| Full Review | Ratings (3520) |
Give your Rating |
4.5 superb | iSkane | June 17th 11 | Everything about it is awesome. On of, if not THE, definitive post hardcore albums ever.
5 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | HoldFastHope121 | December 5th 07 | Plain and simple, this is one of the greatest albums ever.
Very spiritual lyrics and themes. Dustin is a master of allusion, especially Biblical allusion, as tracks such as "For
Miles" and " Of Dust and Nations" attest. In fact, nearly every song has a relatively clear Biblical reference.
The instrumentation is enthralling. Layered, sweeping, and a real shock as far as being miles away from previous
Thrice material. But the band still proves they can bring the heavy with tracks like "The Earth Will Shake" and "Hold
Fast Hope".
This album draws from a wide spectrum of styles, and it is admirable that a band could incorporate such diverse
elements as blues, jazz, chain-gang chants, punk, post-rock, metal and even Danny Elfman-esque choir pieces.
Somehow they pull it off while retaining their own distinct sound. They are inspired by all these kinds of music, but
it never becomes a re-hashing of someone else�s work. That is a difficult thing to do.
The band even constructed the instrumentation for "Music Box" based on the melody from a Japanese music box they
picked up while on tour in Japan.
What I respect and admire most is their courage to reinvent and challenge themselves and make it clear that they are
not just another band in the sea of screamo/emo/post-hardcore.They are a band whose sound matures as they
themselves mature.
They never have and never will be a band that is confined and defined by the scene around them, but rather they are
four normal guys who make music out of shear inspiration and love for music itself.
5 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | FelixCulpa | September 18th 10 | One of my favorite albums, Vheissu by Thrice. Simple as that.
3 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | Cuban Pete | February 3rd 09 | Pro's- 'The Image of the Invisible'. Con's- 'The Rest of the Album'. I bought this album thinking that i would listen to it for hours upon hours, however after flicking through the songs i soon realised that i had been greatly dissapointed by the poor effort Thrice had put into the album. I do not like the way that Thrice have turned with prolonged computer generated intro's, i mean why don't they just start the song all ready its ridiculous. I loved 'the Artist in the Ambulance' and 'The Illusion of Safety' they were awsome but i dont know what the were thinking when they wrote this, i was truly dissapointed but im still going to look out for upcoming thrice and hope tat they go back to their roots
3 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | Damrod EMERITUS | June 24th 06 | This was a huge step for the band. And a drastic change to their sound. Les guitar, more keys and the like. This does not sound like the Hardcore band they started as. Which does by no means results in bad music. It's just different to their earlier stuff. The new musical elements add to the musical profile, all on a high level. There might still be room for improvement in the future, but this is already Grade A material.
3 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | darlingfemmefatal | March 21st 11 | Every single track on this entire bloody album is amazing. From the lyrics, to the riffs, to the vocals... every OUNCE of this album is worth listening to time and time again. I get something different out of it each time I listen to it. It never stops inspiring me.
2 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | BroFro | August 3rd 10 | THE album. Before this masterpiece graced my ears, body, and soul, I had no clue what music was. I owe full credit to this album to opening the doors for me. Thrice, I salute you.
2 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | roofi | March 31st 09 | The Illusion of Safety is probably the most original Thrice album, The Alchemy Index as a whole is perhaps their most impressive, and to be quite honest, I probably listen to The Artist in the Ambulance the most. I'm still inclined, however, to call Vheissu the best Thrice album; it is pretty much a perfect blend of their old and new styles and each song seems to have a completely amazing and astounding idea (i.e. the guitar outro to "Of Dust and Nations", the chain-gang chants of "The Earth Will Shake"). More than that, though, there is maybe no other album that, no matter how I'm feeling, consistently fits my mood and then eventually improves it. Their absolute best songs are on other albums, but as a whole this is their most consistent and rewarding work.
2 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | Your Favorite Lurker | February 26th 18 | wait i lied this is one of thrice's best i am contrarian swine
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | wittwright | January 22nd 11 | Took a while for me to "get" this album, but it finally clicked!
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | IN64 | October 12th 10 |
1 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | pneumoniahawk93 | June 30th 10 | My favourite album of all time. If this doesn't bring you down from the depths of despair to the highest of hopes, I don't know what will.
1 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | tiesthatbind | March 28th 10 | After letting this grow on me for a while, I finally understand the hype for this. Passionate and moving vocals, good and unique instrumentation, and there's not a bad track on this. The screaming is well placed and used effectively to enhance the emotion of the songs (particularly effective in For Miles and Like Moths to Flame). It's emotionally powerful, easily Thrice's best work, and one of the best albums I've ever heard.
1 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | UrsusVeritas | January 26th 10 | The best experimental post-hardcore album ever made.
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | Jattel | February 4th 08 | Thrice is always amazing! This time, they took it to the next level. They showed their Christian based spirit in writing and combined it with their amazing talent as musicians. Great stuff.
1 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | Full Collapse299 | July 21st 06 | The best word to describe this album is "Epic". Every song has an epic feel and yet only one song makes it over the five minute mark, close to six in fact. A step in a different direction but what amazing results. Still some hardcore elements mixed in that keep it "Thricey" if you will. Dustins voice and scream are better than ever as well. If your into Thrice, this is a must buy and if you're not because you were turned off by previous albums, please consider this.
1 Bumps | Bump |
4.5 superb | NietzschesMoustache | February 4th 22 | Post-Hardcore, Alternative Rock // 2005 // Best: "Of Dust and Nations"
Bump |
4.9 classic | Erwann S. STAFF | February 25th 20 | Once again, it's a 2000s post-hardcore classic, but this time it's also 50% alternative rock, which the band will fully embrace in further releases. But this is the one album where their transition is perfectly done, retaining the core anger and energy yet displaying softer and more melodic sides. And they jump from one sound to the other, emotion to emotion, which brings an overall diversity the band never had and will never regain. There is so much happening every second, from the traditional guitar'n'drum'n'bass to glockenspiel, Rhodes, and Moog. The subtlety brought here allows for emphasizing each part's strengths. The loud moments are the loudest Thrice ever did specifically because the quiet moments are the quietest in the band's catalog. This balance is what allowed the album, and more generally the band, to break out and appeal to as many people as they did: it was a gateway, for me as well as for other people, from the mainstream alternative rock scene to a heavier and indier (?) one. Once again, an album first encountered during that 2012 sput discovery, as well as a classic since then. Yet its impact is not as lasting as others in the same category (eg Watch Out) k byebye
Bump |
4.5 superb | Hanusko | October 19th 16 | Light 4.5 Thrice's opus, their most atmospheric and experimental album to date, Dustin's improved vocals shine all the way through this album, and mainly in the slower more melodic moments his smooth clean tone is what makes this album superior to the rest of their discography. Teppei and Eddie play complicated yet very atmospheric riffs, their guitar work makes this album emotional and crazy journey. And even though the drumming is slightly less raw than it used to be, it perfectly complements the music. Atmosphere that is probably the most visible change from their latest efforts, this album is full of atmospheric guitar playing (Of dust and Nations, Red sky), atmospheric electronically infused alt.rock (Atlantic) and mainly it is full of additional instrumentation (For miles, Stand and feel your worth) . Experimentation, quite possibly the second best word to describe this album (Atlantic, For miles, Music Box) Heavinnes and sludge, The last couple of words to describe the album. Phenomenal ALBUM
Bump |
4.0 excellent | EasterInTheBatcave | June 16th 16 | A contender for best rock album of the 2000's. Vheissu is a sophisticated, thoughtful endeavor which displays both versatility and creativity. Odd time signatures are abound ("The Earth Will Shake"), the production is perfectly balanced ("Atlantic"), and the lyrics are a big step up from past releases ("Red Sky").
Bump |
5.0 classic | DerElefant | May 22nd 16 | This album made me appreciate music as a piece of art and not only as a compilation of separate songs- a true masterpiece!
Bump |
5.0 classic | 3waycrash | May 19th 16 | Looking back this album really was a defining moment that marked Thrice as one of the more creative and innovative bands in the genre. From the lyrics, to the musical elements incorporated, to the ideas that songs originated from this album shows the genius and craftsmanship that Thrice would further show. Definitely an album that grew on me that I now greatly recognize and appreciate.
Bump |
5.0 classic | BHAR | April 10th 16 | The whole album is like an icing on the cake. Reminds me of At-The Drive In & Enter Shikari.
Bump |
3.5 great | L0rdSnow | October 6th 15 | Thrice always was that one Post HC band I couldn't quite get into and this album is no exception.r
Bump |
4.5 superb | Jared Floryan | September 11th 14 | Dustin Kensrue's powerful, yet cryptic messages make Vheissu an almost spectacular post-hardcore album. The musicianship never misses its mark and the experimentation adds a grandiose flavor to Thrice's sound. I've never really got the chance to listen to the record in one sitting - alongside the rest of the band's material - but after experiencing Vheissu, I am more than satisfied with the results.
Bump |
5.0 classic | liekmothstoflames | February 20th 14 | An excellent post-hardcore album. Though this has a bit more of a religious leaning, I can still dig it.
Bump |
0.0 | sicktransitbro | May 31st 13 | Thrice's most hackneyed piece, but a significant album nonetheless. Almost everything that followed surpassed this and it's really a wonder to me that that isn't a more widely shared opinion
Bump |
3.0 good | TheAnimator | March 27th 13 | Although i think this is their best effort, never really liked this band... Is there something wrong with me?
Bump |
5.0 classic | numarion | January 31st 13 | Thrice successfully crafted their hardcore roots and the new experimental direction. This album is well balanced with every song having its own distinct sound which makes it an epic masterpiece.
Bump |
4.5 superb | osmark86 | October 25th 12 | their best effort, great songwriting from one of my all time favourite bands.
Bump |
5.0 classic | TheSupernatural | October 16th 12 | This is Thrice's equivalent of Radiohead's Kid A.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | BurnedBlack606 | September 8th 11 | This has grown on me immensely, it's just terrific. I've always "understood" the appeal of this album, but now it's really coming to me. If that makes any sense.
Bump |
5.0 classic | CrownOfMagnets | June 19th 11 | Vheissu at first listen may seem like an angsty emo album, but the more you hear it, the more you notice all the brilliant compositions and odd time signatures.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Nomis | February 3rd 11 | (1)Image Of The Invisible=4,5 (2)Between The End And Where We Lie=4,5 (3)The Earth Will Shake=5 (4)Atlantic=3 (5)For Miles=5 (6)Hold Fast Hope=3,5 (7)Music Box=4,5 (8)Like Moths To Flame=3 (9)Of Dust And Nations=4 (10)Stand And Feel Your Worth=5 (11)Red Sky=4
Bump |
0.0 | Lucian | February 24th 10 | This album is made of pure win!
Bump |
4.5 superb | soldier0cross | February 16th 10 | Vheissu marks Thrice going into a more melodic and softer side however they do this without losing an ounce of their musical proficiency. This album can be seen as a midway point between older Thrice and some stuff heard on "The Alchemy Index" as well as "Beggars". Vheissu has less of a focus on guitarwork and moreso on keys, which suits the nature of the album perfectly.
Despite the softer side of Thrice being shown, this album is undeniably Thrice and insanely good. The problem is that Thrice doesnt get enough of the recognition they deserve, especially because they're one some of the most talented songwriters your going to listen to today. Do yourself a favor and check out Vheissu.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Captain Civic | October 13th 09 | Experimenting with a sound never before heard from Thrice, they reach a new plateau even beyond that of Artist in the Ambulance. Without this album, there would be no Alchemy Index or Beggars. What a sad, lonely universe that would be.
Bump |
4.5 superb | ebay | July 31st 09 | apart from one or two average songs, this album is a masterpiece.
Bump |
4.5 superb | ofDustandNations | May 5th 09 | "for now I hold a key, and though I may be lost
I know that I will find my way
I search endlessly but every time I've thought
that I was near the smoke and mirrors lead me astray"
Amazing....all there is to it.
Bump |
5.0 classic | Shiver44 | January 13th 09 | Thrice enters the world of art-rock, and just in time. Right around this time the post-hardcore/metalcore sound, that they helped popularize with albums like Illusion of Safety and Artist in the Ambulance, was being copied by countless wannabe teenagers. Thrice, being the musically savvy people that they are, wanted something more. Vheissu was their leap forward.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Fugue | December 4th 08 | Having not (at this date) heard any of Thrice's earlier records, I cannot really comment on the supposed change of sound that the band pulled off with this release. What I can say is that every single song on this album is absolutely fantastic, ranging from the heavy The Earth Will Shake to the calculated ambiance of Atlantic and Red Sky and everything in between. I cannot praise this album enough, it changed my musical tastes and my life, need I say more?
Bump |
4.5 superb | punks101 | October 18th 08 | Looking at it retrospectively, I beleive Thrice's Vheissu is THE TRUE Alchemy Index, in that it ecompasses all of the elements with post-hardcore elements. In my opinion, this is the best and I mean THE BEST post-hardcore album that I have ever listened to.
Dustin's awe-inspiring and powerful vocals and screams echo command the album with deep subject matter - he has always inspired me to write beautiful lyrics - nothing less than a poet himself.
Teppei's thundering riffs especiall on For Miles and Of Dust and Nations sends chills to the ear and at times becomes haunting. Isis would be proud to have a band like Thrice playing at their side.
The subtle end of the album drives the album towards new grounds: Red Sky and Atlantic reach out to all corners of music theory - especially in their many jumps from diffenent keys.
I could go on all day about this album, so as a final word - I can't see how Thrice can top off Vheissu eventhough the Alchemy Index has done considerably well in its concept.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Umb | July 24th 08 | Thrice summon an awesome atmosphere with this album. It's gloomy and heavy at times without losing the sense for melodies. I Like it.
Bump |
4.5 superb | bobafe6604 | May 13th 08 | Possibly one of the best flowing albums of all time, "vhiessu" is a powerhouse of an album. I don't lie when I say I lived and breathed this album for months after its release. Sure it borrows from many other bands (which makes me eek it ever so cautiously from the 5 'classic' spot), this album still has the magic. From soft and slow to heavy and brutal, Thrice covers all the bases and more. What is truly incredible about this album is the theme; cheesy and overdone as it may be, other "lost at sea" or "ocean voyage" concept albums have jack shit on "vhiessu". This is the pinnacle of the idea: the rough waves, the tales and trials; hell, Thrice probably watched 10,000 Leauges Under the Sea 10,000 times to gain inspiration. Sure, I fanboy this album to death; but here we are, 5 years later, and I sill put "vheissu" in my CD player when I feel the 'need'. Give it a try.
Bump |
5.0 classic | rentford | October 30th 07 | There aren't many bands that have the guts to try and pull off such a drastic change in sound as Thrice have; however, Vheissu is a prime example of a rare occasion in which a band is able to do so with flying colors. Dustin's lyrical writing really is outstanding here; the different Biblical allusions he uses in each song all help to give each song it's own unique feel. All this, along with accompanying vocals and instrumentation help to develop each song even more so into little mini-epics. All in all, while a rather unexpected release, Vheissu is definitely worth more than a few listens.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Syncratic | August 11th 07 | For me, there haven't been many albums quite like Thrice's Vheissu. Meaning, the sheer power of the songs, the instrumentation, the lyrical content, the love of music projected by the band behind the songs haven't blown me away as this album has. "The Earth Will Shake" is behemoth, crushing and showing no mercy. The angular intro attack of "Image of the Invisible" is given a foil in the catchy yet lovely chorus of "Of Dust and Nations." Sure, there are a few missteps, namely "Music Box," but I'm willing to forgive that in the wake of such beasts that surround it. Unforgettable, this is.
Bump |
4.5 superb | greyeffect | May 31st 07 | What an epic album. Vhessu isn't as complete as The Artist in the Ambulance. Each song has different tones and instrumentation. I don't think it works as an album. However each song is absolutely brilliant, there are so many brutally heavy moments, quietly moving moments and some uniquely amazing lyrics. All in all, it's a unreal album with lots of variety.
Bump |
5.0 classic | clairvoyant | February 13th 07 | All I really have to say is that this album is simply amazing. When I first heard it I must admit, I was somewhat disappointed like several other Thrice fans. But it definitely grew on me, and one day Atlantic just hit me like a brick wall and I loved it. In a way, it is actually quite progressive in a comparison kinda of way to the Artist In The Ambulance. Many of the songs are a progression further along the "music trail".
Between The End And Where We Lie and Of Dust And Nations are perfect combinations of old and new Thrice, crafting the new atmospheric sound with the upbeat stylings of previous albums. Along with The Earth Will Shake and Atlantic, those songs make up the top four of the album. Image of the Invisible, Music Box, and Like Moth To Flames are also strong tracks that are nothing like Thrice has ever done before (except Image, I guess). Overall I don't think there are any genuinely weak tracks, but I am not a huge fan of Hold Fast Hope.
Awesome album.
Bump |
5.0 classic | Nath | February 10th 07 | Thrice have created something beautiful as they step back from their traditional sound into something wonderful that compliments itself with every other song.
Bump |
0.0 | tdhinatx | February 10th 07 | Why does so many people like this album. Thrice peeked at "Illusions of Safety". "Image of the Invisable" is a horrible song. The rest of the album is decent to bad. I miss "To awake and Avenge the Dead" "Deadbolt" and "Beltsville Crucible". I'm scared of how bad there concept album will be.
Bump |
5.0 classic | Zorz | December 1st 06 | Thrice is simply an amazing band. They have come together as a band and made an epic masterpiece. Dustin Kensrue prooves himself to be a great lyricist and singer, and Teppei's leads are great as usual. There is an overall calming atmosphere to the album, and it gives me chills everytime i listen to it. particularly on Atlantic, Red Sky, Of Dust and Nations, Hold Fast Hope and For Miles. To put it short, Thrice and this album pwns.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Intransit | November 21st 06 | It's sweeping. It's epic. It's got replayability like few other albums. It's not hard to find something to like about this album. Certainly a more artistically mature effort compared to their previous works, sacrificing that wall of guitar noise and Iron Maiden-esque riffage for mellow passages, light electronic works, pianos, and sweeping organs. For those who prefer more aggressive music, "The Earth Will Shake" and "Hold Fast Hope" are just two of the albums finest cuts in that category. Prefer epic tracks? Look no further than "Red Sky" and "Stand And Feel Your Worth". More of a mellow person? "Atlantic" and "Between the End and Where We Lie" should suit your tastes just fine. If it only wasn't for the flop of "Music Box", this album might be a classic. I highly reccomend this album to just about everyone, unless you are a member of the nazi party. Then you might kinda sorta not enjoy it.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Otisbum | November 20th 06 | Beautiful album, although highly deceiving to those who first heard about this album through the single 'Image of the Invisible'. The first song starts out leading you to believe the majority of the album is purely hardcore, when in truth, it is more of a calm-verse and slightly hardcore-chorus type album. I'd recommend 'The Earth Will Shake', 'Music Box', and 'Red Sky' as they are a few of my personal favorites. Awesome album, well worth the $10-15 if you're into the slower stuff.
Bump |
1.0 awful | letitbebroke | October 22nd 06 | Pro's- 'The Image of the Invisible'. Con's- 'The Rest of the Album'. I bought this album thinking that i would listen to it for hours upon hours, however after flicking through the songs i soon realised that i had been greatly dissapointed by the poor effort Thrice had put into the album. I do not like the way that Thrice have turned with prolonged computer generated intro's, i mean why don't they just start the song all ready its ridiculous. I loved 'the Artist in the Ambulance' and 'The Illusion of Safety' they were awsome but i dont know what the were thinking when they wrote this, i was truly dissapointed but im still going to look out for upcoming thrice and hope tat they go back to their roots
Bump |
4.0 excellent | sicky | October 29th 24 |
4.0 excellent | durkl | September 30th 24 |
5.0 classic | JTFly17 | October 4th 23 |
2.5 average | s0nicx | August 4th 23 |
4.5 superb | mm97 | April 7th 23 |
3.5 great | Matty CONTRIBUTOR | March 26th 23 |
5.0 classic | mackee | February 24th 23 |
4.0 excellent | john | February 9th 23 |
4.5 superb | ryan10 | February 4th 23 |
4.5 superb | Chapo | February 1st 23 |
5.0 classic | Timmy | January 12th 23 |
4.0 excellent | Captain3 | November 26th 22 |
4.5 superb | Moses77 | November 18th 22 |
4.5 superb | Gunny87 | September 27th 22 |
4.5 superb | Kevin | September 12th 22 |
4.0 excellent | Jopa26 | August 28th 22 |
3.5 great | Jadari | August 16th 22 |
4.0 excellent | beej23 | July 7th 22 |
4.5 superb | Elevon | June 21st 22 |
5.0 classic | samsar | June 17th 22 |
4.5 superb | teo | May 23rd 22 |
4.0 excellent | Luna | February 25th 22 |
4.5 superb | rykos | February 7th 22 |
2.5 average | Get Low | February 1st 22 |
5.0 classic | Zeist | January 16th 22 |
4.0 excellent | Alex C. | January 3rd 22 |
5.0 classic | ftdiwr | October 26th 21 |
4.0 excellent | perlox | October 16th 21 |
3.0 good | MTNHDRE | September 30th 21 |
2.5 average | Xenophanes EMERITUS | September 20th 21 |
3.5 great | xlev | September 20th 21 |
5.0 classic | Xizon | September 8th 21 |
4.5 superb | Brad | July 21st 21 |
4.0 excellent | Roidv | July 12th 21 |
4.0 excellent | Jerrad | July 3rd 21 |
5.0 classic | nebbo | April 23rd 21 |
4.5 superb | Bilco | March 27th 21 |
4.5 superb | Jimbly | March 8th 21 |
4.0 excellent | Risodo | March 2nd 21 |
5.0 classic | Oobaloo | January 26th 21 |
5.0 classic | Vaka | January 6th 21 |
4.0 excellent | pannini | December 18th 20 |
4.0 excellent | eljonny | November 19th 20 |
4.5 superb | Kralle | November 2nd 20 |
4.5 superb | zoso33 | October 30th 20 |
5.0 classic | Joe92 | October 23rd 20 |
4.5 superb | Skiiddz | September 25th 20 |
4.5 superb | max13x | August 13th 20 |
4.5 superb | shira | July 14th 20 |
2.5 average | Source | July 6th 20 |
4.5 superb | sfoat9 | July 2nd 20 |
4.5 superb | Viot | June 26th 20 |
4.5 superb | Halez | May 15th 20 |
4.0 excellent | pengui | May 13th 20 |
5.0 classic | Sowing STAFF | May 10th 20 |
3.5 great | Wolfe | May 7th 20 |
2.5 average | RMHQ | May 6th 20 |
4.0 excellent | Futures | April 1st 20 |
5.0 classic | RedBol | February 12th 20 |
4.0 excellent | benny06 | February 5th 20 |
4.0 excellent | Laen | January 6th 20 |
4.0 excellent | Freedom | January 4th 20 |
4.0 excellent | IAmScott | December 20th 19 |
5.0 classic | bSmith | December 16th 19 |
5.0 classic | JaniVL | December 14th 19 |
4.5 superb | Tdunn99 | December 2nd 19 |
4.5 superb | ry8919 | October 26th 19 |
5.0 classic | Jadmin | October 21st 19 |
4.0 excellent | Teal | October 16th 19 |
5.0 classic | Ajotica | October 13th 19 |
4.5 superb | bras42 | October 10th 19 |
4.5 superb | vidence | September 19th 19 |
3.5 great | zzf1918 | September 12th 19 |
4.5 superb | Scryer | August 9th 19 |
5.0 classic | JNeu | July 1st 19 |
4.0 excellent | Raqinq | June 29th 19 |
2.5 average | 8genre | June 22nd 19 |
4.0 excellent | josh | June 10th 19 |
4.5 superb | abaeza | June 4th 19 |
4.0 excellent | Adamn | May 8th 19 |
4.0 excellent | thedoom | April 9th 19 |
4.0 excellent | iunaphy | March 28th 19 |
4.0 excellent | Lanteri | March 26th 19 |
4.0 excellent | xfortinx | February 17th 19 |
4.0 excellent | crab | February 16th 19 |
5.0 classic | Duck960 | February 15th 19 |
4.0 excellent | Josh | February 4th 19 |
5.0 classic | JTPlays | December 17th 18 |
4.5 superb | altmjw | December 2nd 18 |
5.0 classic | Josh | December 2nd 18 |
3.5 great | b1rad2j | November 29th 18 |
5.0 classic | kaknaka | November 23rd 18 |
5.0 classic | STEA | November 9th 18 |
4.0 excellent | snakesc | October 22nd 18 |
5.0 classic | kalli15 | October 19th 18 |
5.0 classic | Vaio | October 4th 18 |
5.0 classic | AriDoe | September 18th 18 |
3.0 good | 2ool | September 15th 18 |
5.0 classic | Teebs | August 16th 18 |
4.5 superb | Lucman | August 15th 18 |
4.0 excellent | Eken | August 14th 18 |
5.0 classic | Leland | August 2nd 18 |
4.0 excellent | elch21 | June 14th 18 |
5.0 classic | YxxzY | June 8th 18 |
2.5 average | goy | April 11th 18 |
4.0 excellent | gilly | April 8th 18 |
5.0 classic | Diced | April 7th 18 |
4.0 excellent | Eons | March 11th 18 |
4.0 excellent | Gadalia | December 25th 17 |
4.5 superb | kayfake | December 24th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Bog91 | December 10th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Asthurse | November 27th 17 |
5.0 classic | Tethyan | November 14th 17 |
5.0 classic | PG2001 | November 12th 17 |
3.0 good | bentl | July 31st 17 |
4.5 superb | Emo | July 30th 17 |
4.0 excellent | furpa | July 30th 17 |
4.5 superb | Honza | July 10th 17 |
4.0 excellent | ElSomni | June 27th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Advent | June 21st 17 |
4.0 excellent | Kimm | June 19th 17 |
2.5 average | FlakMT | May 30th 17 |
3.5 great | wub | April 28th 17 |
4.0 excellent | tellah | March 31st 17 |
4.5 superb | Enzx | March 17th 17 |
2.5 average | p4p | March 12th 17 |
5.0 classic | Owens54 | January 16th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Rodstar | December 24th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Adamrk | December 16th 16 |
5.0 classic | ellinho | December 13th 16 |
4.5 superb | El Olam | December 11th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Omeggia | December 9th 16 |
4.5 superb | Dunnus | November 5th 16 |
2.5 average | Jetrix | November 4th 16 |
3.5 great | VikkiH | October 25th 16 |
5.0 classic | Dasher | October 11th 16 |
3.0 good | boolin | October 6th 16 |
5.0 classic | mvtante | October 2nd 16 |
3.5 great | Snide | September 26th 16 |
4.5 superb | shem | September 11th 16 |
4.0 excellent | RXQU33N | July 17th 16 |
4.0 excellent | TeeDeeM | June 29th 16 |
4.5 superb | chayka | June 18th 16 |
4.0 excellent | bigmood | June 10th 16 |
4.5 superb | Vildh | June 9th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Henry | June 2nd 16 |
4.5 superb | Jaqz | June 1st 16 |
4.0 excellent | jounik | June 1st 16 |
3.0 good | tyler | June 1st 16 |
4.5 superb | jaspvr | May 29th 16 |
5.0 classic | rc239 | May 14th 16 |
4.0 excellent | hsb | May 12th 16 |
5.0 classic | chaywa | May 5th 16 |
5.0 classic | tgdv | April 25th 16 |
4.5 superb | Lassie | April 10th 16 |
5.0 classic | jsaf7 | April 5th 16 |
3.5 great | MH18 | March 16th 16 |
4.5 superb | Prognoz | February 18th 16 |
4.0 excellent | andrewsk | February 14th 16 |
4.5 superb | HurtBoa | February 13th 16 |
4.0 excellent | 2453 | January 6th 16 |
5.0 classic | Thor | January 5th 16 |
4.5 superb | Keira | December 28th 15 |
4.5 superb | vibescu | December 18th 15 |
3.5 great | Atrophy | December 13th 15 |
4.0 excellent | torts | November 27th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Helsabot | November 26th 15 |
4.5 superb | KidA17 | November 14th 15 |
4.0 excellent | mikep87 | November 10th 15 |
4.0 excellent | peanut | November 4th 15 |
4.5 superb | Jakerb | October 30th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Kbob95 | October 4th 15 |
3.5 great | Nomadic | September 20th 15 |
3.0 good | mzeet | September 12th 15 |
4.5 superb | Tom R. CONTRIBUTOR | September 5th 15 |
4.0 excellent | BenJones | September 4th 15 |
2.5 average | Nud | July 16th 15 |
3.5 great | boab92 | June 22nd 15 |
4.0 excellent | ibul | May 24th 15 |
4.0 excellent | JS19 | May 7th 15 |
5.0 classic | Bounty | April 23rd 15 |
4.0 excellent | Ebola | April 21st 15 |
4.5 superb | FVS | March 29th 15 |
4.5 superb | r1xTer | March 24th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Xaeln | March 20th 15 |
4.5 superb | Xhoven | March 11th 15 |
4.5 superb | Jiag | February 4th 15 |
4.5 superb | VanPelt | January 26th 15 |
5.0 classic | Diamant | January 21st 15 |
4.0 excellent | Nigtwig | January 17th 15 |
4.5 superb | MikeBG | January 14th 15 |
4.0 excellent | fuzzbutt | December 29th 14 |
4.5 superb | Krimea | December 25th 14 |
5.0 classic | Nikolas | December 24th 14 |
4.0 excellent | slaps | December 16th 14 |
5.0 classic | Chowder | December 11th 14 |
5.0 classic | lhy65 | December 9th 14 |
4.5 superb | eissev | December 5th 14 |
2.5 average | dbilidb | November 13th 14 |
3.5 great | TBH717 | October 27th 14 |
4.5 superb | Kurai | October 22nd 14 |
4.5 superb | ariich | October 7th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Traicion | September 19th 14 |
4.0 excellent | jpturk21 | September 9th 14 |
3.5 great | mhart8 | August 5th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Lettuce | July 18th 14 |
4.0 excellent | ctellee | July 18th 14 |
4.0 excellent | dre458 | July 10th 14 |
4.5 superb | Digis | July 3rd 14 |
5.0 classic | Smeg | June 12th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Hyndez | May 30th 14 |
4.5 superb | LenZ | May 29th 14 |
4.5 superb | botb | May 3rd 14 |
4.0 excellent | jtswope | April 5th 14 |
5.0 classic | Adam | March 4th 14 |
4.0 excellent | J | February 23rd 14 |
4.5 superb | msm008 | February 8th 14 |
4.0 excellent | cjacob6 | February 4th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Sebe | February 1st 14 |
4.5 superb | Lakes. | January 26th 14 |
4.5 superb | Qorx | January 17th 14 |
5.0 classic | MrFox | January 5th 14 |
3.5 great | akimbo | January 2nd 14 |
4.0 excellent | qiminong | December 21st 13 |
4.5 superb | Purpose | December 11th 13 |
3.0 good | zundza | December 7th 13 |
5.0 classic | Jorss | November 21st 13 |
4.0 excellent | Guzzo10 | November 8th 13 |
2.5 average | adr | November 5th 13 |
3.5 great | Greem | November 5th 13 |
4.0 excellent | hudso | October 29th 13 |
4.5 superb | Kazem | October 18th 13 |
4.5 superb | Suddy | October 7th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Wadlez | October 7th 13 |
4.0 excellent | craven | October 2nd 13 |
4.0 excellent | w00t | October 1st 13 |
4.5 superb | girodo | September 18th 13 |
2.5 average | Athom EMERITUS | September 14th 13 |
4.5 superb | marasm | September 14th 13 |
4.5 superb | Epitome | September 5th 13 |
5.0 classic | LordZed | September 5th 13 |
4.5 superb | Alaska | August 27th 13 |
4.5 superb | lerem | August 16th 13 |
4.5 superb | wwf | August 16th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Gnome7 | August 16th 13 |
4.0 excellent | rozik13 | August 5th 13 |
5.0 classic | Ulshad | July 3rd 13 |
3.5 great | vali28 | June 26th 13 |
4.0 excellent | tlhk | June 21st 13 |
4.5 superb | Kingy | June 19th 13 |
4.5 superb | ToT720 | June 16th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Cheopr | June 4th 13 |
4.0 excellent | dobs | May 31st 13 |
4.5 superb | Oddsy | May 9th 13 |
4.5 superb | Glokta | April 12th 13 |
5.0 classic | aparth | April 2nd 13 |
4.0 excellent | Pox | March 20th 13 |
4.0 excellent | CK | March 16th 13 |
2.5 average | mh13 | March 13th 13 |
5.0 classic | barkjon | February 27th 13 |
4.5 superb | heck | February 21st 13 |
4.5 superb | Tobmast | February 16th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Riptide | February 2nd 13 |
4.5 superb | kb36 | January 22nd 13 |
4.0 excellent | Reprise | January 19th 13 |
4.5 superb | pbass0 | January 19th 13 |
5.0 classic | Defyme | January 19th 13 |
3.5 great | Crawl | December 30th 12 |
4.5 superb | Ecotone | December 23rd 12 |
3.5 great | Shimana | December 19th 12 |
4.0 excellent | mnl | December 13th 12 |
4.5 superb | mybeard | December 10th 12 |
4.5 superb | celta | December 9th 12 |
4.5 superb | Nikolai | December 5th 12 |
5.0 classic | Cminor7 | November 29th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Kulti | November 21st 12 |
5.0 classic | howl | November 15th 12 |
5.0 classic | Minus. | November 14th 12 |
4.0 excellent | xxxzzz | November 7th 12 |
4.5 superb | Jluva | November 1st 12 |
4.0 excellent | DadKungFu STAFF | October 26th 12 |
3.5 great | balazs | October 20th 12 |
4.0 excellent | dogtag | October 13th 12 |
4.5 superb | ishsim | October 4th 12 |
5.0 classic | Airbag | September 22nd 12 |
4.0 excellent | Gavwah | September 15th 12 |
4.0 excellent | foxxxy | September 12th 12 |
1.5 very poor | Janeeet | September 9th 12 |
4.0 excellent | cjo | September 3rd 12 |
3.5 great | Sieg | August 26th 12 |
4.5 superb | STAR96 | August 20th 12 |
4.5 superb | Winrar | July 23rd 12 |
5.0 classic | ANJ45 | July 17th 12 |
4.5 superb | JoshTh | July 15th 12 |
5.0 classic | mew151 | July 6th 12 |
4.0 excellent | derekkp | June 28th 12 |
4.5 superb | Caelum | June 19th 12 |
4.5 superb | savaah | June 9th 12 |
4.5 superb | NBA | June 1st 12 |
4.0 excellent | MrElmo | May 23rd 12 |
4.5 superb | RobotE | May 13th 12 |
3.5 great | Acorn | May 7th 12 |
4.0 excellent | foxxxy | May 4th 12 |
5.0 classic | JohIV | May 1st 12 |
4.5 superb | Damon | April 27th 12 |
4.0 excellent | seaneh | April 26th 12 |
4.5 superb | Lalka | April 5th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Maniac! | April 2nd 12 |
3.0 good | VinVal | March 31st 12 |
4.0 excellent | papakos | March 18th 12 |
5.0 classic | vinceG | March 12th 12 |
5.0 classic | bain89 | March 10th 12 |
3.5 great | waaagh | February 29th 12 |
2.5 average | Kingdok | February 17th 12 |
5.0 classic | RobH | February 16th 12 |
1.5 very poor | Dotcommy | February 12th 12 |
4.5 superb | kb738 | February 11th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Aberjam | February 11th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Elijah9 | February 8th 12 |
4.5 superb | StBrox | February 2nd 12 |
3.5 great | mttgry | January 18th 12 |
5.0 classic | sidjmt | January 15th 12 |
4.5 superb | cedris | January 13th 12 |
4.0 excellent | 00mee | January 12th 12 |
2.5 average | Troggy | January 4th 12 |
4.0 excellent | pens | December 31st 11 |
4.5 superb | Pndi | December 28th 11 |
4.5 superb | Coast | December 27th 11 |
5.0 classic | Snubbs | December 21st 11 |
4.5 superb | Brumas | December 20th 11 |
3.5 great | Drpibb | December 17th 11 |
4.0 excellent | mrnic3 | December 16th 11 |
3.5 great | Andrew | December 15th 11 |
3.5 great | Mojito | December 13th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Adeoh | December 11th 11 |
4.5 superb | KUBT | December 10th 11 |
4.0 excellent | pxl | December 8th 11 |
4.0 excellent | jg777 | December 6th 11 |
5.0 classic | jawdin | December 3rd 11 |
4.5 superb | ruined7 | December 1st 11 |
4.0 excellent | Shevanel | November 26th 11 |
4.0 excellent | GGI | November 22nd 11 |
5.0 classic | mursu | November 19th 11 |
3.7 great | Rowan5215 EMERITUS | November 19th 11 |
5.0 classic | Sirob | November 16th 11 |
4.5 superb | Timmons | November 15th 11 |
3.5 great | TomF | November 14th 11 |
4.5 superb | Dday | November 13th 11 |
5.0 classic | Gale | November 10th 11 |
4.5 superb | Pipt | November 6th 11 |
4.0 excellent | jlech | November 3rd 11 |
4.5 superb | Puzzles | November 1st 11 |
4.5 superb | kovacs | October 28th 11 |
4.0 excellent | awaaake | October 28th 11 |
5.0 classic | tcat84 | October 25th 11 |
4.5 superb | KJB17 | October 12th 11 |
4.5 superb | pcar | October 1st 11 |
4.5 superb | Tksteve | September 28th 11 |
4.5 superb | Javi450 | September 26th 11 |
5.0 classic | mxbrady | September 23rd 11 |
4.0 excellent | syffuf25 | September 21st 11 |
4.5 superb | Arked | September 20th 11 |
4.5 superb | Project | September 19th 11 |
4.5 superb | iGuter | September 19th 11 |
5.0 classic | Rawrz | September 17th 11 |
5.0 classic | PacM4n | September 14th 11 |
5.0 classic | dude293 | September 9th 11 |
3.0 good | kanker | September 6th 11 |
4.5 superb | BenX02 | September 6th 11 |
4.5 superb | dnw81 | September 6th 11 |
4.0 excellent | TanMan | September 2nd 11 |
5.0 classic | r3ym0nd | August 28th 11 |
3.5 great | Knave | August 27th 11 |
2.5 average | T0rr35 | August 15th 11 |
3.5 great | Tatou | August 14th 11 |
4.0 excellent | sharmz | August 10th 11 |
2.5 average | jatts7 | July 30th 11 |
5.0 classic | zermie | July 24th 11 |
3.5 great | AdamK | July 22nd 11 |
4.0 excellent | Trey STAFF | July 21st 11 |
4.5 superb | Totes | July 20th 11 |
3.5 great | paxman | July 17th 11 |
4.0 excellent | JayVex | July 14th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Piglet | July 11th 11 |
4.5 superb | Shukal | July 11th 11 |
4.5 superb | Riano | June 16th 11 |
4.0 excellent | amosmyn | June 15th 11 |
4.0 excellent | zackseb | June 12th 11 |
4.5 superb | NateT | June 5th 11 |
4.0 excellent | ONI65 | May 11th 11 |
5.0 classic | flessj | May 2nd 11 |
4.0 excellent | Reigato | April 28th 11 |
4.5 superb | Jdok | April 27th 11 |
4.0 excellent | DinoX | April 24th 11 |
5.0 classic | LC7 | April 23rd 11 |
3.5 great | 7logi5 | April 19th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Raidho | April 16th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Ballion | April 13th 11 |
4.5 superb | nofx88 | April 11th 11 |
4.5 superb | Flyboy | April 8th 11 |
4.5 superb | dnor | April 7th 11 |
4.5 superb | thecwo | April 4th 11 |
5.0 classic | Apollo | April 2nd 11 |
4.0 excellent | Asator | March 26th 11 |
4.5 superb | Creed | March 24th 11 |
4.5 superb | Aether | March 23rd 11 |
4.5 superb | Narshh | March 22nd 11 |
4.5 superb | Magus | March 16th 11 |
4.0 excellent | therms | March 15th 11 |
4.0 excellent | mullo | March 14th 11 |
4.5 superb | Elwood | March 10th 11 |
5.0 classic | acad | March 7th 11 |
2.5 average | 37er00 | March 6th 11 |
5.0 classic | Rowdy | February 19th 11 |
5.0 classic | Remer17 | February 18th 11 |
4.0 excellent | itchy | February 15th 11 |
4.5 superb | wrecked | February 7th 11 |
3.5 great | Darb | February 4th 11 |
3.0 good | MO | January 20th 11 |
4.0 excellent | mallen- | January 15th 11 |
2.5 average | FlameZ | January 11th 11 |
5.0 classic | ThePac | January 4th 11 |
4.5 superb | gosk8n | January 4th 11 |
4.5 superb | Spec | January 2nd 11 |
4.0 excellent | -1up!- | December 28th 10 |
4.5 superb | Drone | December 26th 10 |
4.5 superb | 1zero | December 24th 10 |
4.5 superb | maciej | December 22nd 10 |
4.5 superb | ltsmash | December 21st 10 |
4.0 excellent | Slum | December 20th 10 |
4.0 excellent | A7X92 | December 16th 10 |
2.0 poor | asaf | December 14th 10 |
3.0 good | Daedus | December 10th 10 |
4.0 excellent | toxin. | December 9th 10 |
2.5 average | Xell | December 8th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Opsonyn | December 7th 10 |
5.0 classic | Cryio | November 29th 10 |
4.5 superb | Jezzami | November 21st 10 |
4.5 superb | Epic | November 21st 10 |
3.0 good | o971 | November 12th 10 |
4.0 excellent | bmwg339 | November 11th 10 |
5.0 classic | someguy | October 17th 10 |
3.5 great | mvood | October 15th 10 |
3.0 good | geng | October 13th 10 |
4.5 superb | seifer | October 8th 10 |
3.5 great | Asleep | October 2nd 10 |
4.0 excellent | JackMEB | September 23rd 10 |
4.0 excellent | DeskmaN | September 22nd 10 |
4.5 superb | Dev518 | September 19th 10 |
4.0 excellent | shindip | September 15th 10 |
4.0 excellent | ellyboo | September 14th 10 |
5.0 classic | Texture | September 12th 10 |
4.0 excellent | ZBJE | September 12th 10 |
4.0 excellent | mmordeg | September 12th 10 |
4.0 excellent | VJ90 | September 11th 10 |
5.0 classic | dgrona | September 8th 10 |
4.0 excellent | THIEF | September 7th 10 |
5.0 classic | Strider | September 4th 10 |
4.5 superb | Thane | September 3rd 10 |
4.0 excellent | a7c7e7 | September 3rd 10 |
5.0 classic | jmh886 | August 27th 10 |
5.0 classic | Live | August 25th 10 |
4.5 superb | OFace | August 20th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Lineman | August 13th 10 |
4.0 excellent | mnlol | August 13th 10 |
4.5 superb | Veldin | August 7th 10 |
4.0 excellent | CutMan | August 7th 10 |
4.0 excellent | bgregab | August 6th 10 |
4.0 excellent | btbam42 | July 31st 10 |
5.0 classic | jurere | July 28th 10 |
3.0 good | Eko | July 27th 10 |
4.5 superb | Furik | July 27th 10 |
4.5 superb | Sousa | July 26th 10 |
4.0 excellent | TY2810 | July 22nd 10 |
5.0 classic | Tfries | July 21st 10 |
4.5 superb | cuki92 | July 19th 10 |
4.5 superb | vieky | July 16th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Photon | July 11th 10 |
4.0 excellent | TheJack | July 11th 10 |
5.0 classic | Shyell | July 11th 10 |
3.5 great | ZL0R | July 5th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Kleur | June 25th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Velcro | June 16th 10 |
4.5 superb | kobe24 | June 15th 10 |
3.5 great | Mace | June 14th 10 |
4.5 superb | Ray91 | June 7th 10 |
4.5 superb | rid | May 29th 10 |
5.0 classic | abinge | May 27th 10 |
5.0 classic | Boissi | May 27th 10 |
4.5 superb | Scoot | May 24th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Jin | May 23rd 10 |
5.0 classic | Emim | May 17th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Pneuma | May 6th 10 |
5.0 classic | Deneb | May 6th 10 |
4.0 excellent | SHOwned | April 23rd 10 |
4.0 excellent | Naffa | April 19th 10 |
4.5 superb | Janson | April 17th 10 |
4.0 excellent | MrChuck | April 16th 10 |
3.0 good | SHINFO | April 10th 10 |
4.0 excellent | G3N3R1C | April 9th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Ramos29 | April 7th 10 |
4.5 superb | Valle | April 2nd 10 |
3.0 good | gonzab | March 25th 10 |
4.0 excellent | ckypro3 | March 24th 10 |
4.5 superb | Jips | March 22nd 10 |
4.5 superb | cb123 | February 22nd 10 |
4.0 excellent | Yordy | February 18th 10 |
5.0 classic | JKR | February 17th 10 |
5.0 classic | Jagma | February 16th 10 |
5.0 classic | Nach0 | February 15th 10 |
5.0 classic | Labeasy | February 15th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Ire | February 13th 10 |
4.0 excellent | philm | February 9th 10 |
4.5 superb | nick13 | February 6th 10 |
4.5 superb | fcmogul | January 30th 10 |
4.5 superb | BlueW | January 23rd 10 |
4.0 excellent | DiceMan | January 23rd 10 |
4.0 excellent | Markk1 | January 18th 10 |
4.5 superb | Clarity | January 13th 10 |
4.5 superb | raichu | January 12th 10 |
4.0 excellent | NoiseIP | January 11th 10 |
5.0 classic | sp4585 | January 8th 10 |
4.0 excellent | JWT155 | January 7th 10 |
4.5 superb | Movie | December 27th 09 |
4.5 superb | aux | December 25th 09 |
4.0 excellent | soap91 | December 24th 09 |
4.5 superb | swittla | December 17th 09 |
4.5 superb | mckale | December 12th 09 |
5.0 classic | Abraxas | December 2nd 09 |
2.5 average | Enotron | November 29th 09 |
4.0 excellent | MrCalum | November 28th 09 |
2.5 average | pride | November 27th 09 |
4.0 excellent | Powerban | November 26th 09 |
4.0 excellent | Mevz | November 25th 09 |
4.5 superb | Titan50 | November 22nd 09 |
4.0 excellent | Writer | November 18th 09 |
5.0 classic | Avirov | November 16th 09 |
4.0 excellent | mallen | November 10th 09 |
3.5 great | Thef | October 29th 09 |
4.0 excellent | x31942 | October 24th 09 |
4.5 superb | Zion | October 23rd 09 |
5.0 classic | aldburg | October 18th 09 |
4.0 excellent | mouette | October 18th 09 |
4.5 superb | Marver | October 17th 09 |
4.5 superb | mairc86 | October 17th 09 |
3.5 great | scocia | October 16th 09 |
5.0 classic | t0x | October 14th 09 |
4.0 excellent | lauriej | October 10th 09 |
4.0 excellent | mezz85 | October 8th 09 |
4.5 superb | Aesir | October 7th 09 |
4.0 excellent | GodFree | October 1st 09 |
3.0 good | XZIST | September 30th 09 |
4.0 excellent | Shpongle | September 26th 09 |
5.0 classic | DoOrDie | September 24th 09 |
5.0 classic | Xlll | September 22nd 09 |
4.5 superb | ameypv | September 21st 09 |
4.0 excellent | Inveigh | September 21st 09 |
3.5 great | qwe3 | September 21st 09 |
5.0 classic | GoldKid | September 19th 09 |
4.5 superb | lachis | September 16th 09 |
4.0 excellent | d00derz | September 15th 09 |
4.5 superb | rodigo1 | September 15th 09 |
5.0 classic | Amaya | September 9th 09 |
4.5 superb | Maes | September 7th 09 |
4.0 excellent | Zzyzx | September 7th 09 |
3.5 great | TheMelm | September 6th 09 |
4.5 superb | Aislex | August 19th 09 |
4.5 superb | cia | August 19th 09 |
4.0 excellent | dev4ll | August 18th 09 |
3.0 good | 2DW | August 14th 09 |
4.5 superb | cam | August 11th 09 |
3.5 great | Graven | August 11th 09 |
3.5 great | mofo2 | August 10th 09 |
4.5 superb | DayMan | August 3rd 09 |
4.5 superb | Aids | July 31st 09 |
4.5 superb | zyphur | July 23rd 09 |
4.5 superb | atrink | July 19th 09 |
3.5 great | Lelle | July 10th 09 |
3.5 great | cv715 | July 7th 09 |
4.0 excellent | Comj | June 29th 09 |
4.5 superb | soma | June 28th 09 |
3.5 great | Lions | June 22nd 09 |
5.0 classic | Jamdbz | June 19th 09 |
3.5 great | AlRulz | June 19th 09 |
4.5 superb | Manic_ | June 7th 09 |
2.5 average | Mach | May 31st 09 |
5.0 classic | Matte | May 29th 09 |
5.0 classic | rav3 | May 17th 09 |
4.0 excellent | po0ty | May 14th 09 |
4.0 excellent | ziroth | May 13th 09 |
4.5 superb | AdamP | May 12th 09 |
2.0 poor | Ryce | May 11th 09 |
4.5 superb | Bea | May 8th 09 |
3.5 great | kromml | April 26th 09 |
4.0 excellent | bsy516 | April 22nd 09 |
4.0 excellent | Good | April 20th 09 |
4.0 excellent | tvol | April 17th 09 |
4.0 excellent | nickcm | April 15th 09 |
4.0 excellent | Petsi | April 14th 09 |
4.5 superb | DhA | April 13th 09 |
4.5 superb | Smiley | April 3rd 09 |
4.0 excellent | zack16 | March 29th 09 |
4.5 superb | Aloof | March 23rd 09 |
4.5 superb | DaTwig | March 19th 09 |
4.0 excellent | Careyb | February 24th 09 |
4.0 excellent | punkhop | February 21st 09 |
5.0 classic | steveh | February 14th 09 |
4.0 excellent | mazurov | February 7th 09 |
5.0 classic | bc013 | February 6th 09 |
4.0 excellent | Acre | February 3rd 09 |
4.5 superb | omgbees | February 2nd 09 |
4.5 superb | jc1587 | January 20th 09 |
3.5 great | slan | January 19th 09 |
4.5 superb | Jake806 | January 11th 09 |
4.5 superb | gt1315 | January 2nd 09 |
4.0 excellent | 3Radical | December 30th 08 |
4.0 excellent | dropdead | December 26th 08 |
3.5 great | Yotimi | December 24th 08 |
4.5 superb | Kakz | December 24th 08 |
4.5 superb | AlKal | December 21st 08 |
4.0 excellent | mshrooms | December 19th 08 |
4.0 excellent | Phantom | December 18th 08 |
4.5 superb | Napes | December 15th 08 |
4.0 excellent | Sconza | December 13th 08 |
4.0 excellent | red0 | November 30th 08 |
5.0 classic | Dan H. EMERITUS | November 29th 08 |
1.0 awful | Parkway | November 25th 08 |
4.5 superb | Curse. | November 22nd 08 |
4.5 superb | aerial | November 21st 08 |
4.5 superb | benhxc | November 17th 08 |
4.0 excellent | Bsmith7 | November 14th 08 |
4.5 superb | Ryder88 | November 10th 08 |
3.5 great | Rx512 | November 7th 08 |
2.5 average | dukes | October 26th 08 |
4.0 excellent | Warborn | October 26th 08 |
4.5 superb | jasushi | October 20th 08 |
4.5 superb | Chewie | October 16th 08 |
4.5 superb | Drew115 | October 15th 08 |
4.5 superb | LiZeR | October 10th 08 |
5.0 classic | Groink | October 10th 08 |
4.0 excellent | kingsoby1 EMERITUS | October 9th 08 |
2.5 average | BMer916 | October 8th 08 |
4.5 superb | Ben101 | October 8th 08 |
4.5 superb | cridz7 | October 7th 08 |
2.5 average | pixmpy | October 7th 08 |
4.0 excellent | Pluh | September 30th 08 |
5.0 classic | f2f | September 23rd 08 |
4.5 superb | gafel | September 10th 08 |
4.0 excellent | natey | September 9th 08 |
4.5 superb | Scionix | September 4th 08 |
4.0 excellent | dieto | September 1st 08 |
4.0 excellent | dawija3 | August 28th 08 |
5.0 classic | cejecj | August 24th 08 |
4.5 superb | Normal | August 22nd 08 |
4.0 excellent | a49das | August 4th 08 |
4.0 excellent | lan | August 4th 08 |
2.5 average | runner | July 21st 08 |
4.0 excellent | JAV | July 6th 08 |
4.0 excellent | fb2k | July 5th 08 |
4.5 superb | Smooz | May 21st 08 |
2.0 poor | aryar | May 14th 08 |
4.0 excellent | iganja | May 8th 08 |
4.5 superb | zuzek | April 30th 08 |
4.0 excellent | cSsteFa | April 25th 08 |
4.0 excellent | Pause | April 21st 08 |
4.0 excellent | APJotun | April 12th 08 |
4.5 superb | mkCII | April 5th 08 |
4.5 superb | RedSky | March 29th 08 |
4.5 superb | astrel | March 25th 08 |
4.5 superb | 60053 | March 25th 08 |
4.0 excellent | midas | March 21st 08 |
4.0 excellent | Windows | March 8th 08 |
4.0 excellent | sgrevs | February 29th 08 |
1.0 awful | Robbins | February 28th 08 |
5.0 classic | Zoo | February 24th 08 |
4.0 excellent | DJTeeLay | February 10th 08 |
4.5 superb | pumi | February 8th 08 |
4.5 superb | dlm4849 | February 7th 08 |
5.0 classic | Blokus | January 29th 08 |
4.5 superb | theBFG | January 29th 08 |
4.5 superb | dav4550 | January 28th 08 |
4.5 superb | doritoz | January 10th 08 |
4.0 excellent | badsocks | December 29th 07 |
5.0 classic | vang84 | December 28th 07 |
4.0 excellent | CoreySzn | December 25th 07 |
4.0 excellent | schorni | December 18th 07 |
4.5 superb | McP3000 | December 13th 07 |
5.0 classic | donovr | December 12th 07 |
5.0 classic | elvez | December 11th 07 |
4.0 excellent | KjD | December 1st 07 |
4.0 excellent | jredmond | November 27th 07 |
4.0 excellent | kalkal50 | November 12th 07 |
4.5 superb | duckies | November 4th 07 |
4.0 excellent | tuff | October 30th 07 |
4.0 excellent | Colin12 | October 28th 07 |
3.5 great | Moraff | October 14th 07 |
4.0 excellent | yeahboi | October 13th 07 |
4.0 excellent | Mikesn EMERITUS | October 12th 07 |
4.5 superb | tuk | October 6th 07 |
5.0 classic | tyjimma | September 25th 07 |
4.0 excellent | npunk128 | September 20th 07 |
4.0 excellent | MeowMeow | September 19th 07 |
2.5 average | Iai EMERITUS | September 18th 07 |
4.5 superb | AFI084 | August 27th 07 |
3.5 great | aless | August 11th 07 |
3.5 great | Kiran EMERITUS | August 5th 07 |
3.5 great | koecim | August 2nd 07 |
4.5 superb | 204409 EMERITUS | October 17th 05 |
| |
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