Musically, this thing isn't bad, but it's not airtight. I thought the best parts were when other genres are crossing over. Unfortunately, a few overly familiar parts do rear their heads, and ultimately, this doesn't make me feel as emotional as it could. It gets very close a few times, but the other conjoining aspects feeling just short of the mark kind of drags the whole thing back. Kind of tired of it by the end. Still, certainly a good album, if only it could come off as more convincing or inviting by nailing the relevance of context more to outsiders.
Protest the Hero Scurrilous
Protest the Hero Volition
Psycroptic The Scepter of the Ancients
Quadeca I Didn't Mean to Haunt You
Queens of the Stone Age Queens of the Stone Age
R. Kelly R. Kelly
This was literally my first time ever hearing an R. Kelly album front to back. While he's certainly locked into being effective at what he does, the lyrics can come off a lil bit tepid for the overall concept he's going for, which is a little questionable in context - half spiritual enlightenment and half "let's bang." It's just stereotypical 90s vibe music for fucking. While that may have been an accomplishment at the time, this serves like no practical purpose now unless you're looking for a really specific mood for your sex. Kinda cheesy & made me chuckle in the way that makes me go "damn, chicks are into this? Alright, dude, whatever works for you."
Radiohead Amnesiac
Radiohead A Moon Shaped Pool
Rammstein Sehnsucht
Rapsody The Idea Of Beautiful
Ras Kass Van Gogh
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium
Red Hot Chili Peppers One Hot Minute
Rise Against The Sufferer and the Witness
Rob Zombie The Sinister Urge
Rob Zombie Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor
Royce da 5'9 Layers
Royce da 5'9 Book of Ryan
Royksopp The Understanding
Run the Jewels Meow the Jewels
Rx Bandits Gemini, Her Majesty
RXKNephew Slitherman Activated
How is this album only 49 minutes? This thing lasts forever. It's not bad but you're also not getting anything that different on any particular track. Production and vocals are both serviceable, but not really extravagant. Just solid.
Sage Francis Human The Death Dance
Sage Francis Copper Gone
Sallow Moth The Larval Hope
Sausage Riddles Are Abound Tonight
Scale the Summit V
ScHoolboy Q Habits and Contradictions
Sepultura Roots
Serart Serart
Sevendust Seasons
Shadow Of Intent Reclaimer
Shadow Of Intent Primordial
Shadow Of Intent Melancholy
Skepta Blacklisted
Skepta Ignorance Is Bliss
Ski Mask The Slump God Stokeley
Slayer Divine Intervention
Slayer God Hates Us All
Slayer War at the Warfield (Video)
Slayer Repentless
Slipknot Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
While this album arguably has Slipknot's peak artistic output, and the most prominent stylistic experiments to incorporate naturally into their sound, there are also some points where the signature qualities that defined them don't stand up to the previous albums. The guitarists show their capabilities more, but the tastefulness goes from enveloping on Vermillion pt 1 to straight wankery on Pulse of the Maggots. Where Iowa was raw through and through, some of the raw parts here felt like they were coming from a band that was wearing out that instinct a little bit.
Slipknot .5: The Gray Chapter
Solterra Soul, Earth, Sun
Soulfly Primitive
Soundgarden King Animal
Spaceslug Eye the Tide
Spawn of Possession Cabinet
Spellling The Turning Wheel
This is sonically engaging, but most of the music just doesn't envelope me. Like... there really isn't any one particular quality I see as done exceedingly well. It's just a solid record, and probably amazing to a certain niche of people. Vocals grew on me a little, but I really couldn't help but think "wow, Fantano really knows people will eat up his opinion. Is he low-key trolling with this 10?" Ultimately, "sonically engaging" and "sounds like Disney" are the strongest qualities here...
Spillage Village Bears Like This Too
Squarepusher Ufabulum
Stabbing Westward Darkest Days
Stone Sour Stone Sour
Strapping Young Lad Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing
Recorded in 8 days, this album is a burst of being entirely fed up with operating within an industry and just making something pure, which led to one of the greatest extreme industrial metal bands ever. Some tracks are anthemic and unforgettable, some are sonically grimy jams, and the tracks altogether flow well into a solid experience, laying an effective foundation.
Streetlight Manifesto Keasbey Nights
Streetlight Manifesto The Hands That Thieve
Structures Divided By
Subterranean Masquerade Mountain Fever
Symphony X Iconoclast
System of a Down Mezmerize
Team Sleep Team Sleep
Tech N9ne Anghellic
Tenacious D Tenacious D
TesseracT Altered State
TesseracT Polaris
TesseracT Sonder
Textures Dualism
The Acacia Strain Death Is the Only Mortal
The Alchemist Bread
The Arusha Accord The Echo Verses
The Breathing Process Samsara
The Chariot Everything Is Alive, Everything Is...
The Contortionist Intrinsic
The Contortionist Apparition
The Contortionist Clairvoyant
The Cranberries Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
The Cure Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
The Dead Milkmen Beelzebubba
The Devil Wears Prada ZII
The Dillinger Escape Plan Under the Running Board
The Faceless Autotheism
The Fall of Troy OK
The Fall of Troy Manipulator
The Game The Documentary
The Garden Mirror Might Steal Your Charm
The Killers Pressure Machine
The Neptunes The Neptunes Present... Clones
The Offspring Splinter
The Offspring Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace
The Prodigy Music For The Jilted Generation
The Ritual Aura Taether
The Rolling Stones Between the Buttons
The Roots The Tipping Point
The Used In Love and Death
The Word Alive Deceiver
Thrice Palms
Thrice Horizons/East
Thy Art Is Murder Infinite Death
Thy Catafalque Vadak
Toadeater Bexadde
Tool Opiate
Tool Fear Inoculum
Touche Amore Is Survived By
Trina Da Baddest Bitch
Trivium Ascendancy
Twenty One Pilots Twenty One Pilots
Tyler, the Creator Call Me if You Get Lost: The Estate Sale
Tyler, the Creator Wolf
Tyler, the Creator Bastard
Tyler, the Creator Cherry Bomb
Underoath They're Only Chasing Safety
Unearth III: In the Eyes of Fire
Unearth The Oncoming Storm
Uneven Structure Februus
Until We Die Before the Decay of Time
Veil of Maya [id]
Veil of Maya Matriarch
Warning Watching from a Distance
Weezer Maladroit
Weird Al Yankovic Straight Outta Lynwood
Weird Al Yankovic Alpocalypse
White Zombie La Sexorcisto-Devil Music Vol. 1
Whitechapel The Somatic Defilement
Whitechapel Whitechapel
Whitechapel Kin
William Onyeabor Who Is William Onyeabor?
Xiu Xiu Knife Play
ZelooperZ Bothic
ZillaKami DOG BOY

2.5 average
03 Greedo and Kenny Beats Netflix and Deal
A couple good tracks, but a lot of the other material kind of sounds like they're on autopilot to me.
100 Gecs 1000 Gecs and the Tree of Clues
2 Chainz Pretty Girls Like Trap Music
21 Savage i am > i was
42 Dugg Young & Turnt
6LACK East Atlanta Love Letter
A Perfect Circle Eat the Elephant
Adrenaline Mob Adrenaline Mob
All That Remains Behind Silence and Solitude
Amine Good For You
Amplifier Amplifier
Anberlin Cities
Anna Wise As If It Were Forever
Antwon Heavy Hearted In Doldrums
Honestly not sure what the appeal is. Bars are ok, atmosphere is ok, delivery is flat, personality isn't really popping for me. The track with Lil Ugly Mane is basically my least favorite song with him. I'll eventually give this another listen, but it kind of just felt like biding time the whole way through, so I'll probably adjust my reasoning more than my rating.
Arch Enemy The Root of All Evil
At the Drive-In in•ter a•li•a
August Burns Red Leveler
August Burns Red Constellations
Avenged Sevenfold Sounding The Seventh Trumpet
Battles La Di Da Di
Beastie Boys To the 5 Boroughs
Behold... The Arctopus Hapeleptic Overtrove
I specifically listened to this album because of the low ratings here, having once enjoyed some of their work when they started. I have to say... it's really not that bad. The first half of the album has random bits that sound like good ideas that never really went anywhere. The second half is structured better, but unfortunately, I would say that the drummer (who is otherwise obviously capable) specifically is bringing this project down. There're a lot of spots where it feels like there's no real impact to the beat, and he's just flipping through rudimentary cymbal shuffles with an occasional kick or snare. It mostly seems like the guitarists are carrying the weight with rhythm segmentation while the drummer just keeps the beat, which is slightly underwhelming for a style with a sense of technical extravagance to it. The triangles and cowbells in blast beats kind of seems like a joke? I honestly can't tell. But there are still a lot of parts I like here, so idk... conflicting aspects ultimately make this average.
Between the Buried and Me The Anatomy Of
The thing about this covers album is that, even though all of the original songs are enjoyable, and even though they don't particularly raise or lower the quality the songs enough to ruin or elevate them, ultimately I don't really want to hear any of these renditions live, as they would most likely be out of place in a live set from BtBaM. My rating could be construed as a 3 for quality, but it's ultimately average to me because of lack of purpose and replay-ability.
Bizu Coolective Talkback
Born of Osiris A Higher Place
Brockhampton TM
Just couldn't get into this one. Feels like it couldn't ever be more than a b-sides. Can't pinpoint a single spot on this that's better than the worst parts of their official discography. They don't usually have bad hooks, either, but there's a couple I just don't want to sit through again. Production is rushed, no real refined gems. Seems like it's meant to be forgotten, to be blunt. What's one reason to hang on to this other than their previous work?
Buckethead The Cuckoo Clocks of Hell
Busdriver Temporary Forever
Charli XCX True Romance
Children of Bodom Are You Dead Yet?
Chimaira The Age of Hell
Coal Chamber Coal Chamber
Croatian Amor The World
Cynic Ascension Codes
Cynic Kindly Bent to Free Us
D12 Devil's Night
Death Grips The Money Store
Death Grips Exmilitary
Decapitated The Negation
Deftones Adrenaline
Deftones (Like) Linus
Deftones Ohms
Denzel Curry and Kenny Beats Unlocked 1.5
Devin Townsend Project Epiclouder
Devo Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!
Disturbed The Sickness
Doja Cat Planet Her
Dream Theater Falling Into Infinity
Dream Theater When Dream And Day Unite
Dream Theater The Astonishing
Drowning Pool Sinner
Eluveitie Ven
Eminem Music To Be Murdered By
Eminem Recovery
Eminem Kamikaze
Eminem Encore
Epic Beard Men This Was Supposed To Be Fun
Faith No More Album of the Year
Fear Factory Transgression
Fear Factory The Industrialist
I really don't see what anyone else sees in this album. Most average Fear Factory album ever. At least Transgression sounded different.
Filter Anthems for the Damned
Foo Fighters In Your Honor
Fousheé time machine
Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand
Freddie Gibbs and Madlib Pinata
G Jones Visions
G Jones The Ineffable Truth
Ghastly (FIN) Death Velour
Gorillaz Humanz
Green Day Warning
Hella Total Bugs Bunny On Wild Bass
Hespera In Absence
Hopsin Raw
In Chasms Deep The Realm Between
Incubus (USA-CA) Light Grenades
Jay-Z In My Lifetime, Vol. 1
Johnny Truant In the Library of Horrific Events
Kanye West 808s and Heartbreak
Killswitch Engage Alive or Just Breathing
Killswitch Engage The End of Heartache
Korn MTV Unplugged: Korn
Korn Issues
Limp Bizkit Three Dollar Bill Y'all
Limp Bizkit Significant Other
Linkin Park Reanimation
Logic Everybody
Logic Bobby Tarantino II
Lostprophets The Fake Sound Of Progress
Mac Miller Blue Slide Park
Not as terrible as the ratings may make it out to be, but also never really gets better than surface-level party music. But it's not bad at what it does.
Machine Gun Kelly Tickets to My Downfall
Damnit, there's a good album in here somewhere... Like if there was pertinent lyricism and actual introspection and actual surges of youthful energy, I might be able to consider this some type of pop punk mainstream revival. Fortunately, I don't have to listen to the radio to find good pop punk. EDIT: Do you think Operation Ivy got money for "All I Know?"
Matthew Wilder I Don't Speak the Language
Oh my. What a rollercoaster of an album. Here's what each track's about: 1. Not letting a break-up bring you down. 2. American cars go vrrrm, just like American boys! 3. I want to fuck "native brown girls" on an island even though we can't communicate. This most certainly has nothing to do with the age of consent, why would I even mention that? 4. Fucking on a rooftop in the name of falling in love even though saying "leave our mark on each other" sounds like marking territory and moving on. 5. Ok, this bass groove is some grade A porn music. This song's about how being famous makes you have to watch your actions, can't be alone if you keep releasing albums *cough*. And also, it feels like being swept up on a rocket, baby... Trust me, I'm famous, I'll make you famous. Yeah, that's the kind of album this is. Damn it, why did that first track need to be such a banger? Can't help but question if he wrote it compared to everything else. Did he just outsource his future writing credits?Sociopaths should love this, but I'm not letting it near my kids. Lolol I dare you to read the lyrics to "I Was There" in the tone of an argument; Doesn't sound like it has honest intentions, does it?
Meshuggah Contradictions Collapse
Meshuggah Rare Trax
Metallica Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
+ Some of their best post-Black tracks. + Memorable riffs, appropriate energy. + Performances hit the mark, although - Kirk Hammett improvises his solos and you can tell in a bad way. - Bloated track-list; it's too much for one sitting / worth skipping parts of. = Overall, a worthy entry into the Metallica canon. Not too bad, not too impressive, but good enough for their status to fit them naturally.
Mnemic Passenger
Mudhoney The Lucky Ones
Mudvayne Lost and Found
Mura Masa Mura Masa
A few tracks are pretty solid, but some songs are tepid. I enjoyed moments, but thinking of it as a whole doesn't entice me with any particular reason for a revisit.
Muse The Resistance
Muse Simulation Theory
Nice and Smooth Ain't a Damn Thing Changed
Nine Inch Nails The Perfect Drug
Nine Inch Nails Fixed
Nirvana In Utero
Norma Jean O' God, the Aftermath
Of Mice and Men The Flood
Oh, Sleeper Children of Fire
Osaka Punch Death Monster Super Squad
Periphery Periphery III: Select Difficulty
Pitchshifter Deviant
Playboi Carti Die Lit
Poison the Well The Opposite of December
Pooh Shiesty Shiesty Season
Poppy Am I a Girl?
Powerman 5000 Mega!! Kung Fu Radio
Primus The Brown Album
Primus Green Naugahyde
Protest the Hero Gallop Meets the Earth
Radiohead Pablo Honey
Ride Nowhere
Rob Zombie Hellbilly Deluxe 2
Rob Zombie The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy...
Ruins Tzomborgha
Rustie Glass Swords
Scale the Summit Monument
Serj Tankian Elect the Dead
Shadows Fall The War Within
Shadows Fall Threads of Life
Slipknot The End, So Far
Lyrics are the worst they've ever been, with some really silly phrasing. Almost every kick-in is like the version they do because they don't feel like doing it the way that works best anymore ("I know this works, but let's try it the other way"). Pretty damn tired compared to the last two albums. The whole thing feels like they figured out prog music is actually really good since Jay joined and they decided to turn into a prog band to make up for their core sound not getting enough creative juices going to hit the mark on aggression. I do recommend taking Corey's advice and buying brand new instead of the "same old thing" you'd get from a Slipknot album when they had more metal than butt prog on it. I mean... it's not bad as a whole, but those solos are really pulling a lot of the weight instead of the riffs. Maybe 3 songs on here I can appreciate front to back. Yen feels musically like a weaker take on Vermilion. De Sade takes from tracks like Prosthetics and Killpop, and despite being a stronger track on the album, still leans into dramatic, theatrical delivery moreso than the creepier qualities that are clear staples of their more artistically effective cuts. Overall, this feels too much like a swan song, if they don't stop after this, I'm gonna start drawing Logic comparisons.
Snoop Dogg Tha Doggfather
Stone Sour Come What(ever) May
System of a Down Hypnotize
T.I. I'm Serious
T.I. Urban Legend
The Dillinger Escape Plan Plagiarism
The Faceless In Becoming a Ghost
The Lonely Island Incredibad
The Offspring Complete Music Video Collection
The Offspring Conspiracy of One
The Offspring Days Go By
The Prodigy Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned
Three 6 Mafia Most Known Unknown
Token Pink Is Better
Token makes a break-up album because he was cheating. Kudos for the honesty, but I don't think it necessarily helps to serve the consistency of the album. A lot of his appeal until this point is really just in trying to be a technically flashy rapper, and I don't think it really meshes enough for the substance to stand as a proper foundation. The beats are fine, and he sounds fine over them... Something just rubs me wrong about overly confessional albums. It's like the rule of "show, don't tell" in movies; This album uses imagery, but it doesn't carry weight for interpretation because he's being blunt in order for his personal purpose to be attached and put on display, whatever that may be. I really can't say most of this album is bad, and I can't say I've felt anything that would impact me either. By halfway through, I can't help but wonder about the implications of blaming money for your behavior. Bud, if this is what you want, you could actually make some type of stance instead of just being like "I wanted bitches, sorry babe." Album quality falls off towards back end. At its best, this is Token trying to be sexual with bass-heavy beats. Do what you will with that information. If there is any singular thing that Token should improve, I would say it's making more singularly topically pointed tracks, since each track here has varied flows but not varied substantiation of subject.
Tomahawk Tomahawk
Travis Scott Astroworld
It's got some good bits, solid overall vibe, but I'm bored by halfway through with only a few redeeming factors mostly being the features. The people who died at the festival is sad af, but there's an extra layer of sadness in realizing this is what they died over. This shit ain't even mosh music. Gtfoh
Trivium Ember to Inferno
Tyler, the Creator Goblin
Various Artists (Metal) Kerrang Remastered: Master of Puppets...
Veil of Maya Eclipse
Veil of Maya All Things Set Aside
Waka Flocka Flame Flockaveli
Whitechapel The Valley
YOB Our Raw Heart
Young Thug So Much Fun
ZelooperZ Moszel Offline
I think this is the most average release from Z. Something about it just ain't adding up for me most of the time. Beats don't really hit, just chill without hitting any real peak. Z doesn't really touch on his strengths here either. A couple tracks are solid, the rest I could go without hearing again.

2.0 poor
A Perfect Circle eMOTIVe
Alterbeast Immortal
Avenged Sevenfold The Stage
Billie Eilish When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
Blueprint (USA-OH, Hip-Hop) Adventures in Counter-Culture
Born of Osiris Tomorrow We Die Alive
"Tomorrow We Die Alive" a.k.a. "Tomorrow We OD on Coke." Seriously though, the lyrics aren't awful, but this really doesn't go anywhere. Every track makes me want to skim through to get to the big change that never comes. Not enough tension between parts.
Busta Rhymes Anarchy
Cee Lo Green The Lady Killer
Children of Bodom Blooddrunk
Coal Chamber Dark Days
Coal Chamber Chamber Music
D12 D12 World
Dance Gavin Dance Instant Gratification
Death Grips No Love Deep Web
Deftones Gore
Devin Townsend Devlab
DragonForce Inhuman Rampage
Drake and 21 Savage Her Loss
Snoozefest. In the very least, it manages to be inoffensive, which is ironic considering how much pointless shade they throw.
Dream Theater Greatest Hit
Dylan Brady Peace And Love
Echobrain Echobrain
Eidola The Architect
Eminem Relapse
Exit-13 High Life!
Five Finger Death Punch The Way Of The Fist
Green Day American Idiot
HEALTH Death Magic
Incubus (USA-CA) If Not Now, When?
Joyner Lucas ADHD
Kanye West Donda 2
I know people are commenting on this feeling unfinished, but that's really not the issue to me. Ye's a bit too caught up in his pride while clearly being a mess and it's just not a good mix for us or him.
Kid Cudi Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven
Korn Untouchables
Korn Take a Look in the Mirror
KRS-One Kristyles
Lil Dicky Professional Rapper
Lil Yachty Let's Start Here.
Limp Bizkit Gold Cobra
Limp Bizkit Still Sucks
The best parts of this album sound like Limp Bizkit covering better bands. No thanks.
Logic Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
Machine Gun Kelly Hotel Diablo
Hmm, ok... I hadn't heard anything by MGK that validated his popularity, based on his earlier and newer shit. This album at least makes it make sense. Production and vocals go well together. Coherent album. Got vibes. Vocals are at least trying to be serious, even if this dude can only go so far with his introspection without bouncing straight back to surface-level appeals. This is the better version of a rapper I instinctually want to push to the background in my head. EDIT: Yeah, I'm never listening to this overblown plastic product again.
Metallica St. Anger
Mudvayne The Beginning of All Things to End
Mudvayne Kill I Oughta
Muse Will of the People
Ok... Track: #1 It's "The Beautiful People" gone stadium pop. James Corden style. #2 80s synthpop throwback that purposely tries to have no substance to support its lyrical theme. #3 Intro is ok, standard Muse fare, but then it becomes Queen and less catchy somehow? Why would I pick this over Queen? I don't really want to keep hashing this out. This does feel like an elongated experience for being somewhat short (10 tracks, 37 minutes). There's something that takes me out of basically every song, often the lyrics. In terms of overall enjoyment, I enjoy some of this... Less than half. I don't think this should be compared to early Muse. And there're barely any heavy parts, that was over hyped.
Mushroomhead XIII
Mute Sleepers
I feel like someone's going to be offended by this, but I really tried to like this and it just all sounds too similar and rudimentary to me. Most songs are in the same key, very basic progressions. The handling of the subject matter... Sounds very much like subpar emo lyrics in a teenage punk band. I'm sure people who are heavy into this style will like it, but it's just a chore for me before the halfway point. Their subsequent albums are drastically better.
Papa Roach Ego Trip
The tracks that I liked (relatively): Kill the Noise, Killing Time, Always Wondering. I don't want to revisit any of the rap/rock stuff, and tracks like Leave a Light On are unbearably bland to me. There are at least a few catchy parts on the album, but it's kind of self-defeating when most of the tracks don't really come together as memorably as the hooks. But that's just my experience.
Periphery Periphery IV: Hail Stan
Red Hot Chili Peppers I'm With You
I've heard this album once. My thorough impression is that this is the most "pussified" music I've ever heard in my life. These songs were made to please pussies. I am not a pussy. I do not have a pussy. This album is not for me. Maybe it's just my penis talking, but I think pussies deserve more.
Refused Servants Of Death
Rob Zombie Educated Horses
Roddy Ricch Please Excuse Me For Being Antisocial
RX Papi 100 Miles & Walk'in
Slayer Diabolus in Musica
Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.
Static-X Wisconsin Death Trip
Suicide Silence The Cleansing
The Acacia Strain The Dead Walk
Trivium The Crusade
Wayne Static Pighammer
Wildcard The Odyssey

1.5 very poor
50 Cent Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold Life Is But A Dream...
CKY Infiltrate Destroy Rebuild
Creed Weathered
Dance Gavin Dance Jackpot Juicer
Denzel Curry 13
Drake Certified Lover Boy
Drake Scorpion
Eminem Revival
Filter The Trouble With Angels
Hopsin Gazing At The Moonlight
Kendrick Lamar DAMN. Collector's Edition
Korn [untitled]
Korn The Path of Totality
Limp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
Limp Bizkit Results May Vary
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight
Linkin Park Living Things
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns
Lou Reed and Metallica Lulu
Machine Gun Kelly Lace Up (LP)
Machine Gun Kelly Mainstream Sellout
Starting from the first track, there were laughs abound for me, at points where they clearly weren't intending humor. The instrumentals and overall structure wasn't too bad at the beginning of the album, but then the laughs start to give way to "really?" followed by "you really felt the need to do that?" and then "this is so bad." That's the most applicable description I can come up with right now. Why is it always some girl? Girls aren't the official metaphor for everything on the planet, bud.
Machine Head Catharsis
Mudvayne The New Game
I would love to see one of the "5" ratings here explain themselves.
Muse The 2nd Law
Muse Drones
Nav (CAN) Reckless
Nickelback All the Right Reasons
Nickelback Silver Side Up
Pantera Metal Magic
Simple Plan No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone
Snoop Dogg Paid tha Cost to Be da Bo$$
The Offspring Let the Bad Times Roll

1.0 awful
Aiden Nightmare Anatomy
Ashlee Simpson Autobiography
Ashlee Simpson I Am Me
Chance the Rapper The Big Day
When I was a kid, I had been to a few wedding receptions where most of the people there spoke a different language than me. I was bored and alone, didn't have a Gameboy or a phone, and just had to meander for at least 6 hours, trying to keep myself entertained while there're repetitive vibrations emanating from the walls. Usually, I didn't know the distant family member's spouse and had minimal context connecting me to their sense of joy. I did not understand the specific type of intoxication brewed from a mix of alcohol and intense love, nor did it seem at all enticing to me; In fact, I was totally put off of alcohol... This album made me feel exactly like that again, except this time it was the wedding of someone who I thought was trying to be my friend, but then just started to ignore me and act all different, only to come back berating me the moment I ask him what's up.
Corey Feldman Angelic 2 The Core
"This goes out to. To all the people. Who keep putting me down. See, you don't know me. So leave it alone." You tell 'em, Corey!
Daddy Yankee Barrio Fino En Directo
Drake Honestly, Nevermind
Filter The Sun Comes Out Tonight
Hawthorne Heights If Only You Were Lonely
Hinder Extreme Behavior
Jonas Brothers A Little Bit Longer
Justin Bieber Changes
Kid Rock Devil Without a Cause
Lil Wayne Rebirth
Lil Yachty Teenage Emotions
Limp Bizkit New Old Songs
Logic Supermarket (Soundtrack)
New Kids on the Block No More Games - The Remix Album
Nickelback No Fixed Address
Nickelback Dark Horse
Paris Hilton Paris
Simple Plan Still Not Getting Any...
Soulja Boy Souljaboytellem.com
Tom MacDonald Deathreats
Tom MacDonald Ghoststories
On the track "Hitting a Woman" - "Don't you want equality? I'd beat a dude to death for a lot less honestly." - I've seen people get convicted on weaker evidence.
Vanilla Ice To the Extreme

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